Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Long Awaited ❯ When They Could Talk ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN no fooling around now, I have got to get this fineshed!

Also for all who was wondering, the only senshi left is Usagi and Setsuna.

Now on with the fic! (I don't own sailormoon or gundamwing! How sad makes ya wonder wha I have been doing with my life!)

Long Awaited

When They Would Talk

Silence is said to be golden, but for him silence was life. Silence was a shield that kept the nightmares of his life at bay.

Silence may have been his life, but it was killing him. It was killing them both.

To anyone who new Trowa, silence would have been common, it would have been part of him, it would have been. Expected.

However, the same could not be said of Wufei Chang who, at the beginning of the war had been full of righteous anger and pent-up frustration. Most of which he would take out on the dubbed `Braided Baka'. He had not really been the quiet type. And even now he still threw a few angry curses at Duo But they were hallow and had no feeling in them. Silence, it was self consuming, for them both.

Cathryn didn't know what to do. Everyday she watched as Trowa slipped further and further behind his self made walls. Nothing she did seemed to be able to bring him out of his deepening recession. He would often leave for long periods of time, and when he was physically around, his heart and mind weren't, those she had yet to find within him.

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Sighing to himself, Wufei glanced at Shenlong, his gundam of whom he had nick-named Nataku. It had taken him an entire night to clean his mobile suit that had been covered in silly string. Needless to say that idiotic `braided baka' was soon going to be braidless for what he had done to his powerful gundam. "Maxwell, you idiot," he muttered under his breath.

Strangely though, he felt hard pressed to seek put the pilot of DethScythe and scream at him until he was blue in the face.

Instead he felt sorrow well up in the pit of his stomach. This had to be the fifth? No sixth time Maxwell had pulled this sort of stunt on the young Chinese boy's gundam.

And it was getting old.

Though he would never admit it, he was not really upset with Duo when he did these things. Okay that was a lie, he would get really angry but deep down inside he felt a little bit of gratitude toward the idiotic braided baka.

Deep down he was holding onto humanity. So when the chance arrived he leapt upon 02, and took out all of his anger and pent up frustration. But lately…

Lately he had felt that there was no point.

Duo's tricks where half hearted and he was not really pulling them anymore. As a matter of fact, Wufei felt that this would be the last time he ever messed with him again.

And that meant no more yelling.


Trowa sat down across form Cathryn and quietly waited for her to set out the rest of the evening meal.

When she was finished, he picked up his spoon and began to eat. He knew deep down that he was dying, deep down he could tell that he was loosing the meaning of life. Silence could do that to you. And he never said anything that wasn't absolutely necessary.

Cathryn glanced hopefully at Trowa's form that sat across from her. Maybe..

"So what do you think of Tammy's performance? I knew she was good with the animals but I never knew she was that good! She wants to know if you will help her with her act.. Trowa?" She said hoping that she could get him to talk to her.

"Trowa what do you think?" She asked again. When he still did not answer she let loose a string of tears.

"Oh Trowa I wish you would talk to me!" She cried.

"Is there something wrong with me?" She asked dejectedly.

At this he stood up with his plate and washed it. All the while Cathryn was searching her heart for an answer.

Why can't he talk to me? Why is he so cold and.. Detached? Can't he see that, I am here?

At the sound of footsteps, she glanced up and saw Trowa carrying three duffle bags.

"Where?.. What are you doing Trowa?" She asked fearfully.

"I'm leaving, Quatre has offered me a place to stay, and .." He stopped, hesitant to continue. "And I can't stay here." He finished off.

Cathryn choked back on a sob that threatened to escape her clenched jaws. With all her might she bit out, "I see, well I hope.. I hope that you.." But it was too much for her. Why can't he be happy here? With me? She thought as the tears wound there way across her face.

For a moment he stood there, glancing down at his sister who had tried so hard to bring out the other side of him. The side of Trowa Barton who wasn't afraid to open up.

I am sorry Cathryn..

"Go then," she whispered when she heard him leave, "Don't come back," she said.

Trowa heard, and he understood.

With tears still sparkling in her eyes she realized what she had said. Frantically she stood and ran for the door. When she opened it she saw that it was raining and she couldn't see Trowa.

"I didn't mean it, but it hurts please come back.. when you are ready." She prayed into the rain.

"When you are ready," She said again.

Trowa heard, and he understood.

When I am ready Cathryn. When I can talk to you.

AN: So what did you think?

New Hosstess: Thanks for your review, I know, it is horrible! (WAAAA) But I feel obliged to continue this ficcy, hopefully it will get better. And yes Usagi is still alive.


Taiyoukai_Tenshi out! Ja-ne!