Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Long Awaited ❯ When he Could Feel ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Hello faithful readers, Taiyoukai_Tenshi is here and at your service! Now I am really disappointed, all of these people are reading my story and are NOT REVIEWING!!! It hurts guys, can't you spend 2 minutes supporting someone, or at the least putting them down? GEEZ KAMI GIVE ME A BREAK!!

Ahem* and now.. on with the fic….

~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Long Awaited

When He Could Feel

His eyes glowed eerily as he gazed into the lap-top before him.

He was aware of everything and nothing at the same time. His undivided attention focused on the screen that showed numerous amounts of information, yet at the same time he was aware of his surroundings.

Nothing escaped his attention.

For he was the Perfect Soldier, and for him, to err, was to die.

But at the moment, all was peaceful as he listened to the rain falling against his window, one of the hundreds that

surrounded the Winner's mansion.

Yeah Quatre wanted to have all of the gundam pilots' close by; it would help them on their mission. To protect Releana Peacecraft.

At the mere mention of her Heero's eyes wanted to roll.

(Listen up I do not enjoy releana okay? But for the sake of the

Fic she will be a good person and there will be VERY LITTLE releana bashing okay?)

Not necessarily at her, but at her ideals. Peace was the objective of his missions, but sometimes he found it hard to listen to her preach about pacifism.

But you had to give her points for being so passionate about her ideals.

However, Heero Yue, pilot 01 of Gundam Wing Zero, was in no mood to give her anything. Though he would never

show it, he was frustrated.

With Releana to protect, Quatre had decided it would be for the best if Releana stayed at his Mansion located in the

Sanque Kingdom. Heero had agreed, however she had not.

She had refused to leave her home at first. She had ranted on about how it would loose her face in front of the RomaeFellar Foundation as well as OZ. However her decision had changed when she realized that all of the gundam

pilots would be staying. And that included a certain Heero Yue.

She was infatuated with him, and it hurt her to see him so emotion-less.

But he wasn't, there was an emotion he did show when he was not on a mission or on the battlefield, and that was annoyance.

But at the moment he was fine. He was busy hacking into countless data-bases and accounts that belonged

to members of OZ.

Disregarding the world and all of its' problems, he became totally absorbed in his work, but he was always in control,

Never would you catch the Perfect Soldier unawares. For it would mean death, and Heero wasn't ready

to die.

He had too many missions to complete. So it was of no surprise to him when Duo opened the door to his room,

without knocking. "Heya…" He began but was cut off as he stared into the barrel of a shiny new hand gun that

seemed to escort 01 everywhere.

"Umm, hehe," Duo gulped at his trigger happy friend, or executioner, you pick. "Dinners ready!" And with that he

dashed out of the room.

Heero disregarded what Duo had said and continued to work. That was, until he was again interrupted by a soft

Knock on his door.

He made no move to answer it, rather, he continued to type and stare at the glowing computer screen.

"Heero?" Came a soft feminine voice. Releana.

"Heero, dinner is ready," She called from the other side of the door. Whether anyone cared or not, she did respect privacy and would never dream of barging into her favorite pilots room.

Still she found it hard sometimes, to hold herself back and not throttle the guy.

Heero, who at times was more reserved than Trowa, whose life circled around missions and death. It broke her heart

sometimes. Just knowing that he would never have the chance of having a life.

A life that didn't revolve around the destruction of another.

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She was still there, Why? Though he would not admit it, it annoyed him that she would continue to look for something

inside of him that he didn't have. Something called emotions.

Emotions are for the weak. He thought to himself. For him, emotions meant death.

But then again, everything in his life meant death.


He sat quietly on the steps of a ruined building. He stared forward at nothing. Then *she * came.

She walked forward and with a bright smile she handed him a flower, just bloomed. "Here you go" she

Said. "I hope you feel better, you look very sad." She said in her childlike innocence.

The a commotion at her feet made her pick up an excited puppy. "Do you like him?" She asked with a smile.

And for the first time in a long time he smiled back. "Yes," he answered her in monotone.

She smiled happily, "So you want to play with me and him?" She asked pointing to her puppy who was

Once again running around.

Heero shook his head, "I have stuff to do", he said as he stood up. When he looked at her he saw tears in her eyes.

"Okay well, maybe later mister!"

He just nodded and watched her run off before going to his Mobile Suit.


"Omae O Kasuro", (SPELLING?) Heero said before destroying one of the leos that has attacked while he was in the town.

That was the last of them he though to himself as he surveyed the damage. Something drew his eyes to the steps where he had sat earlier that day.

"Oh no," he whispered as he jumped out of the cock-pit of his gundam. Dashing over to the ruins he saw that

the building had markings of a buster riffle going through it. His gundams buster riffle.

He vaguely remeberd firing a shot at a leo who had took refuge behind it. What he didn't remember was the

That the little girl had been playing there.

Now he moved rubble around until he saw a small, crushed hand near the form of a puppy.

Filled with sorrow he lifted the puppy into his arms, already the body had gone stiff.

"What have I done?"

END FLASHBACK~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*`*~*~*`*`*~*`~

Yes his life was full of death, it was also devoid of emotions. So why did Releana persist in saying that there was?

He had lost all trace of humanity a long time ago. It was a weakness, and weakness meant death in this time.

In this war.


She just stared at the door.

Why did he deny that he had emotions, feelings? Why did he persist in pretending to be dead? That is what it seemed to


She wished that he would open up. She wished that she could see inside. But deep in her heart she was afraid. Afraid

Of what she would find. Or not find.

What if he doesn't feel anything? What if I am trying to believe in something that isn't there?

She was afraid. And she new he new. But she desperately needed to believe that after the war, the real Heero Yue,

The Heero Yue that could feel, she had to believe that he could go back, that he could feel.

"Heero, can you go back, to when you could feel?" She asked herself before walking to the dinning room to join the others.

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AN: I know, really short, but now the fun VOTING!! Yeah! Vote on pairs, any pair, vote for all of the senshi (HINT HINT!!) haha I know that you where expecting that! At least I was! So vote and while you are at it review! Hehe,

Taiyoukai_Tenshi over and out!!
