Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Long Awaited ❯ Time Prophecy and Pain ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Alright now Taiyoukai_Tenshi is here! So, no pairings as of yet but there will be romance soon.

On with the fic.

Long Awaited

Time Prophecy an Pain

Closing her eyes, Usagi kicked off the blankets that threatened to smother her small frame. After freeing herself

She lay there, not moving, not seeing. Just feeling.

She hated that, feeling. Sometimes it threatened to overwhelm her, the strong emotions. But she had always found a way, she had always been able to stay strong. But now…

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, yet she held them back. Instead of weeping she rose from her bed and started off toward the bathroom.

When she reached her destination, she turned the faucets and watched for a moment, as the waters hissed and streamed out of the pipe, making its way into the tub.

She stripped herself of her night gowned and tossed it into the hamper. Then she stared at herself in the mirror, noting

the bags under her eyes that where a result of her sleepless and terror filled nights. You see, at night she dreamed.

And when she dreamed, she could not save herself from the memories that threatened to make her cry.

However, only those who new her would be able to see past her angelic features. Mostly because no one wanted to believe that Usagi Tsukino could be depressed.

And she tried very hard not to show it.

She acted as normal as she possibly could. She tried despretly to wait, wait as paitently as she could.

But as more days passed she was beginning to lose hope. And for the senshi of Light and Hope, it was taking

A grave toll on her physically.

After her bath and shower, Usagi dressed herself for school, outfitting herself in her uniform of Juuban High.

She was in her Senior year and would soon be applying for colledge. At the very mention of colledge she thought of her

Bright friend, Ami who would want her to do her best.

But they are gone. She thought as she began her walk, or rather, sprint to school. Because no matter what happened

Usagi just couldn't seem to get up in time for school!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~

Setsuna smiled, Some things will never change ne? She thought to herself as she observed her princess through the

Time Gates mirror.

However, her smile quickly changed into that of a frown. What was taking so long for the senshi to be reborn?

Usually, they would be attending school by now and slowly reganing their memories.

But they hadn't re-appeared. And it worried the guardian of time. Where could they be?!

"Penny for your thoughts Sets?" Prophecy called out from the back of the Cherry Road that led to the

Time Gates.

"Hmm," was all Pluto replied.

:Oh come on Pu! Don't tell me you have yet to find your precious senshi? Use your head!" Prophecy said.

At this Pluto whirled around to face the most powerful of the fates.

Contrary to popular opinion. It was not fate or destiny who ruled over most people's lives, no it was this little snake.


"Where." Was all Pluto could choke out.

Upon seeing The Guardian Of Times pain, Prophecy smiled maliciously. "Oh sorry Pu, but three of the inner senshi have traveled below the mothers root."

At this Pluto's eyes widened. "What!! You LIE!" She cried out not quite believing what she had heard.

"I am afraid so Sets, I watched as they overcame there captors and crawled along the root of the mother herself!
The blonde one was hurt most severely, maybe you should traverse the streams of time and see for yourself?" She offered.

Pluto however would not be tricked so easily. "No, I will not. Do you think me the fool? I will not travel such a dangerous path. I will use a mirror."

Prophecy merely shrugged, "I was only trying to help-"

"Your assistance is not required!"

"Touchy!" Prophecy sneered, then seeing that Pluto was preparing to view time she asked a little worriedly, "Do you want me to leave?"

"No," Pluto muttered, "just, don't move." And with that a barrage of color and light exploded in front of there eyes.

"What is this Pluto?" Prohpecy asked sounding like a six year old girl. Who at the moment, was very much afraid.

"I am searching for the senshi, I must ensure that they make it to the end of the Mothers Root, or," and here she paused

"Or to make sure that when they die, they will be reborn."

Prophecy seemed to have regained her composure enough to smirk, "You have so little faith in your warriors Sestuna."

She chided.

"No I merely wish to see them agiain, alive if that is possible."

And with that the Senshi of Time began her search for the remaining senshi. And after many hours….

THERE! I have found them at last! She cried to herself when she caught sight of Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter. They where all in pretty bad shape, but it was clear that Venus or Minako was severly wounded and would not last much longer.

Gomen Nasi Fate for intervening but it is crucial that they make it out from Mothers Root alive! I will except my punishment for interfering with your plans. And with that she cried out words known only to those who are the guardians or supreme beings. And when her foreign sentence was spoken an harsh white light enveloped the remaining Inner Senshi and transported them to the dimension that lay at the end of the Mothers Root,

"Bravo, bravo my dear Pu!" Prophecy cried in sheer delight.

"What? Happy that I will be punished for doing good?" Sestuna shouted.

"Why not at all my dear, you see that is the trouble with all of you guardians, you rarely think of those who are above you! Oh and by that I mean me." She giggled.

"What are you blabbering about?" Pluto demanded.

However the twisted immortal merely continued to laugh.

"I see," Pluto bit out realizing that she had been tricked, "One day I will personally escort you to Shinnagami-sama!"

"Oh but the only shinnagami that had been powerful enough to lock away a goddesses soul was re-encarnated years ago! We have a new and slightly less qualified shinnagami who happens to be madely in love with me! So sorry Sestuna! You are out of luck!" And with that the Twisted sister of Fate faded away.

Pluto merely grunted and returned to the time gates where she could check on the wherabouts of the senshi.

~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~* ~**~*~*~*~*~**~

Groaning Minako sat up stiffly in her bed. Where am I? She thought to herself, all she could remember was… "Oh Kami!" She cried out and ran to the un familier bathroom, there in the mirror she was presented to herself, only 10 years younger….

"I am not at my house anymore! Where is my mommy!" She wailed. Then two mahogany doors opened reaveling a man in a large white trench coat. "Your mother is gone, come with me." He implored.

Sniffling, a very kawaii Minako placed her small chubby hand in his, imeadiately she saw her hand dwarfed in his and smiled, "Could you take care of me?" She asked, tears in her eyes.

"Yes, now come.."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Ami huddled near her pitiful fire and sobbed. "Why am I so alone? Where is my family? I want to go home!" She cried over and over again as tears flooded down her face, matting her dirty blue hair to her forehead.

"Little girl? Where is your Mother?" A man in a doctors jacket asked. But the girl was not really listening, she was far more interested in his trench coat.

"I don't have one," she whispered as she made her way towards him, all the while she was thinking, someone's here! With me! And they look so warm!

"What of your Da-

"I don't have a family, I have no one," a chibi Ami said as she latched onto his coat, "Just you.."and with that she fell into the welcoming arms of a deep sleep, that can only be achieved with exhaustion. At this the man, looking surprised picked her up and walked off…..

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Makoto smirked as she leapt over a man who had reached down to grab her. "Ha mister fatty pants! You cant catch me!"

"Thief" the man yelled out as she stuck her tongue out at him.

The 7 year old Makoto (AN: THEY ARE ALL SEVEN NOW NE?) Laughed and preceded to run around a corner clutching her prize, which just so happened to be her meal for the day. "Ha-ha-ha!" she giggle, but her mirth was quickly replaced with disappointment when she ran into a very solid someone.

"Ouch! Watch where your goi-

"I am very sorry Little lady, here let me help you," apologized a woman in a large white coat. (AN: 3 GUESSES,,,,)

"Uh, it's okay," she began until that is, she saw her spoils littered all over one of the many streets of the L-2 colony. "NO IT IS NOT OKAY LOOK! MY FOOD!"

The doctor glanced at the stolen goods; some half rotten fruit, and some moldy crumbs of bread.

"Very sorry about that.." She said with an elegantly arched eyebrow. "How's about me taking you out to breakfast, you know to make up for what you've um.." She paused, "Lost."

"Yes, you can, but.." Now Makoto looked sheepish, "Do you mean it? You wont lie to me?"

Smiling, the women said, "No I will not lie to you, you can come with me. Now lets go.."


"Did you like that Makoto?" The woman asked laughing.

Makoto, who was currently on her twentieth-no, her twenty-second plate stuffed with food from the all you can eat buffet line. "Mmph! Yemhs frreh gommmph ACK!!" Makoto mumbled until she found herself choking on a chicken leg.

The lady smartle whaked her between the shoulder blades and said, "Don't talk with your mouth full."

"Sorry," Makoto replied with a hand behind her head.

"No worries, now come on, take a walk with me okay?"

"Okay!" Was the cheery reply.

While they were walking the lady said, "Makoto, would you like to come with me? Back to my home I mean. I want to know if you would like to train and become a fighter, so that you will never have to-

However, she was enterupted when some rough looking men came around the corner and spotted them.

"Oh no." Makoto whimpered when she recognized them as the rapists that had been hovering around town.

"Hey pretty ladies, hows the night been?"

Laughing one said, "Yeah, lonely?"

"They won't be soon!" Another shouted, and by now Makoto had broken into tears.

The lady had remained calm and said, "Leave, scum."

"Hey! Whadyu call us!" One man said in outrage from his drunkenness.

"Scum" she spat, as the men attacked her.

"We gonna teach you!" Someone shouted. In her fright, Makoto fled behind the trash can, not wanting to leave the nice

ladies side, but her instincts had screamed at her to run from these preditaurs, so she had fled a little ways to observe the nice ladies fate.

Never the less, she was shocked when she saw the Doctor beat the living hell out of the men who had attacked her.

"Scum" she muttered again, then called out for Makoto. "I want to teach you how to fight, will you?"

Wordlessly Makoto nodded and for the first time, trustingly placed her small hand in the nice lady's, who led her off…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~

In another dimension Usagi was dreading that her friends would never be reborn, so you could say she was surprised when the news flashed on, "Famous violinist Michiru Kurishema, has teamed up with the legendary racer Haruka Tenou, who apparently has a great interest in piano!"

"Wow Bob is there anything this duo wont be able to do?"

"I don't know.. They are however facing contriversy over there adoption. It seems that these two ladies are perfect for each other and have decided to adopt, however, many people are skeptical about these type of situations you know?"

"Yeah Bob, so who is the lucky child anyways?"

"Well it seems that four month old Hotaru Tomoe is the…"

Usagi turned off the television with a sob. They where okay! All of the outers where okay!

~*~!*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Sestuna shook her head at her princess, "They don't remember Usa-chan, they need to have their memories revived in order to become senshi.."

"NO PU!" Usagi cried, "They are happy! I will not take that away from them! I-I cant do it!"

After a few quiet tears where shed she added, "I won't ask them to do it, I wont revive there memories. They can be normal now."

Pluto nodded in understanding. "I see, then maybe I should tell you, Mars, or , Rei has too, been reborn."

"What!" Usagi gasped tears sparkling in her eyes that filled with hope. "She's..She's okay!?"

Pluto nodded then smiled as relief washed over Usagi's face.

"Oh thank you! I was so worried. Now.." when she couldn't seem to find the words to convey her thought

Usagi smilled a brilliant heart stopping smile that had Sestuna catching her breath.

"Usa! smiled! I am so glad that you are still in there!" Pluto cried thorough her own joyful tears.

Usagi laughed, carefree at the moment, "Now the only thing missing is…" Suddenly she didn't seem so carefree and happy.

Pluto merely nodded, "Usagi follow me."

LATER ( I know I am jus lazy!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Usagi sat still in a chamber of the Time gates. "What do you want to tell me Sets?" She asked.

"I have found the others.." she heard Usagi gasp.

"They are reborn as well, jus not in this dimension, you see, they have traveled along the e mothers root, and in doing so they have crossed over into…" She could almost see the question mark in Usagi's eyes. "Yu don't understand a thing I just said?" Usagi merely shook her head.

"Maybe it will help If I know what the Mothers Root is?" Usagi volunteered.

"Okay, the Mother, is the tree of life. It was the first living thing in the universe. This tree created all of the planets and galaxies. She also created earth last. The Mother, as we the Guardians like to call her, poured her all of her great life energy into the making of this planet, Earth. So much energy in fact, that the earth became a part of her. With the passage of time, the Mother wrapped her roots through the earth and through time. In doing so she The Mother was filled with the strongest magic possible. This tree is very special. It can not be destroyed, and because it has grown its roots through time itself, it doesn't age, it isn't aware of time as we are. To it, the passing of one day is just as meaningless as the passing of a thousand. To it, it sees tomorrow as if it were yesterday and visa versa. To it, the future is the same as the past and the present, well heck it doesn't even know the meaning of these words!" Here Sestuna paused for a breath.

"The root that the Mother grew through time is called the Mother's Root, it links tomorrow into yesterday and the past into the future, it links this Earht with the Earth of a thousand years into the future. However, this root is hallow. This is because it has been bombarded by time, it has side effects from puncturing the clothe of time, making it as I said Hollow. This means that someone or something can pass through it. And therefore, through times and worlds, places and dimensions. Only the Mother can decide which world or time her Root will lead. However, no one can find this root. No god or entity can. Only the Mother chooses who may go through her Root."

"Now, the three senshi that where dragged down by those hands somehow found there way to the Mother's Root.

She chose them you see? And the senshi saw the path through the root and crawled through it.."

Usagi was beginning to put two and two together, "So, the others are in another world?" She asked.

Pluto nodded, they are in another dimension, one of which a great war is about to take place. For time, the war is already half way finished,"

"optimist," Usagi muttered,

"What was that?"


"Uh hu, anyways the inners senshi Mercury Venus and Jupiter have been born at the start of the war. They are 7 years old and when they reach their previous ages of 17, their new world will be plunged into chaos."

Seeing Usagi's horror Pluto added, "The human kind Usa-chan."

"Oh. He-he, I knew that!"

Then Usagi added, "Pluto I am not going to get them, sure thay are ny best friends and sure I am going to be devistaded without them.." She began to wail,

"But it is just like with the outers!! They deserve a chance to be happy! Andi am not going to waaaAAA! I MISS THEM SO MUCH SESTUNA-MAMA!" Usagi cried brokenly into Pluto's shirt.

"I know Usagi, I know. But it wouldn't matter anywys we can not bring them back, they belong there now, they have no powers, in a sense, the Sailor Scouts are dead."

!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!!!*!*!*!*!***!*!*!* !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*!**!*!*!**!*!*!*!* !*!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!!*!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*! *!*!*


Hehe, I have the couple right here in my hot little hand but I am going to wait and let you guess who they are!! He he, I am really getting into this story! Anyways, right me and/or email me at

Taiyoukai_Tenshi over and out!
