Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Long Awaited ❯ Death Of Sailor Moon ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Awaited

AN: Taiyoukai_Tenshi here! WeeeW! Another chapter up aren't you guys proud of me? *Silence * okay fine grumbles on with the fic……

Long Awaited

Death of Sailor Moon

Usagi rocked herself back and forth. So this is it, I will never see my friends again? I am so weak, I really need them.

Sighing to herself she looked up at Pluto who had just walked int.

"Hey , whats up?"

"Your leaving hime.." Pluto said.

"What? What do you mean leaving?" Usagi asked, strangely calm.

"I have decided, since there is no more Crystal Tokyo…"


"And since that means no more enemies and stuff," Pluto continued,


"I think it would be best if I sent you to your friends I think that it would make you most happy." She paused, "and that is all I want."


At the silence Pluto turned around to see that her hime was crying yet smiling.

"I never could understand how you could do that , smile and cry, frown and laugh…"

"I am not you hime anymore Sets, so please. Don't go all royalty on me okay?" Usagi said,

"Okay him-Usa-chan, but aren't you curious about Mamoru?" Pluto asked trying to keep the hope out of her voice.

Usagi was not fooled, she was not blind to Pluto's love for Endymion. The signs where everywhere. ChibiUsa had red eyes, like Sestuna's, and, there were other signs, some that Usagi did not care to relive.

While others would have felt betrayed at her obvious affection for the prince, Usagi had only felt sad that this was how it had come to be. That she could not let them love each other. She had long ago realized that she and Mamoru had a very loveless relationship. Sure they where the best of friends but sometimes it just wasn't enough.

"I think I already know about him Sestuna, and" She paused, "He is all. yours."

Pluto looked like she was going to cry but Usagi hugged her. "Come on Pu-mama, I know you love him, and I kno that I don't, isn't that enough! So as a last order as your princess, I demand that you live and love him!" She giggled, I think I feel better now that I know I am on the marketr again!" She frowned slightly. "Wonder what the guys from that world are like…"

"Usa!' Pluto smiled through her tears. "Come on time to go."

As the two approached the time gate, Pluto handed Usagi a golden dog-tag. "Here, you will need this."

"For what?"

"Well, um it is kinda your ticket." Pluto said softly.

Usagi raised an eyebrow, "What Sets? What is it?"

"It is your ticket through hell."


"It is the only way, you see the time stream flows right through hell, there is no way to avoid it!"

"Why couldn't the time stream have gone through paradise or something?" Usagi wailed playfully.

Pluto smiled, "alright Usa, take care of yourself, and I know you wont remember, but you will.."

"Hey that is an insult!' Usagi said with a pout.

Pluto was needless to say confused. "What was?" have I upset my hime?

"Saying that I will not remember, so what if I get bad grades, that doesn't mean that I cant remember things that are important to -"

"No no Usagi you misunderstood." Pluto sighed, "Didn't I tell you, you will end up like the other senshi, you will have no memory of this place."

:So, this is it." Usagi whispered. As she stepped up to the void that was the path between dimensions and time.

As she fell through she thought, this is the death. The death of Sailor Moon..

And it felt great to die. Like a weight off of her shoulders.

LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Usagi munched on a granola bar as she walked through hell.

"Sailor Moon?" Someone called.

"Huh?" Usagi spun around to come face to face with Beryl-sama.

"Beryl?" Usagi asked confused.

"It is you!" Beryl said in shock. "But you don't belong here! You belong in that other place with the bright light!"

Beryl continued to stutter around for a little while then noticed that Usagi had a golden dog tag arounf her slim neck.

"O I see," she mutterd.

"Umm okay, by Beryl-sama!" Usagi said brightly.

Beryl watched her jump back into the time viod, "So Sailor Moon isn't really dead after all."

AN: I know I know short chappir but I am tired!! But I am on a streak and the g-biys will be back here soon!... Oh and yes Sailor Moon is no more, just plain old usagi tskino.

Taiyoukai_Tenshi Over and Out!
