Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Long Awaited ❯ Spring Waiting ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Awaited

AN: So how is everyone? It has been a very long time ne? Well here is the long awaited (no pun intended) next chapter to my story. Wow I am really sorry that I have taken so very long. Oh! By the way, I just bought the movie Inu-Yasha (subtitled) I should have waited until it came out dubbed don't ya think?? Anywho with no further ado! I present………….

Chapter 8 Winter Sonata.

Smiling cheerfully Usagi jumped around in the puddles that were still gathering rain that was falling steadily in a sheet of gray.

Usually she hated rain, she hated most of any type of storm. But today was special, she could feel it in her bones, well actually, she was kind of cold and no doubt she would get a cough if she stayed out much more. But she had to, for just a little longer and then….

"Hey there you are!" A familiar voice called out, "I have been looking all over for you! What are you doing out here?" Turning around

Usagi saw her friend Relena rushing out to greet her. Relena had grown up with her, since her father Vice Minister Dorlin had been away so often, he would sometimes drop Relena off to play at her house on colony L1. Or, he used to before he had died. Mr. Dorlin had been like a father to her, and Relena was the sister she never had, but that had changed when Relena had become a Peacraft. Ever since then Usagi had worried about her long time friend, and the only time she got to see her was when she was on national television. However things had slowly but surely been getting better, ever since the operation meteor incident..

Relena had re-established contact with Usagi after the incident but she was mostly off preaching to the masses about "Peace and Pacifism"** And even when Relena did come to visit her, it was very formal-like, and she was always in a daze. It didn't hurt Usagi's feelings though, she knew that Relena felt whole when she was at these conference meetings, Usagi could tell Relena loved her work because she spoke about it with such passion and fire that it made Usagi, the klutz, the crybaby, the lazy girl, want to do something with her life.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~**

Relena searched the apartment building for her friend. "Where did she get off to?" She mumbled to herself as she looked out the window of Usagi's 3rd story apartment. What she saw out the window made her catch her breath. There she was, her childhood friend, dancing in the puddles without a care in the world, blissfully unawares of Relena's stare. "How do you manage Usa? How is it you can remain so innocent? So," She said as Usagi began to search the sky, "free."

Shaking herself, Relena knew that Usagi would never see herself that way, she knew that Usagi though of herself as a klutz and as a very immature person who had nothing going for her in life. Despite that, Usagi never seemed put down when people told her to grow up she would just reply, "Umm sure, when it is my time."

Relena cared about Usagi very much, and it made her feel bad that she hadn't been a very good friend to her, it made her feel bad when she wasn't there to help her with her problems, but most of all it made her feel bad when Usagi smiled at her with happiness.

`Just being in your life Usa, might make you sad.' she thought as she continued to watch her friend dance.

Soon, Relena's thoughts turned to the Gundam pilots, or Heero Yui. If only I had Usagi's ability to make people smile. She thought as she walked towards the door.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

"I was just out here," Usagi replied.

"Yes, but you are going to catch a cold. Why don't you come inside?" Relena said in her big sister way that made Usagi smile.

"I would but I'm waiting."

"Oh?" Relena said in surprise. "For who?"

Giggling Usagi shook her head, "No silly not who, but what!" She said as she began to laugh and dance around some more.

Relena just shook her head in defeat, "Okay I was just worried there, I thought you had a boyfriend you didn't tell me about!" She said with a laugh as Usagi did a double take.

"Wha-" The blonde gasped in mock horror/

"Me? Get a boyfriend? Me, the immature girl? Oh NO! Boys have COOTIES!" She cried as she ran after the Vice Minister who was her best friend.

"Ha ha, Usa, ha ha," Relena said in a sing song voice, "Who was I to doubt you?"

"Why you are…"

Just then the rain and Usagi stopped. Usagi dropped everything she had been doing, even holding her breath as her eyes fixed themselves upon the sky.

"Hey Usagi, what are you looking at?" Relena asked as she waved a hand in front of Usagi's face.


And she did. Relena lifted her gaze to the blue sky that was adorned with a prismatic rainbow.

~~**~*~*~**~*~~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~************************~ *~*~*~*~**~

Duo kept his gaze locked on his feet as he made his way through the masses of the streets of colony L1.

These people.. He thought as he slammed into yet another unsuspecting pedestrian, This world, what is there in this place that is good? Still he continued his walk not bothering to apologize to the man who was already late for work. I don't belong here played over and over in his mind. Everyone had there purpose, and he just ran out of his. Everyone had an expiration date as well and his was approaching fast.

Right now he would rather be back at Quatre's mansion, sulking about the indefinite, and the inevitable. "But no sir, no moody time for The Great Destroyer," He mumbled. "Go and retrieve Vice Foreign Minister Dorlin, bring her back to the mansion she has an important conference tomorrow that just came up." He said in his (bad) imitation of Heero's voice. "Well excuse me lover boy but I had better things to do today." He yelled out unexpectedly, causing several people to murmur behind there hands.

"Feh," he muttered as he glanced at the address Heero had given him. Usually he would be picking up Relena but as the Perfect soldier had said, "Things are complicated, just do your job."

The ink on the scrap of paper began to run as the rain that had been falling for about half and hour dripped onto the paper. "Damn," he said as he inwardly cursed at the superficial rain.

"Stupiddamnraingoddfornothingpieceofshitwhythehelldoesthisplacen eedrainanyway!?" He said as he closed in on his destination.

Apparently Relena was staying with a friend for a few days, Sorry lady but I am gonna have to cut your stay short. He thought smugly. What bothered him most was Heero's visible anger that he had not been able to find out who the friend was.


"So who is this friend is she hot?" Duo asked his annoyed friend, "Or maybe it is a guy friend, and that is why you are so angry?"

At this Heero lifted his gun and pointed it at Duo who promptly dived under the nearest piece of furniture."Hehe, I was just kidding buddy!"

"Hn," Was the perfect soldiers reply.

"I don't know."

"What? Don't know what buddy?" Duo asked.

"Who the friend is, I don't know. The apartment Relena is staying in is under the name Kaede Yukimora, an old lady who is currently living in her summer home back on earth." Heero said.

Confused Duo said, "But then who is Relena with?"

"Now that is the question isn't it?" Heero said, his patience thinning.

"Hmm," Duo seemed to think it over. "So you want me to get info on this friend of hers right?"

Heero merly nodded. "And if he or she is a threat,"

Duo nodded grimly, "Yeah yeah, I know."

And with that Duo grabbed his coat and walked out the door and into the pouring rain.

!*!*!*!*!end flashback*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*!*!*

"I sure hope you know how to pick your friends Miss Relena." he murmured as he turned onto the road that the apartment was located on. While he had been walking the rain had slowed down a little.

Glancing at his paper Duo realized that the apartment building was right around this corner. "Okay lets get this over with," He quickened his pace and soon he could here voices.

"I was just out here," A girls voice.

"Yes, but you are going to catch a cold. Why don't you come inside?" That would be Relena, Duo realized So the other voice must be her friend.

"I would but I'm waiting."


"For who?"

"No silly not who, but what!"

"Okay I was just worried there, I thought you had a boyfriend you didn't tell me about!"

Yeah, that is Relena, she sounds happy. Wont Heero be relieved that her friend is a girl!

"Me? Get a boyfriend? Me, the immature girl? Oh NO! Boys have COOTIES!" Is this girl for real? Duo wondered.

"Ha ha, Usa, ha ha," Relena said in a sing song voice, "Who was I to doubt you?" Usa? What type of name is Usa? Duo thought.

"Hey Usagi, what are you looking at?" Relena asked. Duo, who was almost around the corner just barely caught the girls name. Usagi.

Just as he stored that piece of info in the back of his brain, he rounded the corner.

IT made a beautiful picture, Two girls standing near the street, bright puddles all around them. Butterflies that had begun to test there new wings fluttered lazily around clumps of tender green shoots that sprung up beneath the grey cement. The wind gently brushed against twin streamers of gold that was Usagi's hair done up in two buns that sat on each side of her head, her simple blue skirt and white short sleeved blouse ruffling gently. Relena's golden wheat hair brushed against her face and her pale yellow uniform blouse and skirt. Prism rain drops glittered everywhere, even upon there faces giving them and unearthly beauty. One of the girls face was calm and at ease with peace and happiness, in her cerulean eyes, a ribbon of red, purple, green, yellow, and blue reflected the rainbow that sparkled with brilliance

While the other girls face was one of utter astonishment and realization. The entire scene was basked in a glow from the long hidden sun.

Duo sucked in his breath. There she was, Relena standing there next to her friend, next to Usagi.

Even though he was close he still had to strain to hear what Relena said.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~ *~*~**~*~~**~*~

"I would but I'm waiting."

Relena held her breath as her eyes took in everything. It was just a rainbow yet, it was so much more!

Her friend would wait in the pouring rain just to catch a glimpse of this wonder. It never ceased to amaze her at what her friend cherished. Usagi always seemed to take to heart the things everyone else took for granted. in truth, she was a miracle unto herself.

"You," For some reason the words just wouldn't come out her throat seemed to be choked with tears at the peaceful and elated expression on Usagi's face.

"You were waiting…."

Usagi smiled, "I just knew it would come out! Sure I was afraid that it might start to thunder and stuff,"

At the mention of thunder she visibly shuddered. "But I think.."

She seemed to stop for a moment before jumping in the closest puddle getting the hem of her skirt and Relena's wet.

"No," She said with a cheerful smile, "I know it was worth it! Just look! Spring is here! No more of that horrible white stuff!"

Relena giggled, "Usa-" She gasped not able to finish her sentence as a hand came to rest on her shoulder.

"Sorry to break this up," Duo said. "But Relena has a very important conference with the World leaders."

"What? DUO!" Relena cried, "You scared me half to death!"

Usagi tilted her head slightly and was just about to ask who the new guy was when she tripped on her own two feet. "Eeek!" She cried as she landed face down in the puddle.

"Oh Usagi! Here" Relena offered her a hand, "Um this is, uh.."

"The names Duo!'I may run and hide, but I will never tell a lie!" Duo said with a big goofy smile, as Usagi was hauled to her feet. She smiled at Duo despite her soaked clothes,

"Usagi, ," She said "And uh.. WATCH OUT FOR THE…"

A large garbage truck sped down the street, launching water from puddles at them as it passed. Needless to say everyone, excluding Usagi who had hidden behind Relena, was soaked.

"Truck.." She finished off lamely as Relena and Duo glared at her. "Hehe, um won't you come inside and um dry off?" She said as she scurried into the building to set out towels.

Relena and Duo followed at a more leisurely pace. "Hey Duo," Relena began.


"What conference? Why are you here?" She finished.

They climbed to the first landing and Duo stopped.

"Listen," he sighed, "First off, when you informed Heero that you would be staying with a friend he assumed that it would be at your estate. It took him a while to trace you here to this apartment."

"Oh! I thought I told him.." Relena said.

"It doesn't matter, what does is that we have no record of your friend living here, we did not even know who she is! For all you know she could be some assassin.."

"But she isn't!" Relena hissed angrily causing Duo to back off a step. "I have grown up with this girl! I know that she is no assassin, heck Usagi wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"Really? Well then how come she is in an apartment that is not even hers?" Duo countered.

" Oh boy," Relena suddenly began to laugh.

"Uh," Duo was very confused, "Was it something I said?"

"Duo, this is her grandmothers house! Mrs. Yukimora is staying at her summer house so Usagi decided to stay here." She explained.

"Great, "Duo muttered, "Now I look like the bad guy, Heero is going to pay for this one."

Relena's head jerked up, "Heero!"

"Yeah, He was the one who was suspicious. He told me to come and get you, and that If this girl was a threat I was supposed to-" He left his thoughts unfinished.

"Of course," She whispered, "Of course he would say that."

"He was worried, and there is that emergency meeting with the Earth Sphere leaders." Duo said trying to defend his best friend.

"Yes, what is that about anyways?" Relena asked, not quite meeting his eyes.

Duo merely shrugged and continued up the stairs.

"Hey guys I was wondering if I'd lost you," Came the bouncing bunnies cheery voice when they reached the apartment.

"Do you guys want some cocoa? I can make some if you want." Usagi said.

Relena shook her head, "Usa, I know that we had planned that I would stay longer but something has come to my attention. I have to leave with Duo."

"Oh, well then I guess I will see you some other time ne?" Usagi said sadly.

Relena felt bad This is always hard on Usagi, she never really had a family, even though her foster family was nice, it wasn't the same. She thought She must feel awfully alone.


Duo stood by the doorway of Usagi's apartment, it was very nice he had to admit. But, one thing he noticed, was that all of the pictures where turned around so that you could not see what the pictures where.

"Duo," He turned to find Relena standing there nervously fidgeting with her hands. "Yeah," He said

"Well I have a request um sorta. Since I am staying with you guys at the mansion, and well it is not fair that I have to cut my stay short and well I was wondering if Usagi could come and stay with us." She said

"I don't know, let me phone the big guys and ask, but be prepared for rejection," he said.

"I always am" She whispered.

Heero doesn't deserve someone like her, why does he always shoot her down? Thinking this he flipped out his mobile phone and pressed in a few numbers.

"Hello" It was Quatre

"Yo Q-man! Where is the big guy? Is he busy?" Duo called out cheerfully over the phone.

"I don't think so, hey did you find Miss Relena?" Quatre asked.

"Sure did buddy, why did you doubt me?"

"Oh uh, no! Why would I? Say did you find out anything about that person she was staying with?"

"Um yeah about that," Duo began.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*

Usagi didn't know why it hurt so much to have Relena go, she had things to do and she knew she would just get in her way. she grabbed two towels and headed back towards the living room.

"Um yeah about that," she heard Duo say.

I shouldn't spy but.. Oh well. If someone had been looking at her they could have actually see the thought rolling about in her head.

"Relena wants to bring her back with us, I am just messenger boy." He continued.

"I wouldn't mind. Here, let me get Heero so he can do a background check." Quatre said good naturally.

Relena wants me to come back with her? I will not be treated like a pity case, that is the last thing I want! Usagi thought.

"Duo," Heero's voice came over the phone.

"Hey buddy, how have you been?" Duo replied.

"You say that this girl claims that Kaede Yukimora is her grandmother." Was Heero's reply.

"Yeah why whats up?"

"Kaede Yukimora had one child, Ikuko Yukimora who married Shishio Kamiya," Heero continued.

"Okay and?" Duo asked.

"They never had any children." was the monotone reply.

"Uh hu. so what does that mean for this girl?" Duo asked.

"She is a threat. Eliminate her."

"Eliminate her. Heero why cant we just take Relena and leave this girl here?" Duo asked,

So he knows. Am I, am I a threat to Relena?

Quietly, Usagi turned around to slip out unnoticed. Too late.

"Usagi?" It was Relena.

"Hey Relena, um here," Usagi handed The Vice Foreign Minister a towel.

"Usa, whats wrong?"

"Hm? Oh nothing, it is just that.."

Duo walked into the living room and drew his pistol, and aimed it right at Usagi's head.

"Duo! What do you think you are doing!?!" Relena cried.

"Sorry Miss, but," Duo let his bangs drop over his eyes. "She is a threat to the peace, of the colonies and the Earth Sphere."

"How! She has done nothing to deserve this!"

"I, I was given.."

"Orders! From Heero?" Relena asked.

"He does not want you to be hurt. He is looking out for your safty." Duo replied.

"But for the wrong reasons," Relena spoke so softly.

"Kaede Yukimora, is not this gilrs grandmother, she has lied about her identity,"

"No she hasn't!" Relena began.

"Relena don't! You promised!" Usagi cried, griping the yellow blouse that adorned Relena's body.

"Usagi he will kill you if I don't tell someone! What do you have to be ashamed of! IUt was not your fault that they died!" Relena cried out.

Turning to Duo she spoke angrily, "You want to know about Usagi? She doesn't have a family anymore! The Yukimora and Kamiya family took her in. She is as good as dead to anyone! You go ask Heero to look that up! go ahead ask Heero if it is alright to kill her! Ask him if it is okay for you to take a life!"

Duo stood there confused, he glanced at Usagi. "Is this true?"

Usagi smiled sadly, "My family and I lived on L2, then OZ came to the colony and began to destroy everything. They came after my family because my parents supported a resistence. They, my parents, were involved with an orphanage that took in war orphans. It too was destroyed."


"Mommy, I want to go back and play some more with those kids!"Usagi looked up at her mother who quickly locked the door.

"Not now honey, right now we need to be very quiet."

From outside crashes could be herd, a series of gunshots eminated from the otherside of the locked door.

"Whats going on?" Usagi cried.

"Come on Usa!" Her mother cried as the door exploded.

Mrs. Tskino threw open a window. "Go Usagi!"

"But mom!"

"Sweety please, listen. Go to the Orphanege and tell them what happened here, they need you."

"Uh hu," Usagi sobbed and nodded. "Okay,"

"I love you alright? Remember that."

"Mommy!" Usagi cried as she was shucked out of the 2nd floor window. She stared up as an explosion rocked the house sending


!*!*!*!*!*!*!END FLASHBACK!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!

"But when I got to the orphanage, OZ had already been there." Usagi sat on the floor. "After that I just sorta lived on the streets. Not so bad really"

Relena laid a hand on her shulder, "Usa, I am sorry, no matter how many times I hear it, no matter how many times you tell it, it hurts right?"

Usagi smiled, "Thanks Relena." She looked at Duo, "I would never hurt Relena, she is all of the family that I have left."

Duo looked down, The orphanage of L2. Is that the same one?


Duo tossed a rock at whatever he saw, "Why should I care! I will not let them cut my hair dammit!" Glowering he walked around in circles, "It is jus5t so stupid! everyone has to make a big deal out of cutting my hair!" He yelled as he tossed another rock in a near by bush.

"Ow!" The bush cried out in surprise and pain.

"What was that?" Duo cried.

"Hey I don't know what I ever did to you but you don't have to hit me!" Said a blond girl with a weird hairstyle, as she brushes leaves off her clothes.

"Hey are you listening to me?" The girl cried out angrially.

"Sorry babe!" He said and kept walking."

!*!*!*!END FLASHBACK!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*

"Now I really look like the bad guy," Duo said angrily, "Heero is really gonna get it when we get back!" He said as he put his gun away. Looking at Usagi he grined his Duo Grin â"¢. "Sorry about that babe."

Relena rolled her eyes, "Come on Usagi, you can come with us!" Relena smiled encouragingly.

Usagi however, was not so sure, "I don't know if I can take much more of that," She said as she jerked her head towards Duo.

Duo frowned, I cant blame her fro not trtusting me.

Usagi looked at Duo, "I am not ready for another interrogation, or having a gun pointed at my head."

Duo winced, this is going to be a long ride to the mansion.

AN: So what do you think?

Review Please!!!???!!!



Wu Fei/Ami


