Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Shared Thoughts ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Can I say that I own them? *hears thunder and slides under bed..* Muffled thingie sounds like, "I don't own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon! Help Me!"

Sheltered Heart

Ch.3-Shared Thoughts

Trowa realized that she said Heero also knew, so he got out of bed and walked to the Perfect Soldier's room. After knocking, he heard the sound of feet quietly walking towards the door. The normal person wouldn't have been able to hear it, but then again, he wasn't normal. The door opened and Trowa found himself staring down the barrel of Heero's gun.

"Heero, I need to talk to you."

Heero, realizing who it was, put away in god-knows-where and walked silently to the couch and sat down. He waited for an explanation on why the usually quiet boy suddenly wanted to talk to him at two o'clock in the morning. Not that he was sleeping, he was thinking about dream and the strange bunny sleeping in his bed.

"Heero, have you had a strange dream lately?" asked the boy in a quiet voice.

Heero looked up at him with surprise flickering in his eyes and then looked away.

"Hn." (Heero translation: Yeah, what's it to you?)

"Well, there was this woman in this dream that I had and she said that you and I and the rest of the guys are supposed to protect a girl named Usagi. Is it true?"

"Hn." (Heero translation: Do you think I know?)

"You may not, but you had the same dream, didn't you?"

"Yes." he answered bluntly.

"Okay, and have you found this Usagi yet?"


"Can we tell the other guys about this and us getting magic?"

Heero's eyes widened.

~Magic? She didn't tell me anything about us getting magic.~ he thought to himself.

"Hn." (Heero translation: no and if you do, omae o korosu.)

"How will we find her?"

"Why are you so talkative?" Heero asked coldly.

"We have to work together. This is different from when we were Gundam pilots. We're not on a mission. We are guardians."

"Fine. I'll look her up on my laptop."

"Okay, I'll see you in the morning."

Trowa walked out of the room and went towards his own. He finally opened himself to someone and that woman helped him.

~She was so kind. I wish I knew her name. I really was talkative before. Maybe when the others know also, I'll talk to them more.~

He went inside his room and slept until the morning without a single dream.

Usagi woke with a start and realized that she wasn't dead.

~Why am I not dead mother? What happened?~

There was no reply and Usagi noticed she was in a bed and she was still a bunny. She easily transformed back to a human because sleeping restored her energy. She didn't see anyone and making a pen and paper with her magic, she left a note saying thank you to whoever saved her. She slipped out the window and hoped that the kind person would find her note. As she left through the window, she kept it open and she didn't see the wing blow her note away under a big dresser.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Heero still sat at his laptop and he couldn't find any information on a girl named Usagi.


Heero stood up, realizing he left the bunny in his room and by itself. He went inside, only to find an empty room, with the curtains fluttering from an open window. He realized that this was no normal bunny and wondered how it opened the window and got out. Heero was very curious and wanted to find out, but he had to get to school.

I knoe, I knoe, this was a pretty short chapter, but I didn't think I could end it lata. I ya want review! Ja Ne!