Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ New at School ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: *LiLGeMiNi sees shooting star* Oh I wish I may, I wish I might, own my G-wing and S-moon tonight! *star suddenly disappears* Fine, be that way! I don't own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.4-New at School

At school, out of the six periods, the first, second, fourth, and sixth had all of the ex-pilots together. The others had the boys separated but not alone. In third period, Trowa, Heero and Quatre were in one class while Duo and Wu Fei were in another together. For fifth period, Duo, Trowa, and Wu Fei were together while Quatre and Heero were together. Everyday, the ex-pilots wondered who was the stupid one that put Wu Fei and Duo together for five periods.

As Heero came into class, he saw Trowa's eyes on him, indicating that he wanted to speak to him later. Heero gave a small nod, confirming that he got the message. Trowa looked away and looked at the teacher who was beginning her lecture. As she talked, every student in class was bored.

Then, a soft knock woke everyone from their daze. A very beautiful and innocent-looking girl walked in. Every guy in the class stared at her, even Heero, but it was for different reasons.

~Why do I feel as though I saw her before?~ he thought to himself and when he looked at the others, he noticed that Trowa also had that curious look on his face.

He looked at the girl again and noticed her light cerulean blue eyes showed deep pain, like she suffered a lot. He got a look at the rest of her. She had a fair complexion and her light blond and somewhat silvery hair reaching to her ankles. She had full pink lips and a small nose. She also had a small waist and very long legs.

~This is horrible. I sound like Duo.~

Remembering the girl-crazy boy, he looked over at Duo and saw that he was completely taken by her.

~Him and almost every other guy in the class...~

Looking at the others, he even saw Quatre with a small blush on his face. Wu Fei, Trowa, and Heero seemed like they were the only ones who weren't effected by her presence. Wu Fei, of course, thought she was a "baka onna" and Trowa and Heero were too confused with her to notice anything else.

"Okay, Miss... umm... Tsukino. Please introduce yourself to the class."

"Hai sensei."

The teacher was shocked. No one in her 24 years of teaching called her sensei and she immediately liked this girl.

"Konnichiwa. Watashi wa Usagi Tsukino."

~Usagi!?!?~ thought Trowa and Heero at the same time.

"Okay Miss. Tsukino, you may sit by...

Sorries but I'm gonna end it here! HeHe...

Just kidding! I'm not that evil. ^-^

"Okay Miss Tsukino, you'll sit by..."

All the boys were on the edge of their seats, wanting to know who would sit by this tenshi. Some even thought that they could push out the person in the seat next to them so she could sit there.

"Mr.Yuy. Please raise your hand."

Heero saw that she would sit between him and Trowa and raised his hand, completely ignoring the glares thrown at him by the guys. Even Quatre looked jealous that Heero's name was mentioned to the tenshi, but at least he got to sit near her. Usagi walked over with much gracefulness and sat between Heero and Trowa, in front of Duo, and diagonally in front of Wu Fei and Quatre.

Usagi turned to each of them and gave them a heart-warming smile filled with so much innocence that caused each of them to blush. Even Heero had a itty-bitty teeny-tiny blush on his cheeks. Duo was completely attracted to her and thought to himself.

~I wonder if she had a boyfriend. She is so hot. Maybe I can get a date with her before every other guy comes...~

As the lesson continued, the teacher talked about the allies of Sanc Kingdom. As she mentioned the Censhind Kingdom, Usagi felt her heart break in two. She sat there as the memories flashed through her head. She looked down as a lone tear slid down her cheek and wiped it away quickly.

~I hope no one saw that. It's just so painful to remember what happened. Mother, Father, and even Little Shingo, I miss you.~

(K, let me clear something up. You know that Usagi is or was the princess of Censhind Kingdom before it was attacked. Her mother is Queen Serenity and her father is King Cleus, which is someone I just made up. Shingo is her little brother and even though there is a cross from her real family and her earth family, just deal with it!)

That tear did not escape Trowa's and Heero's sharp eyes and knew that she was something else behind that facade of happiness. Heero motioned that they needed to speak with her before the day was over. Trowa agreed and wondered how they would get her to come with them.

I knoe, this chapter was stupid, but it gave a real background of Usagi and what she looked like. At least they found her, or actually she found them but she doesn't knoe anything about them yet. If you want, review and thanks if yah do. Ja Ne!