Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Welcoming Bunny ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon... *sigh*

Sheltered Heart

Ch.5-Welcoming Bunny

As Usagi walked home from school, she was so tired. So many guys came up to her and wouldn't leave her alone. She would kindly say that she had to go and then a second later, another guy would come. She was so annoyed by this whole thing, but she knew in her heart that someone here was going to help her.

Usagi looked down at the ground and didn't notice until the last second that she bumped into someone. She fell clumsily on her butt and was going to get up when she saw a hand outstretched to help her up. She gladly took it and was mesmerized when she peered into prussian blue eyes that seemed to want to swallow her whole. She gulped visibly and looked down at her feet to hopefully stop her blushing

"Th.. Thank You..."

"Hn. You should be more careful next time." he said with harshness that seemed to hurt her not physically, but emotionally.

"I'm sorry."

"Just be... You're bleeding." he said with a tiny hint of concern. She didn't catch that and looked down at her leg which was bleeding a lot

~I didn't notice it. How weird...~

"Oh. I guess I am. Well, see you later, You go to my school, right?" She said with fatigue in her voice.

"Yes. I'm Heero Yuy."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Usagi Tsukino, but you probably knew that already." She said with regret in her voice for saying such a stupid thing. Heero did know her name already, but didn't say anything about it.

"You should come back to my dorm to fix that before you it gets infected." the boy said in (of course!) monotone.

Usagi was certainly shocked. She didn't think that this very shut-off guy would offer to help her. She looked into his prussian blue eyes and after seeing a flicker of concern for her, she reluctantly agreed.

When Heero arrived at his dorm, he led Usagi inside and once again, fetched that first aid kit. As he left Usagi alone, Usagi felt the magic working to heal her wound.

~No! Not right now! He'll be suspicious if I heal too fast! Oh no! What do I do?~

Usagi looked around and went into what supposedly looked like Heero's room. She jumped into the bed and covered up her leg. When Heero came back into the living room, he was surprised to see it empty, and from hearing the creaks from his room, he swiftly went inside.

Upon opening the door, Heero saw that Usagi was in his bed and was supposedly sleeping. He, of course, was going to interrogate her later for sleeping in his bed, but not wanting to wake her up if she really was sleeping, he slipped outside of the room and occupied the couch.

~Once again, I'm sleeping on the couch.~

Heero took his laptop from his backpack and sat on the couch. While he was effortlessly hacking into top-secret projects, a window popped up on his screen and his eyes widened at what it said.

"Check on Bunny?" he said as he read the message to himself.

Heero wondered who was Bunny and silently kicked himself when he realized that Usagi means bunny. He silently peeked inside the room and saw that Usagi was not sleeping, but wide awake. He opened the door quickly and looked at the shocked face.

"Why did you pretend to sleep? And in my bed?" he said in a calm, yet deadly voice.

"I...umm...didn't feel so good and I saw this bed, so I fell asleep!" she said in a nervous tone.

"Let me see your wound. I still need to clean it."

"Oh! No worries! I already got it taken care of!" she said very fast.

"No. Let. Me. See. It." he said seriously.

Usagi, being very scared of him, showed him her leg, which looked like it never got hurt at all.

"How did you heal it?" Heero said with almost a surprised tone.

"I...uh...slept and it healed?" she answered with hope that he would believe her.(But this is Heero Yuy that she's talkin' to! ^-^)

"You're lying. I see it in your eyes. Tell me the truth."

Usagi looked around Heero's room, possibly finding a place to escape. As she noticed her surroundings, she had a thought running over and over in her head.

~Why is this place so familiar?....Oh! I remember! This was the room that I was in when I was hurt as a bunny! If he helped me back then, I guess I can trust him. Can I, Mother?~

There was an odd breeze of wind that came from the crack of the window that was open. That was all Usagi needed to know and knew that she could trust Heero.

"Ok, where do I start?"

K! That's where I'm ending it for this chapter! It was stupid, I knoe, but I'll try harder! And, if you want, review and flame. But if you flame me, I will sic my loyal Gundam pilots on you! *maniacal laughter heard in the background* J/k I'm not that crazy! ^-^ Ja Ne!