Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Censhind Kingdom and Serenity ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thanks for the reviews! I want to say thanks to:

Sailor Cardcaptor Ryoko (I read your fic! it's cute!)

the desert fox (?) (I appreciate the flame! *wink*)

Prophetess of Hearts (Yep yep! Go Heero! BTW, I like your name!)

Akiko (wellz, you'll get more and hopefully, it'll be good! Thanx!)

and Bubblyone! (OMG! Thanks for reviewin so much! You convinced me that I should put up another chapter! Thanks!)

Thanks a lot everyone! And arigatou for waiting!

Disclaimer: OMG! I forgot the disclaimer for all the chapters! I guess I have to go back and fix them... *sigh* Anyhoo, I don't own G-wing and Sailor Moon! *only in my dreams...* maybe i'll go to sleep.... ^-^

Sheltered Heart

Ch.6-Censhind Kingdom and Selenity

Usagi sat up on the bed to begin her story. She saw that Heero was planning to just stand there and she gestured for him to sit on the bed. He shook his head at continued to stand.

"You know if you don't sit down, I'll get a crink in my neck, and you don't want me to get one, right?" The girl said with puppy-dog eyes. (Yeah! No one can stand up to Usagi's Puppy-dog Eyes! HeHe... not even Heero!)

With that gesture, Heero reluctantly sat down, not being able to go against her wishes. Usagi looked at him with thanks and took a deep breath. (k, I'm gonna use italics even though its only for dreams and flashbacks. And, I'm gonna tell it in 3rd person P.O.V. ^-^)

Long ago, there was a kingdom that was located far away from many kingdoms, including Sanc Kingdom. It was called Censhind Kingdom and its rulers were strong-hearted people who wanted peace, but knew that it would be impossible. However, they lived a very peaceful life with King Cleus, Queen Serenity, Prince Shingo, and Princess Selenity a.k.a. Usagi by her close friends. The people loved them and they were caring rulers.

Unfortunately, when Princess Selenity was to obtain the precious family heirloom and her powerful magic from her mother in front of the people, there was an attack on the kingdom. Selenity was unable to obtain the heirloom and her mother hid it somewhere before they were found in the castle. As they ran, Shingo was shot in the chest by a poisonous arrow and was instantly killed. Cleus, Serenity, and Selenity continued to run when Selenity and Serenity were grabbed and a man with ebony hair and a long cape attacked Cleus. They never saw his face as he faced Cleus and killed him with a stroke of lightning that was summoned by his sword. The two women watched helplessly with tears in their as their husband and father died before their eyes.

Selenity's captor was laughing, as was her mother's. With skills she learned from her mentors and friends, she elbowed him in the chest and escaped from his grasp. She went to save her mother, but alas, her mother's captor ran down the hall with Serenity. Selenity ran after them and kicked the man in the back of the head. She grabbed her mother's hand and ran. They came upon the man with ebony hair again and as he shot a flash of lightning at Selenity, her mother jumped in front of her and saved her. Her mother fell back and died in Selenity's arms

Selenity was horrified and devastated that her whole family had died before her eyes. She softly laid her mother down as she glared with deep hatred at the man who killed her family. She felt the rage boil her blood and knew that her magic had been awakened. She looked at the man who had a smirk on his face that was slowly fading as he saw her magic was getting stronger. In a panic, he again aimed a lightning bolt at her, but she easily was shielded from it. She took her hands, clasped them in a praying motion and shouted, "Devastating Arrows!" She watched as her deadly magic hit her enemy. He was hit and faded away, with his last words being, "This isn't the last you'll see of me..." (so cliché! gomen ne!)

Selenity fell on her knees, crying with such deep sorrow that she couldn't stop, not that she wanted to. Her family was dead, evil people were out to get her, and the kingdom was ruined. She cried and cried until she felt a rush of air go through her body and no longer felt the cold marble under her. She opened her eyes in shock and realized that she was no longer in her world. Her princess gown had faded away, to be replaced by a uniform, I mean a really, really ugly uniform. (I wonder which school that is for?)

No longer considering herself worthy of her name, she went by Usagi. She didn't want to wear the clothing and transformed into an animal, which, of course, was a bunny. She swiftly ran away, no longer tied down by her emotions for they were too advanced for a bunny. As she ran, she was attacked by a wolf that had dangerous teeth and gleaming yellow eyes.

As Usagi was scratched, bitten, and thrown, she felt her life slowly draining away. It wasn't easy to kill someone of her blood, so she knew that this wolf was not normal. She prepared herself for death when the brutal attacks stopped. Usagi painfully opened her eyes, to be greeted by nothing. The bunny fell unconscious and didn't feel the presence that saved her.

The next thing she knew, she woke up in a bed and noticed her wounds were all gone. She left a small note to her savior and left. As she wandered the streets, a woman came up to her and asked why she wasn't in school. Usagi mentally kicked herself, not realizing that people her age had to go to school. When in her kingdom, she was taught by her mentors. She apologized to the kind woman, saying that she had to go and quickly left the confused woman.

Usagi summoned that hideous clothes that she wore the day before. She read the emblem and it said, "Peacecraft Academy." She ran to the school, following the path that her heart led her towards. Usagi soon ended up in the administrators' office and to her shock, was already enrolled before she came. She received her schedule and went to her assigned class.

There, she met Relena Peacecraft, the princess of Sanc Kingdom. Relena, of course, knew nothing of Princess Selenity and Censhind Kingdom for they were light-years apart. Usagi easily finished her schoolwork, (I made her not dumb! Yay!) and the day ended. After, she met Heero Yuy and that is her story.

Usagi sighed and looked at Heero's face. Expectantly, he had an emotionless face, but being a princess had an up-side. Usagi was an empath, (is that right?) someone who could feel others emotions if she wanted to. At first she couldn't control it, but she easily got it with the help of her mentors. She opened herself to the emotions and felt pity and...relief?

"So, you're this so-called Princess Selenity?" Heero asked.

Usagi eyes flashed with anger.

"You don't believe me?! After I tell you my story, you still need proof?! You will never, never insult me of my heritage as the Princess of Censhind Kingdom!" The girl said with extreme anger.

"Hn. Fine, I understand, but I also have something to tell you, but I need to get someone else."

Heero quickly left the room, only to return in moments with Trowa.

I'm stoppin there! Not really a cliffie, but I like it! I'm so happy that I actually made this chapter longer! YaY! *does a little dance for about a minute.* bet ya'll sweatdropped to that! everyone does! HeHe... I'll post another chapter asap and if yah want, review or flame! But if you flame, read my comment in chapter 5 and you'll know whut happens! HeHe... *evil smile* Ja Ne!