Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Meeting New People ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Short and right to the point... *blabs on and on* ... and I don't own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.7-Meeting New People

Usagi looked at the tall boy with his hazel-colored hair covering one of his eyes. He looked mysterious and like someone with a secret, like Heero. She then realized that he went to her school and sat near her in one period.

"Hello." The silent boy said.

"Hi. I'm Usagi. You're in a few of my classes, aren't you?"

Trowa nodded and replied, "Hai, I'm Trowa."

Usagi nodded back and turned to Heero, "So, what did you want to tell me?"

"Trowa, me, and a few other people are going to protect you from whatever is after you." Heero said bluntly.

Usagi's eyes widened. She didn't want these new friends to get caught up in her problems, so she asked why.

"We were chosen by your mother." Trowa said.

Usagi's eyes began to water at the thought of her mother. She shut her eyes as the painful memories flashed in front of her eyes.

"M.. My Mother?" she choked out.

"Hai. She came to our dreams and told us that we are your guardians. Three other people will be joining us soon." Heero stated.

"Okay. I believe you. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that I can trust you guys, but I don't know why my mother would choose normal guys like you." Usagi said with curiosity.

"Although we may appear to be just "guys" as you said, normal, we are not." The usually silent boy said.

"Bu.. but, you guys don't even use magic!" She almost shouted.

Heero felt a smirk coming on and tried to stop it. "Well, we are going to soon. *smirk* (aww! Heero's smirk is soooo cute! Even though it's supposed to be intimidating! ^.~) Your mother said she would be granting us magic when all of us are informed."

"Oh. Okay... I guess that can make you pretty strong, but why you? My mother could have chosen other boys and could have granted them magic... Is there something you're not telling me?" Usagi said with suspicion.

She once again opened herself to emotions and felt panic and nervousness. She also felt surprise and yearning?

~How did she know that we're holding a secret from her? I don't want to tell her, yet I want to. What do I do?~

Heero sneaked a glance to Trowa, asking if they should tell her. Trowa replied with a small shake of his head, showing that he wanted her to figure it out by herself.~

"We all have a past. You must figure out ours." Heero said.

"Speaking of pasts, I haven't told Trowa my story yet, right?" Usagi asked.

"Hai." Trowa said.

"Okay, I'll tell you." Usagi said.

She spent about thirty minutes telling the story again, with more detail, for she remembered more as she thought about it. The boys soon learned that Usagi had gained a lot of magic, including telekinesis, psyche, telepathy, transforming, empathy, shields, and many offense powers. Usagi said that she would be stronger if she had the family heirloom, but she didn't know where it was. As the three chatted, another ex-pilot was having strange dreams in his room.

*Quatre's Room*

Quatre was sleeping in his very large room, in his very large bed. As he slept, he dreamt of something that was of dire importance.

Quatre looked around the place he was in. He saw the ocean right in front of him and the shore at his feet. The mist surrounded him and brought him closer to the water. From there, he heard a musical voice that echoed around him.

"Quatre... Hello, my sweet child." The voice said.

"Umm... Hello miss. Is there a reason that I'm here?" The curious one said. He felt a pang of sadness and loneliness from the mysterious voice.

"Hai. I guess I must get to the point. My daughter, Usagi, who is in your class, needs your protection. You and your four other friends are her guardians. Someone dangerous is after her and no one is better than you five."

"Can you trust me with such a job? I am a boy who killed many. My hands are dirty with blood and I don't think I can protect such an innocent woman."

"I have complete faith in you. You protected the whole world and more. So, please help me."

"Yes, I will for you, miss. I will try my hardest to protect her."

"Oh thank you! And before you go, I would like to see you." The voice said.

Soon, a beautiful woman emerged from the cool water yet, she was completely dry. Quatre blushed as he saw how beautiful she was and slowly bowed.

"Please, don't bow. I should be the one bowing to you for helping me." The woman said.

"Miss, you have no reason to bow to me! I am but a soldier..." Quatre said, trying to hold back his tears.

"You are not just a soldier! Look at me and see that it's true!" She said.

Quatre looked at her face and she had a disappointing look on her face. She grabbed his hands and held them tight. He blushed at the gesture.

"Quatre, you are worthy of protecting my daughter. Please don't insult yourself. I just wish to thank you for helping me and Usagi..."

The woman was interrupted by a small sound and quickly spoke.

"Quatre, I must go now but, please don't tell Wufei and Duo yet. They don't know, but Heero and Trowa do. They have already found Usagi and soon, I will grant you all magic. Thank you and good-bye..."

Quatre felt the magic touch his hands as he slowly faded away. He didn't want to leave yet, but he knew he had to go. When he was almost gone, he heard, "Two more days and it shall begin..."

Quatre woke up and sat up in his bed with a gasp.

~I for sure, know that wasn't a dream. Maybe I can go talk to Trowa and Heero right now...~

Quatre looked at the time and realized that it was three o'clock in the morning. Though Heero might have been awake, Quatre was pretty sure Trowa wasn't. He laid back down and silently went back to sleep.

~I'll ask them tomorrow...~

He didn't know, at that moment, the before-mentioned boys and a girl were talking about the past of Censhind Kingdom.

*Heero's Room*

"...and that's my story." Usagi finished with a breath.

Trowa stared at the girl with surprised eyes. He never thought that Usagi was a princess and even more, a princess with magic. Heero, inwardly, was also surprised for he learned even more information about Usagi in the second story.

"Anyway, I'm really tired and I have to place to stay... so can I stay at your place, Heero?" The fatigued girl asked with a yawn.

"Hai, let me get you some blankets for the couch..." The boy said.

"Heero? You're gonna make me sleep on the couch?" Usagi asked with the Puppy-Dog Eyes plus the Quivering Bottom Lip.

Heero sighed inwardly and shook his head. Even though she was tired, Usagi managed to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek with energy. Trowa looked at the display of affection and felt a pang of jealousy go through his body. Usagi, feeling that pang, jumped away from Heero and also hugged and kissed Trowa, welcoming him as a new member of her guardian group. Of course, Heero felt that pang of jealousy also and Usagi again let go of Trowa quickly. She bid them good night and fell quickly asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The two boys stealthily sneaked out of the room, not wanting to wake her and went their separate ways with a nod. Trowa went back to his room, thanking whoever that it was too dark for the others to have seen his blush from Usagi's actions. He fell asleep, dreaming of nothing, the best dream for him.

Heero went to the couch and once again, laid out the blankets that he used yesterday. When he was about to fall asleep, he heard a small cry. He hurriedly went to his former room and found Usagi crying.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a slightly different monotone than the one he usually used.

"Hai. I just can't go to sleep...Heero, can you do me a favor?" the timid girl asked.

"What is it?" he asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Umm...can you...umm...sleep with me tonight? I'm sort of scared." she asked with a small blush hidden in the shadows.

"Hai. I am your guardian after all." Heero said with no emotion.

Although Heero perfectly hid his facial emotions, he couldn't hide his internal emotions from Usagi. She felt many emotions from him and just ignored it. Heero slid slowly into the bed and had to brace himself to stop from holding the tenshi. However, Usagi already did that, for when she fell asleep, she unconsciously leaned towards Heero with a soft sigh.

She put her hands across his bare chest, (he was only wearing boxers! ^-^) and didn't realize that she was making Heero pleasantly uncomfortable. Heero put his arm slowly around her shoulders and fell asleep with a small smile and blush gracing his face.

YaY! I'm done with this chapter! I'm so happy! ^-^! It might be a little confusing as about how Heero opened up so quickly with Usagi, but its miss heart-warming innocent little Usagi for goodness sakes! What else do you expect?! Anyhoo, for once I want your reviews because I would like to know which g-pilot I should do next! Also, if I should kill off Relena. Onegai, help me and review! Arigatou and Ja Ne!