Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Realization of the Heart ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Special Thanx To these peoples who reviewed! Arigatou!

Disclaimer: Man! I can't even afford the G in Gundam Wing! So, it's practically impossible that I own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon. *sigh* I wish, but I don't.

Sheltered Heart

Ch.8-Realization of the Heart

Quatre woke up the next day, slowly remembering the dream he had.

~Was it a dream? Or was it real? I don't remember...~

The only choice he had was to confront either Heero or Trowa or both. As he got dressed for the day, Quatre suddenly remembered that the woman in the dream talked about a girl named Usagi and that was the name of the girl that recently transferred to Peacecraft Academy.

"I must go to Trowa and talk to him...hopefully he'll talk." he said to himself.

Quatre quickly walked to Trowa's room, only to find it empty. As he searched around the dorms, he soon found Trowa by the fountain in the gardens. Quatre watched with complete fascination as Trowa practiced with daggers. The boy continued to practice as he quietly said,

"You can come out now, I heard you when you came."

Quatre came out of the shadows with a bright red blush on his face.

"Umm...I'm really sorry to have disturbed you, but I have a question. Have you had a strange dream in the last few days?" the embarrassed boy said.

"So, she finally contacted you. It's all true, if that's what you're asking. Usagi has talked to Heero and I already. You should too." Trowa said.

"H..hai. I'll go to her right now, but where is she?" Quatre said.

"At Heero's." replied the "silencer."

"Arigatou. Ja ne." he quickly said and rushed away.

When Quatre left, Trowa felt the wind flow across his face and gently push the hair out of his face.

"It is going to be soon." said the boy as he returned to his practicing.

Quatre went to Heero's room, to be confronted by the "Perfect Soldier" sleeping in the same bed as Usagi. Heero heard the boy come in and silently got up from the bed, not disturbing the sleeping tenshi. He confronted the blushing boy and asked him why he was here, but it wasn't as though he didn't know.

"Trowa said for me to talk to Usagi. Can I come back later? I don't really want to wake her up." The kind boy said while looking down at his feet.

"Hn. (Heero translation: Yeah, come back in an hour or so.)

Quatre wasn't really sure what Heero said, but he just quietly left, assuming that he should come back later.

Heero was by himself and he really didn't want to go on the computer and hack into some files. He secretly longed to go back into the bed, but that was overcome by his "Perfect Soldier mode." However, he couldn't help himself when he heard a small whimper from the sleeping girl. He rushed to her side and held her hand, slowly realizing that he, the Perfect Soldier, was falling in love with her. (OMG! This would be the most perfect place to end, but it's too short! Waaaaaah! I guess I'll continue... *sigh*)

Usagi felt the warmth leave her as she realized that Heero left the bed. She mentally woke up, perking up her ears as she heard her name being mentioned. She kept her eyes closed and thought about her newly found guardians.

~They're so nice. I really like Heero and Trowa, even though they're a silent bunch.~

She mentally giggled to herself at the thought of her new mission; to make Heero and Trowa more open and emotional.

~Emotions...That's one thing that I can rid myself of. I want to forget... So much pain... ~

She whimpered as the memories once again invaded her thoughts. She tightly shut her eyes as if to shield herself from them. She didn't want to remember that pain and suffering and she mentally screamed at herself to forget.

The girl was so preoccupied that she didn't feel the sudden weight on the side of the bed. She then felt the touch of light on her hand, obliterating the thoughts she so badly wanted to forget.

~Mother... You came back..~

Usagi slowly opened her eyes, and as she adjusted her eyes to the light, she silently gasped as she saw the so-called "Perfect Soldier" holding her hand.

Heero jumped up from the bed. He really didn't expect Usagi to wake up and see him holding her hand. He once again put up his emotionless facade and as he walked out, he said,

"Another of the guardians wants to meet you. He's coming in an hour."

Usagi silently debated herself as she decided to either jump out of her bed and rush to Heero and hug him, or to get up, get dressed, and try to ignore him. Being the unsure girl that didn't want to confront him, she chose the latter. As she got dressed, she mentally talked to herself.

~What's going on with me? Why do I feel something when I think about Heero? Oh Mother, please help me and make me realize what is happening...~

A soft breeze came towards her and caressed her face, yet it answered none of her questions. She silently cried, feeling the loneliness invade her body.

K. I'm stoppin there! I could of stopped in sooo many places and I could have made cliffies, but I didn't want to leave you hanging for too long. I dunno, maybe I'll do it next time. I wanted to thank everyone who reviewed and helped me with my decisions. I've decided on the next guardian and I wanna thank Prophetess of Hearts! Arigatou! I also know how to kill Relena! *smirks from all the evil plans laid out for her.* Anyhoo, thanks for waiting and stayed tuned for the next chapter of Sheltered Heart!