Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Secrets Revealed ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I really do own G-Wing and SM. I bought them off E-bay. *sees mental wards coming toward her.* Ahhh! I was just kidding! I don't own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.10- Secrets Revealed

As the sun rose for the beginning of a new day, one person, in particular, had already been awake. Wu Fei Chang continued to do his ritual kata. He usually didn't wake before the sun rose, but today was different. He couldn't go back to sleep after a certain dream he had.

Wu Fei found himself surrounded by fire. Although the flames licked his skin, he felt no pain. As he wondered to himself, his thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice.

"My Solitary Dragon, Wu Fei, I have a favor to ask of you."

"What do you want?" he said impatiently.

"My daughter, Usagi, needs your protection, along with your friends, Heero, Trowa, Quatre, and Duo. The first three already know and you should talk to them about this. You will be appointed as her guardian automatically, but it is your choice if you want to protect her."

"Why would I want to protect a baka onna?" he said rudely. However, he was really regretful that he said that as a figure emerged from the flames and as it solidified, he saw an unhappy look on the person's face.

"Wu Fei, you are not allowed to call my daughter that. She deeply despises names like that and I request of you to refrain from calling her that." she said in a serious voice that could rival Heero's. Wu Fei only nodded numbly as he agreed.

"So, I'm supposed to protect this ba- girl with the others? But why?" he asked in a small voice that was rare.

"Someone very dangerous and evil is after her. She is the light of the people and if she is killed, that world will end." she said, still in a serious voice.

"Okay, I understand and I will protect her." Wu Fei said with his head up.

Serenity's face softened and looked up at Wu Fei with joyful tears in her eyes.

"Thank you so much! I know that you can help her."

She put her hand on his heart and Wu Fei felt a deep flame rekindle in his body from the hand.

"Wu Fei, although your pride may blind you sometimes, your heart will strengthen you. Rely on it more to guide you on your duty."

"Hai." he said in a small voice.

The woman faded away into the flames and Wu Fei soon woke up after that.

~That dream... It was so real. I guess I must wait until the others are awake.~

Wu Fei continues his kata until it was an hour before breakfast, took a shower, (*drools...*) got dressed, and headed to the common room to eat. There, he saw Heero, Trowa, and Quatre sitting around a girl with blond, yet almost silvery hair that was in on of the strangest styles possible. There was no sight of Duo. Wu Fei figured he would be sleeping in on a Sunday.

Wu Fei slowly approached that small group and recognized the girl to be the one who just transferred to Peacecraft Academy.

~What was her name? I completely forgot.~ he thought to himself as he kicked himself mentally.

He sat down with the group and as Quatre and Usagi politely greeted him, Heero and Trowa just gave small grunts to acknowledge him. He replied with a nod and asked if he could talk to Quatre, obviously the most polite one of the three boys that were present, separately. He thought that if this was just a crazy dream, the kind boy wouldn't think he was crazy. Wu Fei inwardly feared what would happen if that was true. Quatre replied with a "hai" and guided him toward a vacant area.

"Quatre, I had a strange dream that said you, Heero, and Trowa, Duo, and I were to protect a girl named Usagi. Is that true?" Wu Fei said quietly.

Quatre was shocked. First, Wu Fei called him Quatre, not Winner. Second, Wu Fei called Usagi a girl, not a "baka onna." Third, he was talking quietly! What was going on with him? He replied with a stutter.

"H..Hai. The girl that we were sitting with is Usagi and we are to protect her. We are her guardians and when Duo is told of his duty, we will be complete and the woman in our dreams will enhance our magic with her own."

Wu Fei's eyes opened wide as Quatre said that the girl over by Heero and Trowa was the Usagi. He looked over at the girl and quickly realized the resemblance between her and her mother, the woman in his dream.

Quatre felt many emotions screaming at him. First, fear. Then, shock. That was two of the emotions he was least expecting from Wu Fei. Usually he felt pride and anger (from Duo!) from the person in front of him, but there was none of that right now. Realizing that they left Heero, Trowa and Usagi by themselves, he looked over at the group and saw that Usagi had held their hands. He felt jealousy go through him and didn't want to leave Usagi with the two emotionless boys.

Grabbing Wu Fei's hand, they quickly went over to the group and sat down. However, there was no silence that he was expecting. Usagi was giggling quietly to herself and Heero and Trowa looked scared, well scared as they could be. Quatre wondered what happened between the three, but didn't want to ask.

The Group After Quatre and Wu Fei Left

"I wonder what's going on.." Usagi said as the Quatre and Wu Fei quickly walked away.

"It's pretty obvious." Heero said with a smirk.

"What?" said the completely oblivious girl.
"Wu Fei is probably the next guardian and he's asking about the dream." said Trowa.

"Oh! I get it! Speaking of the dream, maybe we should work on your magic." Usagi said.

She took Heero's and Trowa's hands and didn't see them lightly blushing because she had closed her eyes. She quickly went into their minds, and read their thoughts.

~I wonder what Usagi is doing.~ thought Heero.

~What is Usagi-san doing?~ Trowa thought.

~Oh, I'm just peering into your minds.~ Usagi said, no thought to them with a giggle.

Heero's and Trowa's eyes widened in shock as they heard her in their mind. She continued her talk.

~Anyways, I really don't have to touch you guys when I read your thoughts, but if you guys want to talk to me privately, we have to have skin contact. I guess when you guys are "boosted," you won't need to keep skin contact.~

Usagi let them go and that was the same exact time Quatre looked at them. Quatre and Wu Fei quickly joined and discussed her past. Of course, the boys heard the story before, but it always seem to get more detailed every time she told it.

When Usagi once again finished the story, Duo came into the room with his head down from not eating and began to eat breakfast. The others joined him and sat together to eat. Well, Heero and Trowa were eating as Quatre looked in fascination and almost horror at Duo and Usagi. The two before mentioned people were eating, no inhaling their food at the speed of light and in ten seconds flat, they finished at the same time.

Duo, being satisfied at the time, looked at his opponent that he had not seen before from being so hungry. His eyes widened in shock as he realized that it was the "babe" that he had classes with at school. He quickly turned on the charm as the other ex-pilots inwardly groaned.

"Hey babe, is it luck or fate that we met?" Duo said.

Suddenly, Wu Fei's katana flew out of nowhere and grazed the side of his face before flying into the wall and sticking there.

The other people at the table automatically looked shocked at Wu Fei, but he also had a look of shock on his face. They followed his gaze towards Usagi, who's eyes looked emotionless and she then said,

"If you desire to keep your life, don't call me any name like that."

She then quietly rose from the table and walked out of the room. The pilots then were out of their stupor and Heero, Trowa, Quatre, and Wu Fei quickly went after her, leaving Duo muttering to himself, "Geez, what's her problem."

The boys searched for Usagi and then found her in the garden, silently crying. Quatre, being the most sympathetic of the group, walked up to her and softly embraced her. Heero and Trowa watched jealously as she cried in his arms. She soon stopped and Wu Fei was the one to break the silence.

"Why and how did you almost kill him?"

Usagi kept her eyes shut, to stop her memories, but to no avail, she remembered what happened.

"There was something I didn't tell all of you. When I lived on my kingdom, I had a betrothed."

Good cliffie, ain't it?? Maybe I'll tell in the next chapter how that ties in with Duo's near death experience. Anyhoo, I'm asking all of the readers to persuade me to continue this story. I'm not sure if I should keep on going, so please help me decide. Arigatou and Ja Ne!