Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Usagi's Betrothed; The Spar ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my comp. *sniff* Anyways, on with the show, er... story!

Key Note: Endymion isn't the same guy you think he is so don't start screaming at me for no reason! Arigatou!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.11- Usagi's Betrothed; The Spar

All of the boys faces showed shock, even Heero's. Quatre and Wu Fei looked at Usagi in disbelief as Trowa and Heero were mentally torturing the person she was betrothed to.

"...But, I didn't love him." she continued.

Quatre noticeably sighed as the others did mentally.

"His name was Endymion and he had midnight blue eyes and silvery white hair, but it didn't make him look old. He really was handsome." she sighed as two of the boys continued to mentally strangle the fiancé.

"Anyways, at first, he seemed really sweet, but I didn't like how fake he seemed. I remember when I once saw him harassing a servant and when I confronted him about it, he lied like a dog." Usagi said as she frowned when she said that.

" After a while, I knew that he was so fake. He would be so polite to my parents and the royal court, but once when we were alone, he would harass me and called me stupid names like babe, chick, and others. I would always tell my mother, but she wouldn't believe me because Endymion would put on his fake act, act all innocent or come up with some stupid excuse. Finally, my mother caught him touching me wrongly and was about to break off the engagement, but we were attacked before she could."

Usagi took a breath when she finished and looked at the boys to see their reaction. Heero and Trowa had cool emotionless faces as Wu Fei and Quatre looked almost angry.

"What kind of disgusting man would touch a on- woman like that?" Wu Fei questioned angrily.

Usagi shrugged as she replied, "Endymion would."

"Anyways, I'll answer your question now Wu Fei. The reason I got angry at Duo was because he called me babe and Endymion called me that the most." Usagi got angry at the thought.

"And, if I get angry enough, my aura and magic strength gets stronger so I can do more difficult things. If I was really pissed off, I could cause natural disasters, like tsunamis, earthquakes, and others." she said nonchalantly as Quatre visibly paled. (doesn't it seem like he's the only one who shows all of his emotions?) He gulped before saying,

"B...But that doesn't happen a lot right?"

"Of course not, unless what happened at breakfast happens again." Usagi said as her voice got serious.

The boys all nodded and Usagi stood up and led them back to the common room. There, she apologized to Duo, but not before warning him to not call her any rude pick-up names. He nodded furiously and Usagi smiled and went to Heero's room to change into some workout clothes. Heero silently followed her into the room and said,

"Do you even have extra clothes?"

"Of course I do. See?" she said as she summoned some clothes with her magic. "Now get out so I can change!" she said as she shooed him out.

Usagi came out of the room in her black tank top that showed off her abdomen and her black tight knee-length pants. As went to the gym that was surprisingly empty and began her workout. She quickly ran ten miles and then jump-roped for about ten minutes. She furiously pounded the living crap (this is one of the reasons this story's PG-13! *wink*) out of the dummy and then during her kickboxing, she heard someone clapping.

Usagi quickly turned towards the direction of the sound and came to face Wu Fei. He came up to her with a smirk and noticed her clothes that were not at all sweaty.

"You didn't even break a sweat. But that doesn't prove that you're strong." he said.

Usagi turned red before replying sarcastically, "Then you wouldn't mind a spar with someone weak, would you?"

"Sure." he said with still, a smirk.

"Fine." she said before getting into a stance, as well as Wu Fei.

Wu Fei waited for her to make the first move and Usagi gave him a small smirk before faking a punch to his left side and then bringing up her foot to hit his right shoulder. Wu Fei heard a sick crack, but he didn't even wince. Usagi continued her merciless attack as she kicked high enough to knock Wu Fei on the head and he was brought down.

He then crouched and sweeped at her feet. However, Usagi was expecting that and jumped to avoid it. Unfortunately, she landed on the side of her foot and fell onto the ground. Wu Fei quickly got up at the same time as Usagi and threw a punch at her stomach. even though it hit in the right spot, Usagi didn't weaken. Instead, she round-housed a kick at his shoulder and Wu Fei was again brought down.

Usagi came down to punch him, but he knocked her onto her back. He threw a punch at her face, but his fist met the padding of the floor. Usagi had rolled away before he hit him and got up quickly. By now, her anger had strengthened her aura and her eyes flashed dangerously as she looked at her opponent, Endymion. Wu Fei felt Usagi's aura darken as she attacked him with such fierce strength and hate that by the time he was on the floor and her fist was inches away from him, did she realize that her opponent was not Endymion, but Wu Fei.

Usagi jumped away from Wu Fei and quickly helped him up with a quiet apology.

"You don't need to apologize." he said with a genuine smile. "You're the best opponent that I've fought in years, man or woman."

" Arigatou." she said quietly before heading back up to her room to take a shower. She left Wu Fei alone to ponder about the new things he learned about Usagi.

~Damn, that on- girl is strong...~ he thought before going to his room to nurse his wounds.

Usagi silently went to Heero's room and didn't even acknowledge him as she went to take a shower to think about what had happened.

~Oh Kami-sama. I could have killed on of my guardians and new friend if I didn't stop. I felt so different when I fought. There was no warmth and I wanted to kill Endymion. What is wrong with me?~ she thought as she slid to the bottom of the shower floor and silently cried.

And as she did, Heero stood outside her door and listened with pain in his eyes.

How was that chapter? I sorta made it short cuz I wanted to get it out early! Yay! Arigatou Minna-san for reviewing and to Gemini Tenshi, yea i'm a Gemini! They rock (no diss to the other zodiac peeps!) and I do sometimes get "insane giggle attacks." My friends just think I'm crazy. *wink* I also get bored easily and sometimes am like two different people, which are characteristics of Geminis. *ahem* I've been blabbing way too much and stay tuned for the next chapter of Sheltered Heart! Ja Ne!