Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ The Circle is Complete ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I never had, never have, or never will own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon. *sniff* Sad, ain't it?

Sheltered Heart

Ch.12- The Circle is Complete

Usagi had cried herself to sleep that night and Heero painfully listened to her attempts to stop. He desperately wanted to go in and hold her so she would be comforted, but he knew that she didn't love him.

~Who would love me? I'm a cold-blooded murderer that can never get the blood off my hands. Even though I try to forget that it's over, I never can do it. My stupid Perfect Soldier act has everyone fooled, even Duo. I just can't handle emotions...~

Heero slid to the bottom of the wall and put his arms around his legs. He didn't even realize that hot tears were sliding down his face. As the two masters of facades cried almost silently, a certain practical joker had a dream that would play a big role in his life.

"Where am I?" Duo said to himself as he looked around with caution.

He seemed to be surrounded by a blue sky, and was sitting on a soft cloud.

"Whatever, it's a dream anyways." he said with not a care in the world as he leaned back on the soft cushion.

"Wrong shinigami. This may seem like a dream, but it is a message that you must know." said a soft voice that echoed around him.

~Whoa. That voice sounds hot! I hope she's cute...~ he thought wistfully.

"Sorry Duo, but I'm already taken." said the voice before a cloud appeared before the boy and slowly formed the shape of a woman before becoming solid.

"Duo, I have a favor to ask of you. Please hear me out." she said.

"Of course! What wouldn't I do for a tenshi like you?" he said with a grin.

The woman sighed softly and continued.

"Duo, my daughter is in great danger. She is being followed by someone evil that I didn't know until it was too late." She held back her tears of pain.

"I am going to appoint you her guardian and I want you to protect her. Heero, Trowa, Quatre, and Wu Fei are her guardians also and they know. You are the final guardian and will finish the circle. You five will unlock your magic and each will have their own element type. For example, your element is air. That's why we are in the sky in this dream because it represents your heart's true home." The woman gave a small smile before she continued.

"Now, this is extremely important that you remember. To unlock your magic, you five and the my daughter must meet at the lake in the forest..."

"But I don't know where that is!" Duo said as he interrupted.

"Let me finish. You leave to go there at exactly 10:45 tomorrow night. If my daughter can't find the way, your hearts will. If you feel a slight pulling in a certain direction, go that way. There, we will unlock your magic and you must train for the battle." she said.

"Okay. That's cool, but who is the enemy?" Duo asked with curiosity.

"I can not say much, but I will say that it is someone that my daughter knows, yet does not know." she said with a smile at Duo's confused expression.

"I must go now, but remember that shinigami does not rule your life, but love and light does."

The woman was about to leave when Duo asked, "Wait! Who's your daughter?"

She disappeared but Duo heard her echoing voice that replied, "Selenity, or Usagi as you know her."

Duo woke up at 2:45, remembering the very important dream that he had. Before going back to sleep, he thought to himself,

~Cool, I get to hang out with the ba- err... girl.~ (he remembered! What a shocker!)

The six teenagers all woke up at 7:30 in the morning, one hour before school started. Heero quickly got up from the wall he painfully slept against and went to go change. Luckily, when he was done, Usagi came out of the room.

Her face had tear-dried streaks, but Heero thought she still looked beautiful. They headed down to the common room with tiring steps. When they reached the common room, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wu Fei were already there. Usagi greeted them wearily while Heero just "hn"ed the group.

Duo then told everyone about his dream and explained about the unlocking of their magic.

"So, we have to go to the lake in the forest? Where's that?" asked Usagi.

"I guess you don't know, but your mother said that we have to follow our hearts." Duo said to Usagi.

"We should meet somewhere, shouldn't we?" said Quatre.

"Hai. We'll meet in this room at 10:30 and leave at 10:45 like Usagi's mother said." said Trowa.

Duo looked at Trowa with surprise before saying, "Whoa Trowa! You said more than one word!" Trowa just "hn"ed and looked down.

"This woman, she's your mother, right Usagi? How did she reach us?" said Quatre.

"I don't know. I mean she's..." Usagi gulped slowly, hiding her wavering voice. "she's dead, but she was really powerful, so maybe she used her magic."

The boys looked at Usagi sympathetically before Duo attempted to cheer her up.

"Usagi's really pretty mom told me that we each have an element type. Mine's air. Hey Wuffie boy, what's yours?" Before Wu Fei could answer, Duo snapped his fingers to show something. "Oh wait, I remember..."

But before Du could answer, Wu Fei jumped up to wield his katana before saying, "Maxwell! Your braid is mine!!!"

Wu Fei reached to pull out his katana, but a soft angelic giggle reached his ears and he stopped. He turned towards the sound, as well as the others and saw Usagi softly giggling, something that they had never heard before.

~She sounds so cute and innocent when she laughs...~ thought Heero.

~Man! She looks so pretty when she smiles and laughs...~ Duo thought.

~Her laugh sounds like more angelic than wind chimes...~ Trowa thought.

~She really looks like a tenshi when she's like that...~ thought Quatre with a small blush.

~Usagi should smile and laugh more. This is one of those times when Duo did something actually okay...~ thought Wu Fei, momentarily forgetting his thoughts of killing Duo.

Usagi stopped and looked at the five boys.

"Nani? Why is everyone staring at me?" she said with confusion.

Three of the boys quickly looked away to hide their blushes as the other looked down.

"Hee-chan, Duo-chan, Quatre-chan, Trowa-chan, Fei-chan, shouldn't we get ready for school?" said Usagi.

The boys blushed even more at their new nicknames. They quickly nodded and all separated to get ready.

Usagi slowly got ready and clearly despised putting on the quote un-quote "unbelievably hideous, reject fad, frilly thing. She put it on with a grossed out look on her face and went to leave with the boys to start a new day at school.

Who-hoo! I finished another chapter! Special thanks to:

ScorpioNightShadow (Sometimes they are so stupid *sigh* but yah gotta luv em!)

MarsMoonStar (Arigatou! Do you like Mars too?)

ShyGurl56U (Special thanx for the ideas!)

psystar1 (No worriez! I didn't leave yah hangin!)

Gemini Tenshi (Geminis rule! Of course!)

Jia^eR aKa HiKari (I like all of them, except I like H/U a little bit more!)

Sailor Nova (I so get your point! But yah knows how peeps need the comedic relief!)

Vegetas Girl (Arigatou! Cute name BTW!)

Ascara (I'm seriously scared... I'll write more if you stop threatenin' me! *wink*)

o_little_anjel_o (I knoe where you live! HeHe...)

Tenshi-chan (LiLGeMiNi is here! *does weird thingie* 5 and 6 should work now!)

solarmistress17 (Gomen ne, but I did Wu Fei cuz Duo would sooo blab about it!)

it's a secret! (You Shot Me!! *evil smirk* I'll just post your name next time!)

the Desert Fox & John Steppenwolf (You guyz make a funny pair! Arigatou!)

Sunshine Aradia (Arigatou for mentionin that! I'm thinkin about other stuff too!)

Chibi Tsuki (Grrr back at yah! J/k! Arigatou for likin it!)

Blue Moon (Arigatou for the advice! I luckily have plot bunnies! YaY!)

Arigatou Minna-san! I would like to know if I should put the other G-boyz, who aren't with Usagi, with original characters, the G-girls, or the sailor scouts (but w/o their planetary powers. they might have magic though...) Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu and Ja Ne! (so much writing! *gets swirly eyed*)