Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Endymion and Emotions ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing, not mine! Sailor Moon, not mine! Capiché?

Sheltered Heart

Ch.13- Endymion and Emotions

Usagi was annoyed at the whole world. The boys (you know who) were so protective of her and wouldn't let her out oft their sight. She sat in her seat, waiting for the bell rang. Her backpack was already packed and she twiddled her thumbs restlessly. Right when the bell rang, Usagi ran out the door, never giving the boys the chance to catch up. She ran down the street to the park, hoping that she could be a moment of peace and alone time.

Usagi continued to run, too occupied with her thoughts to watch where she was going. She fell clumsily on her butt when she collided with something hard, but warm. She looked up and peered into the darkest blue eyes she had ever seen.

~Well actually, I saw eyes the same color on Endymion.~ she thought fearfully.

Usagi looked at the guy's hair color and it was luckily not the color of Endymion's, but an ebony black. (who is it?)

~Why does that so familiar?~ she thought as she tried to remember.

"Are you alright miss?" the person said with much cool.

"Hai Hai. I'm sorry to bump into you like that." she said quickly. There was something she didn't like about this guy.

"No, it was my fault entirely. Can I treat you to a drink as an apology?" he said.

She backed away from him slowly as she replied, "Umm no, it's alright. I got to go anyway. Good-b.."

He grabbed her hand roughly before saying, "I insist that you go with me to get a drink."

Usagi was terrified, but the person's grip was too tight. She silently cried in her mind.

~Minna-san, anyone, onegai, help me!!~

Before the person could drag her away, they heard a voice.

"Get your fuckin' hands off her!"

The man and Usagi turned to face the voice and saw five really pissed off boys who looked like they were going to kill the man. The man let go of her, but not before whispering in her ear,

"We'll finish this later, babe."

Usagi's eyes widened in fear and shock and ran towards the boys and clutched whoever was closest, which was Trowa. He blushed at her gesture while the boys momentarily glared at him. The man laughed and said,

"So the bitch got boys to protect her. How pitiful." He laughed an awful laugh that made Usagi scream in fear.

The boys were about to attack him, when he suddenly faded away, his laugh still echoing in the air.

The boys slowly head back to the common room, while Trowa held Usagi in his arms. She held on for dear life and cried silently until they reached the room.

"Who was that, Usagi?" Quatre asked kindly.

She sniffed before answering, "He was Endymion. Even though he didn't look like he used to, I could tell that laugh and voice anytime." Usagi gave an involuntary shudder and Duo hugged her softly as the others glared. They silently sat like that and then Usagi said in a whisper.

"Arigatou minna-san."

She got up and gave each of them a small kiss on the cheek before going up to her room. As she left, she shouted,

"And remember, meet back in the common room at 10:30!"

The boys just sat there in shock, not wanting to meet each other's eyes and then went to their rooms.

~It felt so warm and sweet. I wish that she did it to only me though...~ Heero thought with a sigh.

~I thought I was going to melt in happiness! Man, why did the others have to be there?~ thought Duo.

~It was so soft against my skin. But what is this feeling?~ Trowa thought with confusion.

~That felt so good, but for some reason, I only felt sibling-like affection from her for almost all of us.~ Quatre thought, wondering why.

~What is she doing to me? I almost want to go to her room and... *ahem* kiss her...~ Wu Fei thought with a small blush.

As Usagi was sitting in her room, she thought about what she had done.

~Why did I do that? I almost let him know that I like, no love him. Luckily, I remembered the other guys and kissed them so they probably don't suspect anything. *sigh* I wonder what he's thinking right now. Hopefully, it's about me...~ Usagi thought before getting ready for the ceremony.

This is really short but the next chapter is going to be fun! I'm going to describe everyone's outfits and I think they're gonna look really really good. *drools at the thought* I'm gonna post the next chapter right after this one. Arigatou and Ja Ne!