Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Getting Ready ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon. I do, however, own their outfits!!!! Don't rip me off!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.14-Getting Ready

Usagi got dressed in a silver dress that showed off her long legs. It had a ovular neckline and sleeves that widened as it reached her wrist. The bottom had two layers, a solid silver color layer underneath that reached her ankles and a shimmering translucent over-layer that was the same length. Down her leg went a picture of a pearl white unicorn rearing up on its hind-legs. She put a shawl, matching with her over-layer, around her and went to the common room.

Heero got ready. He didn't have very nice clothes, being that he was a soldier and had a school uniform. However, at the bottom, he found something that he never saw before in his life. It was a sleeve-less shirt that seemed to be sewn with gold fiber. The edges were sewn in the gold and on the center of the shirt was a picture of a kneeling centaur that had golden hair and copper fur. Its eyes were a brilliant gold with shades of copper.

Along with it was a pair of white silk pants that had lining down the side that was made of the same gold. On the side was a small, hidden pocket that he found. When Heero put it on, a note fell out of the pocket. He picked it up gingerly and read it.


Wear this for the ceremony and try pulling something out of the pocket!


A Friend.

Heero reached into his empty pocket and amazingly pulled out a bow and one arrow. Then, looking at the objects, he realized that it had an outline of the same centaur in gold on the tip of the arrow and on the bow's handle. The bow was made of what he thought was gold-colored wood that , but he realized that it was gold and the arrow was made of platinum. Heero gave a silent thank you to the only person who could have done this; Usagi's mother. He quickly left for the common room to meet the others.

Duo was going to wear his black outfit because it was the only one clean. When he reached to get it out of the dresser, she saw a glint of light on the bottom. He reached for it and pulled out a shirt with long sleeves that were folded up to the elbows and pants. The pants were made with black silk and had curling metallic yellow lines down the side.

The shirt was also made of black silk and the collar covered 3/4's of his neck. A small lining around the edge of the collar was the same metallic yellow as the kind on the pants. A large pocket was on the chest and on it was a yellow griffon with gleaming orange eyes.

Duo felt an object in the front pocket and pulled out a note tied with a metallic yellow band. He took it off and read the note silently.


Wear this for the ceremony. Also, try pulling out something from your pocket!


A Friend.

Duo reached into the pocket and pulled out a scythe that had an outline of the same griffon on the blade. It's grip was a dark yellow that was almost orange. His eyes widened when he noticed that it was made of fire-colored opal and put it back in. Duo braided his hair and tied it with the band, thanked the friend and went to the common room.

Trowa was searching his room for some decent clothing. He then looked at the top of his drawer and saw clothing that he knew wasn't there before. Trowa picked it up slowly and looked at the clothing.

It was a long-sleeve shirt and pants. The shirt was a gold-colored silk shirt that opened halfway to his abdomen. It had loose, thin, metallic green sleeves and the same green color lining on his collar and the side of his golden pants.

The silk pants were a solid gold color that went to a shade of copper at the bottom. Around the waist was a thin metallic green belt that was tied loosely. On the back of the shirt was a close-up of a black basilisk that stared at you with metallic emerald eyes that seem to reveal all you secrets. Rolled around the belt was a small note. Trowa unrolled it carefully and read it.


Wear this for the ceremony and check out the belt, it may be useful!


A Friend.

Trowa pulled off the belt and suddenly, it became a whip. He studied it and noticed it had an outline in green of the same basilisk that was on his shirt. It also was made of the gemstone, gahnite. He put the whip back on and it turned back into a belt. Trowa thanked the friend and headed to the common room in his new outfit.

Quatre went to his wardrobe closet to pull out an outfit that he had worn for a delegates' meeting. However, in his closet, along with the thousands of other clothes, was an outfit that he never saw before. He pulled it out and looked at it carefully.

It was a half-sleeve shirt with a vest and pants. The silk shirt was a soft silver that had pale metallic blue lining. The collar was folded and also had the blue lining on the edge. The vest was made of white silk and at the bottom was a dragon. It wrapped itself all the way around and met in the middle. Its body was the same pale metallic blue as the lining and its eyes were dark metallic sapphires that held deadly innocence. (Confusin eh?) The pants were of white silk and at the bottom were thin blue lining that flowed like water around the edge. Quatre pulled off a note that was on his vest. He read it with wonderment.


Wear this for the ceremony and make sure to check out the vest!


A Friend.

Quatre looked at the vest in wonder and finally noticed two small pockets on the shoulders. He reached into both of them and pulled out identical shorters (its the twin blades that Sandrock has.) that had an outline of the same dragon on the hilt of them. The hilts were the same metallic blue as the one of the dragon's eyes, that he realized were made from a special mineral, blue beryl.

Quatre quickly put them back in and thanked the friend with much gratitude. He left in his special outfit for the common room.

Wu Fei was planning to wear his simple white outfit, but as he reached to pull it out of his dresser, he found an outfit that was brand new. It was a sleeve-less shirt and pants.

The shirt was made of black silk and metallic red lined ran down the sides. In the right-hand corner of the shirt was a metallic red phoenix that had darker ruby-red eyes. Its wings were open and beautifully covered the bottom and right sides.

The pants were also made of black silk and thin red flames flickered on the sides. Its sides were somewhat loose and when he put it on, a note fell out. He picked it up and read it with curiosity.

Wu Fei,

Wear this for the ceremony and also look on the side of your pants!


A Friend.

Wu Fei slowly searched the sides of his pants and found a long, thin pocket. He then reached into it and pulled out his katana. However, it was different for it had an outline of the same phoenix on the blade and the hilt was made of ruby spinel.

Wu Fei put the katana in and heard the edge rip. But, when he went to look at it, there was no rip and it looked the same. Wu Fei's eyes widened, but then he hurried to the common room, wearing his handsome outfit.

Man! That was one of the longest chapters I've written so far. Don't expect another one for a while. BTW, the gems are all real types. *sigh* I wish I could actually see them in their outfits, they would look so good! Also, I would like to know whos' outfit you liked the best! Anyhoo, if yah want, review or correct my mistakes or flame or ask questions. Arigatou and Ja Ne!