Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ The Ceremony ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Me no own no Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon.

Sheltered Heart

Ch.15- The Ceremony

The six teenagers soon gathered in the common room. Duo looked Usagi up and down with a grin on his face while she blushed. She noticed that all of the boys were wearing really nice outfits and asked them about it.

"Well, this doesn't belong to me, I think. A friend left it for me." Quatre said.

"Me too." said Trowa and Wu Fei.

"Me three!" said Duo.

"Hn." (Heero Translation: (We're back to these!) me too.)

"Who was it?" Usagi asked.

The boys shrugged, but each knew who it really was.

Usagi looked at all of them with a arched eyebrow and before leaving them to head to the forest said over her shoulder,

"I should thank whoever it is, because they made you really bishonen guys!"

She quickly walked towards the forest, leaving five lightly blushing boys. They then realized that she left them and quickly head after her.

Usagi was already in the forest and waited impatiently for the boys.

~Oh Kami-sama! They take forever! Why can't they hurry up 'cuz we're gonna be late!~ she thought to herself annoyingly.

She stood by a tree, tapping her foot with annoyance and waited. Then, she felt the gaze at her head and felt the warm breath on her neck. She froze with fear, remembering all to well who it was. She slowly turned around to face midnight blue eyes. Usagi let out a ear-shattering scream before he grabbed her.

The boys all jumped when they heard the scream. They looked around cautiously for any sign of movement and then Heero noticed a small shadow fifteen feet away from him behind the trees. He quickly ran towards it, yielding his bow and arrow, and shot fast with great accuracy before the boys even knew what was going on.

Mamoru let out a painful grunt when the arrow hit his shoulder. Usagi struggled from his bleeding arm and ran towards the fast approaching body. She ran into his arms and held him tightly and then she saw who it was.

~Heero...~ she thought with amazement.

Heero stood in front of her and held up his bow, momentarily forgetting that he had only one arrow and he used it. Suddenly, an arrow appeared, ready on the bow and Heero aimed for the heart. He was distracted when he heard the others come up and that gave Mamoru the chance to escape. He disappeared fast, leaving a black rose in his spot.

Heero grunted in anger, wanting to injure the man more. He turned to Usagi who was clutching Wu Fei with tears.

"I thought he was going to kill me!" she said between her sobs.

"Usagi, gomen nasai, but we should hurry to start the ceremony." said Trowa quietly.

Usagi simply nodded and stood up, her clothes clear of mud and dirt that was previously there. She quickly wiped away her tears and closed her eyes to focus. Then, all of the boys felt a pulling in their chests to the left.

Usagi started heading in that direction and the boys swiftly followed, warily watching around them. However, they did not see the eyes that glared with extreme hate at the boys.

"Watch, my Usako, and see your guardians die..." it whispered before fading away.

"Hey, did you hear that?" Duo said before looking around.

The boys shook their heads, stating that they didn't.

"It was probably your imagination, Duo." said Quatre to Duo as if he were a small child.

"Yeah, whatever..." mumbled Duo.

The six soon came to a clearing, bare of everything except what mother nature had blessed it of. The trees tightly surrounded it, and closed behind them. The stars shown brightly in the sky and there was a small pond filled with creatures. The six knew they were in the right place.

Then, a moonlight beam shot down from the sky and from it, emerged a tenshi. Her hair was tied in the same type as Usagi's and the dress she was wearing, glimmered in the light. Usagi's eyes welled up with joyful tears as she ran towards the woman and embraced her tightly.

"Momma!" she said in a childlike voice.

"Selenity..." she just whispered.

The two embraced while the other five watched with unshed tears. Finally, the tenshi spoke again.

"Selenity, dear, we do not have much time to complete the ceremony."

"Hai." Selenity said before letting go. She backed away and stood in front of the boys. Her mother spoke in a soft voice, but every word was heard.

"Selenity's guardians, please step forward and kneel." (I'm callin her Selenity for now.)

The boys did as they were told and lowered their heads. The tenshi, then, rose her arms and let the moonlight shine upon them. She then told them to stand and approached each one individually. She started with Heero.

She put two fingers on Heero's forehead and let her magic transfer into him. Heero felt the power that was entering him and felt something burn on his forehead. The others saw that on his forehead was a dark purple signature that was a circle that had a cross-like shape that flared out on the edges under it. Going through the circle was a vertical line with a small dash in the middle. It slowly faded away when Usagi's mother reached out to Trowa.

She again put her two fingers on his forehead and it lit up in green. Soon, the tenshi's energy was transferred enough and she removed her hand. In that spot was a glowing dark green signature that was identical to Heero's but it instead had a diagonal line curving upward left to right. He quickly backed up as the tenshi reached for Quatre.

When her fingers where once again put on the forehead, Quatre felt a surge of energy leaving the tenshi and entering him. Once her fingers were removed, the same circle and cross was there, but there were two lines that curved upward and inward and met in the middle of the circle, somewhat resembling a small wave. Its glowed dark blue and faded away.

Wu Fei was next and the tenshi put her fingers on his forehead. He felt his ki strengthen and on his forehead was a cross and circle with small flames that pointed upward. The fire seemed to burn brightly as it glowed a dark red. It slowly faded away and left no mark.

Duo felt the cool fingers touch his forehead and felt a burn on his forehead. In that spot was a cross and circle that had a curved yin-yang-like line that went horizontally. It glowed a dark, almost orange, yellow. He touched the spot carefully and felt nothing except his forehead. But he knew it was there from the glow it was radiating.

The five stood up with renewed energy. The tenshi then said,

"Selenity, come here."

She quickly came forward and knelt in front of her mother. Her mother reached down and put her hand on her forehead. There, glowed a similar shape to the others, and had a crescent moon in the middle of the circle on top.

Then, a brilliant flash of light appeared and in Selenity's hands was a solid diamond staff. It was taller then her and on the top was a pair of silver wings with a pearly unicorn's horn protruding from the middle. It lit up the clearing with a soft glow and Usagi felt a lot more magically enhanced. She then realized that this staff was the heirloom that she was supposed to get before the attack.

"Selenity and her guardians of metal, earth, water, fire, and air. Be careful and strong at all times. Don't let the enemy get to your hearts and let love, peace, and happiness rule you." Selenity's mother said.

Then she faced the boys before saying,

"Let go of your pasts. It was cruel that you were made soldiers by others, but you have pure hearts. Make sure to take care of Selenity and she will take care of you in other ways. Good-bye and thank you."

The boys all bowed as the tenshi embraced Selenity. She whispered in her ear before leaving.

"He's a good boy. I hope you two have a good life and your father, brother, and I give our blessings."

Usagi's eyes watered in gratitude before hugging her mother tighter and whispering,

"Arigatou mother and good-bye."

The tenshi slowly faded away and left the six by themselves. They headed back slowly to their rooms and somehow their weapons and staff went into their clothes and their clothes disappeared. The six quickly fell asleep, awaiting the next day with hope.

I'm done! Yay! Remember to check Ch.12 cuz I changed Heero's outfit. I was going to make his color gold, but that wouldn't be fair to the other g-boyz. I wanna keep them equal so that when I write alternate endings, there won't be any disagreements. Anyhoo, Usagi's pocket was along the edge of the bottom of her dress and that's where her staff went. Also, I'm being bad now cuz I want reviews! In the beginning, I said I didn't care but your comments really help. I only want two reviews at least for each chapter and I'll update. Arigatou and Ja Ne!