Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Relena and Mamoru ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: *LiLGeMiNi comes out with swirly eyes* I do not own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon... *CLAMP slowly sneaks out with their hypnotizing device.*

Sheltered Heart

Ch.16- Relena and Mamoru

The six teenagers slowly walked to school in their very unattractive uniforms. Usagi, of course, still managed to look good in hers and got a few stares from guys that recieved glares from her companions, even Quatre.

When they reached school, they all walked into their first period class. Usagi each period with at least two of her guardians. She had all the same classes as Trowa which earned him some very jealous vibes from the others.

When they were about to walk into the classroom, a maroon and wheat-colored blur quickly went by Usagi, knocking her down. The blur clamped onto Heero's arm and took a few breaths.

Usagi fell hard on her bottom and let out a groan of pain. The boys quickly looked at the last approaching person and quickly helped her up. Usagi wiped the dust off her clothes and angrily stared at the girl and then Heero before saying,

"What the hell was that for? You didn't even apologize!"

The girl (can you guess who it is?) glared at her and clutched Heero's arm tighter before saying,

"I am Relena Peacecraft, Princess of Sanc Kingdom, and I demand that you treat me with respect!"

Usagi merely glared back before answering,

"Well Miss Peacecrap, I don't take orders from anyone except my family and they're dead. So, unless you want to get hurt, you better treat me, Pr...Usagi, with respect." Usagi cleared her throat to cover up the blunder of almost showing her identity.

Heero's eyes widened briefly in pain and shock as he saw her deadly glare almost aimed at him also. Usagi had never spoken in that tone at him and he was almost scared.

Usagi turned around and went into the classroom with a huff. Heero abruptly pulled his arm out of Relena's clutch and reached for Usagi, but was blocked by Duo and Wu Fei, the last people he thought would do that.

"If you want to talk to Usagi, you better plan to get rid of the baka onna." Wu Fei said with a growl.

They quickly walked away, to talk to their hime, leaving Heero with the psycho girl.

Relena looked very smug, but then paled slightly as she saw the frightening glare that Heero gave her. His eyes promised death and revenge and he spoke in a deadly whisper.

"Relena, if you wish to survive, stay away for me forever and don't talk to me, look at me, or try to touch me."

Relena merely nodded, frightened by Heero's deadly demeanor. Heero continued speaking in a darker tone.

"And, if you hurt Usagi or my friends in any way, I'll make sure your life's a living hell that you'll really want me to kill you. You got that?"

Relena nodded again and ran into the classroom, leaving a refreshed Heero, completed with no Relena. He walked into the classroom and quietly walked over to Usagi. The others wondered what he was going to do and watched in amazement as Heero got down on his knees.

"Usagi, please forgive me for letting the psycho girl hurt you."

Usagi replied with a giggle and a small nod, reassuring Heero that she was alright. The school day began and ended quickly and the six went home, happier than ever that they never did and hopefully, never would see Relena again.

Relena watched from far away as Usagi walked with five boys surrounding her.

~I wonder how will she will like them once she knows their secret...~ she thought mischievously. She headed into the shadows, following the boys stealthily with only one thought on her mind.

~Heero, you will belong to me again.~

Mamoru watched as his Usako walked home with same five boys that protected her last time. He hid in the bushes as he silently followed them. Then, he bumped into something, or rather, someone.

Mamoru apologized and recognized the girl as the Princess of the kingdom the were in. He watched as her eyes quickly darted at Usagi with hatred and the boy with the unruly brown hair with affection.

~Maybe I can use her to get my Usako.~ he thought mischievously. (again with that word!)

Relena stood there, not paying attention to the person she bumped into until she heard "those boys." She turned around, staring at the man in front of her with extreme curiousness.

"What did you say mister?" she asked.

"I said, how would you feel if you and I work together to get Usagi away from those boys. As they say, two heads are better than one." he said.

"Will we get her away from Heero, the guy with the short brown hair and bangs?" she asked with interest.

"Of course, Princess Relena. I want Usagi and you want Heero, or whatever, so we'll get the boys to split up with Usagi. You get your person, and I get mine, deal?" he said as he put out a hand.

Relena thought about Heero marrying her and loving her and immediately shook the man's hand. The man smirked and headed off with a small good-bye, saying that he would find her. She then asked loudly what his name was and the man simply replied, Mamoru. Relena stood there, chilled by the coldness that radiated from the man's hand. She hugged herself and headed back to her own home.

I'm done with another chapter! The next one will be done by monday, so please review so I can post it! Arigatou and Ja Ne!