Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Dueling with Magic ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own G-Wing and Sailor Moon!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.17- Dueling with Magic

Usagi and her guardians were training in the clearing that they were in last time. The six worked hard, pushing themselves to the limit, until they collapsed. The boys weren't working on their magic yet, but on their fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Their training clothes were wet with perspiration and they sat in the cool shade as they watched Usagi continue to train with her magic. Then, Usagi noticed their eyes on her and turned to them and glared.

"Why aren't you still training?" she said in an angry voice.

Four of the boys were too embarrassed to say they were tired, but luckily, a certain braided-haired boy spoke for them.

"Come on Usagi! We're soooo tired! Can't we have a little break?" he said in a whiny voice.

Usagi sighed and walked up to them slowly. They gulped visibly and sat still. She rose her hands and said,

"Restoring Water."

The boys watched in fascination as drops of light fell on them and their fatigue magically disappeared. The boys stood quickly, ready for more training. Usagi then told them a few pointers while fighting.

"Whenever you hear a few words repeating in your head, say them because they're probably going to be the words that activate your attack or defense. Also, your weapons can also be charged with your magic, so they aren't just used for fighting. They can be really strong if you focus your magic into them." she said quickly.

Duo looked at her curiously and wondered what she meant. She seemed to know a lot and he was almost frightened of the thought if she was his enemy.

~Boy, if she was my enemy, we would be dead in less than five seconds...~ he thought.

Then, Usagi decided that she was going to battle each boy in a fighting/magic duel. She quickly got ready and called Duo forward. He quickly came and was suddenly in his guardian clothes. (yah knoe, the one he wore for the ceremony?)

Usagi was also suddenly in her guardian clothes, but they were instead a tank top and knee-length capris. They were the same silver as her dress and the unicorn was in the same place, only on her pants. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her hair went down to her back.

Duo pulled out his scythe and Usagi pulled out her staff. Their symbols flashed brightly as they got ready. They stood in a fighting stance when Duo charged at her. Usagi flipped backwards as Duo swung his scythe. However, she was a little too late for his scythe cut her cheek lightly. Duo swung again, but Usagi's nimble reflexes saved her and she escaped danger.

Duo then saw words flashing in his head and stomped the ground with his scythe. He then swung it towards Usagi and said the repeated words.

"Deadly Yellow Winds!"

Yellow streams of winds attacked Usagi, leaving a mark on her face again. She then attacked him with her own magic.

"Fatal Swords Dance!" she shouted as the tip of her staff emitted swords from thin air and they pierced Duo in the arms.

He bit his tongue from crying out in pain and tried to attack her with his scythe again. However, Usagi again said a spell loudly before he could get at her.

"Moonlight Melody!" she said.

A silvery cloud surrounded Duo, hiding him from others. When the cloud evaporated, Duo swayed weakly left and right and then collapsed onto the ground. Quatre and Trowa picked him up and set him in the shade so he could rest and heal.

The four boys watched the whole duel with wide eyes. They never knew Usagi could be so strong or unkind in the battlefield. They sat anxiously as Usagi turned her head. Quatre tried to feel Usagi's emotions, but all he felt from her was determination and seriousness.

~What happened to the girl we know and love?~ he thought to himself as he then lightly blushed when he realized what he just thought.

Usagi then called up Quatre and he went up to the area in his dark blue guardian outfit and his symbol glowed brightly. Standing a few yards away from her, her pulled out his shorters and let Usagi got first.

Although Quatre was very nice to her, she didn't expect to show him any mercy. Her blue eyes flashed dangerously as she lunged at him and cut him in the leg. Quatre stood strong and shouted the first words in his mind.

"Merciless Blue Tsunami!"

A large wave appeared and went over Usagi. However, when the water cleared, Usagi was completely dried, but she had a cut on her right leg. She went towards him and shouted,

"Perilous Daggers!"

Quatre winced as the daggers that materialized from Usagi's staff went against his side and left a bloody mark. He went at her with his shorters and swung expertly, surprising both his comrades and Usagi.

Usagi got over her shock and then retaliated with a spell similar to the one she used before. She straightened herself and shouted,

"Heralds' Harp!"

Quatre couldn't move as a soft song played and made him feel weaker. He fell to his knees as the haunting music continued and finally fell asleep on the ground. Again, two boys cleared the sleeping boy out of the area.

Heero realized that after Usagi would attack them brutally, she would put them to sleep. She seemed to be violent while sympathetic because even though she hurt them badly, the magic on the two boys was slowly healing them.

~What's going on with her? She seems so... different.~ he thought with a frown.

Then, Usagi nodded to Heero, gesturing that he was next. He slowly went to her and appeared to be in his guardian outfit. As his purple symbol shone brightly, he quickly pulled out his bow and arrow and attacked Usagi first. He aimed at her but when he shot, she quickly dodged it from hitting her in the chest and it cut her as it went near her arm.

She stood before him, with fresh silver blood dripping down from her wounds and then narrowed her eyes. Heero's eyes widened briefly as he saw the deadly look in her eyes and braced himself. Usagi then shouted,

"Devastating Arrows!" (the same one she used on Mamoru, yah know.)

Heero's mouth twitched as the arrows hit him and cut his arms and shoulders. Then, three words came to his mind and he pointed his arrow at Usagi before releasing it, and shouted,

"Scorching Purple Meteors!"

Showers of hot stars streamed down, but when they touched Usagi, they burned her skin. She hissed in pain before she shouted,

"Spirits of Slumber!"

Light shadows rushed out from behind her and surrounded Heero. The energy slowly left him and he collapsed to the ground in fatigue. He, too, was then taken to the shade and was laid down.

Wu Fei was sure that this wasn't the Usagi he knew, but the girl he met when he sparred her. That cold girl that had to kill to win.

~Usagi...are you fighting someone else, or yourself?~ he thought with a hint of worry.

Usagi stood and motioned for Wu Fei to come forward. He stepped into the light and was suddenly in his dark red guardian outfit. He drew his katana as he waited for Usagi to make the first move. How foolish he had been...

Usagi rushed at him with the tip of her staff pointed at his heart. He quickly dodged it and swiped at Usagi's exposed back. The material ripped and her silver blood dripped from the wound.

Usagi turned around and Wu Fei was suddenly frightened as he realized that the expression and eyes that she had were the same as when they sparred. He backed up reluctantly and Usagi then attacked with her magic.

"Lethal Spears!" she shouted in an emotionless voice.

Wu Fei put up his katana as the spears came towards him and cut him in the chest. He winced inwardly and then shouted the first three words that he thought of.

"Blazing Red Flames!"

Then, flames circled Usagi and she quickly cut through them with her staff. She then shouted,

"Heavenly Kiss!"

Wu Fei felt weaker as a bright beam of light went on him. It drained him of his energy and when it faded, there was a sleeping Wu Fei. Trowa picked him up carefully and put him next to the rest.

Trowa was the last one and was extremely worried. Gone was the girl he knew and in front of him was a fighter and killer, like he used to be. His eyes flashed in pain as he realized that he didn't want Usagi to be like he was.

~Usagi...I'll help you if it means beating you.~ he thought.

Usagi then motioned for Trowa to come and he stepped out of the shade slowly. He was in his dark green outfit and had his whip in his hand. He stood in front of her and she watched him with narrowed eyes.

She rushed at him, and jump-kicked at his face. However, he used his whip to grab her foot and bring her painfully down. A rock on the ground dug into the back of her neck and when she touched it, she felt something wet. Blood.... and when Usagi looked up, all Trowa saw were, almost black, blue orbs of hate.

I'm stoppin here! Good cliffie, ain't it? Gomen ne that I didn't get thig out earlier, but you guys didn't review and my comp froze and I had to start over! Wahhhh! anyhoo, review and i'll update! Ja Ne!