Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Mamoru and the Dream ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon, but I don't! *sniff...*

Sheltered Heart

Ch.18- Mamoru and the Dream

Trowa's eyes widened as he saw her eyes. They weren't at all the azure blue eyes that sparkled with innocence and happiness. Instead, they were filled with a deep hatred that was foreign to him.

Usagi struggled to get up, but she slowly did. She glared as Trowa stared at her and got in a fighting stance once again. She put up her staff and shouted,

"Lightning Spikes!"

Trowa groaned as swift points went across his chest and shocked him. He touched the spot gingerly and grimaced when it hurt. He then took his whip and flicked the tip towards her, but she quickly jumped away.

Usagi then jumped in front of a bush and Trowa shouted,

"Crushing Green Earthquake!"

Usagi quickly crouched and rolled away as the earth hit the bush behind her. Trowa then heard a groan that sounded very familiar. He narrowed his eyes as he stared into the bush. Then, he saw a dark figure painfully limping away into the shadows.

~Endymion...I know that was you in the bushes, but why?~ he thought suspiciously.

Trowa then looked around as he heard a moan of pain. He then saw Usagi on the ground. He carefully went up to her and she opened her eyes warily. Then did he see that her eyes were again the bright azure blue that he was accustomed to.

Trowa helped Usagi up and she leaned on him while he took her towards the others. When they reached there, Usagi gasped at the sight and silent tears went down her cheeks.

"What happened? Who did that to them?" she said with pain.

~She doesn't even remember... I can't say that she did it because it will kill her... What do I say to her?~ he thought anxiously as Usagi looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"Umm... Endymion attacked us all and I moved them away before they could get more hurt while they were unconscious. You attacked him and he ran away, but you then fainted." he said hurriedly.

Usagi raised an eyebrow but luckily believed him. She first healed all of them, including herself, and used her telekinesis to carry them in the air to the dorms. Fortunately, no one saw them on the way. They all stayed in the common room while Usagi watched over them.

Usagi fell asleep in the couch when she was watching over the four injured boys. Trowa then took her to another bed and laid her down. He silently put a blanket on her and sat on the ground, watching over all of them. Then, the boys slowly woke up and Trowa gestured that Usagi was asleep.

"Trowa, what happened?" asked Quatre.

"She hurt you all, but I think why she did that had to do with Endymion." he said quietly.

The boys eyebrows rose and their eyes widened.

"What? Why would Endymion have to do with anything?" Duo whispered.

"Did you notice that she wasn't herself when she fought?" Trowa asked.

They all nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I think that she was under Endymion's spell without even realizing it. Did any of you see her be like that any other time?" Trowa asked.

Wu Fei nodded and spoke.

"I once sparred against her and she was so different. She fought really hard and now that I think back, when I fought her, her eyes were a blackish-blue. Like Endymion's..."

"We should talk about his later because Usagi can wake up at any time. But, don't tell her that she hurt us because she doesn't remember." Trowa said urgently.

The boys nodded again and they went to sit by Usagi. Heero also sat by her side. As he watched her with the boys, he heard her speak in a small voice.

"Please... don't hurt me.." Usagi whispered.

Heero's eyes widened with the boys and they stared at the girl who had a look of pain on her face with her eyes closed.

~Who would hurt her? Oh wait, Endymion. But why is she having a nightmare about him?~ he thought as he got closer.

~What's happening with Usagi? I feel so much pain and fear from her. Oh please be alright!~ thought Quatre as he clasped his hands with worry.

~Usagi, are you alright? I don't know what I would do if you're hurt...~ Duo thought seriously as he watched her in pain.

~Usagi, please wake up. I'm almost worried that you're going to get hurt...~ thought Trowa with silent concern in his one visible eye.

~Usagi, you seem so emotionless when you fight...I hate to admit it, but I really am scared for you...~ thought Wu Fei with hidden emotions.

When they stood by the bed, he watched her sleep with much distress. Heero then noticed bruises forming on her lips and watched her with the boys with anxiety. Suddenly, she clenched his hand and rolled towards the edge. He quickly stopped her with his arms, but she tightly held onto him. Carefully, he pried himself out of her grasp and still watched her. Then, her expression relaxed as her nightmare ended and the boys sighed in relief.

Selenity's Dream (I'm callin her Selenity for this)

Selenity was in a familiar white and gold palace and looked around when she then heard a voice.

"Selenity, my daughter, look and around and try to remember where this is."

Selenity spun around and saw her family standing there. She ran at them and hugged them tightly. Then, letting them go, she recognized where she was and let out a small gasp.

"This is our palace, but I thought it was destroyed..."

"Actually odango atama, this is the replica of our palace, but in the spirit world." said Shingo.

"The spirit world?" Selenity said curiously.

"Hai and there's a reason why you're here. We need to talk to you about Mamoru." said Cleus, her father.

"Mamoru? Who is he?" Selenity asked.

"He's the person after you, but he was known to you as Endymion." said Serenity sadly.

Selenity gasped again.

"What? But I thought Endymion was a prince!" she said.

"We never realized that he was the prince of a planet that existed no more. He actually became the Prince of Darkness and wants to marry you. Remember that we were attacked before we could call off the betrothal?" Cleus said.

"So he thinks that I'm still betrothed to him? That's crazy!" Selenity said hysterically.

"Mamoru even was part of the attack because he wanted to stay engaged. He was the one that killed us." Shingo said with his head down.

Selenity's eyes flashed with hatred and spoke.

"So he's the one that hurt you. Now he must die."

"Selenity don't! If you let your anger get the best of you, he will have won. Before you even knew him well, he put a spell on you that makes you lose control when you get angry. However, he thought that would help him, not hurt." Serenity said.

"So, what do I have to do?" Selenity asked as her anger dissolved.

"Like you have been doing, continue to train them, but be really careful that Mamoru isn't there because that spell will work when he's nearby. That spell won't end until he takes it off, so be sure that you don't lose your temper." Cleus said.

"Is that all I should do for them?" Selenity asked.

"Also, you might want to find out about their past. Even though it may be hard, you should know and accept it. They lived hard lives, maybe even as worse as ours and you must understand." Serenity said.

"Hai, I will." Selenity said.

"We must go now, but remember what we said odango atama!" Shingo shouted before disappearing.

They soon all left, leaving Usagi (back to Usagi!) alone to wake up, but before she could, she suddenly felt a cold rush go through her and shut her eyes tightly. When she opened them, she gasped as she saw the black evil surround her. They soon formed a body and it was Mamoru.

Usagi clenched her hands tightly as she saw him and spat at his feet with anger.

"Usako, is that anyway to treat your betrothed?" he said with a smirk.

"You're no betrothed of mine. You're just a piece of shit in my eyes." she said furiously.

Mamoru took a step closer to her and held her tightly by the waist and before she could say anymore, he kissed her with lust. As he tried to pry her mouth open, she bit his tongue and he growled at her before he spoke.

"Usako, nothing, not even your basterd guardians, will stop me from marrying you."

Usagi took a step back, but he quickly grabbed her again. As he held her tightly and kissed her hard, she whispered,

"Please... don't hurt me..."

Mamoru just continued and he left her bruised lips and grabbed her wrists as he kissed her neck. Usagi finally got out of his grasp and kicked him, hard. He groaned and tried to slap her, but she crouched and rolled on the floor.

Finally, she ran from him, desperately wishing that she would wake up. And wake up she did.

Usagi opened her eyes and saw the boys crowded around her in anxiety. She smiled briefly as she touched her bruised lips and wrists.

~It was real, yet not real...~ she thought with pain.

Usagi shut her eyes in pain and the boys were alarmed. The one spoke out.

"Usagi, are you alright?" asked Quatre.

Usagi silently nodded as she kept her eyes shut.

"What happened in your dream?" asked Duo.

Usagi's eyes opened and stared at them in horror.

~They knew that I had a nightmare! But, maybe they can help me if I tell them...~ she thought.

"I had a dream about my family and they told me to continue training you guys, but I have to be careful of Mamoru because he put a spell on me. It makes me lose control of my anger and I can be really violent." the boys exchanged looks as she continued,

"They also told me that I'm still betrothed to Endymion, who's really Mamoru, the guy who killed them and hurt me. Then, they left and I was going to wake up when Mamoru appeared. He started telling me that I was still his betrothed and was going to marry him, no matter what."

She looked down at her wrists and didn't notice the anger in the boys' eyes for Mamoru. She reluctantly continued speaking.

"Then, he kissed me really painfully and that's why my lips are bruised." silent tears rolled down her cheeks and wet the blanket as she recalled the thought.

"But then I bit him and tried to escape, but he caught me again. He started kissing my neck and I pushed him away and ran. Then, I wished that I would wake up and I did."

The boys watched with pity as she cried silently and held the blanket tightly in her hands. Then, Duo reached over and hugged her as her tears wet his shirt. She slowly cried to sleep as the others jealously watched them.

Duo put her back down and she had a serene look on her face. They sat around her and slowly fell asleep. But, unbeknownst to them, a wheat-haired girl watched them from afar.

How was it? If you want the next chapter out, yah gotta review or flame! Whichever one's fine! Anyhoo, thanks everyone for the reviews and special thanks to:

ScorpioNightShadow (Arigatou and 7 people is a lot! and I thought 4 was bad enough!)

John Stepphenwolf (I understand, so no worriez! And thanks!)

Shojo no Tsukiana (I'm readin Cosmos Gift rite now and it's really good! Arigatou!)

Prophetess of Hearts ( Don't get drool on their clothes! J/k! And they really are yummy!)

Dragon (Arigatou for being the first to mention that! Thankz for tellin me and review!)

*ShyGurl56U* (Arigatou for tellin me that! Anyhoo, it's all good as long as you review!)

Bunny (Thanks for the tip, but I'm going to make alternate endings so you'll see W/U!)

the Desert Fox (Like I said b4, i think Selenity is just a name... read my review 4 more!)

jess (Blunt and right to the point! Arigatou and I'll try to hurry!)

micha (also blunt, but that's cool! Arigatou!)

Gemini Tenshi (I read you Gemini list and bugaboo was the most random word in the world, but it's cool! "Sometimes, being a Gemini has its quirks!"- me!)

o_little_angel_o (why are all my friends shooting me? *sniff..* and if you say where i live, I'll shoot you back!)

punkpixie (Arigatou for sayin' that! Isn't it annoyin' when peeps get too lazy to spell right? *I'm such a hypocrite...*)

LadySky358 (Arigatou for the compliment! And hopefully, I'll update soon!)

Akiko (Thanks! I'm tryin to read your stories, but is messed up, but I'll read it lata!)

Misu the Catgirl (AAAHHH! I'm scared of peeps kidnappin me! Uncross your fingers and promise that you won't try! *wink* Anyhoo, I'll get out the chapter soon to stop you.)

kc (wellz you're just goin to have to read, aren't you? Arigatou for the review!)

senshi of life (Arigatou and I'll try to get out the next chapter asap!)

Thanks to everyone and please review or flame! Ja Ne!