Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Forgiveness and Rendezvous ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: LiLGeMiNi does not own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon. Thank you and have a nice read!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.21- Forgiveness and Rendezvous

The boys had spent a very long time searching for Usagi and still were. Soon, they split up and went in different directions. At 2 o'clock in the morning, they walked around, searching for the silvery-haired girl.

Wu Fei had searched for Usagi and headed down an alleyway. Meeting a brick wall, her turned around, but then heard a voice. Turning, he met the face of Serenity. He bowed deeply and rose to see Serenity's serious face.

"Wu Fei, go home right now and wait for Usagi in the morning." she said urgently.

He nodded and went to tell the others, but Serenity then said,

"Oh, and Wu Fei, you don't have to tell them, I'll talk to them myself."

He nodded again and with a small smile, Serenity disappeared. Wu Fei then headed to the dorms tiredly and after waiting for the others for five minutes, he fell asleep.

Duo had searched high and low for Usagi and stopped in the park. He put his hands behind his head and looked around. Then, he saw Serenity standing before him. He made a "V-sign" and winked. Serenity just smiled and spoke.

"Duo, you can go home now. Usagi will come in the morning and she'll talk to you."

Duo nodded wearily and headed back to the dorms, "accidentally" forgetting about the others, at least, that was his excuse. As he went into the common room, he saw Wu Fei sleeping and in a few minutes, joined him in a dreamless sleep.

Heero had gone to the school and checked around the area. Not finding anyone, he started back, but then Serenity had appeared before him.

"Heero, go back to the dorms and in the morning, you can talk to Usagi. You don't have to tell the others." she said.

Heero briefly nodded and quickly headed back to the dorms, anxious to see Usagi and attempt to explain to her why he did what he did. When he reached the common room, his eyes flashed in anger that he saw Wu Fei and Duo sleeping while he and the others were out. He then realized that Serenity probably also told them not to tell the others and to go back. He walked to a couch and once in it, he fell asleep.

Trowa had walked far and used his very keen eyes to try and spot Usagi. He went into the dark forest and met Serenity.

"Trowa, you can go home and wait for Usagi now." she said wearily.

He nodded and she slowly faded away. His thoughts were jumbled, but he couldn't think right because he was so tired. He walked back to the dorms and found the others sleeping. He then joined them and laid down on the recliner.

Quatre wandered around and went to the empty plaza that Usagi was sometimes in. He then found Serenity sitting in a seat and she said to him,

"Quatre, please go back to the dorms. Usagi will come to you in the morning."

He whispered a thank you and walked back with heavy steps. Reaching the common room, he fell asleep with the others. They all hoped that Usagi was also sleeping comfortably as they.

Usagi woke up early the next morning and had time to think about what she was going to do.

~They lied to me.. well actually, I never asked them who they really were. They seemed like such innocent people, well Quatre, for sure. Maybe what I did was wrong, maybe I shouldn't have shunned them away like I did...~ she thought as tears rolled down her face.

Her sheltered heart had grown a cold barrier deep down. Her traumatized life had changed her inside, but she gained a happy facade. Then, after a lot of thinking, she realized that she was horrible to the first people that were nice to her in this world. Her heart broke at the thought of not having her friends in her life and she knew that she would have to apologize to them and hoped that they would forgive her.

She then had the horrible task of waking up the other girls. She frowned as she attempted to wake them up but only received grumbles. She then conjured four buckets of water and poured them onto the sleeping girls. She then was greeted by multiple screams and then, hands around her neck.

She gulped heavily as her face was turning blue. The girls let her go, but they glared at her. Usagi sheepishly smiled and went to get breakfast. Soon, the girls joined, completely dry, and they all sat down to eat.

The boys woke up around the same time and they all are terribly depressed. As they silently ate their breakfasts, they all had the same thoughts. Even though Usagi was coming, would she forgive them? Then, they talked as they tried to find a way to get Usagi to forgive them. (do yah get what's goin on?)

Usagi, Naora, Kiyoko, Megumi, and Tsuya headed towards the dorms with heavy silence. Usagi inwardly thanked the girls for their silence becasue it let her think. In fact, she was so absorbed in her thoughts that she almost ran into a pole before Tsuya pulled her back.

When they reached the place, Usagi almost reluctantly went up the steps and the girls nudged her forward. She slowly headed toward the common room and stopped before the common room's door.

She stood there and listened to the voices that she had gotten accustomed to in such a short time. Her eyes glimmered in unshed tears that were noticed by the girls and Kiyoko assured her with a small hand on her shoulder. Usagi looked back with gratitude in her eyes and the girls stood behind her as she slowly opened the door...

(should I stop there??? *hears boo's and scurries out with fear* okay okay! I'll keep going!)

The boys turned to the sounds of the intruder and realized it was Usagi. Their eyes widened with surprise and happiness and then Duo jumped up and embraced Usgai tightly. The others just secretly smiled and Usagi then stepped forward after getting Duo off her. She bowed her head down and spoke in a small voice.

"I came here today because I, with the help of my family and new friends, realized that I made a large mistake. I didn't really care that you were Gundam pilots, it just hurt that you didn't tell me, but my pain had made me angry and I couldn't control myself. But this morning, I realized that you all are my friends and I was wrong to say what I said. Well, all I want to say is, I'm sorry."

She waited for them to say something, but felt her heart break at the silence. She looked up and the boys' shocked faces were blurred by the tears in her eyes. She bowed quickly and turned away, but before she could reach the door, five hands grabbed both of her wrists and pulled her back into a hug. Her heart's barrier melted at the warmth in her heart and it slowly mended itself.

Usagi turned towards the boys and embraced them with happy tears. She continued to say she was sorry, but then they pulled away. She peered into their eyes and saw that they held remorse.

"Usagi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Just when you said you were sorry, I was shocked because I expected to apologize to you." said Quatre.

The boys nodded in agreement and Usagi smiled.

"No, it was my fault and I shouldn't have said that. I felt so guilty when I walked here, that I almost walked into a pole! But luckily Tsuya saved me..." said Usagi with a smile then her eyes widened in remembering something.

She quickly went to the door, leaving confused boys and opened it to find Tsuya and Naora leaning closely against the door while Megumi and Kivoko watched disapprovingly. Soon, the girls noticed Usagi and in shock, fell towards her. Usagi shrieked in surprise and jumped out of the way as the girls fell on the floor.

Megumi giggled and Kiyoko had a smirk on her face as Tsuya and Naora groaned in pain and Usagi helped them up with a hand. They mischievously smiled at each other and grabbed Usagi's hands and yanked her down. Usagi fell and they began to mercilessly tickle her. And all the while, Megumi, Kiyoko, Heero, Duo, Quatre, Wu Fei, and Trowa sweat-dropped at the so-called "maturity" of the girls.

Usagi then got up and ran behind the boys. The girls chased after her and they ran around the boys. Quatre then cleared this throat very loudly and they stopped with red blushes on their faces.

"Oh, I'm so *breath* sorry. Quatre, Trowa, Wu Fei, Duo, Heero, these are my new friends, Tsuya, Megumi, Naora, and Kiyoko." she said as the last two girls stepped forward.

They all nodded politely as Duo said to himself,

"Four really hot girls!!! I think I'm in heaven!"

The girls lightly blushed as the boys snorted in annoyance. Then, Usagi spoke up,

"Oh Duo, I thought I heard you say four girls, didn't you mean five?"

Duo's eyes widened as Usagi stepped forward with a mischievous smile on her face and gestured the other girls to come forward. They all came forward, even Megumi and Kiyoko and attacked Duo with a dog pile. They then got off and Usagi hugged him tightly with a noogie as the other boys jealously watched.

"Aww Duo, we didn't hurt you, did we?" she said happily.

Duo just smiled and shook his head. Usagi smiled and got up.

"So girls, how you feel about sleeping over? And don't worry, I can trust the boys." she said while grinning.

The girls looked at the boys with doubt, but then they smiled and nodded. Usagi then grabbed them and asked the boys if anyone would mind if they slept in the common room. The boys shook their heads and Usagi conjured sleeping bags and put them on the side for later. Then, she said loudly,

"Everyone? We're going shopping!"

The girls cheered as the boys quietly groaned. This was going to be a long day.

You might wonder where the common room is, but the boys' rooms are all connected to one big living room kind of thing. So it's pretty private. Anyhoo, I was surprised by myself from so much drama in the beginning, but it got a lot happier in the end, ne? If yah want the next chapter out soon, review or flame! If you want to join my mailing list, please e-mail me at! ARigatou and Ja Ne!