Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Fashion Show and Clubbin' ( Chapter 22 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my computer. That's right, I live in an alley with only my laptop as my friend... J/k! (if yah want proof, go ask my friends!)

Sheltered Heart

Ch.22- Fashion Show and Clubbin'

Their feet were so tired from all that walking and the boys could not stand any longer. As they tried to sit on a vacant bench, the girls grabbed their hands and made them go into another store and come out with more bags of clothes. They couldn't stand that sound of that damn cash register as their money soon depleted. When they spent every last penny, they began to head home.

Just for taking them to the mall, the girls planned to put on a small fashion show for the boys as a thank you. They could hear the girls' giggling from one of the rooms and waited anxiously. Usagi planned to be the announcer as the others were wearing their outfits. Then, they heard a cry from the room and Usagi hurried in. The boys snuck up to the doors and listened carefully.

What was Happening Inside

"Usagi, all the clothes we bought are gone and now there's different ones!" cried Tsuya.

"I'm not sure what happened but I feel that the clothes are special, so just try then on and don't tell the boys." said Usagi.

As they heard Usagi approaching the door, the boys sat in the chairs as she came out. With a smile on her face, she conjured up a carpet that rolled out as the first "model" came forward.

Megumi stepped and wore a black silk top that had see-through sleeves to her wrists. It had medium-sized stars at the bottom that got smaller as they went upward. She wore a modest skirt that went to her ankles and was silver. Usagi noted that it nicely complemented her hair. Her face was free of her glasses and her soft red hair was untied and was flowing down her back, leaving a few strands on her shoulders. And around her neck was a trinket that was a silver crossbow on an silver chain. The boys' eyes bugged and drool came out of Duo's mouth as she turned around and swayed her hips a little and went into one of the rooms.

Then, Tsuya came out and she was wearing a white silk sleeveless top that had many comets shooting across it. She wore a knee-high skirt that was gold and it went with the glittering comets. Her hair was tightly curled, unlike her loose curls before, and they had lighter tints in them. She had a thin gold necklace from which hung a small gold boomerang-like object. She held a hyper air around her and she then noticed the boys' faces. She smirked at them and swished her skirt around, giving the boys a good look at her legs and one of them got a nosebleed. Giggling lightly, she turned slowly and headed into a different room than Megumi's.

Next, Kiyoko came out and she was wearing a sandy tan silk top that had large sleeves that went to her fingers. Multiple suns light the edge of her shirt and sleeves and they glowed brightly. She wore a copper skirt that was halfway between her knees and ankles. She wore a copper chain around her neck and a thin copper sword dangled from it. Her orange hair was smooth and she had a copper headband on. Her hair curved around her chin, giving her an sweet, yet fun look. She threw a glance at one of the boys and walked back in. The boy lightly blushed and looked down at his suddenly very interesting feet.

Last, but not least, Naora stepped out with a calm and cool look on her face that made her seem like a real model. She wore a light-gray colored silk top that hung off her shoulders. Small novas circled around her shoulders and blazed brightly like her eyes. She wore a skirt that was above her knees and it was a platinum shade. (lighter than black, darker than silver.) Her platinum necklace had two platinum daggers and it shone brightly. Her hair was down and small strands framed her face, giving her an angelic look until you saw her emotionless expression. She turned quickly, letting her hair flick in place and one of the boys eyes widened at her demeanor.

Usagi watched the whole thing with happy eyes. Then, a name came into her head.

~The Astro Girls. That's a weird nickname, but what the hey! They remind me so much of the boys. Even their expressions... Maybe I can pair them up!~ she thought happily.

Thus, after the fashion show and a lot of cheering from Duo for an encore, Usagi Tsukino began her matchmaking job.

Afterwards, with a lot of pleading on Usagi's part, the girls and boys went out to a club and the girls were wearing their special outfits while the boys wore theirs. They entered and luckily got a vacant booth. They watched for a while until each of them were asked to danced. While the girls happily went, most of the boys were forced to go.

They danced the night away and continued until it was past midnight. Usagi danced with random people, and even danced with each gundam boy. After a long time, Usagi went to the booth by herself and sat while she watched her friends dance. Then, she went out again right as a slow song came on. A pair of strong arms grabbed her and she danced slowly with whoever he was, for she never looked up. The song ended and Usagi finally looked into familiar eyes.

~Oh Kami-sama, oh Kami-sama, I danced in his arms!~ she thought with panic.

She screamed... "

Ahahahahahahaha! you should have seen the look on your face! If yah want the next chapter out asap, yah better review or die from curiosity. Arigatou and Ja Ne!