Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Thoughts and Memories ( Chapter 24 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. I do, however, own Naora, Kiyoko, Tsuya, Megumi, all of their clothes, their attacks, their symbols, their weapons, and I think that's it. *hmm... I gotta make a longer list...*

OMG! I completely forgot to tell you guys the ages of everyone. Gomen nasai! (The reason they're older than after the series is because a few years have passed and there was no Dechim, Mariemeia, (sp?) or the Endless Waltz. Got it?)

Usagi, Naora, and Tsuya-16

Kiyoko and Megumi-17

The G-boys-17



Sheltered Heart

Ch.24- Thoughts and Memories

"Yes, she's your sister and sit down so I can tell you the story."

Getting over the shock, Usagi and Naora slowly sat down with the others. Then, Serenity told the story of the two sisters.

When Selenity, or Usagi as you know her, and Naora were born, Selenity was born two minutes before Naora. Although considered a blessing to have twins, the Queen wasn't sure who was to be the future heir. Usagi, being the older child, received the title while Naora joined the group of girls that protected her. Usagi had never met them for Naora stayed with her aunt, uncle, and cousin, who was Kiyoko and Megumi and Tsuya were in a different kingdom.

However, when the four girls came to visit, Naora coming because she found out Usagi was her sister, the kingdom was attacked. In an explosion, they were sent to Earth and lost almost of their memories until it was time. With a little of my help, they found homes that wouldn't know nor care where they came from. Then, they signed up for Peacecraft Academy and each got an apartment, except for Tsuya and Megumi who didn't forget they were sisters and stayed together. Then, of course, they each met each other and became a close group, like they were supposed to be. Finally, Usagi came to Earth and met the girls.

"So, do you understand my children?" Serenity asked nicely.

Naora had tears of happiness in her eyes and went to hug her newfound mother.

"I understand, but my only regret is that I never got to see you before you passed away." she said.

Usagi watched the whole thing and finally joined in on the hug. The others were just spectators and watched until Usagi turned around, teary-eyed, and said to them,

"We're all family here! Group hug!"

The girls ran forward and hugged their aunt as the boys still sat in their spots. Usagi went to them and dragged them over to the group before letting them be surrounded and hugged by all.

~As I'm standing here, I feel like I have a family. How strange that the girl I love is hugging me right now and I'm not blushing...~ Heero thought.

~This reminds me of how Father Maxwell and Sister Helen really were family to me. I feel so loved right now that I never want to leave, especially from one girl!~ Duo thought.

~How strange that I feel the same love that I get from Catherine. However, I want something more than family love from one of the girls...~ Trowa thought.

~I feel like it's a family reunion that I've never had... It makes me feel like they are all my sisters, but why do I feel that I want more?~ Quatre thought.

~These o...girls are making me feel accepted. Even the clan wouldn't listen to me if I wasn't strong enough, but these girls welcomed me without hesitation...~Wu Fei thought.

~Why am I hugging him? Well, I'm hugging all of them so he probably doesn't notice, hopefully... Oh I can't even control myself around him!!~ thought Usagi.

~Even though I've known then for a short time, Usagi and the boys are really nice. I really like one of them, but is it infatuation or love at first sight?~ thought Megumi.

~Oh the boys are all so cute, but I really think one of them is the cutest. I wonder if he would think me weird for asking him out...~ thought Tsuya.

~He radiates warmth from him...How long can I hold onto him, for I want to be with him forever. I'm so confused if it's really love though...~ thought Naora.

~Being next to him makes my heart beat faster... Why must I have fallen in love with him so quickly? I'm sure it's love, but does he love me?~ thought Kiyoko.

"I think we can let go now." said Serenity with a knowing smile.

The girls and boys jumped from each other, blushing, and sat down with their blushes slowly fading away.

"Now, back to business. Naora, Tsuya, Megumi, and Kiyoko, please step forward." she said.

The girls slowly stepped forward and Serenity spoke again.

"Would you like your memories back, or would you like to forget?" she asked kindly.

"I would like to have them back." said Naora with a kneel.

"As would I." said Megumi, also kneeling.

"Yes, I would." said Kiyoko with a swift kneel.

"I also would like my memories back." said Tsuya seriously while kneeling.

"I understand your wishes and I will grant them, but Selenity, I will need some of your energy." said Serenity.

Usagi nodded and Serenity began. She touched Naora's forehead first and her insignia glowed brightly. She remembered the days on Kiyoko's homeland, Fahlaan Kingdom, and the beautiful days she had there as a child and adolescent. She then remembered the tragic accident and what her last thought was of.

~I never got to see my sister...~

Naora gasped in pain as the memories invaded her mind. (Memory-restoring is a lot more painful than what the boys did.) She then fell forward in fatigue and Usagi carefully lifted her up to put her on the chair.

Serenity then touched Megumi's forehead and the star appeared in that spot. She shut her eyes in shock and pain as she remembered her life as royalty, how Tsuya saved her from drowning, when she was growing up and tried to teach Tsuya to be more patient and how she found out that that wasn't very successful. Then, she also fell unconscious after the memory of the explosion and Usagi again carried her to another chair.

Tsuya was next and Serenity also put her fingers on her forehead. Tsuya grimaced as the pain hit her hard. She remembered growing up with Megumi and how she tried to teach her to have more fun instead of always being proper. She remembered how the explosion happened and she fell unconscious. Usagi, being tired, used her magic to lift Tsuya and lay her down on a couch.

Kiyoko was last and was anxious. The pain coursed through her body and she shuddered at the feeling. Then, she remembered how she met Naora and they had a close friendship. She also remembered how Naora helped her out when she got in trouble. She cried silently as she remembered the explosion and she fell unconscious. Usagi again placed her on a different couch with her magic.

"Selenity, I must go now, but tell them I love all of them and I'm sorry." Serenity said quietly.

Usagi nodded and Serenity hugged her.

"I love you too Usagi." she whispered in her ear before letting go.

"Boys, now you must also work alongside the girls. Good-bye and be careful..." she said before disappearing.

Usagi collapsed in fatigue and then one of the boys picked her up and put her in a chair. Then, the boys looked at Wu Fei, expecting him to complain about having to work with "onnas" but he silently went and picked up one of the girls and put her on her sleeping bag before going into her room.

Duo then said, "Okay, Okay, where's the real Wu Fei?"

The boys shrugged and each picked up one of the girls, including Usagi, and laid them on their sleeping bags. Leaving silently, they wished they could have kissed their girl good-night.

How was it? I need more reviews so Hayaku, Hayaku! (sp?) The reason I purposely made it so that you wouldn't know who likes who is because there's alternate pairings at the end. Also, special thanks to:

Sere Star (gomen ne, but it's gonna be alternate pairings so Usagi will be with Heero for one of the endings, but with someone else for the others. But thanks!)

ScorpioNightShadow (Actually, the attack names were something that I just thought of, but they took me forever! Also, thanks for the suggested pairings, but in each ending, the a-girls will never be with the same guy. Ja Ne!)

*ShyGurl56U*(Brothers can be sooo annoyin, I know so well even though I don't have one. *thank GOD!* anyhoo, arigatou!)

LadySky358(Arigatou, sometimes that is the best kind of review!)

Gen(Thanks for the comment! Hope you review again!)

Dragon(Doumo Arigatou for being one of the few to write so much! *well compared to the others...* Ja Ne!)

Prophetess of Hearts(Don't tell anyone but *whisper* Me thinks Heero, Trowa, and Duo are so dee-lish! I'd be soo cool if you had kiss dolls of them, but I haven't seen any cute ones yet... *sniff*)

kc(I just love your enthusiasm! Arigatou!)

Babog(I hope you understand why I had to do that...Usagi had to meet the girls and she wouldn't have been by herself if she was still with the g-boys... Got it? anyhoo, arigatou for your opinion. *and I don't think that was uncalled for.*)

Princess Jupiter(People like you girls are what make me continue! Review quickly if you want more chapters!)

o_little_angel_o(Grrr... Okay, I'm using my blackmail. This girl's first name is really famous for a certain martial artist that appeared in a bunch of comedy/action movies! *HeHe...*)

Akiko(There was drama? I didn't notice it, I guess... Maybe it's cuz it seems to normal to me... J/k! I'm just your not-so-very-normal Drama Queen! I'm weird, I know...)

Moon Kitty(Although your review was brief, I thank you for reviewin cuz you help me update sooner!)

moon-bunny-87(I'm grateful for the comment, but the only reason I'm posting so slow is cuz I'm not getting ten reviews for the newest chapter!)

o-0aznangel0-o(I'm printing out the story myself, so you don't have to do that. Anyhoo, I'm just glad you FINALLY reviewed my story! *smirks*)

Angel(Arigatou for saying that!)

Silvrei(Like I said before, it's alternate endings so for each of the five endings, Usagi will be with with a different g-boy. Same with the girls.)

Shojo no Tsukiana(I really liked your story! And I'm glad that a fellow author is reading mine! Arigatou!)

MarsMoonStar(OK OK OK! I'll update sooner if you guys review!)

K(I'm not cruel! The reason I add cliffies is so that people will feel that they should review!)

Ariana(Once I get ten reviews for the newest chapter, I'll review!)

Tenshi-chan(I'm not mean!!!!!!!! Like I said before, I'll update when I get ten reviews!)

90% Angel(I've gotten so many sugar highs... Have you ever gotten an oxygen-high? Those are so cool! Can you tell me where the mistakes are so I can fix them? Arigatou!)

Tainted Angel (They're not identical twins, but what I meant that they are born in the same hour or day or whatever... Thanx for askin though!)

Arigatou to everyone and I thank the peeps who sorta flamed me!!! I'll try to get the next chapter out sooner! Ja Ne!