Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Old Friends Unite ( Chapter 26 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. I do, though, own Naora, Tsuya, Megumi, Kiyoko, all of the peoples' outfits, weapons, symbols, attacks, and the surprise guest's friend. I think I own more though...

I'm back and I glad that everyone reviewed!!!! I'm so happy I could sing! *lalalalalala!* I think I may be high on something... Anyhoo, continue reading and reviewing and I will write more chapters! Enjoy the story!

Sheltered Heart

Ch. 26- Old Friends Unite

A tall woman that looked to be older than the girls and boys. She had sun-streaked blonde hair and wore black sunglasses with her navy-blue bikini. She then noticed the presences and turned towards them as she removed her sunglasses, to reveal two dark blue orbs of mischief and joy. Her eyes widened and she jumped up in happiness.

"Usagi?! Naora?! Megumi?! Tsuya?! Kiyoko?!" she said in amazingly, one breath.

"Ruka-chan!" they shouted happily as they went and embraced her.

The others quietly watched as the girls were bonding again and Haruka then noticed the others. Haruka pointed to the boys and whispered to the girls,

"Hey, who are they?"

"Oh! This is Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, and Wu Fei Chang. Guys, this is Haruka Ten'oh. Haruka, these guys my guardians." Usagi said quickly.

Haruka released an un-ladylike snort and walked towards one of the boys. To the girls' joy, she walked towards polite and innocent Quatre.

"So you think you can protect Koneko-chan?" Haruka interrogated.

"Excuse me, but who?" Quatre asked politely.

"Koneko-chan is Usagi, of course. Like how Naora is Chou-chan, Tsuya is Kitsune-chan, Kiyoko is Shika-chan and Megumi is Nizumi-chan." She said as the girls blushed embarrassingly.

"Well Miss Haruka, I believe that each of us will willingly give our lives to protect Miss Usagi. We, being her guardians, will guide and watch her, along with Miss Naora, Miss Megumi, Miss Kiyoko, and Miss Tsuya." Quatre said with a slight blush.

Haruka looked at him with curiosity and stared at his eyes with sharpness. Quatre then felt the feeling of someone peering into his mind and blocked it off. Haruka's eyes widened at the shield and whispered,

"You're an empath..."

Quatre nodded politely and Haruka smiled. She then finally said,

"Well, I guess you're alright!"

The others released their breaths, even the boys, for they felt that it wouldn't have been a good thing if Haruka didn't approve of them. However, it was done too soon for then Haruka said,

"But, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to talk to the others."

The boys winced at the emphasis and prayed that she would forget later. Then, the girls heard a deep voice behind them.

"I didn't think you girls would forget about me... I feel so left out!" the masculine voice said with a humor and mock anger.

The girls abruptly turned towards the voice and realized who it was. It was a tall man with bluish-black hair that was messily spiked, but it still looked good on him. His gold-colored eyes held happiness and more mischief than the girls and Duo put together. They all jumped at him and he fell back with a groan.

"Tai-kun!" they all shouted.

Haruka laughed at the sight of the girls getting up quickly and apologizing furiously to the man as he got up painfully. The boys, however, didn't think it was funny. They glared at the man who got to hold the girl they liked.

"Man, you girls sure have grown!" Katana said while rubbing his bruised neck.

Then, he noticed the boys and walked towards them.

"Hello! I'm Taiyou Ten'oh! What are your names?" he asked pleasantly.

The boys wished to not like him, but he radiated the same happiness that Usagi had. They quickly introduced themselves to the smiling man and he turned back to the girls.

"So, you finally got boyfriends, eh?" he said with a wink.

The girls blushed as they quickly shook their heads, disagreeing to his comment. The boys also blushed but only they were conscious of it. Duo then spoke up and asked,

"How do all of you know each other?"

The girls and couple smiled before Taiyou began speaking.

"Well, we were special diplomats that helped in the alliance between Kiyoko's, Tsuya's and Megumi's, Usagi's and Naora's aunt's kingdom, Censhind Kingdom and many others. We would travel to each one and we soon met Koneko-chan, Chou-chan. Kitsune-chan, Shika-chan and Nizumi-chan. We were on a, umm... trip when the attack happened and we were somehow sent here, with money and everything."

The memory brought up sad thoughts and the air seemed gloomy. Then, someone asked Haruka a question that would hopefully cheer everyone up.

"Wait Tai-kun, you said your last name was Ten'oh, I thought it was something else." said the observant Megumi.

The girls, of course, realized that too and curiously stared at him and Haruka who were blushing madly. Of course, seeing Haruka blushing was rare and their curiosity was peaked even more.

"Well... we didn't tell you girls last time, but Ruka-chan and I eloped and we were on our honeymoon at the time." Taiyou mumbled.

"What?!" the girls said.

They then launched themselves at the couple and gave them many congratulations. Haruka and Taiyou mumbled thanks while blushing and the boys simply watched with embarrassment at the sight.

"But usually don't you take the male's last name?" Duo quietly asked the boys.

The boys heard that and shrugged but the others heard also. Haruka then faced them and said smugly,

"I didn't want to take Taiyou's last name so we gambled for it and I won."

The boys eyes' widened but their surprise quickly vanished. Duo simply blushed when he found out she heard him. They were certainly surprised by that, but didn't want to seem rude and kept quiet. Then, a cold wind swept by and they all realized it was getting late.

"I guess we should get going everyone." said Haruka.

"But where are you guys staying?" asked Usagi.

Taiyou shrugged before replying,

"Probably the nearest hotel."

Quatre then stepped forward and said politely,

"Mr. Taiyou, Miss Haruka, I hope that you will accept our invitation to stay at my summerhouse."

The couples' looked surprised at the boy before they looked at each other and talked to each other silently. Then, they looked at Quatre before replying,

"We gladly accept!"

Quatre smiled, along with the others and they all took their stuff and walked back to the summerhouse.

How was it? Please say something and I will gladly read it! Also, if you would like to chat with me on aim, you can im me at Shinimegami637! Ja!