Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Truth or Dare ( Chapter 27 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. I do, however, own Naora, Tsuya, Megumi, Kiyoko, Taiyou, all of the peoples' clothes, attacks, attack names, symbols, weapons, and this story!!!

Sheltered Heart

Ch. 27- Truth or Dare

The twelve people walked back to the summerhouse and Haruka and Taiyou were awed by the by the very, very large house. They had gotten put in separate rooms, Haruka in the girls' and Taiyou in the boys'. After all the packing was undone, they all sat in the family room in their pajamas.

Usagi wore a pearly silk tank top with black silk shorts. Naora wore a platinum silk no-sleeve top with darker platinum silk pants. Tsuya wore a long gold silk shirt with pearly silk shorts. Megumi wore a long-sleeve silver shirt with black silk pants. Kiyoko wore a copper half-sleeve button-up silk shirt with lighter colored capris. Haruka wore a dark navy blue long-sleeve, button-up, loose silk shirt with matching pants.

Heero wore a silk black sleeve-less shirt with very dark purple silk boxers. (hehe...) Duo wore a silk black short-sleeve shirt with dark yellowish-orange boxers. Trowa wore a white silk short-sleeve shirt with dark green silk pants. Quatre wore a long-sleeve white silk shirt with dark blue pants. Wu Fei wore a black sleeve-less silk shirt with dark red silk pants. Taiyou wore the same pajamas as Haruka, only in a larger size and in mens'.

Soon, Haruka and Taiyou got annoyed of Quatre's miss and mister thing and asked him to just call them by their names. The girls also asked him and he reluctantly agreed. At the time, Wu Fei was chasing around Duo with his katana and usual threats of death. For some reason, Haruka and Taiyou were not phased by that.

After a few chats and t.v., the group decided to play Truth or Dare. Well, Duo, Tsuya, Taiyou, and Usagi decided and the others reluctantly agreed. And thus began the game. They decided that whoever was going would choose someone of the opposite gender. Usagi, of course, started off and chose Taiyou.

"So Taiyou, Truth of Dare?" she asked innocently.

Taiyou, familiar to Usagi's evil dares chose Truth.

"Okay! Taiyou, about how many times have you kissed Haruka?" Usagi asked with a mischievous smile.

Taiyou blushed before saying,


The others' eyebrows rose at the precise number. Then, Haruka leaned over and gave Taiyou a peck.

"And that makes 120!" Duo chirped cheerfully.

Then, Taiyou smiled and turned towards Megumi.

"Nuzumi-chan, Truth or Dare?"

Megumi had a thoughtful look for a second before replying,


The girls groaned before Megumi spoke again.

"Okay, okay, Dare."

The girls "oo"ed as the boys were surprised by her choice.

"Megumi, you have to go to one of the guards and get their beanie!" Taiyou said with a smirk.

Megumi blushed and nodded as she rose. She then walked quickly down the hall and after about three minutes and a shout, she came back with a red object in her hand. Then, she shoved it into Taiyou's hands while breathing heavily.

A few seconds later, a Maganac (sp?) came and saw his hat in the man's hand. Swiping it away from him, he quickly walked away. Taiyou looked confused and looked at Megumi who simply shrugged before saying,

"He was the only one asleep! I guess he's a light sleeper."

He simply rose an eyebrow and Megumi chose the next person to go. Duo.

"Duo, Truth or Dare?" she asked.

"Dare!" Duo said bravely.

Megumi thought for a moment and then giggled before saying,

"You have to run down the hall and scream..." she then whispered the rest in his ear.

Duo's eyes widened and he reluctantly got up. Then, he ran down the hallway and the others' ears perked to hear what he was saying. It was,

"Hey! The aliens said that I need to eat all the rubber in the house, and damn it, I will!"

The everyone laughed as the sound, even Heero and Trowa quietly snickered. Duo then appeared, blushing madly at what he did. Then, he glared at the people who were laughing and with a "hmph" he sat down.

After a few minutes of giggling and laughing and then people trying to stop and then starting again, Duo realized it was his turn to choose someone.

"Naora, Truth or Dare?" he asked mischievously.

"Umm... Dare!"

Duo then smiled before saying,

"You have to go jump into Quatre's swimming pool and do three laps!" (and yes, he does have a swimming pool, even though he's near the coast..)

Naora then got up and walked towards the pool, with the others behind her. When she reached there, she silently dived into the water and did three laps across the large pool in less than two minutes.

Breathing somewhat hard, she got out and closed her eyes quickly. She then furrowed her eyebrows and then her body glowed. In the next second, her hair and clothes were dry. She smirked at the group before saying,

"Well, I wasn't going to let myself catch pneumonia even though we have medicine for it."

She walked back towards the family room and sat down. A few seconds later, the others walked in and also sat down. She then turned towards Quatre and said,

"Quatre, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare" he replied.

The girls again "oo"ed and Duo and Taiyou rooted him on. He lightly blushed and listened to Naora's dare.

"Okay, you have to go and put on one of your sister's dresses. Oh, and Usagi will choose which one."

"What?!" he said with shock.

"Yep, you chose dare and you have to do it!" Naora said teasingly.

Quatre and Usagi stood up and left the group. After a few minutes, they came back with Quatre in a frilly and puffy yellow dress while Usagi had the largest smile on her face. The girls' screamed "Kawaii!" as the boys simply stared.

"May I change out of it now?" Quatre asked with a brightly blushing face.

Naora nodded and Quatre hurriedly left and soon, came back in his pajamas. He sat down and asked Kiyoko,

"Kiyoko, Truth or Dare?"

Kiyoko rose an eyebrow before saying,


Quatre thought for a second and said,

"You have to do fifteen flips down the hallway while shouting, "I'm a Little Teapot."

Everyone was surprised by Quatre's dare. Duo then friendly slapped Quatre on the back and said,

"Wow Quatre, didn't know you had it in you!"

Quatre simply blushed and Kiyoko got up. She quietly went towards the hallway and then began efficiently doing her flips. On the second one, she began singing the nursery rhyme and the girls' began to giggle.

The guys were surprised by how well Kiyoko did the flips. She was almost good as Trowa! They then saw her stop and realized she finished. Kiyoko walked over with no loss of breath and had a bright smile of her face. She then began to laugh and they all joined in.

They walked again back to the family room and sat down. Kiyoko then chose Heero.

"Heero, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare" he said.

"I dare you to go into the cook's bedroom, and steal her bra!" she said with giggles.

Heero somewhat paled but no one noticed. The cook was a very big woman and she reminded him of Relena. He got up, hiding his fear, and went towards the room. The others waited patiently as they chatted quietly.

A few seconds later, Heeor came back with a very, very large bra on the edge of his gun.

~Note to self: Remember to sanitize gun about a hundred times in the morning.~ Heero thought.

He threw it down into the group and the girls were seriously grossed out. They shimmied away from the object and it simply sat in the middle. Heero then asked Haruka,

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." she replied.

The girls groaned at her choice but a glare shut them up. Heero then continued.

"How did you come up with the girls' nicknames?" he asked.

Haruka smirked as the girls lightly blushed. She then replied,

"Well, Usagi is called Koneko-chan because she is playful and young at heart like a kitten. Naora is Chou-chan because she is delicate and graceful as a butterfly." Naora blushed harder at the comment.

"Megumi is Nizumi-chan because she is quiet and gentle as a mouse, Kiyoko is quiet yet mysterious as a deer, and Tsuya is mischievous and hyper like a fox."

The girls continued to blush as Haruka then chose someone else.

"Wu Fei, Truth or Dare?" she asked.

"Dare." he replied.

Haruka kept that smirk from before and it grew even more. She then said,

"You can't use your katana for a week!" she said happily.

"What?!" Wu Fei said as Duo cheered Haruka on. "But I have to use it! For my kata and everything!" Wu Fei continued.

"Fine, fine, fine. You can borrow my sword." Haruka said. "But, you aren't allowed to use it for anything besides your kata."

Wu Fei sat down with displeasure and he then grumpily asked Usagi,

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" she chirped happily.

Wu Fei thought for a moment and then an evil-looking grin spread across his face.

"You have to go to the stairs and jump up to the top like a frog!"

"But.. but that's two flights of stairs!" she wailed. (there's er, a wide rooftop...)

Taiyou wagged his finger before saying,

"You chose dare and you got a dare!"

Usagi pouted and went to the stairs. The others watched as she tried to jump up the stairs. The girls giggled as she whined how it was tiring. But... right before she reached the top, she fell backwards and fell all the way down the stairs. The group rushed towards her and asked her if she was okay. She replied with swirling eyes,

"Mommy, I want to go to the zoo!"

"Uh oh! She's hallucinating!" Quatre said worriedly.

Haruka simply laughed and then said to the dizzy girl on the ground,

"Koneko-chan, don't you want your cake?"

"Food?! Where?!" Usagi immediately jumped up and swerved her head left, right, back, and front. She then glared at the laughing group. She pouted again and followed the group back to the family room.

"Okay! Trowa, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." he replied.

"You have to walk across the tightrope with your eyes closed!" she said.

"What tightrope?" asked Megumi.

Usagi jabbed a finger towards the ceiling.

"That one!" she said.

And there certainly was a thin rope hanging from one side to the other, still glowing from the magic. Trowa then got up and Usagi used her magic to bring him up onto it. He then walked across it with little difficulty. He jumped down silently and the girls, Duo and Taiyou cheered while the rest clapped.

After everyone had gone at least once, they stopped and went to bed. The day had gone by quickly but it seemed as though the group had two new friends.

*sigh* that chapter was sooooooooo long! And, it was really hard to not show favoritism in who likes who and stuff. But anyhoo, read and review! Arigatou and Ja Ne!