Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Festivals and Shizue ( Chapter 28 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing and/or Sailor Moon. I do, however, own Naora, Kiyoko, Tsuya, Megumi, Taiyou, the new character, all the outfits, attacks, attack names, symbols, weapons, and er... my gundam! So nyah nyah! J/k!

Sheltered Heart

Ch. 28 - Festival and Shizue

The very large group woke up to the bright and sunny day, well about half of the group woke up while the others continued to sleep. Heero, Quatre, Trowa, Wu Fei, Naora, Megumi, Kiyoko, and Haruka had a large job ahead of them; waking up Duo, Usagi, Taiyou, and Tsuya.

They decided to have two people wake up each of them and Heero and Quatre planned to wake up Duo whilst Trowa and Wu Fei would wake up Usagi. Megumi and Kiyoko were waking up Tsuya and finally, Naora and Haruka would wake up Taiyou. After twenty minutes of attempting, they all decided to carry the bodies over to the pool and then...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" came from the angered voices.

Usagi, Tsuya, Duo and Taiyou glared at the smirking group while they kept themselves afloat. However, they forgot that the girls had worn semi-thin pajamas and they were see-through when wet. Quatre began blushing and stuttering as Wu Fei muttered something about being dishonorable, of course, Haruka then whapped him on the head with her sword that appeared out of nowhere.

Usagi blushed as she got out and quickly summoned towels for them. She and Tsuya wrapped the towels tightly around them and walked towards their room to dry themselves off. The soaked boys also went to change and the others walked towards the dining room to eat breakfast.

The four people who were awoken very rudely secretly gathered and discussed their revenge. Of course, after a few minutes, they created the perfect plan and decided to put it into action. They then walked towards the dining room separately as not to create suspicion.

"So you finally got here! Now we can eat!" said Haruka.

"I can't believe that my own sister can sleep so much!" joked Naora.

The people spoken to politely smiled but inwardly smirked at their plan of revenge.

"Yep, I guess we'll just have to wake up earlier tomorrow." said Usagi.

The other three nodded their heads in agreement and the others smiled at their response, completely oblivious of their plan.

After discussions and chatting, Haruka and Taiyou were quickly accepted into the group. The girls completely trusted them and the boys knew that they could too. The group finished eating and decided that they would go to the festival that was open for the summer.

After many minutes of getting ready, the girls came out in their clothes as well as the boys.

Usagi wore a pearly white tank-top with bleached jean shorts. She had her hair tied in a long ponytail and wore the same black sunglasses on her head that everyone else also had on. Megumi wore a silver short-sleeve shirt with black shorts. Her red hair was braided and trailed down her back.

Tsuya wore a gold tank-top with white shorts. Her brown hair was let down and was pushed out of her face by the sunglasses on the top of her head. Kiyoko wore a copper no-sleeve shirt with khaki-colored shorts. Her orange hair smoothly framed her face.

Naora wore a platinum no-sleeve shirt with light gray shorts. Half of her black hair was tied and the rest was down. Haruka wore an iridescent navy blue tank-top with black shorts. Her dirty blond hair had gotten longer after getting married and reached her chin.

Heero wore a very dark purple short-sleeve un-buttoned shirt with a black no-sleeve shirt inside with black shorts (not the spandex pants!!*cheers*). Duo wore a black short-sleeve un-buttoned shirt with a dark yellowish-orange shirt inside with black shorts.

Quatre wore a dark blue shirt with a khaki-colored vest over it and with it, he wore khaki shorts. Trowa wore a short-sleeve dark green short-sleeved shirt with jean shorts.

Wu Fei wore a black short-sleeve un-buttoned shirt with a dark red shirt inside and black shorts. Taiyou wore a button-up navy blue shirt with black shorts.

The twelve people went in two cars and headed towards the festival. However, they didn't know that two other people would be there, plotting to ruin their lives.

When they reached the festival, the girls were excited by the fun rides and games, and simply with the nature around them, the beautiful cherry blossom trees that were in full bloom and the bright blue sky.

They soon went to the game booths and spent over a hundred dollars on games. (remember inflation?) Soon, the sun went down and the moon rose over the park. Stars shone in harmony with the glowing of the paper lanterns.

The group sat down together in an open field and gazed at the stars, almost wishing to save this perfect moment of peace and happiness.


"So is that her?" whispered a female voice.

"Yes, she's the one. Oh, and how is that body working for you?" said a male voice.

"Perfectly." the female replied with a smirk.

Relena had gotten a mysterious call and she knew that it was that man, Mamoru, who planned to help her get her Heero. She had planned to meet that mysterious man at a nearby park. She soon reached the place and waited patiently. Then, she saw the man come towards her and she smiled politely.

"Hello Miss Relena." said the man.

"Hello Mister Mamoru" she left off, waiting for his reply.

"So you remembered my name." he said.

"Yes. I hope that you remember what we were to talk about?" she said.

"Of course. You would like to have Heero Yuy, would you not?" he said with a smirk.

"Yes, and you would be able to get that blonde friend of his out of the way, I presume." she replied.

"You are correct. I have a plan to separate them but I accidentally left it at my house. Would you care to accompany me to there?" he asked.

Relena looked reluctant, but agreed as to thinking what was at stake. They walked to his car, a sleek black sports car that gleamed mischievously. Relena shook off that paranoid feeling she had and stepped inside.

Mamoru and Relena drove towards what Relena thought was his house. They then drove by the coast and Relena realized that she was very far away from her home. She clasped her hands tightly and checked to see if anyone was on the road. There was no one in sight.

They reached a small house that radiated gloom and death. Mamoru then led her inside and asked her to sit down in a chair while he went to get a drink. She sat in a black leather chair and waited for him to come back. She never saw the sudden light flickering, never heard the smell of smoke, never heard the murmuring of quiet chants, until it was too late.

The next moment, she was bound to the chair by chains and Mamoru came back in holding a black candle that had gold engraving on it and a small blade with a grip of the same style. He had an evil gleam in his eyes and stepped towards the petrified girl. He then chanted,

"This soul I sell to you,

Mistress of the Dead.

The darkness I embrace,

Willingly I give.

My blood, my heart,

My mind, my soul.

Enter this sacrifice,

Accept my gift,

Aid me, oh sister.

Now will dark prevail,

Now will light crumble.

Now, now will you live!"

Then, Mamoru cut his arm and drew black blood. He let it drip into the candle and the flames began to burn as black as the night. Relena screamed as he let the mingled wax and blood drop on her arm. She felt the great pain enter her body and the light in her body began to fade. Her jealousy was diminished for that was fueled by love. She then realized that Heero loved someone else.

~Heero, please forgive me and love her like I love you... I didn't know...~ she thought as she was pushed back and locked out of her mind.

Then, Mamoru looked at the girl and saw her open her eyes. They were a midnight blue, exactly liked his own. She slowly changed into a different body and face. She had black hair like his and looked almost identical to him, except the outfit.

She wore a black skirt that had slits to the waist. It had along the edges, the same designs as on the candle and blade. She took the blade from Mamoru and put it in a holder under her skirt.

She wore tight black shorts under and a tight black strip of cloth that was supposedly a shirt. He smirked as she easily broke the chains and stood up. He then stepped forward and said,

"Welcome back, dear sister, Shizue."

How was that chapter? It was sorta weird and short, I knoe and the other's revenge will be in the next chapter or so. Anyhoo, review and I'll post the next chapter! Ja Ne!