Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ The Love Test ( Chapter 29 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: *sigh* I do not own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon! HeHe... just kidding! I don't own them! I do, however, own Naora, Tsuya, Kiyoko, Megumi, Taiyou, Shizue, all of the characters' clothes, attacks, attack names, symbols, weapons, and my Coolioz gundam, Darkglaive Eclipse!!!!!!! Whoo Hoo! It ROCKS!!!!

Sheltered Heart

Ch.29- The Love Test

As the group of young people sat, they did not realize that two other people were watching them dangerously. Usagi sighed as she felt the contempt that she hadn't felt for a while. Even though Mamo-baka (she made that up for this too!) was out to kill the others and have her, she couldn't help but feel as peace with all her friends by her side. Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Wu Fei, Naora, Kiyoko, Megumi, and Tsuya were like family too her and anyone would pay if her friends got hurt.

Mamoru and Shizue continued to watch quietly in the bushes about thirty yards away, seeing that the other group was in an open field. Mamoru glared at the site of his Usako near any other boy.

Shizue, however, licked her lips deviously as she eyed the very cute boys in front of her. She immediately decided that she would have one, even though her target was that blonde-haired brat that her brother was clearly infatuated with. (I really don't think this! it is essential to the story!)

Mamoru's rage flared as he saw one of the boys glance at Usagi with more than mere friendship. He couldn't take it anymore and snaked out the bushes, grabbing Shizue's hand and taking her out with him.

Facing the group, he gathered a ball of black energy and saw out of the corner of his eye, Shizue doing the same. The two balls combined and he smirked as the ball grew larger and crackled more dangerously.

Finally, he and Shizue let it go and watched happily as the ball zoomed towards the group that had no idea that they were its target.

Heero's and Trowa's ears perked at the sound of a faint hum that slowly got louder. They looked back in shock at they saw a round, crackling black ball headed towards them.

"Run!!!" they said loudly.

The others jumped at the sound and also saw the black ball. They quickly dodged towards the sides and ducked as the ball landed and exploded, yet made no sound at all. It simply evaporated the ground and disappeared.

Looking around, their eyes narrowed as they saw Mamoru. They then saw the woman next to him and wondered who she was. They saw how much she looked like Mamoru, stupid smirk and everything. They knew that she couldn't be trusted.

"So, these are the little kids that my brother doesn't like?" the girl said mockingly.

"Who are you?" Haruka growled out.

"Oh, let me introduce myself. I am Shizue, sister of Mamoru, and ruler of the dead!" she said with arrogance.

The girls rolled their eyes as the pompous comment and pulled out their weapons. The boys soon followed and had their guards up. Mamoru snorted and said,

"This is just an introduction. The battle will begin later. Until then, ciao!"

Mamoru and Shizue evaporated into the dark and left a chilling feeling. Usagi willed her weapon to vanish into her clothes and the others did also.

"I guess we should prepare..." she whispered.

As the twelve stood in the open field, they wondered and feared the battle that they would soon face. Be it in a year, a month, a week, or even a few days, they had to be ready for whatever came after them.

They headed back to Quatre's house and slowly drifted to sleep in the large yet cozy place. The dreams the younger ten had were different from the rest of the dreams they had, they were dreams that decided the future.

Usagi's, Naora's, Tsuya's, Kiyoko's, and Megumi's Dream (they're all together in the dream)

Usagi looked around the misty place and saw four other shadows. Walking closer, she realized that they are the girls.

"Hey!" she said.

"Hi sis!" Naora said happily.

"Hi Usa-chan." said Tsuya.

"Hi Usagi-chan." said Kiyoko.

"Hello Usagi-chan!" Megumi said.

"I wonder why we're all together...." said Naora.

"I dunno!" Tsuya said.

"There's a reason why you're here girls." said a familiar voice.

Out of the mist, appeared the lovely and peaceful Queen Serenity.

"Mother/Auntie!" the girls said happily.

"Girls, why you are here is because you each have a soul-mate among the boys. Although all of you love all of them, I am trying to show you that you love each of them in different ways." said Serenity.

"But, how will we know who they are?" asked Megumi.

"That is the reason you are here together. You are to talk among each other and decide who you love the most... in the end, there will be a test as to who your soul-mate is. If you are wrong, then you will end up alone..." Serenity said sadly.

The girls looked at each other and nodded. They sat down and awkwardly tried to discuss about who they love. It was seemingly like girl talk, yet did not have the light atmosphere that the subject usually had.

However, they finally narrowed it down to two people and weren't sure who they loved. Usagi loved either Heero and Trowa, Naora loved either Wu Fei and Heero, Tsuya loved either Duo and Wu Fei, Megumi loved either Quatre and Duo, and Kiyoko loved either Trowa and Quatre.

Although they had reduced the choices, they thought about the boys. What would happen if they loved a different person and they all ended by themselves? That was something they did not want to think about.

After a long time, they decided that it was time to wake up. Serenity said to them that the test would be after the battle with Shizue and Mamoru and that they couldn't kill Shizue. At the shocked looks of the girls, Serenity shook her head and simply told them to trust her and they woke up from their dream.

Heero's, Duo's, Trowa's, Quatre's, and Wu Fei's Dream

Heero looked around his surroundings and only saw mist. He tensed as he noticed four shadows that he finally recognized as the others'. He relaxed and waited as they came closer.

"Hey guys!" said Duo.

"Hello everyone!" said Quatre.

"Hn. Do you know why we are here?" said Wu Fei.

Heero and Trowa simply focused their minds as they felt another presence. Then, a amused voice spoke out,

"Boys, you don't have to be so cautious around me."

Queen Serenity appeared from the mist and the boys, even Duo, politely bowed.

"You don't have to do that." she said.

The boys simply straightened themselves and stood before the beautiful angel.

"But back to the subject. I haven't told you this yet but you each have a soul-mate among the girls. You must find out which one she is and in the end, there will be a test that certifies your decision. However, if you decide wrong, you will end up alone." she said somberly.

The boys glanced at each other and they realized that they never had shared things like this with each other, except of course, Duo, but he shared everything.

"You must discuss between each of you who loves which of the girls. But remember, decide wrong and you'll end up alone, and one of the girls will end up alone also." Serenity said.

The boys sat down in a circle and quietly discussed who they liked. They were very quiet in the beginning and weren't willing to share who they liked, but Serenity's words rang in their heads. If chosen wrong, not only would they be alone, but one of the girls. Although they did not know them for a long time, they couldn't handle the thought of losing a friend.

Heero hadn't been able to decide between two girls, the boys, just as well. Heero couldn't decide between Usagi and Naora, Duo couldn't decide between Tsuya and Megumi, Trowa was between Kiyoko and Usagi, Quatre was unsure between Kiyoko and Megumi, and Wu Fei couldn't choose between Naora and Tsuya.

The boys, not very sure which they would decide on, realized that they had to wake up. Serenity quickly told them what she told the girls and they woke up.

The twelve woke up the next morning, Haruka and Taiyou completely informed by Queen Serenity as to what happened in their dreams. They were already soul-mates so they didn't have to take the test, luckily.

After an awkward breakfast, the group headed out towards the beach. There they spent a wonderful and fun day that relieved their stress. But, during that time, did many realize who they were truly in love with and bonded to.

Heyaz! Haven't gotten a chapter out for a while, ne? Anyhoo, I've decided that I'm not doing alternate endings anymore because it's really hard to keep mutual feelings until the end. Anyhoo, you know that they are only going to be with one of the people so try and guess the pairings! If you would like the next chapter out soon, please review! I've been losing my plot bunniez *sniff sniff* and I'm losing the interest in this story! I think the reviews are what sustain my writing so review!!!!!!!

P.S. My buddy, Moon Bunny09, wrote her first fic! It's called Captured and it would be a big favor to her and me if you read it!

Also, my other buddy, MarsMoonStar, wrote a different fic, which currently has no name, (it's called I have no idea) and if you have time, read that too! My buddiez are sooo cool and I think they deserve reviews! Arigatou and Ja Ne! (BTW: I changed my name Again! LoL! I'm so picky! :] but remember this name because it might be in a story that I'm planning to write later!)