Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ The End of the Beginning ( Chapter 30 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon... but I do own Naora, Tsuya, Megumi, Kiyoko, Taiyou, Shizue, all the outfits, symbols, weapons, attacks, attack names, and DARKGLAIVE ECLIPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO-HOO!! (can't you see I love it?)

Sheltered Heart

Ch. 30- The End of the Beginning

After three days of rigorous training by the twelve people, they were prepared to battle. Also during that time did the ten younger members think about their true soul-mate. Some were pretty sure, but not positive. Others couldn't even decide and got stressed over it. And most simply blocked the thought out of their minds because they were the impulsive group.

The day finally came, nobody was shown to the group, but their instincts had felt it. Usagi felt wary, as well as the others and kept her hand near her pocket that held her weapon. Heero simply went on his laptop, but always kept his ears perked to any unusual sounds.

Duo smiled and kept happy for everyone, but he truly was anxious and wasn't sure if he was going to be spared this time. Tsuya stayed her happy self but she was extremely worried inside that she, not them all, would be able to do anything.

Megumi quietly read her books, keeping herself distanced away from everyone because she needed to know who her soul-mate was. Quatre was playing chess with Trowa, thinking about the whole situation while playing.

Kiyoko quietly observed the whole group, inwardly wondering who her soul-mate was. Trowa continued to play chess but was thinking about the fight and if they could beat Mamoru and Shizue.

Wu Fei practiced his kata with his katana that he got back from Haruka, considering the situation. Naora talked with Usagi, knowing that her blank words were falling upon deaf ears.

Haruka sat with Taiyou, watching the younger ten as if they were their younger siblings. They smiled as they secretly shared with each other who was who's soul-mate, Of course, it was pretty obvious to them, seeing that they knew the girls for a long time and they had gotten to know the boys as family.

Haruka pulled out her weapon, a long yet thin sword that had a metallic navy blue and silver grip. It had a carved right angelic wing on it with a silver halo at the bottom. Taiyou's was a sword that was broader and longer than Haruka's. It had a metallic navy blue and gold grip with a left angel wing on it with a gold halo at the bottom.

Then, at exactly six o'clock in the evening, when the sky is a dark blood red and the sun has already begun to set, a loud thunder crash is heard. The twelve jump up and pull out their weapons. They all band together, making a strong circle with their backs to each other.

Then, they hear a deep sinister laugh and a higher one. Usagi cringes at the sound but then straightens her back. The seconds roll by as the twelve wait for the enemy to strike. They could hear the ticking of the clock as the silence overwhelms the group.

The minute hand goes six hours and one minute.

Two minutes...

Three minutes...

Four minutes...

Five minutes...

Six minutes...

The enemy arrives.

(hehe, just kidding)

Two figures emerge from a black hole. They are dressed in black clothes which are extremely tight, to the group's disgust. Mamoru smirks as he snaps his fingers and they appear in a black area with nothing around them.

"Like my illusion? It's far different than where we've battled before" he said arrogantly.

"Here, we get to make the rules!" said Shizue.

The twelve are suddenly attacked by large shards of rocks. They quickly dodge the rocks but Haruka notices the shards go through Mamoru and Shizue and see if the rocks are real. She lets herself reach out her arm as she touches a rock and is surprised as she feels the pain of the rock scraping against her skin but there is no blood.

"So you noticed it, Haruka?" Mamoru said mockingly.

Haruka glares at him but continues to dodge the rocks and cuts attempts to cut through the shards but it simply goes through them and she jumps out of the way. He continues.

"These shards aren't just made of rocks. They're full of mental energy but not physical. So when you get hit by one, you won't be hurt physically, but you can be hurt by the pain. And as you know, pain can kill people."

Suddenly, the rocks disappear and the twelve breath hard as they wait for the next attack. Then, Mamoru and Shizue pull out their own weapons. One of the weapons was the a longer and larger version of the blade that was used in the ceremony and that was held by Shizue. Mamoru carried a black triton that had spikes along the edge and had a demonic appearance.

The two rush forward and aim their weapons at the group. The twelve each call upon their attacks and fire them at the two runners. However, the two deflect the attacks with ease by the help of their shields. The twelve look almost shocked at the action and are unprepared as the two fire attacks at them and are hit full on.

The group struggle to stand up and are surprised by the strength that Mamoru and Shizue possess.

"Just one of the advantages for being in our illusion. Your powers are weaker and ours are stronger." said Shizue.

Usagi looks at Mamoru and Shizue and then looks at her comrades. She shouts,

"Restoring Water!"

Nothing happens.

Usagi's tears begin to form in her eyes while her face was in the saddest expression possible. The tears slowly fall towards the ground. Then, she gasped as her tears combine to form a large ball of white light and rise above the group.

The twelve are showered with drops of light that fill the dark place and are refreshed by the energy. The light lingers and brightens the vast abyss. Usagi, stopped crying as she realized she used her energy to help her friends.

Mamoru and Shizue attack again but they are blocked as the twelve use their own attacks and fire them against the two.

"Scorching Purple Meteors!" (Heero)

"Deadly Yellow Winds!" (Duo)

"Crushing Green Earthquake!" (Trowa)

"Merciless Blue Tsunami!" (Quatre)

"Blazing Red Flames!" (Wu Fei)

"Devastating Arrows!" (Usagi)

"Scorching Comet Flare!" (Tsuya)

"Glaring Sun Flash!" (Kiyoko)

"Blinding Star Shower!" (Megumi)

"Destroying Nova Blast!" (Naora)

Mamoru and Shizue scream as the attacks combine to form a brilliant light that engulfed them. The darkness slowly fades away, to show the room that the group was in before the attack. The group smile at each other as they rest in the available seats.

However, they knew, they weren't finished yet.

How was that chapter? Hmm? Anyhoo, leave any comments, complaints, or carefree stuff that I like! Hope you enjoyed it and we have about two more chapters to go! I'll be needing A LOT of reviews before the next chapter! Ja Ne!