Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Why a Rose has it's Thorns ❯ Sanq Kingdom ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Hello happy readers! I'm Calling your attention to this because I really need people to poll on who they want to be with Setsuna/Rose! >< Or else you have to deal with my choice and all that other stuff! Don't make me bring the wrath of penguins on your souls!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!End IMPORTANT!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LAST CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"You and Quatre are the only people I know. I would be all alone with out you two. I will go where ever you ask me to go." Rose yawned and Duo picked her up in his arms.

"Sleep, you need your rest Rose." Duo whispered and she nodded, curling up against him. He walked to the edge of the clearing and frowed, the cloth from her clothing felt a little crispy and rough. He looked down at the fabric, blinking at the dried blood all over her thighs and neither regions. "Someone hurt you didn't they? I'm glad you can't remember it then."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WHY A ROSE HAS IT'S THORNS PART 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Diamond paced around his room anger evident on his face as he grabbed a chair and flung it against a near by wall, glaring down at the broken pieces of wood.

"Where is she?!" Diamond yelled. He and his servants had searched the entire castle for Setsuna but she had not been found.

"These Sailor Sluts must have taken her from me! I will have her back!" Diamond declared and vanished.


Rose jolted awake, feeling the padded ground moving under her. She looked forward seeing Dup and Quatre in the seats infront of her. Duo controlling the movement with a rounded wheel.

"Did you have a good rest Rose?" Quatre smiled, turning himself in his seat to face her.

"I guess." Rose pulled herself up into sitting position. "Where are we heading exactly?"

"The Sanq Kingdom. We figure we'll be able to get you to a doctor and people who will help you." Quatre handed her a bag containing cold cuts and crackers.

"Does this mean.. after we get there you'll leave me?" Rose asked quietly, holding onto the bag.

"Heck no! We wouldn't do that to you Rose. We'll still be there, we'll just get others to help you too." Duo looked up into the rear view mirror. "So don't worry alright?"

"Alright Duo, I wont worry about it anymore." Rose nodded and looked out her window, watching the feilds roll by.

"Look, there is the edge marker of the Sanq Kingdom." Quatre pointed forward and Rose watched with intrest as the feilds turned to bright green grassy plains decorated with wildflowers and the occasional giant boulder.

"It's beautiful.." Rose whispered making Quatre and Duo both smile.

"Well good, because it's going to be your home for awhile."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20-40 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Well folks! Anyone ready to get out of this car?" Duo smiled as they pulled up infront of a large gate. "Because I'm sorry to say it but we're at our destination."

"Why are you sorry to say that Duo?" Rose whispered, eyeing the large building that stood past the gate.

"Rose the woman in charge of the mansion there, well she isn't exactly sweet and innocent." Quatre said with a forced smile.

"What Quatre's saying is that she's a bitch." Duo chuckled as he drove past the front gate.

"Duo!" Quatre gasped, looking at Duo with eyes full of disbelief.

"What? Just telling her the truth Q-man." Duo grinned looking up at the rear view mirror and giving Rose a wink.

"You two are very good friends." Rose smiled as she twisted her dark green locks in her hands.

"We've been friends for a long time." Quatre smiled. "Now you just wait for a moment and I'll come get your door for you." He waited until the car came to a stop and stepped out, walking back to Rose's door and opening it for her.

"So all your friends are here Quatre?" Rose asked.

"I believe so, at least in the general area." Quatre looked up at the main doorway and smiled. "Trowa! It's been awhile."

Rose looked up and blushed seeing a brown haired man with bright green eyes watching her. She looked down at the ground, blushing still but this time at the state of her clothing.

"Hey Trowa! How about you go find Noin so we can get this pretty lady in some better clothing?!" Duo called, putting his arm over her shoulders and giving a comforting squeeze.

"He doesn't need to, I'm already out here. Mr Yui and Wufei want your reports." The blue haired woman smiled at them and walked over to Rose. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Rose. My name is Noin and I'm the minister's assistant. Please follow me and we'll get you cleaned up." Noin held her hand out to Rose who gave a small smile and placed her hand in Noin's.


Duo, Quatre and Trow stood there watching as Noin and Rose walked off into the mansion before the door shut behind them.

"Who's she?.. Her name's not really Rose is it?" Trowa asked quietly, still looking at the door the two women went through.

"No, we found her in the woods near where we were set up while taking care of the base. She doesn't remember anything about herself Trowa." Quatre paused, watching his friend. "Maybe you could go speak to her?"

"We'll see." Was all that Trowa said in reply as he walked through the main doors.


Rose walked the empty hallways, looking around for any sign of a person she knew. Her hair had been well cleaned, now held back in a tight braided bun. She wore a long dark black skirt and a red top, walking down the hall barefooted. After Noin had lead her to a bathing room and had given her clothing she had disapeared.

"Hey." Rose stopped as she passed an open door and turned to face the one that had spoken to her. Itt was the brown haired man that she had seen earlier with Quatre and Duo.

"Your name is Rose, correct?" He gave her a soft smile, motioning for her to sit on the chair next to him.

"Yes, and you are Trowa?" Rose sat down, watching him carefully. "You're a friend of Quatre's"

"I am, and willing to protect my friends at any cost. Now Rose, who are you working for?" Trowa asked sternly, making Rose look at him suprized.

"I don't know what you mean." She said quietly, watching him as Trowa got up out of his chair.

"I know you work for someone, are you trying to find a way to destroy us?!" Trowa leaned over her, his arms at either side of her head.

"Please don't touch me!" Rose cried, gripping the sides of her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "Please don't hurt me again!"

"Who hurt you Rose?" Trowa grabbed her wrists as she started hitting at him.

"Let me go! I promise I'll do what you want Diamond!!" Rose looked at him with tears streaming down her cheeks as Trowa shoved himself away from her.

"What's going on here?" A black haired man stood at the doorway. "Let the onna go Trowa, she doesn't have anything." He said and Trowa backed off, Rose sat there and wiped her eyes, glaring at Trowa.

"I'm sorry for the mistake miss." Trowa apporached her with an open hand.

"Don't you touch me." Rose growled, trying to scoot away from him. She looked over at the chinese man. "I want to see Quatre and Duo."

"Stop making demands." He eyed her for a second. "Go down the hall to the third door on the right." Rose didn't have to be told twice and hurried out of the room.

"I didn't mean to hurt her." Trowa said, looking out the window.

"I know, try explaining it to Winner and that idiot though."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please people! I can't tell you enough how I need these reviews and peoples votes! Vote now and you can get a Deb(me) Plushie for free! This offer lasts until the end of this page. END