Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Heart Worth Waiting For ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter Two
Heero shook his head.
"What?" Heero then smiled. Duo didn't smile, instead he just looked at Heero blankly.
"Why are you smiling? It's not funny. I'm ill and you think it's funny?" Duo went to stand up. Heero reached an arm out and pulled Duo backed down to the bench.
"You look fine, what's wrong with you?" Duo sunk back where he was sitting and hung his head.
"Do I have to tell you?" Heero sighed and looked away.
"Sorry, I only wanted to know but if you don't want to tell me then don't." Heero then followed that with a sigh.
"The doctor says I probably haven't got long, okay?" Heero turned his head quickly and started at Duo as if he had said something horrifically wrong.
"What? That ill? You're that ill?" Duo nodded and took his turn to sigh.
"Yes, I'm that ill okay?" Heero nodded.
"W-What's wrong with you?"
"Tumor, malignant so the doctors say." Heero shook his head.
"Are they sure#? Is there nothing you can do?" Duo shook his head. "Well where is it? Surely if its in your stomach or something like that they can just take away part of it and you will be fine." Duo shook his head.
"It's not in my stomach though. Its in my brain."
"Brain tumor?"
"But that means that - " Duo nodded.
"I know, my memory will fail, I'll lose my sense of speech, my sight. There's nothing they can do, except I can't do anything too strenuous and I have to eat a lot of sugars." Heero put his hands in his face and then sniffed. He then looked up to the sky, took a deep breath and turned to Duo again who was staring at him as though he was about to do something crazy. Heero sighed.
"But, and I'm not saying it because of your health, I'm saying this because I mean it okay? I started to say it before but no just let me finish. I - I," Duo sighed and shook his head.
"Please, don't say it, it's not worth it. I'll be gone soon any way, I wouldn't want to leave you on your own after that. So please just don't say it at all."
"But I want to, I just don't want you to run away because of it, we could still stay friends couldn't we?" Duo shrugged.
"I don't know, I don't want to take that risk, please I'm ill and I know and understand everything you've said but I don't think we could just start off where we left it. I just don't know if I feel the same."
"You said yourself that you haven't got much time yet, but you yourself don't know how much time. What is the point in living a secluded lifestyle if you aren't going to enjoy it huh? Tell me that?" Duo sighed and shook his head then turned away.
"Please, you can't make me choose now, I didn't have to come and see you today - "
"But you did. That must have meant something right? You must have come here for a reason right?" Duo nodded. "Then tell me that reason."
"I wanted to say goodbye to you." Heero was about to jump back with a remark but then he froze.
"Goodbye?" Heero shook his head. "You can't say goodbye, you aren't going anywhere."
"And I'm not lasting much longer either. Please I've said what I came here for and I'm going okay?"Duo then stood up. Heero looked up to him.
"You don't want to do this please, I know you don't want to. Think about it, come to my place, we can talk more there." Duo shook his head.
"I don't want to, you can't make me. I'm going home."
"Fine! Then I'm going to your house okay?" Duo shook his head then turned away.
"Fine." He then walked back down the street. He looked back and saw Heero still sitting at the bench. He sighed and carried on walking. He then felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Please, come to my house? I'll just get us a taxi, we can talk there." Duo turned around and looked in to Heero's desperate eyes. Duo sighed and shook his head.
"Fine, but please. I have to think about it. This is a big thing you are, well, were trying to tell me and I know it must have been hard for you, you aren't exactly the most emotional person I know and I really appreciate it but please. I need to think I need to understand and know exactly where we stand. I don't want it like last time, you away all the time. I want it to be different, I want to feel important." Heero smiled.
"Is that a yes then?" He asked with a slight smile. Duo shook his head but then looked up and smiled.
"We'll see, lets just see how it goes now okay?" Heero nodded.