Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Plans and the Beach ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thanks to all who have read the last chapters. I hope you continue baring with me through it. If you have any suggestions or questions tell me. I love to hear from the readers of my fan fictions.

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Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters.

Ask Me To
Chapter 4 : Plans and the Beach

Relena watched the view seated on the balcony of their room. The sun was all the way up into the sky showing it's brilliance to the peaceful city in motion. She took in a deep breath, smiling at the clean air that was lingering. This was bliss for her. Being on a place that was paradise with no hassles to be meet with.

All that would have been perfect given other circumstances. Only two days of freedom from them and she was preoccupied with what Heero would do. Maybe she shouldn't have done this, she told herself over and over again. Believing it more each time she said it again. Maybe she should have le time go by, watch as everything changed and came.

Midii knew what was on Relena's mind. It didn't matter to her the circumstances to this, Relena really did need some time to herself to reflect on her things. She was barely 18 and the things she had been appointed to do on those years didn't make her life easier. She had to grow up so fast, just like her and them.

Shaking her head from those thoughts, she let her laptop connect to the Preventers. She had to inform Lady Une of what was going on and reassure her that she was going to do the job for the conference on May. Relena is supposed to attend it, thus why it was that the security had to be flawless. There were still organizations and crazies out there that wanted to get rid of her.

An image appeared on the screen of the laptop taking Midii out of her thoughts. It was Lady Une smiling and shaking her head.

"Morning Midii," Lady Une greeted as if to be a normal day. "What are you up to?"

"I didn't know you were still in the office," it was strange that she had stayed for the night. "It's there something wrong?"

"No, not really." Une typed a code on the laptop and smiled as she got the location. "You have to be more careful if you're trying not to get found."

"Did they contact you?" Midii didn't know what to think of that. She would've thought that they wouldn't contact her until they couldn't find the records of the plane.

"Midii, I'm family," Une's tone was exasperated. "You didn't expect me to get worried?"

"Yes, that's mainly why I was going to leave you a message."

"Okay," Une gave that up. "I already signed you out to take all of your days off. All you have to do is to make sure that you will be there a week before the conference."

"I will," Midii reassured her. "I appreciate this."

"It's funny to see them preoccupied about something," Lady Une smiled. "You should see their faces. Their thick heads aren't getting the message through."

"They think that Relena is in danger?"

"Trowa no, Heero-" Lady Une hesitated somewhat. "He doesn't trust anyone with Relena but himself."

Relena entered the room. "You tell him that I'm not 15 anymore. I can take care of myself."

"Morning Relena," Une waved. It was night were she was but she knew that it was just morning on the place that they were.

"Hello Lady," Relena sat beside Midii.

"Hope you two are not going to let them find you," Une's face had a mischievous look.

"Not in a lifetime," the three cheered at that and laughed.

"You two can take all the time until the conference in May." Lady Une explained to them. "Midii has to be there before to do the security and you can't help but go to it."

"Don't worry," reassured Relena. "We'll be there." The said their goodbye's and terminated the connection.

"What are we going to do?" Midii asked, she turned her chair to Relena's.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that where are we going to go after this," Midii explained. "I know that there are places that you want to go and see in a normal way. I know you traveled with your conferences but it wasn't the same thing."

"I know what you're saying," Relena released a heavy sight. "I want to visit my friends and see the desserts, the rainfalls, the pyramids, everything that I can."

"So, you want to see your friends that are also friends with Heero and Trowa." Midii said in a short sentence.

"Basically," Relena closed her eyes and rubbed them. "I know that they won't say anything if we ask them to." Her face got a thoughtful expression. "With the exception of Duo that is."

"He never could keep his mouth shut," complied Midii herself.

"You know him?" Relena was interested at this news.

"I got to know all of the Gundam pilots except Heero you know," Midii smiled. "Trowa visited them and I was assigned to cases with him of security on many places where they did live."

Relena laughed. She should have known better than to think otherwise.

"We stayed on the house of Duo for two days straight on an assignment to the colony." Midii winced. "He was straightforward and really nosy when he set his mind to something."

"You agree with me in that then," Relena passed her hand through her hair. "But he is a great guy." Midii nodded. "I think I want to see how Dorothy is doing too."

"We have to be low on this," reasoned Midii. "I'm sure that Heero and Trowa will contact their friends to help on this."

"Yeah, but I know that most of them will help us." Relena smirked. "I want to spend all the money I can and spoil myself."

"So now we're Miss Throw-it-all?"

"No," Relena laughed at Midii's kidding tone. "But I can do things that I wanted to do that I never did before."

"Good," Midii stood up and walked to the balcony. Her eyes went to the farthest part in which they could settle in. It was on the sea, the ramping sea. It's endless waves came and came creating a slow harmony. "I'm going out to the sea."

"I'll go with you," Relena went through her drawers and retrieved a bathing suit from it. Midii did the same through her things.

Both of them left the hotel room and took the elevator down to the desk. Relena gave her key to the smiling woman and followed Midii out. They walked through the streets to the open beach. Some people waved at them, and Relena waved back. She knew that there was no way to avoid people recognizing her.

"I guess that with a high profile like yours, that everyone will recognize you." Midii moved to her side as they returned warm smiles.

The beach was calm, it's waves coming and going in a soft manner of repetition. Midii and Relena smiled as they smelled the air that refreshed their faces. Taking their sandals off, Relena and Midii started to walk through the sand in a quiet manner.

Many kids came and went laughing at each other. Some simply entered the sea with their mothers and fathers. Some afraid of it because they didn't know how to swim and simply gripped their parents hands to hang for their life.

The laughter circulated through the whole area. A girl and a boy were making a sandcastle that grew as time passed but too close to the waves. On a second, the waves increased their pace and crashed with the castle taking it down. The mother simply laughed at the efforts of her kids to maintain the masterpiece standing.

Seeing a shaded area of palm trees unoccupied, Relena moved to it with her enormous towel in hand. The day before they had to buy their normal apparel for the beach. Relena simply pulled the towel down and spread it over the shade. She laid her sandals right beside the towel and she laid on the towel. The atmosphere of the beach was welcoming to her.

Midii herself had put the towel beside Relena's. Some of hers was out into the blazing sun of the summer climate. She didn't bother really, her sunscreen already on. Leaving her things by Relena who seemed to rest with the wind and cold shade, Midii moved herself to the sparkling water who invited everyone it saw. It had been a long time since she had practiced her swimming skills, it was about time she exercised her muscles.

Giving a last look at the beach, Relena saw as Midii entered the sea and started to swim laps. The kids still remained trying to make their sand castle all over again as their mother helped them preventing the waves from crashing with them again. There was someone running, laughing his head off. A teen-ager by Relena's age ran behind him screaming at him. She was far behind but continued her pursuit.

The surrounding sound of the calm waves made their way to her ears, Relena slipped off of reality. Her sought out sleep from the night before clamed her body for the rest it deserved. She still heard the laughing from the parents and couples, they shut out entirely moments later.

Midii moved gracefully through the water as she let her body float with them. She knew of the dangers of the beach for sharks and things but she also knew that this one didn't have sharks frequent like other places in which she had been before.

Tiredness came in a wave of exhaustion. She didn't want to have run out of any strength to get out of the water. If you couldn't get out, the sea could pull you in, in a matter of seconds.

Straining herself, Midii let the effort come to her and her legs and arms started to move fierce fully. Drained out of any force that she might have, Midii made it to the shore.

The amount of people had dissipated but there were still plenty to say that there were a lot of people on the beach. She wondered how much time she had spend swimming. When she was on the beach or sea, it seemed like the time slipped by her fingers to just run the day as fast as it could.

Glancing around as she came out, she saw Relena turn to her side on the towel. She seemed to be still sleeping. From where she stood, Midii could see that her hair was free from any constrictions spilling all over her arms. She knew that Relena hadn't had a good sleep the night before, neither could she.

She was going to spend the whole afternoon and night sleeping in the room. The swimming had gotten all of the force on her muscles that were requesting rest and sleep.

The shade had spread itself to her whole towel. Some of Relena's were covered with the rays of the sun. Midii moved to the heavenly resting place and threw herself to the awaiting cool towel. Gripping one of the two bottles of water, Midii opened it and drank half of it's contents. Swimming did take a lot from someone who hasn't practiced for a long time.

Releasing short gasps of breath, her pulse coming back to normal, Midii laid her head on the towel her eyes connecting to the tall palm trees who extended their selves between her and the rays of the sun. Her hand came to her face as if to rub off her sleep eyes. She was about to put them by her body when she noted something. Her skin had turned from a creamy white color to a deep shade or brown.

"Just how long did I stay in the sun?" Midii asked to herself out loud. Turning her arms the other way, she could see her watch. Putting it closer to her eyes, she almost had the urge to scream. She had spend over two hours in the sea. Some floating in which she knew she spend much of the time, some walking or simply maintaining herself afloat moving her feet and about 40 minutes of swimming.

Thank god that she had put on a lot of sun screen. She tended to forget most of the time. She had been right, her sense of time was always lost when she was at the beach on the water. She wondered if Relena had spend the whole two hours sleeping.

Relena's body stirred and moved to a sitting position. Her eyes focused on Midii who seemed in her own world looking at her arms. Relena's vision focused on her skin and noted the deep brown color. "Just how long did you stay in the sun?"

Midii's head snapped to her side. Relena smiled as she saw that her whole body had evenly tanned. Her face and shoulders had the same color as the other part of her arms and legs.

"Two hours," Midii answered as she groaned. "It will be a miracle if my skin doesn't peel off in a day.

"I don't think so," Relena got closer to the skin and made Midii turn to her back. "You may peel on the side of your shoulders and mostly your back."

Midii whimpered a she remembered how painful it was for her to sleep when she got sun burned. "I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight."

"Maybe, maybe not." Relena searched her bag for any of the lotions that she had bought the day before. Finding one of scented oil, she smiled and got it out. "You need to have oil on your skin if you don't want it to dry."

"How do you know any of this?" Midii asked as she opened the oil bottle and spread it over her hands and arms. As her gaze went through her chest, she couldn't help but groan again. Because of her bikini, part of her breasts were tanned as well. She couldn't help but wince as she touched her shoulders and felt the hot surface of her skin.

"I did go to the beach when I was little and the experiences that I had with the sun and my skin is all I need to know all of these things." Relena replied courtly.

Midii knew it didn't hurt now, but she knew that they pain would start as soon as she would drop into bed. Relena herself got lotion and spread it on a section of her back in which Midii wouldn't be able to reach.

"Thanks." Midii muttered, her tone surveyed to herself as she got madder. This whole things being because of her lack of attention to time and to herself as she was on the water.

Relena finished applying the oil on Midii's back when she heard the shouting she had heard the time before she had fallen asleep. It had felt so good to take that nap. She knew she needed it and the air of the beach had always calmed her.

Her thoughts slipped as she remembered herself walking on a closed beach that day. She mad at her stepfather because of his abandonment of her to his work to the Earth and the Colony. Talking to herself that day, she had looked at a beach, calm like this one. Her eyes had dropped to the shore and discovered the body of a person lying there.

She remembered how she had ran to him only stopping to call an ambulance for the person in the body suit of a space suit. She cradled the head on her knees and removed the helmet to reveal him. He had looked like a desperate child in need to search for something. Her surprise hadn't been hidden when his eyes opened and he moved away from her. His eyes were what had an impact on her that day. She had never been able to forget those eyes until she saw him at school.

Midii saw the way Relena's eyes were absent-minded as if focused on something that no one else could see but herself. Midii remembered when Trowa had told her that Relena had discovered Heero on a beach after his Gundam had gone into the sea after entering the Earth atmosphere with the fight with Zech.

"Are you thinking of him?" Her question took Relena out of her thoughts and into Midii's face. Relena couldn't hide but show her feelings of distraught and remembrance from her eyes. She didn't have to say anything to confirm what Midii had asked. Relena's eyes focused on the beach, the boy from the last time came running to their direction. The female was still in pursuit as if this was a repetition of the last time.

Because he wasn't looking where he was going, he passed both Midii and Relena in blind speed leaving them blinking their eyes. In a second, he crashed and fell into the sand head on. He turned and was about to get up when the woman threw herself at him and stopped his efforts to get out of her will.

"I told you I'd get you," the woman laughed at his efforts to get her off of him. "Let's see how-" Her sentence was interrupted when she diverted her head toward the two women that stared at both of them laying on the sand.

"Relena?" She asked herself in an unbelievable tone. The man's head turned to the figures in question. "Is that you Relena?" The woman turned herself to them with questioning eyes.

Midii blinked twice as she saw the woman in front of them straddling the man on the bottom of her. She looked so much like her, the hair was the difference and the shade of her eyes. There stood a woman that looked just like herself. Midii looked at Relena with questioning eyes, as she saw that Relena had been recognized by the woman.

Relena's eyes widened as she got to see the face of the running woman that was smiling now of her recognition. It had to be a coincidence that she was there. She hadn't seen her for a long time and didn't ever expect to see her until the May conferences when she would accompany her Great-Grandmother.

Relena's mouth opened with her surprise. Not being sure as if she was seeing things, instead of calling she asked out loud. "Sylvia?"


Chapter four is done. I don't think that this took me a long time to get out. I'm trying to get each new chapter bigger than the last one that I have out.

It's surprising with what my mind can come up with in just a matter of seconds and more when my writer's block isn't helping me with things going a long. I expect to have chapter five out in less than a week.

Hope you enjoyed reading this, let's see if I can shuffle in the G-Boys in the next chapter. Let's see if Lady Une will give them a hand, or keep her information to herself? I wonder about that.

See Ya. . .