Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ A Helping Hand ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thanks to everyone who has read the last chapters of this fan fiction and continues to do so. It's good to know that you people like this to keep on reading it.

I hope you enjoy the new chapter and the change of plans for the girls.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters used in this fan fiction.

Ask Me To
Chapter 5 : A Helping Hand


Relena gave a hug to the young woman. She seemed surprised to see her just like Sylvia was to see Relena. The young man moved toward them, not fully entering the conversation or making any ways to enter the reunion.

Midii's eyes darted from Relena to the girl in wonder. There were no connections that she could make of her, but her face resembled hers to a very scary degree. Relena snapped out of her surprised face and remembered that Midii didn't know Sylvia from anywhere.

"Oh, Sylvia, this is Midii Une," Relena moved out of the way for the girls to look at each other. "Midii, this is Sylvia Noventa. Granddaughter of Marshall Noventa." There was recognition of the name by Midii who now returned the smile that Sylvia offered her.

"Hi," there was shyness on her voice. Sylvia shook her hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"What are you doing here?" Sylvia asked Relena in wonder. She knew that Relena had a really busy life with politics. There was absolutely no mention of her taking day off or coming to this region of the world for any conferences or political reasons.

She noticed the questioning glance that Relena gave to Midii which sparked her curiosity of her. As she waited for a response, she looked around for any signs of the former Gundam pilot Heero Yuy. She knew that one thing was for sure, where ever Relena was, Heero was there too. This intrigued her more as he didn't show himself.

"Where's Heero?" Her brow furrowed as there was an uncomfortable silence between the three of them. "I know that there's no way that he would have let you come on your own without him."

"Well," Relena stuttered as she looked at Midii for some kind of back up to come. "There's a perfect explanation for that you know."

"I'm sure," Sylvia replied as she looked at the group in front of her. "Anyway, this is Mark Genti."

"The son of Steven Genti?" asked Midii surprised.

"The one and only," he replied smiling. He shook hands with her and Relena. "I escaped my father's torturing assemblies to have a little get together with my favorite girl." Sylvia blushed at the looks that Relena was sending her.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the conference in Brussels?" asked a bewildered Mark.

"There were some change of plans," replied Relena as she and Sylvia sat down on the towels.

"So you basically escaped Heero to come here," she signaled out. "I always wondered when you would do that."

"Well, let's just say that all I needed was some encouragement from another girl that's sick of waiting for a Gundam pilot to pay attention to her." Midii blushed as the attention turned to her.

"I'm a preventer," she said trying to get the gazes to turn somewhere else. "We just decided to throw caution to the wind for a little while."

"Well," Sylvia stood up as her watched beeped. "If you need anything, just call me. Or better yet, I'll call you tonight." Taking Mark by the hand they disappeared through the beach running to another direction.

"It's a good thing that she has my cell phone number," Relena sighted as she looked at Midii's appearance. "I think that you should go back to the hotel and take a shower."

"You should look at yourself Relena," Midii mentioned as she took the towel off of the sand and took her bag. "You have turned a pink color. The sun did get to you today."

"I always wanted to get a tan," she shrugged as she took her things and followed Midii back to the hotel. "I really do hope that neither Mark nor Sylvia call Heero about me."

"I don't think they will," Midii put her hand on her shoulder.

"I'll wait for her to call me later."

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"I can't believe that I agreed to this," Relena entered the yacht that Sylvia had told her to come to.

"Thank for coming Relena," Sylvia came to her and greeted her. "I just hope that I haven't botch any of your plans."

"Don't worry about that Silvia. I don't have any plans for now." They passed inside to the cabin of the boat. "Midii will come later, she was exhausted from swimming at the beach."

"Did you notice the resemblance?" Sylvia finally asked.

"You mean between you and Midii?" Relena wanted to be sure that this was the question about.

"Yes," she turned her head toward the door as it started to open.

"Here's all the food that you wanted Sylvia," Mark entered with paper bags in his arms obstructing his view. "I hope I didn't forget anything."

He put them on one of the tables and turned himself to them. "Oh, I didn't know you had company."

"It's okay," Relena stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It's good to see you again Mark."

"Yeah," he looked at Sylvia and her again. "I'll be going now." He closed the door of the cabin and retreated to his car.

"What's the deal with you and him?" Relena asked giving her a hard look.

"We've been best friends ever since I was a little girl," Sylvia explained. "We decided that it was time for us to take a vacation from the political world."

"So that explains how you know each other," said Relena to herself. "It seems to me that you two are closer than that."

"Don't push it Relena," warned Sylvia. "Now, can you tell me what is going on with you and Midii?"

"Sure," Relena related to her about them meeting at the bar and taking off from their lives.

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Midii walked through the port in a slow manner. She was taking her time to think of what she had thought so many times before. She couldn't help it. The minute she started to think about something, the incident came back into her mind. It bothered her that she couldn't make it disappear for just a moment.

She could remember how he had taken it and decided to say. Her eyes had searched his but it was a lost cause. He knew how to hide everything from himself and from the others around him. He was a mystery that was no way to crack if he didn't want you to.

Why can't he just get out of my head? Midii looked around her finding the tranquil atmosphere soothing her nerves and her self. She had needed a break from seeing him so many times and the monotonous work that she did at the office. Thinking about it was painful enough but to see him every day and not show herself to what she really wanted was painful enough.

Without really looking, she bumped into someone who came from the way that she was going to. He steadied her on his arm grasping it with his hand. When she stumbled into him, he had dropped his keys which landed at her feet. Not thinking, she went down and picked it up. She looked at the person and found the same person that she had meet that morning.

"I see that the skin is getting better," reflected Mark as he accepted the keys from her hand.

"Thanks for catching me," she said in return as she straightened herself. "I haven't got my head out of the clouds."

"Let's hope you don't fall into the pier this time," he said politely and started to go his way once again. "Sylvia and Relena are waiting for you."

"Aren't you staying?" Midii was curious.

"Me and three girls in one room," he said in a matter of fact tone. "I'd like to decline the invitation. I don't even want to think what you three will be talking about."

"Maybe that's for the best," she waved a silent good bye as he mounted his convertible and started the car. He waved back and took off from the pier parking.

"This place must be heavenly at morning," Midii said to herself as she looked around her. "The sun high above and the water splashing about." She took a deep breath of the sea water smell. "I really needed this vacation."

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"So, you've ran out on Heero," reflected Sylvia. "I hope that no one goes crazy on your absence."

"You, like everyone else close to me, know how I've felt for Heero in these past years."

"I think that half of the world notices too," Sylvia and Relena laughed at their comment.

"I hope that Mark doesn't say anything to anyone." Relena glanced at the pictures on the walls. "I don't want Heero to find me."

"You know that he will eventually," said Sylvia turning her attention to them too. "He's one of the most obstinate person that I've ever known. When he gets an idea into his head, there is no way to change the way that things are reflected to him."

"Why can't he just get it in his head that I'm not made of glass?" Asked Relena expecting an answer that Sylvia couldn't give her.

"I don't know," she answered truthfully. "I think that he just doesn't know how to do things that he hasn't done before or things." She was vague on this.

"How's your grandmother Sylvia?" Asked Relena to change the subject but herself preoccupied because of what she had last heard of her. "I haven't been able to contact her and talk."

"The cancer is killing," Sylvia got up and filled a glass of water from the small refrigerator of the cabin. "She's been asking about Heero in the last days that I as with her. I think she wants to see how he's doing."

"I don't blame her. I'm worried trying to think what would be going around his mind right now."

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"I found the airport," Trowa's voice came through the system. His face appeared on the screen. "A security video streaming by the booth got both their faces by the time that they made the call to me."

Heero acknowledged the information in his usual silence as his brain was working on the details of the present problem. "Check the other videos to find the plane and the destination."

I'm already in progress," Trowa cut the communication and made his way to the computer of the stewardess. He had to see the flights in which Midii and Relena had taken off in.

Heero on the other hand, was going to call both Duo and Quatre. He began with Duo. "Hello buddy, long time no see." He didn't have to guess who had taken the phone of the household.

"This is important, Relena's taken off." He said it simple to make Duo realize that he wasn't going to bother with anything else.

"She finally gave you the slip?" Duo asked astonished. "I always wondered how long she would last with yourself and your present attitude."

he saw the glare that Heero was sending him. It was the same one that he had copped with all these years. "This is no laughing matter."

"To you," Duo pointed out. "What do you want me to do?"

"If Relena contacts you, tell me. Same for Hilde."

"Back up. I work, if a call comes and Hilde gets it, then I can't say who it's from."

"Good point, but still. Contact me if she does." Heero terminated the call leaving Duo with his mouth open ready to say something else.

"Whose side do you think I'm on?" He asked to the empty and dark screen. "Yours? No. Hers? Yes."

"Who are you talking to Duo?" Asked Hilde entering the room. "Or are you talking crazy."

"I'm not crazy babe, that was Heero."

"What did he want?" She asked curious. Heero was never one to call if there wasn't something that he wanted to either know or something really... she just couldn't think of the word that she wanted to express.

"Relena's finally flown the coup and he's looking for her. He wants me to tell him if she calls here."

"Are you?" She asked putting her bag on one of the chairs of the room. She pulled her coat off of her body revealing her revealing outfit. She had been working part time at a restaurant which got an uniform that was way too short on the skirt on Duo's eyes and very tight.

"Am I what," he asked trying to get on track with the conversation that they were having instead of looking at her body.

"Going to help him locate her?" She grumbled as he got out of what she had said to him before.

"No," he answered as he moved toward her slowly. He slipped his hands around her waist and whispered on her ear. "Should I?"

"I don't think so," she turned around toward him. "I got a call from her."

"What did she want?" He asked as he started to leave small caresses and kisses on her neck and going to her shoulders.

"Wanted to know if he had called," she answered as she slipped her shoes off and her hands worked on his hair.

"Next time tell her," he picked her up and started moving toward the stairs. "You got here late today, it's almost ten o'clock."

"My boss asked me to help her and there was no time to call," she tried to explain between his kisses. "Um, let's talk later."

"Whatever you want babe," he responded kicking the door to the room open. With another kick, he closed it.

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Trowa went from file to file on the computer. Finding a flight when you didn't know the destination was harder than he thought. It was just like the stewardess said, she could've made the reservation for the tickets at that terminal but the flight could've taken off on any of the other gates.

The security officer was still looking in file for the videotapes that Trowa needed. It seemed that the airport had a relatively large library and hundreds of videos are sent for review everyday. It being a day later, didn't help his cause. He had to find them in between all of the videos that were stored for review.

Finding the list of tickets purchased at the gate, he printed the sheet out and reviewed it. There were about twenty buyers that bought tickets then and there and many of them were for the same flight. It didn't actually help that one of the computers was broken the day before making this one the store of the data of everything that had been happening.

He folded the sheet and made his way into the security room of the west side of the airport. There were many machines as well as people in there. Many of them were looking through the video files and finding out which ones were of the section that Trowa was looking for.

Using one of the computers of the room, he entered the mainframe of the information. This being the main computer that collected all of the data. Here, he could find the destination of the flights, what time they left and how many tickets were bought. He feed the information he wanted and the computer started to search through it's mainframe.

"Sir," a woman who was on the computer next to him called on him. Trowa turned to her. "We've found the video that you needed. The stream had been already put on disk."

She motioned to the one on her hand. She put it on the drive and entered the video program. "We just have to find which one of these is the one you're looking for."

Perfect. Trowa moved the seat to the computer and started to go through the files that were contained in them. Finding an average time in which they found the data.

The video started with a person in the booth. It seemed as if she was talking with the screen off on her side. Trowa knew that this was the call to his cell phone. If it wasn't his image would have been displayed on the screen or any others. Another woman entered the screen of the video camera entering the booth and having herself on the hook of the phone.

Moments later, they both appeared from the phone and walked with their backs to the video. This was what Trowa had already seen this part, it was then that the image had been caught off as another camera was used for the next part.

Trowa recognized the backs of both Relena and Midii. Their hairstyle and clothing giving each other away. They went to the booth with a stewardess and purchased the tickets. Trowa noted the time in which the video was caught recording the scene. Having that time, he could narrow down the time in which the tickets were purchased. This was getting from a complicated start to a much better beginning.

The computer beeped as the information had been found. He rolled the seat toward it and looked at the tickets purchased. There were two tickets at the same time as the video had been recording for the city of Aphalla. He knew of it to be another major city on the Cinq Kingdom. It had one of the major airports of the world.

That's were they went. Trowa realized as he reviewed what he had just found. He had already talked to the girl that had been at the computer and said that she did recognize both of the girls. They were the only people that she had sold tickets to the day before at that time that were urgent and not planned. She remembered well because of the resemblance that both of the girls had to each other.

"I'll find out soon where you are Midii."


This chapter took me so long to make and I don't even know why. I had the idea of what I wanted but I just couldn't write it.

Well, here it is and I hope that you didn't have to wait too much for it, although I know that you have. (At least I update it eventually.)

I've already began with the next chapter and a major twist and new person has entered the game making it very dangerous for both of the girls. Who could it be and what could he want?

Forgive me for my tardiness,