Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ New Developments ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I'm writing this just as I put up the last chapter. I'll know now how much time will take me to write this chapter which I hope will not be so complicated on ideas.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters.

Ask Me To
Chapter 6 : New Developments

Lady Une moved through the Preventers HQ toward Sally's office. There had been a message left that a break-out had happened on one of the prisons. Une hurried as she hear. She couldn't help but feel that it was all on mayor grounds. Showing no signs what so ever of what was going through her head, she entered Sally's office calmly.

"Morning Une," Sally greeted her. She looked terrible to her. She had circles under her eyes and her face was scrounged up as if she hadn't had a moment of sleep the night before.

"You've had no rest for yourself ever since you returned from the Lunar Base yesterday," Une realized.

"I would mind if this hadn't been serious," Sally explained to her. "And I'll look terrible as long as this isn't solved."

"Tell me what's going on," Une asked promptly. She looked around the office. "Where the hell is Wufei?"

Sally smirked. "He doesn't know."

"He's going to be pissed when he comes," warned Une.

"I don't care," Sally reached for papers that came from the fax. "I just stayed since I was still here when the notice came through."

"You still haven't told me what's going on," Une was on nerves now.

"Martone Straton has escaped prison." There was a dead silence on the room. Une didn't know what to say. HE had escaped his hold and could be God-knows where.

"Him?" She asked not able to form any words that might make a better question. Sally simply nodded knowing what Une was thinking.

"I was to inform Midii, she being the one that had the case and apprehended him, but she's gone on her vacation early and is somewhere along the world."

Une nodded affirming it mindlessly. "What can I do now?"

"It's a good thing that you've cancelled all of Relena's meetings and doings until the conference in May. I don't know why but It's still good to know that she won't be around placing herself on the public eye just as this maniac is out in the world."

Sally didn't know how wrong she was. "You don't understand Sally. She's in greatest danger than ever."

She got suspicious. What was Une saying. "What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you," Une refused herself to confide on her friend. "But I have to go." She turned and ran from the office to the main floor. "damn it," she cursed. "Why now?"

"Ma-am," called Miranda. She received most of the calls that weren't answered by Lady Une herself. "Trowa Barton has been trying to locate you for several hours."

"Thank you Miranda," this was all that Une needed. She was now calmed like herself. She had to call Midii. With that in mind, she walked to her office.

"Hello," voice answered.

"Midii, wake up," the voice quickly alerted her on the state of nervousness that it showed. She knew that it came from Lady Une as she recognized it.

"What happened?" Midii's eyes opened as she stood from her bed.

"Martone escaped."


"We don't know. He had a lot of money. He probably bribed someone in there and got out."

"Why can't the bad maniac people stay in prison for the rest of their lives," Midii groaned as she now knew the seriousness of the situation.

"Be on your toes and warn Relena. I would feel much better if she was here with Heero on our constant monitoring."

"I'll talk to her," said Midii. "Well go back if she wants to."

"Who wants to what?" asked a sleepy Relena. Midii waved it out as she was still listening engrossed with the preoccupation with Une.

"Be concerned for yourself too Midii," Une warned. "I'm sure hat he'll repay the favor of being n prison for half a year." The phone call was off on both ends.

"Oh God," Midii relaxed herself as she went to the bathroom and threw water on her face to wake up fully. "Why now?"

"What happened?" Relena entered the bathroom concerned.

"A man that I've put in prison has escaped."

"It is really bad"

"Martone Straton," Relena gasped at the mention of the name. She recognized it as she remembered all that she had gone through. He was a contract killer that had been going after her. He had been responsible for many deaths of famous politicians and considered the best on that line of work. His work didn't come cheap either. It was said that once he took on a job, he always finished it.

"What are we to do?" asked Relena.

"It's your decision," Midii started the water of the faucet again. She was already awake, might as well get awake fully.

"What is he going to do now?"

"I'm very well sure that he'll try to finish his job with you," Midii didn't spear any sentiments and went straight to the truth. "He's also going to go after me." She added some time later as she brushed her teeth. The frankness on her voice scared Relena somewhat.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Of what, of him?" She saw Relena nod. "I've gone through so many things in life that having a maniac after me isn't that farfetched."

"What would you do in my position?"

"I don't know," Midii spit up the water and started to brush her hair. "I know that I have to be alert. He's going to go after me and you. You shouldn't be placed in danger."

Relena smiled at what Midii was doing. She wanted Relena to back out of this and go back. Midii had saved her life once by stopping Martone and she didn't want her sacrifice of danger to be in vain.

"I've never told anybody but I like a little danger in my life," said Relena lifting an eyebrow.

"Really," Midii looked at her with the same expression on her face.

"Yes," Relena ran the water for herself and brushed her teeth. "I'm not going to go back as if nothing in me has ever changed. I've had a pretty good talk with Sylvia yesterday and my resolve was finished by later in the evening."

Midii nodded. She knew that Relena and Sylvia had talked about a lot of things. She was present there for some of them but not for all of the conversation. She admitted that she wanted to be there late. She wanted to be alone to herself and she couldn't help but feel alienated with both Sylvia and Relena talking. They had known each other for a long time and she had just arrived to enter on Relena's life by accident.

"As I said, I'm not made of glass. If I have to go up against someone who wants my head for helping mankind then let him. I'm not like everyone thinks that I am. I do have a spine and I have some pride to confront my own problems. Plus," she looked at Midii. "I'm not going to leave you alone when I was the one that he was after before you got involved in this."

"That's not entirely true."

"You saved my life and I'm not going to let you risk yourself for my sake."

"It's my job you know," Midii explained at the friend which nothing changed her mind.

"I've been protected long enough, I want to take care of myself for once." She looked at Midii as if waiting to see if she understood what she wanted.

You don't know how much I understand you Relena. Let's see if this doesn't go in over our heads.

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Trowa's phone rang as he got out of his flight. He had taken a flight to the airport in which it was indicated that both Midii and Relena had gone off into. The good luck for him was, that he was able to find out in which gate the plane that they had taken had entered.

Now, he could narrow down the video sightings for that area only instead of having to count on people's memory and wasting time at looking at the camera for the time he plane arrived on all of the gates. He would have taken so much time to get it. Another problem that arose was, that this airport was immense and as to his knowledge, there were more than one gate with the same number. Gate 05 was on both the east and west wings and to another one of the north.

"Trowa here," he answered the phone on his reply.

"I have some news that might be good or make this worse." He heard Lady Une speaking. "Martone is out of prison."


"He managed to escape and I'm sure you know what he'll be doing. You worked with Midii for some time while she was handling his case."

"I know," Trowa looked around the airport. "With this disappearance, this will be worse."

"As I said before, it could be good or worse," Une said to him again.

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe Relena will come back after she hears and then that'll be better. Or," that seemed to him like a big or. "They are going to stay out of your way and get their selves into trouble."

"Did you talk to Midii?" Trowa knew of that they only way for them to know or find out so soon.

"I got her on the connection to the office. You know her," Une started. "She's going to do this on her own."

"I'll try to find them, now really fast." Trowa realized what the danger was. "Does Heero know?"

"He's been plagued with phone calls the whole day yesterday and today," responded Une. "I don't think that we were able to get to him."

"He should know."

"I'll get his private phone," Trowa thought that she had disconnected and was about to turn off the phone when her voice came through again. "I can't help but feel that this isn't going to get any easier."

Trowa closed his cell phone and passed a hand through his hair. This was dangerous. Too dangerous for them to be playing hide and seek with both of them. Now, more than ever he had to hurry and find them. At least, he had to talk with them again.

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Heero hadn't been able to walk ten feet from the phone for the whole day when it rang again. He was about to take it off and every man to himself. Why was it that they weren't satisfied? All of them needed to know specifically why Relena wasn't able to meet with them.

As he finished one of those calls, he moved to another room of the house. A phone went off again, but this time Heero know that it wasn't any politician. His private line was ringing and it could only mean Une or any of the other pilots calling upon him.

Rapidly, he moved to his room and received the call. Instantly, Sally's face appeared on the screen. He noted her appearance and remembered that she and Wufei were supposed to be back one of these days from the Lunar Base.

"Yuy," he saw the determination on her face. "Kindly tell me what's going on?"

"Relena has suspended all of her appointments until the May 26 conference."

"Conference my butt Yuy," she bit into him. "I want to know the reason why and tell me the truth."

"Relena's disappeared and is god knows where until god knows when." He let the simple works explain. He never went around the bush but told everything straight up when he had to.

"No wonder," she saw the explain what you mean face. "Une has been acting strangely since I told her the news."

"What news?"

"Martole is out and about with you and me," Sally reached for her fax and sent the number to fax the papers. "The papers will get there. The top politicians have been warned on him. All I need now is to find Midii."


"She's the one that made the trap to capture him and we succeeded. Now, she's in more danger than any other person."

"Midii is the person that Relena left with."

"Oh my," Sally's eyes widened. "Then, they're both sitting prey if he finds them."

"It won't be that easy," Heero realized. "It's been three days and Trowa's still on the airport."

"Let's hope you guys find them before Martone does." Sally terminated the call and massaged her temples. She got up from her chair and took a drink from her cup of coffee. This had to be her third cup, she realized and went out of her office.

She looked around her seeing mainly people running to places and phones ringing off the hook. She passed the elevator and made for the stairs.

"Sally," a person from the elevator called her. She didn't even turn to him and opened the door for the stairs and started going up. The door opened for a second time revealing the Chinese pilot. He looked fresh and Sally knew that he at least had a good night's sleep. Now may not be a good time to get into an argument, she simply wanted peace for at least a week.

Like a cat, he caught up with her as she continued up the stairs. They had to go up to get to the main floor. Wufei fell quiet as he saw the worried expression on Sally. She looked terrible and he knew that she hadn't left the office the day before. He had seen how everyone seemed to be on nerves this day on the office and it unnerved him to not know what was going on.

Sally opened the door of the stairs for the main floor and got out into the hallway. Wufei silently followed her. She walked through the cubicles and people and stopped in front of Une's office. She opened the door seeing Une talking with Trowa. She turned off the connection without even noticing them and started the phone to call Heero.

"You don't need to call him," Sally interrupted her finally getting her attention. "I already briefed him on the problem."

"Could someone tell me what the problem is?" Wufei inquired at the two women. "I've seen this office going out of it's mind since I arrived and Sally looks like didn't even leave the office."

"I didn't leave the office," Sally affirmed. She sat down on one of the seats in front of Une's desk and Wufei followed suit. "Martone escaped the base and I just found out that both Midii and Relena are missing." She gave an accusing glance at Une.

"I didn't tell you because I promised not to," Une said for herself. "And who did you find out from?"

"Heero," she simply answered. "We don't know where Relena is and Midii is in the same plate that she is."

"What could those ona's been thinking about?"

"That it was time to take a vacation and give Heero and run for his money," declared Une. "I'm waiting for Relena to call and tell me what she's going to do although, it's been over an hour."

"At least they know the danger they are in," Wufei stood up from his seat and dragged Sally along. "I'm taking her to her place to change," he looked at Une. "We'll be back later."

"Why is it that you women pick the worse time to pull a stunt like that," he said as they both got out to the parking lot.

"I don't know," responded Sally with her bag on her shoulder. "Intuition I guess."

"You do know that you've put out a score from your team," said Wufei as he unlocked the doors to his car.

"I don't care," Sally merely put. "All I want is Martone behind bars."

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Midii answered the door of the apartment as Relena dialed the number of Une's office. Her cell phone seemed to take better reception at the balcony so she complied to it's wishes. The phone rang for some time and she gave up. She should wait a minute before dialing again.

"Hi Midii," said an ecstatic Sylvia. "I hope you had a good rest today."

"I wish that too," she opened the door wider for her to enter. Mark came from right behind her. He said his hello too and took a seat.

"What happened?" Sylvia asked seeing Relena on the balcony trying to make a phone call.

"We received a call from Une about an hour ago. Martone escaped the base in which he had been held and the alarms on the preventers have been turned on the fullest."

"This will put a damper on your plans," Sylvia looked at Relena again. "She was the last target when he was captured and I don't think that he'll give the contract up."

"I know," Midii sat down before them. "What are you two doing here?"

"We came to invite you girls out today," Mark answered. "It's better if there's more people with us than the two of us alone."

"Are you sure?" She inquired with a sly grin.

"Very sure," he answered.

"I think it'll be really good to be out today for Relena," Midii went to a counter and got a glass of water from the refrigerator. "She's decided not to go back."

"This will be dangerous," Sylvia looked at both Mark and Midii.

"My father received a call from the preventers. All of the politicians that are well sought after are being warned." Mark placed a hand on Sylvia's shoulder. "This is will be a little on hysterics until some time after. It's always like this."

"Une," Relena smiled as she finally was able to get her. "It's me, Relena."

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I've decided to stay," she noticed the intake of breath on Une's part. "I'm not going to come back."

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"Yes," Relena looked at the serene calm of the sea. The clouds were free from any strain and so will she. "I'm going to continue with this. Midii's with me and I'm sure that nothing will seriously happen."

"You know of the danger that you're facing Relena. I had hoped you reconsidered this position and came back. I would feel a lot better if I knew that you and Midii were here where I could keep an eye on both of you."

"I'll see you later." She looked at the three people that were looking at her. "Don't worry in vain. I can take care of this if the time calls for it."

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"Parting flight from Gate 34 will be leaving in five minutes. This is your last call." The speaker rang through the airport spoke system.

A man got up from his seat and retrieved his bag and ticket. He went to the gate in which people were already waiting and the stewardess started to brake the tickets. His midnight blue eyes were encased with sunglasses hiding them from sight. His short black hair heightened his dark face and features. His hand went up to the woman and extended the ticket which she took smiling.

"Thank you," he nodded at her and made his way into the plane. His dark coat completed the feature of a man with a lot to hide and mystery. People gave a glance at the stranger and went on with their doings. He sat down on the seat by the window and put his bag bellow his seat. He took his glasses off and replaced them on a pocket on his coat.

It was almost time. He smiled a sardonic smile and closed his eyes. She was going to die really soon. Your time has come Relena. Too bad.


This chapter was easy to get out. Only one, two days to get it done but the good news may end there. I don't think I'm going to be able to get the next chapter this quickly, although I will try.

If anyone has any ideas of what to put on for the next chapter, don't hesitate. I'm having problems of putting what I'm thinking to words and that's my type of writer's block.

I hope that this change of event will spice this up. I really think that this will be getting better and better.

Oh, I almost forgot. The rating for this story will change later on chapters to come. I'm not sure when but I'll say it before the chapter will the rating will come out.

Thanks for reading this if you're still here with me.