Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Past Occurrences ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's the seven chapter of Ask Me To. This will not comply with the sequence of events that have been going but as the title of the chapter says. This is the past occurrences that happened with Martone. I truly believe that if I show how Midii had got him and how he has a relationship with a favorite Gundam pilot from long ago it would be best.

Well, here it goes and I hope you like it. I may introduce some parts in which are things that are actually happening now or happened at the missing week to Relena and Midii but I can't promise anything.

Past - in between

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters used in here of Gundam Wing. They belong to their creator I merely use them to tell this story.

Ask Me To
Chapter 7 : Past Occurrences

"Call, intern. Number 375 - 0231 - * 92 * 9." He waited. "Code 502."

"I'll put you through," the phone remained lifeless on the man's hands.

"What!" a grudging voice answered.

"The contract will be fulfilled in less than a week."

"Martone?" the man at the other end of the line was fully awake at the sound of the words.

"Be ready to wire the money," was his response.

"Why are you calling here?" the man's tone shifted. "If someone found out about you I'll be through."

"Just tell them, it they ask, that it was one of your employees. You do have a business where I stopped in."

"Is this a secure line?"

"No one ever thinks of listening in a public phone Art."

"Don't call me that," he scolded. "I don't want you anywhere near me. Plus, Relena hasn't left the mansion for a whole week. She hasn't even talked to someone on the phone."

"And Heero has been answering everything." Martone interrupted.

"Yes, Heero has been... How did you know that?"

"I have my ways," Martone smirked although it wasn't visible to the other. "I found out something very interesting by accident that will be used to my advantage."

"You always say by accident," growled the man. "What is it?"

"Relena left the protection of the mansion a week ago, which explains why Heero has been handling everything. She has no guards whatsoever and she's being careless."

"How do you know that's true?"

"I've had confirmation of a photo. She's in the background of a beach dated five days ago. A friend, let's call him that, came about to it and transferred the information." He remained silent for a minute. "He's talked to many people and they say the same thing. Relena has been going through the streets with other people, alone even."

"If no one's with her then this will be easy to carry out."

"People even recognized Sylvia Noventa, Mark Genti and they say that another woman was with them."

"Do you know where she is right now?"

"No," Martone smiled at himself. "But it'll be easy to come by with the information."

"If you are successful, the money will be in your hands promptly."

"I'll call from the airport," Martone replaced the receiver and left the public booth. He motioned for a cab and entered it. "The airport."

"Right away sir."


"I have a plan," Midii entered Une's office.

"What for?"

"I know how to get Martone to reveal himself."

"Just how exactly do you plan on doing that?" Une inquired giving her complete attention. Midii related what they knew and what they needed to do. "Are you sure he'll bait?"

"You do know that he has close surveillance to the house and knows everything that's going on."

"That too was part of this wasn't it?" Une asked with a knowing expression on her face.

"All I need is your approval and that you explain to them what has to be done."

"Alright," Une got the phone and started dialing a number. "Let's hope this works."


Midii and Relena exited their flight stopping at the busy gate. By the number of people you could see that this was a busy airport.

"Aren't they all?" Midii asked taking a deep breath.

"All what?"

"All airports are always busy."

"How did you know what I was thinking?" Relena asked regarding her.

"Be the expression on your face," pointed out Midii as they moved from the third floor to the first floor.

"I've never come to the United States to see things, just on business and cramped in a place with a hundred people looking over their shoulders."

"That's they way that your business works Rel," Midii took her bags from the ramp. "Let's look for our luggage."

Relena stretched her hands for her two suitcases and put them beside her. Midii had her other bag as well. "I don't think we're missing anything. You?"

"No," Midii looked around the airport and smiled as she saw the people lining up. "We should rent a car."

"Wouldn't we have to get back here if we do?" She asked her companion.

"No," Midii signaled one of the companies. "You can leave the car anywhere if it is with the right company. I've looked it up before and have done it but on another country."

"Then, let's get one and start making our plans for our stay in here." Midii went to the line as Relena sat herself on a bench. She started reading a traveler's guide from the plane outlining what she would like to see. A page caught her attention by the picture that it displayed.

There were many people walking on the still picture inside a cave. They were smiling up at a man that was dressed up as a park ranger which stood on a rock talking to the people beside him. The line bellow the people said, Kentucky Mammoth Cave, the largest of the world. It's bold prints were to get the attention it deserved. The paragraph bellow resounded an invitation.

Mammoth cave is considered a monument because of it's history. Receive a tour of the sites and discover the marbles that the Earth keeps hidden among it's secrets. Start to appreciate the beauty that our Earth has revealed to us on it's more primitive form which will keep you in it's spell forever.

Call toll free to 1 - 800 - 439 - 4582 for more information or ticket reservations. Don't miss the chance to learn about the mysteries that are kept bellow us.

"I'd like to see it," murmured Relena highlighting the page. She glanced at the desk in which Midii was signing some papers and a key being handled to her. She thanked the person and walked back toward Relena.

"Got us a car," she looked at a paper on her hand. "We're supposed to give this paper to a man by where the company keeps the car. He'll get it for us."

"Let's go," Relena retrieved her two bags and followed Midii out. "I already know where I want to go first."

"Really, where?"

"It's called the Mammoth Caves. It's supposed to be in this state too." Relena couldn't hide her enthusiasm. "With the traveling system that the car has, I think that we can find it and drive there right now."

"It's good then that I rented one with the system then," Midii looked relieved.

"It's better than a map and it goes in with all of the technology." Relena stopped a second and directed herself at Midii.

"How did you pay for it?"

"I made a check, I have plenty of money." Relena still didn't looked about to give off the subject.

"I think that I should pay for everything from now on," she continued to follow Midii. "I can spare the money, plus. I'm the one that was hightailed into this trip."

"It's no bother," Midii tried to keep her from reaching a definite decision.

"You've paid for many things up to this point and I want to waist some money. You are going to be my guest from now on." Midii kept silenced as she handed the paper to the man at the parking gate. He looked it over and directed them to one of the new Chevrolet Malibu's. He looked at the number on the paper and pointed to a dark blue car which hinted toward a deep black.

The girls said thank you and opened the back to put their bags in. Midii advanced at the driver's side and opened the door disengaging all of the locks. She looked at Relena and asked. "Do you want to drive?"

"I wouldn't mind. I need you to put the address on the system to get there," Midii handed her the keys and both got ready to work. "It's been a long time since I've driven a car myself," she cranked up the gas and with a smile speed up from the parking toward the outside.

She flashed through the traffic lights and without taking her eyes from the road looked at the location in which they were at. "Where do I have to go to get there?" Midii inputted the information and they waited until the machine beeped signaling it's working station.

"Here, take a right at the next intersection and enter the ramp 65-East and get off at the exit marked 185." Midii instructed.

"It looks like we'll be having some fun."


"Isn't it about time that you girls went with us to the yacht and spend the day at sea?" Asked Sylvia as she and Relena put on their skates.

"It's been so long since I've actually been on a boat at sea," Relena realized as she buttoned the skates up. She saw Midii and Mark out of the corner of her eyes laughing at each other.

"You've been here for over three days with us and I think that it's formality to ask you both to spend a day with us on the yacht." Sylvia directed her eyes to were Relena was looking at. "They look like they're having fun."

Midii was right behind Mark which was at breakpoint speed trying to get away from her. She was shouting her head off after him. "I'll get you."

"It seems that way," responded Relena as she herself stood up with Sylvia's help. "I don't know what I would have done these past days if we hadn't ran into you."

"It is good to find and spent time with a former friend which I hadn't seen or spoken to on such a long time." She blinked at herself. "It's like moving back onto a neighborhood you lived before and finding out that your friend is still living there."

"I know," Relena took her chances with skating really slowly. She put a feet before the other in small motions getting adjusted to it. With a sudden push from Sylvia, she felt herself flying across the park with no way of knowing how to stop. "Sylvia!"

Sylvia simply laughed at the picture that Relena made. It was like running skates taking control out of the controlling Minister. It was to make her have some fun. Maybe the push shouldn't have been so brusque, she realized as Relena avoided running into an old lady that was walking by. She nearly sent herself out into the pavement.

Mark stopped right behind Sylvia smiling himself. "Let's hope Midii gets to her in time." He said to her as they both observed the fiasco that was formed with Midii getting caught up with her and trying to steady her by slowing her down.

"I invited Relena and Midii to spend a day with us on the yacht." She said simply. Mark turned his attention toward her sensing something on her voice. Without letting on that he felt something in the air he answered on his normal tone.

"Did she accept?" He asked her.

"I didn't let her have enough time to tell me what she was going to say."

"So, instead of maybe letting her turn it down because of shyness you just pushed her to have trouble and not back out of it." He put his hands on her neck from behind. "I like you're thinking."

"Let's see if you don't stop now," she said out loud to herself.


"Nothing," she disengaged herself from him and took off toward Relena which had sat herself on one of the benches of the park and was resting herself. Midii was right by her trying not to smile at her wide eyes and heavy breathing.

"Come on Relena," Midii stopped herself by shutting her mouth. Else, she would have just laughed at her. "It wasn't that bad."

"I almost ran down that poor lady," she said incredulously. "I could have killed her."

"You're not driving a car," Midii said trying to gain access to her attention. Relena seemed to be on her own little world.

"Oh god," she whispered to herself putting a hand on her heart. She could feel the heart beat beating out into herself. It seemed the only thing that she could hear. She looked up and saw both Sylvia and Mark making their way toward them.

Sylvia was smiling as she stopped right in front of Relena. She had a murderous look on her face. "What's up?"

"You could have killed me," Relena launched herself at Sylvia which took off in time before Relena could put her arms around her. Without thinking of herself being on skates, Relena went after her. "Get back here Sylvia. I'm going to kill you."

Mark and Midii stood by watching Relena persecuting a laughing and joyous Sylvia. "I think she forgot about wearing skates." Mark pointed out.

"I think that she'll be able to carry out that threat." Midii took off after them seeing if she could make Relena realize what she was doing.

"What were you thinking!" Relena shouted frantic.

"Of getting you to enjoy yourself." She shouted back.

"By what, killing me?" They both continued skating making zigzags across the park. All of the pedestrians were smart enough to get out of their way before they could come in contact with them and have to go to a hospital.


Trowa exited a hotel putting his glasses on. So, he was right. Midii and Relena had been seen around with Sylvia Noventa and Mark Genti. It means that what Sylvia's grandmother told Heero had been true. Now, all he needed to know was where the hell they had gone to.

The information that he had gotten from Heero was that Sylvia had been traveling on a yacht that as of the family with Genti and that as much as the grandmother knew, they had been together for a whole week. This explained their whereabouts for the whole week then.

Now, if he could just find out where they were, he could be able to talk to them. Heero himself had contacted Sylvia after her grandmother called and she confirmed that she and the two had spend the week at that place.

Trowa entered a cab and sent him to the port. That was the way that he could find out where the yacht had been. Now, all he hoped was that Heero had actual time to get on their trail. Finding someone was not easy if you didn't have the right knowledge.


"Everything is in place," murmured Lady Une to herself. She didn't know whether to go through with this or to just say something to pull it all off. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

The phone rang on her end, she knew who it was from though. It was all happening how it should be. Now, she looked up at the ceiling. Please let him be listening. She picked up the phone.

"Lady Une speaking," she answered. She shivered involuntarily.

"Do you know where the papers are?" Relena asked through the phone after she greeted her.

"No, it seems that they have been disposed off."

"How am I supposed to present the proposal and get the Raja to sign it if I don't have the papers?" Relena's strain could be heard through the phone.

"I got the application here," Une moved to her computer and opened the program. "Are you still off-line?"

"Yes," Relena muttered. "Sent it to my office."

"There's no one there to get it."

"Yes. I know these holidays and everyone off is no matter. I'll go right away and pick it up."

"Heero should go with you."

"He left 20 minutes ago to take Rosa to the mall. I'll drive there myself."

"It's on it's way," Une set up the fax number.

"I'll see you tomorrow Une," the phone disconnected and Relena moved toward the garage by the connecting door. She entered her car and pulled up the door to outside and grinned the engine. She needed to get there as fast as possible.

Twenty minutes later, she exited the car as she parked it in the basement garage of the building. She took off toward the elevator and entered it. Just as she thought, there was no one on the building. Seldom because she had a key that she could not then enter the building.

She entered her floor and made her way to her office. The fax itself was beeping as it needed more papers to continue with it's function. Relena literally tore up the new box of papers and put some more on the machine. A second later, it continued to print up the papers. It stopped as the last paper came and she arranged them patiently.

She moved toward her desk and looked on the drawers for a folder to put the papers in and then leave. She was into finding the folder so much that she went to her knees and propped her head bellow the desk overview.

Unknown to her, some one entered the office and hid itself behind the doorway. Relena let out a breath of relieve when she found the folder and stood up closing the drawer. She put the papers in and started to move to the door. She took the handle and busied herself on fitting her key in to lock her office. She entered the key and started to close the door when a cold metal was placed on the back of her head.

"Hello Minister Relena," the man's voice sounded. "How have you been this glorious day."

"Good," she answered as she moved her head toward her assailant. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Martone," he answered and ushered for her to close the door. "But that won't matter." Relena closed the door and faced him again. "Walk to the elevator and no funny movements."

She complied as he followed her to the elevator. It's doors opened and both entered. Martone still had the gun fixed on her head. He pressed for the basement parking floor. The elevator was silent as it moved and opened at the floor.

"Walk to your car and open the doors," he ordered her. Defiantly, Relena turned around to him giving him a frozen gaze.

"Why it that?"

"You got defiant," he laughed at her. "I might as well knock you out."

"Just what do you want to do to me?"

"Nothing personal," he answered advancing toward her. "Business." He got closer and grabbed her by her hands. He raised the butt on the gun to hit her when the safety of a gun got his attention. He turned to it and found a woman with blond hair and a preventer's jacket pointing her gun at him.

"Stop moving or I swear that you'll get a bullet between your eyes," she advanced toward him as she talked to a pin on her blouse. "Move in."

People started to enter from the entrance of the parking lot. Martone's attention turned to it giving Relena the chance to get herself out of his hands. She reached for her back and took a gun out of her pants. She pointed it at him and smiled cynically. "I'm well prepared."

Midii went to him and knocked the gun out of his reach as he raised it to Relena. He knew that she was never going to shoot him but he had forgotten the agility of Midii's movements. She cuffed his hand and pointed the gun to his head. "Move and die Martone."

He simply snorted and waited for the men to come and take him away. Relena gave her gun toward Heero which appeared right behind her and put it back into his holster. He had given her his gun as a precaution.

"Good job," Relena simply nodded and was led by him toward the outside of the building. He came back a minute later with car keys on his hands. He looked at the female preventer with a suspicious glance. She looked at him and the silent moment passed without any happenings.

"Another one out of here," said Midii to her phone.

"I don't know how this worked out Midii," Une said over the phone. "But I'm glad that it all worked up alright."

"Me too," Midii sighted as a car entered the lot. She recognized it as being her ride back to her apartment. Heero passed the car slowly as he was going out and it was going in. Inside, he recognized as seeing Trowa who in turn looked back acknowledging. Midii waved to Trowa who parked the car and left it.


"Are you sure?"

"My sources never lie and you know it."

"I know," there was a moment of silence. "I'll be there tomorrow." He put the hook back on the cradle and smiled at himself. He was going to get it all done even before he thought he would. There would be some setbacks, he realized that but he could go with the days.

"It's almost over for you Relena," Martone looked at a newspaper clipping that he had on the door with her face. On it's side, there was a photo of Midii walking on the streets. He advanced to the photo and traced her face. "You're time is up."


Damn , this took me a long time to actually get out. I can't believe that I was so hung up on what to write that I got one of the worse writer's blocks that I've ever had on my life. Now, I hope you like it and I have to say that I have no idea of what to write for the next chapter so... it may be a while.

See ya later readers...