Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Another Kind of Love ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Don't know what I'll come up with here so, read at your own risk everyone. I don't even know what my mind will come up with. I hope that I get an idea.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters used in this.

Ask Me To
Chapter 8 : Another Kind of Love

"It's been such a long day," Relena took her shoes off and just threw them on the floor. She leaned on the bed and closed her eyes. A no much better Midii entered the room from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head.

"The bathroom is all yours," she said walking to Relena. "I don't think that it was wise for you to take the four hour tour."

"It's a start," Relena grumbled as she got up from the bed and groaned. "I haven't walked that much since I was little."

"It's shows the need of exercise," Midii guided her to the bathroom and closed the door. "Your bags are in there. You can take all you need from it."

"Thanks," shouted Relena as she stripped herself from her clothes that needed a good washing and started the shower.

Midii took her time to untangle her hair. She was worried that the exercise had been too much for Relena. Walking four miles bellow on a cave was not fun with all of the elevations and not good for your legs if you haven't exercised them.

Knowing the state that Relena would be when she got out of the shower, Midii slipped on her shoes and went out to the restaurant to bring back something for Relena and herself. A good rest wouldn't be the end of the world for both of them.

She made her way out after she told Relena that she would be gone for some time to bring up some food for them. Instead of taking the elevator which seemed to be the sensible thing to do, she took the stairs to the ground floor. She arrived ten minutes later by the door which seemed obscured by the darkness that enveloped the whole stairs.

Seems like no one uses it. It's mainly put so that if there's an emergency or if the elevator is broken. Midii opened the door and was grateful by the intake of light that it showed. She closed the door and tried to familiarize herself to the outlook of the hotel.

She remembered the fiasco that had happened the last time she was on a hotel on the US and on a mission. She couldn't help but smile at the scandal that was formed when the mission went haywire and in shambles. Maybe next time she would see this with a new perspective.

From the information that they had acquired from the guide, mainly being Relena. There was a museum not too far from here that showed the geological rocks that have been preserved since decades before when they disengaged their selves from the quake that happened from the fault of Kentucky.

"I would have never believed it that there was one in these parts," she told herself as she located the restaurant. She looked at the manager and organized it so that their food would be brought up immediately. She turned around and started to make her way back.

Not knowing why, she looked over her shoulder inconspicuously so that she wouldn't tip anything off. She thought a shadow had moved from the corner. Not giving any sings, she waited for the elevator to arrive to her floor.

The door opened and a couple got out. A man supporting himself on a cane and a little girl that talked to him in the manner which she drew up that he was her grandfather. Midii entered the elevator and waited for the doors to close. Her eyes alert, picked up another movement from the corner of the room from before.

Just as it was there, it was gone. She couldn't really know what to make out of it. The doors closed after an eight year old boy entered the elevator. He pressed for the same button that Midii had before.

They both got out of the elevator and went their different ways. Midii smiled at the manner that he carried himself with not a care in the world. Just like kids should be at that age, she reflected. It would be cruel to brake their innocent dreams for a selfish reason as the power that many people desired and gave way to war.

The door to her room opened and Relena looked out as if looking for someone. She smiled as she spotted Midii going her way. "I thought I heard a sound outside the door."

"There was no one nearby," Midii contested entering herself. "The food will be here in a little while."

"Good," Relena winced somewhat as she made her way to a seat.

"Do you knees hurt?"

"Not as much as my tights," she responded passing a hand through them.

"You still want to go to that museum tomorrow then?"

"Yeah," she responded leaning to the chair. "I don't want to be bottled up in here for a day."

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Dorothy couldn't help but smile. The call from Sylvia first delivering a message from Relena and then, now a call from Relena telling her of her plans. She still couldn't believe it. Relena had cut off her ties with everyone but herself for a while. Although she hadn't said it, Dorothy had sensed it. It was mostly for Heero.

If he had sense enough, he would go after her before the time limit was up. Dorothy took her bags and walked to her car. She couldn't see a way for him to refuse though. She looked at the ceiling of the colony and noted the color of night. It was already seven forty five at the colony, the time for the artificial light to go out as they said. It was coming to night now.

Dorothy entered her car and made her way to the already known road to Winners Enterprises. Now, it would be a miracle if he himself wouldn't be there. She rounded the corners and left her car parked at the front. She knew it was alright and the night clerk knew that it was good too.

"Hi Franko," she greeted the night guard at the door.

"How are you Dorothy?" He asked. His reflection reflected all of his 64 years of age. He only needed to work for two more weeks and his pension could take care of the rest.

"I'm fine," she looked up at the monotonous sounds that all of the offices made. "He's still here?"

"Like always," she waved at him and he waved back. Dorothy pushed back a lock of her hair out of her face as she waited for the elevator. The ride to the 47th floor wasn't a short one so she had plenty of time to even paint her nails if she wanted to.

She arrived at the floor some time later. She had talked to Quatre of putting a faster elevator on the office but he seemed to be to his neck with so many things that he didn't have enough time to even brush his teeth. Dorothy walked through the offices and cubicles seeing people here and there. They were mostly the ones finishing up reports on a deadline or getting ready to leave for their homes.

She saw Theresa at her spot by Quatre's office. She smiled at the upcoming person knowing who she was. The silent greeting passed as she only nodded smiling. Not waiting a minute to stop or nock at the door, she opened it without letting anyone in the office know of the intrusion.

Quatre sat at his desk with a paper the size of an encyclopedia on his hands. She could see the impression of his glasses as he adjusted them every time they slipped a little over his nose. He made the picture of a scholar she noted. How many times had it been that she had seen him wear them? Plenty to know that he actually needed them to read at his age.

The sound of her heels alerted him of the presence of someone on the room. He looked up making his glasses tip over. His expression didn't show surprise which was okay with Dorothy. She had come here so many times that it was not a surprise to be back again.

"Hi Dorothy," he greeted in his original manner. "What brings you here?"

"I carry a message and a favor," she answered sitting herself in front of him.

"What kind of favor?" He asked suspiciously.

"Did you get a call from Heero about Relena slipping out of his fingers and calling him if you got any news?" She asked getting a little information of her own.

"Yes," Quatre put the paper down and slipped his glasses off. "Something like that."

"Well, Relena needs a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"You have a house on the desert and she was wondering if she would use it for some days," Dorothy took one of the candies that were on a plate at his desk and slipped it into her mouth.

"When for?"

"You're going to let her or tip off Heero?"

"What should I do?" He asked her. "I'm with everyone else you know."

"Good," Dorothy stood up and went to the blinds of his office. "She'll be there in about five days."

"For how long?" Quatre managed to say as he ate one of the caramels himself.

"I don't know," she walked behind him and brought him up from the seat. "About a week maybe."

"Where are you taking me?" He asked as she pulled him toward the door waking his coat.

"Home," she answered as she opened the door and closed it behind him. "Take care Theresa." She smiled at the couple that walked passed her. Dorothy dragging Quatre who in bouts of protest still let her drag him out.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow sir," she closed down her computer saving her works and turned everything off locking his door.

"How are you going to get it ready?"

"I'll ask Rashid to take care of it," Quatre put on his coat as the elevator made it's way down. "He's there with the other Manaquacs and it's not out of the question to just drop by."

"I think that you should let some of them stick around them while they're there."

"Who they?" He asked surprised.

"Midii gave the slip to Trowa as well," Dorothy answered as she rummaged through her pockets.

"I didn't know that." He said in surprise.

"That's because you live in your office," she reproached.

"That's true," he didn't even protest knowing that it was true.

The door opened and both of them exited the elevator. Franko waved at them as they passed the door and mounted Dorothy's car.

"I have to call Relena to tell her," Dorothy looked at Quatre. "I think it's better if both of you talked out instead of going through me."

"Give me the number then."

"It's in here," she gave him her cell phone. "It's the last number on the call ID."

"Thanks," he murmured as he took out a paper from a corner of a notebook bellow the seat and wrote the number.

"Let's see," murmured Dorothy as she made her way to Quatre's mansion. "Let's get you relaxed today."

"Uh-oh," he said out loud. That might be a sign of a lot of relaxation.

In The Morning......

Quatre moved away from the bed. He unclasped Dorothy's arm and threw on his shorts. He tiptoed silently to the door and closed it praying for her not to wake up. He swore that she was trained to pick up any sounds, not that he was complaining about it.

He moved through the hallways of the mansion making his way to the living room. He remembered Dorothy's bag being there, along with her cell phone. He glanced at his watch and found that it was well into seven in the morning. He was going to be late for work but who cared. Theresa could manage without him for a few minutes.

Entering the living room, he found Dorothy's bag right by the head lamp. He walked to it and looked for the phone. Taking a pen from the bag and a piece of paper and wrote the number down again. It seemed that the last one would not be recovered for some time.

He turned and made his way back to his room. He had to get ready for work. He had a very important meeting with some of the side investors. He had to get Dorothy ready too, she too was one of the people that needed to be there.

He entered his room ready to call to Dorothy but found his bed empty. He felt surprised as it had seemed that she was in deep sleep when he left. Wasting no time, he opened his closet and took out the suit for today. He put the strip of paper on one of it's pockets making sure that no one saw him.

He put the suit on his bed in which the sheets were stripped and made his way to the bathroom. He opened the door and found a yawing Dorothy brushing her teeth. She was wrapped on a towel with the sheets of the bed scared on the floor. She had put her hair down which looked to him that she was going to wash it. This could take a lot of time.

"Morning," he said as he made his way to the basin to her.

Dorothy spit out her paste and took some water. She spit it out again and smiled his way. "Morning." She handed him his brush and started to make her way to the enormous shower.

"No, no," he said after her taking her by the waist and pulling her back. "If you start to shower before me I'll never make it to the office on time."

"Come on," she said laughing. He was so predictable. Taking her chance, she pulled him to the shower with her right behind her and turned on the water. The shower head started to zoom out with all of it's might. It was really cold first but it gradually turned to a warm filter. She put it on phase four and the opening from the ceiling started to let it's water out too.

"We'll take our showers at the same time if you want," she said as she took off her towel and took the shampoo on her hands. "It's about time that you were late for work."

"I've been late for work for the whole month," he contradicted. "And it's all your fault."

"Thank you," she said as she saw him pout. "Just trying to help."

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Hilde replaced the receiver smiling. It was so funny the way that things had been carrying about with those two. Now, she couldn't wait to tell Duo the good news. Waiting not a moment longer, she made her way from the house to the salvage garage which was only at a walk's time.

She arrived finding Duo bellow one of the cars that he had bought to fix and use himself. She couldn't help but cringe at it's appearance but if he decided to waste money on this, then that would be his problem.

"Duo," she called at a high tone. She heard a thump and many swears coming from bellow the car. Seconds later Duo rolled back to where she was appearing rubbing a corner of his head.

"Hilde," he whined reprovingly. "You scared me."

"That's a surprise. I have some news."

"Of who?"

"Relena," Hilde went to him and replaced his hand with hers. She rubbed on the suppose spot that he had hit himself over. "She's coming up to the colony in a few days. Two or three with Midii."

"Who's Midii?" He asked unconsciously. He wasn't focused on what she was saying.

"She's the preventer that is traveling with her." A look of enlighten came to his face. "And the woman that Trowa is looking for."

"She's the one that gave him the slip?"

"Yes," Hilde continued on. "I really do hope that you won't inform them."

"Hey," he said offended. "On whose side do you think I am?"

"I wouldn't know," she fixed a quiver look on him. "I can never tell."

"Babe," he got up and embraced her playing. "That hurt."

"Not as much as what I'll do to you if you talk to them," she warned him.

"I'm quiet," he made a sign of a zipper closing on his mouth. "Nothing will ever come out of here."

"It better," she still looked at him a little on the down side. "They'll be staying with us."

"How many days?"

"I wouldn't know," she answered slipping away from him. "I'll start cooking." She skipped out of the garage and made her way back to the house.

"The little sphinx is clever," Duo told himself as he slid down to the car again.

"Duo!" Hilde called again hearing the same thump and curses for the second time again. This time, she couldn't repress the giggle that made it's way out of her.

A grudging Duo appeared from bellow the car again this time fixing a dark gaze on the German giggling woman. "You do this on purpose." He accused her.

She scoffed at the insult and just threw it off. "It was not my intention. Plus, it's not like I like to tend to the injuries that you inflict on yourself everyday."

"Hilde," he warned taking his gloves off. Hilde laughed outright. She approached him with some caution but knowing that he wouldn't be able to touch her even if he wanted to.

"What?" He said getting a little hot headed with the whole ordeal. It wouldn't matter so much of the bump if it hadn't been on the same place making the hurt intensify. "By this rate I'll have to go to the hospital for a concussion that you have given me."

"You poor baby," said Hilde approaching him with a smiled on her face.

"Hilde," he warned again.

She still got to him and ruffled his hair. His eyes changed and he could swear that he was seeing red. With a cat like gesture, he moved to pounce on her but was caught by Hilde moving toward him and engaging her lips to his. His eyes flickered as he was unmoved for some time. He was about to respond when she took her lips off of his and smiled.

"I for got to say that I love you and that you have a grease stain on your face," she took a towel from his side pocket and passed it over his face. "There," she showed him the black imprint handing the towel back to him. With the same manner that she had left before, she did for the second time that day. Duo stood there this time as if waiting for her to come back.

He got to the floor again and made his way before the car again. He didn't know why but every time she called him it was like a shock that was passing through his system making him jump. A new found of energy made it's way to him every time she was there and he didn't know how to reveal it or act it.

"Oh, and Duo," she called again, her head appearing from the side of the door. This time the thump was less evident. He simply groaned not really expecting her to appear for a third time. He rolled out smiling at her rubbing his oh so bruised head. He felt like just killing himself right there instead of letting the headache get to him.

"Yes Hilde," he managed to say through cringed teeth.

She laughed at his boyish impression. Trying to hold it back, she pressed her hand to her mouth to suppress the giggles. "Forget it." She turned to leave but remained there for a moment longer. "You know, you look cute when you look like that." Not waiting for a reply, she made her way back to the house. Not taking any chances, Duo stood up and watched her himself that she had entered the house by the back door and closed it. He waited for her to get out again to say something to him but the flowing sphinx didn't appear again.

Life with Hilde was never dull. Duo realized as he continued with his work.

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Heero was actually afraid for the first time since Relena and Midii had disappeared. It had been a week and Martone could be hot on their trails. They didn't know him at all. This wasn't a game and Martone wasn't someone to be taken under. Midii was over her league and he knew it.

He himself had known Martone before this all had happened. He being a contact and comrade of Odin hadn't helped the relation. Heero himself had been made into the best assassin by him and he wouldn't say that what he had been trained to do he had forgotten.

Martone was ruthless in his work and with the money that came in he was most happy to do it. He had never been caught to one of his assignments making him the best on the field of work. Heero didn't know who put the contract on Relena but knew that many people wanted her out of their way because of their reason.

Martone couldn't finish the job now, but he would try to do it again. Heero groaned at his state. He was grounded on the house getting all of the calls making it all with the senators and representatives. He was left in control because Relena couldn't talk.

Where could they be? How could Relena be so out of herself to actually do this? What in the world could have driven her to this type of action. There was one way to find out and that would be to talk to her himself.

Heero moved out of the chair and was making his way to his room when Pagan stopped him. He had a phone on his hand.

"What is it?"

"It's Quatre," Pagan said urgently. "He says that he has information for you."


O H! What's Quatre going to do? I wonder. No, really. I wonder. Anyway, I hope that this was a good chapter for all of you. I decided to dedicate most of this chapter to other people but Relena and Midii. There'll be enough of them later... don't know when... but they will be.

Well, review with your comments or just keep them to yourself. Whatever you want to do now, thanks for reading this chapter. Next one will come I don't know when. Maybe in a week, or less...