Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Just Some Calls ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's the 9th chapter of Ask Me To everyone. I hope that it's not disappointing, my mind wondering just what is it that I'm going to write about. I still can't believe that this has gone on to the ninth chapter. I never thought that it would take this far.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters in this fan fiction.

Ask Me To
Chapter 9 : Just Some Calls

Pagan stood there motionless waiting for Heero to actually move or to say something. He seemed to be well into his own thoughts about this. In a single movement, Heero took the phone from him and Pagan exited the room.

"What is it Quatre?" He asked walking toward his room.

"I hope I'm not waking you Heero," the Arabian pilot said with his voice down as if to conceal himself.

"No," Heero glanced over to one of the clocks on the walls and frowned. It was well over the time to make civilizing calls to the Cinq Kingdom. "What is it?"

"I can't talk right now aloud," Quatre looked around at his office. "Dorothy could enter at any minute."

Heero waited patiently for the Winner heir to actually get to the point of this conversation. "Dorothy got a call from Relena yesterday for me to arrange for her to have one of my places there on Earth for some time." Quatre seemed to say it all on a train. He talked waited too fast this time.

"Did you say yes?"

"Of course," Quatre answered, his voice heightening. "What was I suppose to say with Dorothy looking at me?"

"I don't know," he simply answered. "Trowa is looking for Relena right where she and Midii had been with Sylvia."

"Why didn't someone tell me that Midii had given Trowa the slip too?" Said Quatre now bringing it up.

"Who knows," said Heero entering his room. "Do you actually have some information for me?"

"Can you pinpoint a cell phone anywhere on the globe?" Asked Quatre instead.

"If it is in use we can pull the frequency to our radio and get the location through the company's locator," Heero answered mechanically. "Why?"

"I have Relena's cell phone number. I'm to call her to go over the specifics of when they will need the house and for how long, you know."

"Yes," Heero typed on his laptop. "What's the number?"

"Oh God!" Shouted Quatre through the phone. Heero heard the sound of the phone hitting the ground with some now random mumblings from Quatre.

Someone's voice came to the phone to Heero. "I'm sorry but Quatre can't take the phone right now, he's sort of tied up at the moment." The voice snickered. "He'll call you back as soon as possible, thank you." Just like an answering machine to him. "Have a nice day." And the signal went out.

Heero stood there staring at the phone. Just what was going on the other side of the world? He was pretty sure that the voice was of Dorothy's but why he didn't know. Maybe the suppress and shallow breathing of Quatre would give a clue but Heero could think of nothing or rather said, he didn't want to think of something.

"He will call later," Heero smirked at himself. He had something that would help him greatly on the search. There was no way that Relena could skip away anymore. Not that easily that is.

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Sally came out of the bathroom of her apartment toweling her hair. Her robe made sure that no part of her hair fell on her and wet the floor. Curious about what she had put on the web, she made her way to the computer and started to enter her network.

While the computer entered the network, she made her way to the kitchen to put the coffee machine to brew some coffee. Wufei would be arriving in a short while to work on their report. Taking a bottle of water from the refrigerator, she made her way back to the computer.

She typed the address of the website and started to see the progress. It was one that she had made for fun on those days that she wanted to be free of office hassles and the things that appeared there always made her feel good.

The site consisted of sightings of Relena. No one in the world could ever think that there was a website for that. The doubles that looked like her were somewhere and by the constant sightings on one place, she could draw out that there were many similarities.

She had never thought that the site would be a hit when it was broadcasted through the whole internet. More people wrote to her making her add an input of Relena's life and acquaintances. There were many pictures on the website of the sightings on the world. People just sent them to her via the computer so that there could be proof.

Now, Sally entered the inbox of the site and started to sort out the messages. One, she noted came from a political E-Mail. She knew that the company was registered for important documents. What got her attention was that this one was called SNove99. The numbers that were used on the Emails were like a classification.

Curious to why one of those people would sent her an E-mail, she opened it. The first thing she saw was a photo of Relena and Midii with Sylvia smiling at the camera. There was a setting sun on the background of the waves. She could tell that it was from a boat that they were shooting. The second one was of Relena and Sylvia talking on a sand island. She recognized it as being one of the Caribbean.

She read the note that came attached bellow it.

I think that this pictures would be a nice addition to your collection Sally. It's on the Caribbean if you haven't guessed and the picture is quite genuine. The date taken is on them and I'm sure that you have been sent many messages of she being spotted in there with me and Marc Genti.

I think this game is quite advanced by the way things are going. Oh and tell to Heero and Trowa that they haven't got a chance. That was a message straight from Midii and Relena.

Take care of yourself and this site is quite amusing.

See Ya later, 0_0

Sylvia Noventa

P.S. : This is a photo strictly for you Sally. And it was all Relena's fault for pushing him and for Midii taking the picture.

The last one came with Marc and Sylvia on the floor of the yacht with a standing Relena laughing her head off at them. The picture was a little fuzzy on the sides with taken in fact that Midii was laughing right then. On the floor, Marc had his arms around Sylvia's shoulders to support himself from falling completely on her.

Sally smiled at the scene. Maybe she should put this photo up on the front page as gossip in between the young politicians. She saved the three pictures. She was going to decide on what to do later. She continued down on the headlines of the E-Mails before it which she hadn't had a chance to read because of her constant assignments to space.

Many of them said from the Caribbean islands. She opened one of them and started to read.

I live on the caribbean islands. I've always visited your site since it's been opened and now I can actually say something that will be put up here. Attached there's a file of a picture that my mother took a week ago in the city and in the background Relena is walking.

I hope this helps with your library of sightings.


Sally glanced at the picture and reflected on the background. The features could be made out even though she was far away. After checking five more that came from the island, Sally was sure that Relena had been there with Midii and Sylvia.

Wasting no time, she closed the E-Mail and went down to the recent ones. They were coming from the United States.

She opened the first one. There were four pictures attached in there. It was dark as if in a cave.

It was a group of teenagers generating from about 15 to 17 as Sally could tell. They were always in groups and were always together.

Onn one of them, there was only one of the girls as she stood on a corner of what she guessed to be a closed space. Crystals were as if dripping from the walls. It was a small space because right beside her looking to her side was Midii with a camera on her hands. The next one in which two girls took their picture together, had part of Relena to their other side. She was walking up on her side to the camera up the stairs.

This was taken at the mammoth caves on the Kentucky state of the US. Most of us couldn't believe when we recognized her and wasn't until the woman that was with her that called her by her name that our suspicions weren't revealed as truth.

On one of the pictures is Relena with her body to the side and on the other is the woman that was with her with a camera on her hands. Because of the drop on the cave of the temperature, she wore a jacket for some time with we also recognized as of the Preventers.

I already put this on the message board so plenty of people already know this. Many have already replied to us by the site.

Keep the pictures S.


S was the way that she always signed her E-Mails and the name she gave on the site. The abbreviation of her name was the most easy for her to remember and using her Preventer name was out of the question.

The door to her apartment opened and the Chinese pilot entered. He put the key back on his pants and locked it as he entered with a bag of groceries. He went to the kitchen and dropped the groceries on the table and made his way to where Sally was.

He entered the open bedroom and glared at her. "This is the last time I'm going shopping for you Sally."

"That's what you always say," she retorted as he made his way to the computer grumbling. "Thanks anyway."

Wufei sat on the chair beside her putting his attention on the computer. "I still can't believe that you still have that site up."

"It's entertaining," she said as she opened the last message sent to her. "This is nice."

"What?" Wufei muttered as he started to read the message with her.

"This was dated yesterday," she told him as she flipped down the picture. "It seems that Relena is in New York."

"Why would she be there?" He asked wondering. "Why in the world would you even think that this is real?"

"They talk about another person with her with Midii's description." Sally continued to read noticing Wufei's eyes on her fuming at her.

Sally reached for her bottle and took a sip of the water. She put the command line of the computer and downloaded all of the pictures that she was sent on all of the messages. Each one was dated as the message time and hour that the message itself was sent to her.

"I'll put them up later," said Sally as she got up from her seat and left the site's command line signing off. Wufei rolled his eyes and occupied her seat by getting to the program of the file manager.

"We have to type this report now," he said as Sally started to brush her hair. "It's due on Une's desk as we come in."

Sally looked at herself in the mirror trying to see if she was presentable enough for a call. Deciding that it wouldn't hurt, she went to her phone by her bed and dialed the number. It rang a couple of times before someone picked it up.

"Peacecraft residence," she recognized as it being Pagan's voice.

"Hi Pagan, this is Sally Po from the Preventers office." They greeted each other. "Can I talk with Heero?"

"I'm sorry Sally," Pagan said apologetically. "But he's not here. He left for the United States this morning."


"Do you know what's happening?"

"Yes," Sally knew why he was hesitant. "Relena left the mansion with no one and has been missing for over a week and a half."

"Okay," Pagan moved on his side. "Heero got a track on Relena's phone and the last time he got it was somewhere in New York city today. He coordinated for a plane and left immediately."

"Can you give me something so that I can reach him? I have a message for him."

"Sure, hold on a second. I'm sure that he noted his number in one of these papers for if something developed."

There was a minute of no movement from the phone as Sally waited for Pagan and he searched the papers. "Here. It's 407-697-3975."

"Thanks Pagan," Sally replied as she put the receiver back and looked at the jotted number. She waited a moment and picked up the phone again. She dialed the number and waited for the phone to be picked up.

"Yuy," Heero replied as he put the call through.

"Heero, this is Sally. I have a message."

"From who?"

"Relena through Sylvia who sent it to me." Sally replied as she moved around the room.

"What is it?"

"You two haven't got a chance," Sally said as she remembered what she had read. "That's all that they said to her to tell you."

"Anything else."

"Pagan said that you were going to New York City."


"Just to say that you may be on the right track."

"How do you know?"

"The website of Relena of sightings have a picture of Relena and Midi arriving on the New York City Airport two days ago. You should visit it sometime."

"Maybe I should," he replied as he terminated the call.

"Same Heero," Sally sighted as she put the phone down. "That's why this is all happening."

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Relena couldn't help but smile as she saw the movie promo again. She couldn't help it. Now, all she had to do was to see the sites of New York which would take the whole day and tomorrow she and Midii would be on a jet to the L2 colonies.

They had spent three days on New York going to the congress libraries, the Rocafeller building, the monument for the September 11 incident and going to the movies to get her mind off of everything.

Today, she would spend the day at the Statue of Liberty with Midii who seemed to enjoy the sites as much as she did. The only difference now was that she seemed to be always preoccupied on the places. Although it hadn't been a big deal, they had both felt something in there. Someone they seemed to see often no matter where they went. Well, tomorrow would be a day for relaxation. Being on a plane that would take many hours to reach it's destination. She would have time to catch up on her resting.

Midii said that she would meet her on the Statue as she herself went before her to get the arrangements and have everything reserved for when she arrived. As she looked at their things which were packed up still for their flight tomorrow she found that Midii had forgotten her gun.

The phone rang as she was taking it to bring it with her. "Yes?"

"Relena, this is Midii."

"Is something wrong?"

"No," she replied. "I'm just wondering if you won't object to the reservations that I've made for the Ludwig Tower. I'm thinking of making the reservations for it."

"Sure," Relena replied. "I'll see you in the Statue of Liberty."

"Alright." Relena hang up realizing that she hadn't said that she had forgotten her gun. Oh well, Relena put it back where she found it and started to rummage through her clothes to find the appropriate enough for the occasion. She knew that the dinners that the Ludwig Tower were said to be the expensive and well dressed.

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Midii couldn't help but look over her shoulder once or twice. The feeling of being watched was still with her although with so many people with her it was possible that she was just feeling out of place. Shaking off her feelings, she turned back to what the guide was saying.

On the corner of the room, hidden in the shadows was a man who kept himself to the darkness. Every time a person got close, he got in deeper and they could never say that he had been there. He smiled ironically when he saw her look behind her again.

It had been a break when Jask had been able to tell him exactly where they were. On a place alone and at this time was perfect for his objective. Using his amplifier, he was able to hear the conversation from Midii's side and knew of the reservations. Now, all was falling into place.

Midii was taking an earlier tour that was given with less information but just touching the basics of the statue and she would later be joined by Relena to take the larger one in which many things where told.

He looked back at the group which was retreating from the hallway into another door of the immense monument. There she was we no care to show to the world.

His teeth flashed as he retreated even farther into the room and out of their field of vision or words. "A job that takes less effort than stealing candy from a baby."


This really took me a long, long time to get out. I finally wrote the part after Heero and Quatre about a week later that it was wrote and I didn't want to finish the chapter without putting in my villain.

What is he planning? This was not a good day for Midii to leave her gun on her room. Would Heero be able to get there in time before something terrible happens to them? What will happen if Martone gets his objective?

That's obvious, then there's no more Relena and Midii and this story has no future than the next chapter. Let's see what interesting things and plans are put into action on the next chapter of Dragonball Z. What am I talking about? ~clearing throat~ On the next part of Ask Me To.

Wait for it... ^_^