Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Escape to the Colonies ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I'm typing this on September 2, let's see how much time it takes me to make this chapter. I hope it won't take me that long.

What did you guys think of the last chapter? Did you like it?

I hope you did. Well, Let's see where this one takes us. See ya later everyone... happy reading.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters in this story. (Except Martone and he's dead.)

PS : There's a new bad guy going in here. The idea just came out of nowhere and it plays to where the girls are going next. *Insert evil laughter from author* ... I just keep on loving this... He's been in the fic before.

Ask Me To
Chapter 11 : Escape for the Colonies

Relena and Midii stood by a police car in front of the building. Heero wasn't far behind, his eye always kept on both figures. He wasn't going to let them slip through his fingers this time. It was dark, the sun had set just minutes before and they were still held there.

Heero had called Trowa immediately after the police had arrived. He had been away to deal with Martone's break out of prison and was on the case to try to find him. Now, it was all over. Heero snuck a glance at Relena and Midii and saw them just standing there looking at nothing but the concrete sidewalk. It was plain that they were shaken from the whole ordeal.

Trowa would be arriving shortly. Martone's body had been cleared out of the building and he himself was restless. There was nothing more that he could do and would do. He needed to get them out of this. The coverage of it would be immense and the knowledge of Relena being here in New York instead of her mansion, that was going to get a lot of attention.

Heero looked around at the people that were coming and going from the building. He didn't trust the policemen. Any of them could tip off the press and tell them about what had happened. It would be a lot of money for a story that big. They had to wait for the Preventers department to get through with this.

It was their jurisdiction and all he prayed for was for Trowa to get here quick. Looking out for Relena was something that he could handle and do but she and Midii were a pair that he didn't trust. Just as Trowa would get there, he was going to tell him just why the hell is Midii running away. Just why did Relena want to get dragged into this chase?

Relena and Midii didn't know what to say. They just looked at each other and continued to let the silence reign the time. It was as if they were uncomfortable in this situation.

Heero approached them. "We can go." Silently, Midii and Relena followed him. Heero gave the keys to his car to Midii and told her to drive it back to their hotel. He had phoned the people that were handling his bags and had told to reserve two rooms at the Lovess Hotel.

Midii complied getting into the car. Heero directed Relena to the other car and she got in on the passenger side. Heero started the car and followed Midii out back to the hotel.

With all the traffic lingering about, it took them some time to get there. It was already 10:37 p.m. when they checked in to see if there was nothing new. Heero had a message from Lady Une.

"It's written here," Marissa gave him the piece of paper and gave him the two keys to the other rooms. "Who's taking the other room? It's policy."

"He'll be here tomorrow morning," Heero answered as he saw Midii and Relena go up the stairs to the room. "Trowa Barton."

"Alright," Marissa replied. "Have a good night."

Heero grunted and quickly followed the girls back to Midii's room. He entered seeing Midii standing beside the foot mirror and Relena in her bed. This was going to be a long night.

At 1 a.m.

Both Relena and Midii had decided to turn in just after they had taken a shower to try to put what had happened behind them. Midii entered her room afterwards and got into bed. She took a sedative and fell asleep as she hit the pillow. It seemed to be the only way for her to at least have some rest. The body of Martone wouldn't leave her. Every time she had closed them while taking a shower, she had seen him there. Lying on the floor bleeding. No matter how many people she had seen die around her, she would never get over the fact of seeing them die. It had always been an impression that she couldn't bear.

On the other bedroom of the room, Relena lay on the bed with her eyes open. She wasn't one to take sedatives to sleep. She preferred not to sleep to take the pills that would make her drowsy. She wanted to think, think not sleep or leave her body immobile.

One thing she couldn't bear though was the pair of eyes that kept looking at her. Heero had in no way expressed any signs of actually leaving the room during the night. He planned to stay there until morning to make sure that she didn't put a foot out of the bed without his knowing. She was really going to hate this.

She was a prisoner of him right then and there. It couldn't be that he would think that she could actually walk after what had happened that day. She didn't know what to think. She could have killed the man if she had wanted to. The rule of survivor was what she had thought of. It was either he would die of she and Midii would be finished off and lying right there instead of him bleeding.

For one thing, she was glad that death had been instantaneous. For once, she was glad that Heero had been there. What she didn't know was why she only heard one bullet. There wasn't another shot. He had been there, standing waiting. It had been that he had fired at the same time that she had making both sounds blend into one. Remembering the cold steel on her hands, she shivered. She turned to the side in which Heero was sitting.

Instead of feeling his eyes on her back, she now saw them in the dark. She would swear that he had eyes like a cat although the color didn't agree with her. She didn't know what to think anymore.

"Why did I fire the gun?" Relena asked him in the darkness. She just needed to get someone to tell her. She didn't know herself.

"You fired because it was either him or Midii," he simply answered.

"Why did you wait so much time to shoot him? I know that you fired when I did, so I don't really know what to think anymore." Heero observed her after she stated the question. He seemed to be looking for something.

"You've changed," he stated. "I wanted to see if you had changed so much that you would actually shoot him. You didn't tremble when you shoot the gun. That's what got to me when you pointed it at him."

"I don't know how I've changed," Relena muttered under her breath.

"You're stronger in another sense that what you were before. After this, I'm not sure what to think of you. Anything can happen."

Relena chuckled. She had never heard Heero say so much on a subject that was an actual conversation in so little time. Maybe there had been some progress on this. Now, if she could only get to see what was happening with Trowa.

"Where's Trowa?" She asked diverting the subject. "He's supposed to be with you looking for Midii and me."

"Martone's escape was his assignment. It's over and he's on a plane coming. He'll be here tomorrow." Relena acknowledged the situation and started to form plans in her head.

It was clear that Trowa had told nothing to Heero. There was no way of getting anything out of him if Heero himself didn't know what was going on between them. If something was going to be done, she and Midii would have to do it fast. They had until morning to get away from Heero and continue with their plans.

Something irked her curiosity. She wanted to know this. After the call to them a 2 weeks ago, she wanted to know why was he after her.

"Why are you looking for me Heero?" She asked sitting up on a sitting position. Something flashed across his face but was missed by the darkness. She saw that he had no intention of answering the question.

"I'm going back before the May conference which is in a week and a half Heero," She told him trying to see what would happen. "I want the time that's in between to continue. I don't want to go back unless it's really time."

"Why did you leave?" He asked instead.

"Didn't I explain that on the phone some weeks ago?" She asked him smiling.

"You were drunk," he stated the fact. "I don't think you even knew what you were saying."

"I was drunk," she admitted. "But, what I said was the truth. I don't want you to follow me just because. This chase isn't going to prove anything to you, but to me."

"You are stubborn."

"I don't care," she told him. "Now, get out of my room before I kick you out and get to the one that you yourself rented. Move it, I'm not going to leave just because of this. I have a responsibility in here and I don't run from them. Now, Have a nice night, get some sleep," she pushed him out of the door from her room and out of the small apartment. "Relax and if I find you on this door I'll make sure that you'll never be allowed within a ten mile radius of me." She opened the door, pushed him out and closed it. "Good night Heero." With an amiable smile.

She waited a few minutes before she opened the door. He wasn't there. She let her eyes wonder around the room and she saw movement of a door close. Good, he was actually listening to her for once. Maybe now she would have some rest.

She plummeted on the sofa of the room and started to think. What could she do? She didn't know just what to think of to get out of this. Trowa would be getting there in just a little while and Midii was passed out from sleeping pills that she had taken. Now, what could she do?

She reached for the phone of the room and called long distance. The phone rang many time before it was picked up.

"Hello." Answered a very happy voice.

"Hi Dorothy, it's Relena." They exchanged greetings. "You won't believe what just happened today."

"Don't worry," whispered Dorothy. "Quatre told me the whole thing. Lady Une called him to inform him of Martone's death."

"Then, you know that Heero found us and that Trowa will get here in just a few hours." She responded quietly herself. "I don't know what to do."

"Where are you?"

"New York City."

"Then, I'll be able to send it. The jet's only an hour away from your airport." It didn't make sense to Relena. "All you have to do is make sure that Heero won't follow you."

"Explain to me what you have just planned because the only word I've caught is your jet and it seems to be going well."

Dorothy giggled. "Just hear this out. I'm sure that you'll be able to get to the airport with this."


Relena tiptoed through the hallway to the main desk. She knew that behind it there was a room and Marissa stayed there most nights to get caught up with paperwork and she stayed there because of how late it was when she actually finished. She looked up as if to ask God, just let her be there today. Please.

Relena knocked on the door waiting to see if there was some movement from inside. There was nothing, it seemed to be empty. Wanting to check, she opened the door seeing that it was unlocked. She opened it and called Marissa's name. She was asleep on her desk over some papers. She had fallen asleep on her papers. She was still dressed.

Relena moved to her making no sound and started to move her. "Marissa." She whispered. She groaned as she felt someone trying to wake her. Relena kept on shaking her shoulders.

"What?" Muttered Marissa as she opened her eyes. They concentrated on Relena.

"I need your help Marissa."

"What is it Relena?" She asked. Her attention was back and sleep was soon forgotten.

"I need you to help me."

"Sure," she mingled about her desk and found the cup. She sipped it's contents and all her senses were working now. "What is it?"

"I need to get out of here and Midii took a pill to sleep and there's no way for me to wake her up."

"I know a way to get her up," she pointed to the cup. "Something else?"

"Oh," Relena chuckled. "You don't know how much we have to do."


Heero threw himself over the bed. He threw his shoes with a groan and moved up to place his head on the pillow. He didn't know what else to do. He looked up at the ceiling of the room and thought of the way that it had felt. She had needed him there.

He could still feel the way her arms had gone around his neck for support. Her tears dripped on his neck onto his shirt. He would have done anything to have this forgotten. It would have been better if the whole things had never happened.

Her sobs had been heard through the whole room. He himself was frozen at that moment. Instead of acting as he should have, he had dropped down his guard and had sheltered her in his arms. He could still see vividly when she had stopped shaking. On impulse from somewhere inside him, he didn't know where. He kissed her temple.

She had snuggled further in him, although her sobs subsided, tears ran down her face. He still couldn't shake the memory. It was too good. he would never be able to put that aside. Heero sighted as he started to close his eyes. He was sure that he wouldn't be able to sleep, but he could at least try to comply with what Relena had told him.


Marissa and Relena moved through the hallways stealthily. They didn't want to give away any movement made outside of the rooms. Relena pushed the door to Midii's room, she had left it unlocked for when she would be back.

Now, she closed it sighting in relieve. It seemed that no one had noticed their movements. She followed Marissa as she entered the bedroom of Midii. She lay sleeping on her side. She was troubled but there was no chance for her to voice what she wanted. It was as if she was trapped in her mind as she moved but couldn't wake up.

Marissa approached the bed putting the tray that she had on her hands down. She fetched a bottle from her pockets and opened the lid.

"This will make her wake up. It doesn't matter if she had been drugged." She explained to Relena as she put it underneath Midii's nose. She started to breath it as the time continued.

"How are we going to keep her awake after?" Relena asked her. She had seen Marissa take many things from her cupboard on her room and from a small kitchen in the back. As she told of the plan, Marissa had made a substance and both of them thought of a way for Heero to not even know that they were gone.

Marissa smiled as Midii started to cough. It was the sign that it was working. "I'm going to make her drink this tea." She pointed to the tray. "The herbs that you saw me handle on my cupboard are really strong. I've studied their properties and there's nothing dangerous about them when combined. They have the power to cross anything that could have been taken earlier and eliminate the effect. I've also put in another herb which is what I drink to stay awake when I have to."

"Is that what you drank from your cup today?"

"Yeah," Midii started to move. She coughed as her eyes opened wide. Immediately, Marissa ushered the cup and Midii drank with no questions. There were some minutes in which she was drowsy, but then, her strength returned eliminating any sleep in her system.

There was some time before she spoke to them. She was surprised. "What's going on?" She had a weird taste on her mouth.

"We have to leave now," said Relena as she helped her up and into the bathroom. "I put a change of clothes for you to put on. All you need to do is pack the things that you have in the bathroom and anything that you have in the room. We already had everything packed for our flight tomorrow night but we have to hurry."

Not leaving any chances for Midii to talk, Relena closed the bathroom door and she and Marissa moved the tray to the living room.

"You know what to do. Right?" Marissa asked Relena. "I have a copy of the key and after some time I'm going to knock in. If there's no answer, then I'll open the door and wake you up."

Relena nodded as she waited for Marissa to mix another herbs to the mixture. "This will have the opposite effect. Combining it with this solution," she pointed to the cup on her hand. "You'll get sleepy but there will be no different odor or taste. There's no way to say that it's something else but tea." Relena nodded, she paced herself trying to tie the loose ends of what she had to do.

"This won't be easy," she said to Marissa taking the tray from her arms. There were two cups untouched and empty. She just hoped that this would work. Marissa walked to the door with her and opened it. She whispered good luck and saw as Relena moved to Heero's door. Balancing the tray, she was able to free one of her hands for some seconds and she knocked the door lightly.

There was a grunt from the inside and the bed squish. It seemed that Heero had at least complied with trying to get to bed and sleep. Now, if she just wouldn't forget what she had to say and do. The door opened and Heero stared back at her.

"What's going on?" He asked noticing her clothes. She was clothed ready for anything. She hadn't been sleeping.

"I need to have some company," she started pushing him aside and entering. She set the tray on the table and sat herself on a chair beside it. Heero looked at her from the door. He closed it and advanced to her. Now, she noticed that he was only wearing pants. He had taken off his shirt and had no shoes on.

She couldn't help but stare. If she hadn't known better, she would say that she had her mouth open gaping at him. It wasn't everyday that you saw Heero Yuy in just his pants which had the first button undone. She shoke her thoughts and waited for him to seat down at the other side of the table.

"If I don't have at least someone in front of me today, I'm afraid that I won't know what to do," she mumbled as she tried to play her part. It was mostly true. She didn't know where her thoughts were leaning to today and she didn't want to think something that wasn't true.

She waited a moment before doing something out of control. She herself didn't know what to actually do. "Why did it have to be this way?" She didn't know what else to say or ask. Without waiting for a reply, she poured the tea on the two cups. She herself had to drink it. She didn't touch it, she was waiting for him to make the first move although that would be astonish in these circumstances.

"Why are you dressed?" He asked instead.

Relena looked down at her clothes and saw why he was asking. She had on a blouse and a cream skirt. "Did you know that it's already five o'clock in the morning?" She asked him. "I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight and I have to get up in just an hour. Why wouldn't I change sooner?"

Heero continued silent. He glanced at the two coups and at the substance in it. "And the tea?"

"I thought that we could drink something so that it would calm my nerves down."

"You said we, I'm not nervous." He replied.

"I don't want to drink tea by myself if I'm in the company of someone else." She told him putting a cup in front of him and one before her. "You want to drink it?"

He shrugged and tasted it. Finding nothing wrong with it, he took many sips of it having more than half of the cup. He waited for her to do the same. As he stopped and looked at her, Relena took a gulp of the substance and put it down before her. She waited with her hands around it moving. She had to do something.

"Heero, why did you actually come after me?" She asked just like last time. This time, she was going to get an answer even if it was the wrong one. "Just tell me, I'm not running like some people I know."

Heero knew that she was referring to him. He wasn't running from something. He had never had anything and thus, he didn't have to run away. She was the one that left, not him.

"Why?" He saw the determination in her face saying that she wasn't going to yield it. She was going to ask until he gave her an answer and precisely that. He didn't have one that he could actually translate into words. He didn't know what to say and how to say it.

Avoiding her eyes for some time, he closed his eyes as he drank what was left of the tea on his cup. He couldn't place it but something felt wrong. He was cornered. He lifted his eyes and he saw her stare at him. She wasn't going to break the connection.

"It isn't like you to run away Heero," She saw that he was going to say that he wasn't running. "And even if you're going to say you weren't running, you don't have to say anything. You ran from me and what I had offering you."

He didn't know what to say. "You don't know how I felt all those times in which you continued to act the same way. I wanted you to reveal yourself to me Heero." She laughed at something she remembered. "I remember when you fell into my arms after the Marimaya incident. You were exhausted. I cradled you in my arms and held you tight. I never wanted to let go. When you rested your head on me, I felt something inside of me sprout. Then, when you disappeared, I didn't know what to think of myself."

She stopped talking as some of the tea started to settle in. She poured more into Heero's glass and her own. Heero took a gulp immediately. He had to be doing something. "I don't think you know how it feels to be rejected by someone you care for. It's like a knife on your back that you can feel itself twisting inside of you and twisting bringing out more pain. That's how I felt all those years. I'm a person that likes to keep things to herself but I need to get things out. Even I am a human being that has a responsibility that should never by upon a person alone."

She brought her eyes to him. "I am a puppet of the world. It controls me more than I control it. Many people think that I have power over something but I don't. And now, I am a puppet of love too. It plays a cruel hand." She saw him gulp down what the cup had left. Not waiting for her to fill it, he did it himself. "It's not fun to live and deal with a person you care about everyday and realize that he isn't even seeing you as a person. What you want to be seen as. I just want to disappear at those moments. I'm not immune to suffering and you yourself know that. I just thought that you'd realize that I wasn't going to stop caring for you just because you got this idea in your head that what I feel will just pass."

His eyes where the same. She knew him better than try to see something through them. She had tried and knew that there was no way to make him. She tried but couldn't do it. She smiled, her eyes trying to drift close. She was getting the effects of the tea. At least she knew it worked.

"I'm ready to give up on you now," she told him abruptly. "I can't even believe what I'm saying. I've tried. Even though it didn't show, I tried. But, there's something that never changes and I think never will. I just love the way you are and I can't change it." She took a deep breath and let it go slowly. "I wish that you could see and know what I am talking about. I really do."

Not caring for anything else, she got up and lay herself on the bed. She spread her arms in it and closed her eyes. She wanted to feel the bed. Him, beside her for just a moment. It had a distinct scent already. She didn't want to do anything. She wanted to just lie there and let life take it's course without her. Maybe that would be best for everyone, including her.

Relena had her eyes closed and she felt sleep come on her. The tea was strong on her. She just hoped that Heero would come to sleep too. She needed for this to work. It wasn't anymore for her. She said what she had to but she had to continue this for Midii. How she wanted to wring both of their necks. Trowa's and Midii's. She knew what pride could do and they were an example of it although she didn't know why. Maybe she knew but didn't want to say.

A pressure was applied to one side of the bed. maybe Heero thought that she had fallen asleep and came to lay on a side of the bed for the night. She knew that it was big enough for it so it wouldn't matter. She turned without warning, her eyes open. She got closer to him, her arms in between his chest and her blouse. She put her head on the crook of his neck. She could feel the distinct smell of him. His skin seemed soft to her as she moved by him and it felt warm to the part of her that touched the bed.

She felt him tense. She knew he would feel uncomfortable. "Relax." She told him not moving an inch. "Let us just feel close to each other at least for some minutes." She whispered from her small space. "I want to feel you close to me at least for this time. I'll never get the chance again." Her eyes drifted close and sleep overtook her. Heero heard her breath even out and he relaxed himself.

Trying not to move her, he turned to his side, his head right by hers. Their temples touching. He knew that like this he wasn't going to get much sleep anyway. His left hand came to her cheek and caressed it. He saw her parted lips as she took in some of her air from it. His fingers went to the place as she inhaled some air and he felt the warm air brush his fingertips. He traced her lips and up to her eyelids.

Calmness surrounded him as he saw her there in his arms. He would have given anything to have had been able to do that everyday. But he couldn't. His eyes started to drift away and he knew that sleep would overtake him on the battle that he didn't want to loose. Light was emitting from the curtains and he saw that in an hour the sun would start to appear and light up the sky. It would be over then.

Trowa would get there. Relena would go back to the mansion and he. That was the stopping point. He didn't know what he was going to do. His mind started to shut down and his hand stopped. He placed it over her waist. As a remembrance, he kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I do care about you," he said to her and let fatigue and sleep catch up to him. He didn't need to fear for her again if she was right there in his arms.


Marissa entered the room noiselessly. She observed the room trying to find where Relena and Heero had fallen asleep. Her eyes fell on the bed lastly and she held her breath. They were in there intertwined in each others arms. She didn't know what to do. They looked so peaceful with each other in that position.

Saying a prayer for her safety, she moved to the bed and started to look for the vital signals of both of them. She examined their eyes and found what she wanted. They were both out of it. The herbs had taken their effect. Now, Heero wouldn't be able to wake up for many hours. Marissa moved to the door and signaled for Midii to enter the room with the new batch of tea. She hadn't wanted to mix up the one that had already many herbs to begin with.

Midii stopped at the foot of the bed as Marissa instructed her to take the tray back to the kitchen. Midii obliged still casting her eyes on the picture that Heero and Relena made. Was she still going out to the colonies or had she already reconciled with Heero? She'd find out as soon as Marissa would revive her.

Marissa started to work the same way that she had done with Midii. As soon as Relena opened her eyes, she made her drink the tea that Midii had brought and because of the sleeping formula being really strong, she made her drink a second cup. One to cancel the coup that made her sleep and the second to let her stay awake now.

"How are you feeling?" Marissa asked. She knew that combining the two formulas at the same time and short periods of time wasn't smart. She had to make sure that Relena wasn't going to have a seizure or worst. She looked at her vital sings, heart, beats, pressure and her eyes. After making sure that she was okay, she helped her get up from the bed.

"I'm still a little drowsy," Relena replied as she put a foot before the other. She wavered but she still continued. The exercise helped her focus quicker. She looked back at the bed and smiled at the picture that Heero made. It wasn't many times that Heero was for her to see calmed, asleep. She liked it.

Marissa noted her expression and recollected the things and moved out of the room. She felt as if Relena needed sometime alone. It had all gone according to what they had talked. Now, if only the new guy didn't get there sooner than expected then all would be fine. She hoped the rest would go okay.

Relena moved to where Heero was sleeping and sat on the bed. She rested her head in between her arms as it was still moving around. She hoped nothing bad would happen to her because of it. Marissa had said that the side effects weren't dangerous but to be careful of not passing out. She moved her hands to the bed again and closed her eyes for her vision to clear.

She turned and passed her hand by Heero's face. It was as if he didn't feel anything. He was breathing and as if he was dreaming. She brushed some of his locks away from his face and eyes. No matter what she did they always came back. She chuckled at this. Heaving a heavy sight, she got up and stood observing his peaceful features. She wondered what would happen now.

"Bye Heero," she whispered at his ear and approaching the situation, she kissed him on the lips. "You never answered my question." It may be the only time that she would have the chance. She moved to the door and opened it. "Bye," she whispered again and closed the door behind her. Heero grunted in his sleep.


Relena meet Midii on the hall as the taxi waited outside. Marissa stood beside her as Midii gave her all they needed to pay for the room. As a tip for her help although she didn't accept it, Relena had put in a bill of 5,000. She had sneaked it in without Marissa ever seeing it.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Asked Midii. She still remembered the way that Heero had his arms around her protectively.

"Yes," she said confidently. "Nothing has changed and I don't expect it too."

"Then why are you going?" Midii asked.

"You said you had given up on Trowa and you're still going," Relena pointed out as they walked to the taxi. The man had already put on all of the suitcases on the trunk. "I just want to see some friends and have some days of peace. We have a week and two days left."

"Then, we don't have to worry about them." Midii half smiled.

"No," Midii entered the taxi and moved to the other side as she waited for Relena.

Relena gave one last look at the front of the hotel. Marissa was waving from inside, putting the bolt although it was close to seven in the morning. The sun had already gotten out but it's rays were soft. Giving a last wave at her, Relena entered the taxi and it moved out to the airport.


Trowa entered the hotel as the cab dropped him off. He had expected Heero to be waiting for him outside or he might be with Midii and Relena. Trowa entered the door and was greeted by a woman by the desk.

"May I help you?" Marissa asked at the tall estranger. She recognized him by the picture that Midii had of him. So this was Trowa. She couldn't help but smiled. Heero hadn't woken up yet. It looks like he drank what he needed to let sleep catch up to him with all the nights that he hadn't sleep.

"Yes," Trowa went to her. "I have a room reserved here. I'm Trowa Barton."

"Oh, yes?" Marissa acted as if she hadn't even known him. She was really good at this, she said to herself. "Your friend, Heero Yuy, reserved a room here yesterday for you. He has your key I'm afraid." Marissa went to behind her and got the copy of Heero's room. Trowa would have to be the one to wake him.

"This is the key to his room," she told him. "He hasn't gone out of it." Trowa nodded and started to moved to the stairs looking at the number of the room. "It's to the left side sir." She told him. "I don't think you'll be using your room after all. At least not more than a day."

Trowa looked at the number on the key and at the door. It was the one so he entered the key and turned the lock. The door opened and he entered. He closed it and his eyes settled on the bed. Heero lay there, asleep on the bed. He looked around the room and found nothing amiss.

Trowa moved to the bed, setting his suitcase down. He shook Heero by the shoulders earning a grunt from him. He opened his eyes and stared blankly at Trowa.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's 8 in the morning and you were asleep," surprise showed on Heero's eyes. "Which room's is theirs?"

"Two to my side," Trowa acknowledged the information and moved out to the room. He found it unlocked and he entered. In it, there was nothing. No clothes, no garments, no suitcases, no Midii or Relena. Trowa was going out the door when the girl from the desk approached him. She had an envelope in her hand. She smiled at him and walked toward him.

"They told me to give you this," she gave him the envelope and turned back to go downstairs to her desk. She smiled as she walked.

Trowa tore open the envelope and opened the letter.

Hi Trowa,

Heero told me that you would be arriving today and well, I decided
to write you this. I suspect you know what happened and well, I'm
afraid that Midii and I must continue with our plans. I've already
talked things over with Heero so you don't need to worry. We're going
to be somewhere safe and we'll take care of ourselves. It's time for us to
spend time with each other and not worry of a sick maniac going behind
us every minute.

Well, we're off. Midii sends her regards to you and be very careful.
When I see you again I'm going to ring your neck for the stupidity
that you both did. God, be really careful.

Congrats of finding us, (although I don't know how)

Relena (She signed her name and Midii bellow her)

PS : Tell Heero that I love him and that I love my souvenir.

Trowa moved to Heero's bedroom and entered. Heero was on the bathroom dropping water on his face. He saw Trowa's reflection in the mirror. He handed him the letter and let his eyes scan it's contents.

"They're gone."


I hope that's some romance, at least. Well, how was it? I tried to suffice with your requests everyone and I'm glad that you liked the last chapter.

The new bad guy that I mentioned may not be here for the next chapter and it is someone you know. This and the last chapters are the longest ones yet here. The next one is not going to be very long, so I don't know when I'll get it out. It depends on when I start writing it and how things progress.

I hoped you liked my idea on how to leave Heero and the letter was a nice touch, or so I thought.
Leave your comments please, I want to know what you think. Reviews are welcome.