Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Close to the Stars ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I hope you all enjoyed the last chapter. I can't believe that I've come this far. I wonder what my mind will come up with next. I have not power over it what so ever. Oh well, let's take things as they come.

Began this on the 11th of September. A dark day in America.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters.

Ask Me To
Chapter 12 : Close to the Stars

The past four days had been heaven. Midii and Relena had tried to put it all behind by being taken care of by Dorothy. It had been four days since they had left New York on Dorothy's jet and arrived on Colony L6 to one of her houses. Dorothy had been understanding, knowing when to let them have a moment alone, space or when she had to cheer them up.

Having talked it over with each other, telling their plans to Dorothy, they let her manage it all on her clever hands. The relaxing days on the spas, the mall trips and all the night fun was all they had needed to be pulled out of the tragedies that had happened before. It was times like these when Relena was glad that she had someone like Dorothy on her side.

For some apparent reason, Dorothy had made it clear that they were not to talk on the phone through any lines but her own. She didn't want to get them traced to the colony by a simple call.

On the first day, they had contacted Lady Une to tell her what had happened and had learned that Heero and Trowa were whipping everything off in New York about the death. It seemed that they had their hands full with the media problem to concern their selves on coming after them again for some time soon.

On the second day, Lady Une herself had contacted them telling them of Martone having made some changes with his accounts. All of the money had been transferred to another place and they were having a bad time on finding out the lawyer of the recent disease. It wasn't much for Relena that she kept them updated but to Midii. She was still on the case and as soon as she got back, she would have to join in the investigation.

On the other hand, Dorothy kept to herself the knowing that Relena and Midii were with her. She was a little suspicious of the way that both of them had been found by Heero. Quatre called her everyday to see how much time she was going to spend there or how were things going and trying to see if she knew anything about Relena and Midii.

He had said that he had tried to phone her on the number that Dorothy had given him to see if things were going to change in any way and that the phone just rang and rang as if it was completely off. Dorothy smiled inside as she told him to not to worry, she had disconnected it herself as soon as Relena and Midii entered the house. Dorothy wasn't taking any chances.

As soon as they would get confirmation from the airport of the colony, Relena and Midii would leave for L2 to visit Duo and Hilde. There were only five days left until Midii would have to leave for the preparations of the conference. The last week would be for Relena to spend wherever she wanted on the globe. She had postponed the week on the dessert of Quatre's mansion until after the conference that lasted three days of meetings with every representative of each country of the Earth and the colony.

Midii was preparing everything for the flight, making sure that she didn't leave anything behind. Her gun was something that she wasn't leaving out of her sight. It hadn't left her holster for the last four days. She had been cautious since they arrived even though Martone was dead and the threat had diminished. There was something that she couldn't shake off. She remembered that day at the hotel of the caves and feeling someone's constant watch.

She still felt it. It may not be the same person but she felt the watch. It hadn't been the same person that day either. Something told her that this was not over. She didn't know what to do with this. She was paranoid ever since NY.


Relena and Dorothy just sat there in front of each other. The silence had filtered the room as both of them just let their eyes wonder over the room and each other.

Relena directed her gaze over Dorothy's face focusing on her eyes. There was something amiss there. She and Dorothy had never been close to each other but she felt that something was holding her back. She didn't know how to arrive at conclusions with only being there for four days.

Dorothy in turn watched Relena. She knew that Relena was a great observant of people and that she was holding something she felt inside. It seemed that everyone was doing that. Maybe this was the time to tell her. They would all know sooner or later. Maybe she would feel better if she told Relena, she reasoned. She would feel better if another person besides herself would know the recent news that she had received a week before. That was mainly why she had left Quatre for four whole days. She wouldn't be able to hold it in front of him.

"How old do you think I am Relena?" Asked Dorothy. She wanted to start somewhere.

"I think, 23 or 24," she guessed. She saw the nervousness of Dorothy's state, she was trying to say something. Relena opened her eyes wider as she tried to remember what had happened on the last four days. A smile grazed her face as she understood her state of nervousness. Who wouldn't in that case? "Have you told him?"

Dorothy's eyes widened as she looked at Relena sharply. "I don't know how?"

"I think he'd be happy," tried Relena to help her. "He cares for you a great deal."

"Oh, I know that," Dorothy smiled at her. She looked down at her feet, her hands massaging her stomach. She just hoped that it wouldn't churn up today.

"Just tell him," Relena attributed.

"It's not that easy," sighted Dorothy.

"Is this why you decided for us to meet here on L6 Dorothy?"

"Yes," she affirmed. "I think it's time for me to have a little guy anyway."

"We're still young you know."

"I know Rel, but it will just be time wasted if you don't take a stand. That's why I admire your attitude. It's good to wait and give time to the person you love but, the more time it takes the less time you'll have."

Relena blushed as Dorothy had put it so bluntly. "Heero stays away because he thinks he doesn't deserve you. You are too high for him to get although I have no idea why he would think that. It's not like he cared what he was when he piloted the Wing Zero and saved humanity from itself."

"I know," Relena groaned. "He's just like a knight but, stubborn as hell when it comes to accept what is put in front of him."

Dorothy nodded. "Talking of Gundam pilots, I haven't had any personal talk with Midii. I take it that Trowa has done something really wrong."

"Hasn't he told Quatre?"

"Not a word," she told her. "He's been wondering because Trowa has been acting strangely for the pass month. Quatre's been trying to get him to say to be able to help but Trowa keeps saying that it's nothing."

"I should say that it is a huge deal." Relena muttered.

"So you know," Dorothy's eyes lit up. "I just hope that he doesn't let anything stand in his way."

"Going back to you," Relena changed the subject. "Do you want to have the child?"

Dorothy looked down to her flat stomach and sighted. "I do, I've always dreamed since I was a little girl of having a child."

"What would you want it to be?" Asked Relena interested.

"When I was younger, I wanted to have a girl, but now.."

"..You'd like to have a son just like his father?" Relena took a stab at it.

"Yeah," Dorothy rested her head on the chair. "I always dreamt of a prince rescuing me and that we'd fall in love. He'd have a white steed and we would ride into the castle."

"The fantasy of when one is a child," Relena reported. "Look at me, I'm a princess and there is no prince that would carry me on his horse."

"You'd rather it be a Gundam, right?" Dorothy smiled as she saw Relena blush crimson.

"Not anymore," Relena breathed in and out to let the color fade from her cheeks. "And then when you saw his blue eyes, everything changed."

"Not too quickly," admitted Dorothy. "When I lay beside him at nights, I press my hands by the side where the sword went to. There's still a mark after all these years and I can't say that I'm really sorry for it."

"You realized too much after you had punctured him," Dorothy nodded silently.

"He smiles at me when he catches me looking at it." Relena smiled at her gesture. "He says that it's what brought us together."

"He's your prince charming," Relena interrupted. She took a glass of wine from the tray on the table and sipped it's contents.

"I'm glad he found me."

"And that's not an easy task," both of them started to laugh at the comment.

"He'll be calling in a few minutes."

"Still asking if you know where I am?"

"Uh-huh," Dorothy got up from her seat and moved to the window on the room. They were on the second floor. "Should I tell him?" She turned around to Relena.

"I don't think he should know by the phone," answered Relena setting her glass down and joining her on the window. "You're going back tomorrow to L4, I think that you should tell him in person."

"I think it's safe to say that he's not going to be mad."

"He's going to faint and then smile like a moron for the rest of the day, that's what," Relena said putting a hand on her shoulder. "I hope his head doesn't hit the floor too hard."

"I doubt it," both girls stared out into the artificial sky of the colony. "I wish I could see the stars from here."

"Me too," the phone rang from a distance. "You got the most sensible of all the Gundam pilots Dorothy, you have luck."

"I know." Dorothy moved out of the room to the main room on the first floor. Relena stood by the window watching out to the lights. Everything was so calm and eerie when it came to it. She shuddered at the image that it reflected, all alone.

She put her arms around herself and moved out of the window. It was too late for her and Heero to start, but she would not let Midii feel alone. At least one of them should be as happy as Dorothy. Thick headed men were hard to break but all she wanted was for them to be happy.


This chapter has like no point to it but hey, I had no idea of what to write. I wanted for Relena and Dorothy to have a talk that's been going on my head for so long. Now, I can't believe that I've spent so much time without writing and what comes out is this.

Chapter 13 should be out in less time, I hope.

Let's have a good time on L2. I wonder who the violet eyed, blue haired man is that Midii sees behind the corner of her eyes.