Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Let's Get Kidnapping ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I don't know what to write in here. I don't know how much I have to spend on this chapter but I'm making it up with all the things that I was planning on putting on the last chapter. I can't believe that this fan fiction already has more than 12 chapters. I would have never thought that it would be that long.

It's time to start this chapter. Beginning on the 18th of September.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters in this fan fiction.

Ask Me To
Chapter 14 : Let's Get Kidnapping

The news had already made their way through to them. It had already been a day since she and Midii had arrived on L2 and stayed at Duo's house. In the night, the news arrived from Quatre directly. He had called everyone to announce of his coming of father.

Relena smiled as she remember his face expression. He was so happy. His smirk reached from one corner of his mouth to the other. Everyone had been surprised that Dorothy would be pregnant and that Quatre was the father. Not because of their past resentments but because of his ways. It had never been expected of him to have a child out of marriage, but who knew. He would be the first one of all of them to be a father.

Relena turned to the other side of the bed. She recoiled the cold feeling that penetrated the room. On the other side, was Midii's room. Relena knew that she had drank a cup of whiskey with some pills to sleep soundly. She would never sleep since New York if it wasn't because she drank something or took some pills to relax. Relena saw it in her own way that it wasn't that the Martone ordeal had affected her too much, but because of his absents.

Although Relena had been wrapped in Heero's arms at that moment when Martone laid dead on the floor, Midii had just been staring at a miniscule space that never existed in the place and wrapped her arms around her. She had felt alone, with no one to help her or comfort her when she needed just someone to hold on with.

Since that day, just five days before, Midii had been either taking some sedatives at night or drinking some kind of alcohol to let her mind shut down. Relena was preoccupied for her. She had tried to reach her. They were always together now. She laughed with them, participated and even talked as if everything was right but now, she was different.

It was a nightmare. Everything just kept on creeping on her. She had laid the cards down to Heero and folded her hand. He seemed to agree with her so she didn't intend on picking up a fight with him. Now, Trowa... that was different. She had no way of predicting his moves. All she had to do was to look to Midii's eyes and see the absence. How could Trowa be feeling right this moment?

Damn it, Relena cursed herself. She had been such a fool by letting Midii leave New York without seeing Trowa. They should have stayed there, with no way for either of them to escape their own eyes. With what had happened two weeks before, she felt that he really did care for Midii. She knew that he was unexpressive like Heero but when people like Trowa expressed their selves, you certainly knew what was going on with them.

Relena passed her hands through her arms. She was getting Goosebumps and it wasn't even cold. The windows were closed and the blanket was up to her waist. She would never be able to express what she felt right there. Closing her eyes, she willed her body to rest. There would be time for all of this. They would be back for the 26 may Conference in just three days. Calming herself, she let her mind rest from the strain.


Duo woke up grumblingly. The alarm clock next to his bed kept on ringing. Duo turned to him and slammed on the off button making the noise cease from the instrument. With the reports of the incoming rain at night by a dysfunction of the colony system, all of the cars that he had out, ready from the day before were by now covered in dirt.

A sudden case of rain that started as a spray announced on the station and then becoming defective as a hurricane was something he didn't have in mind to help him with the dirt that surrounded the salvage yard. Now, with Midii and Relena here, Hilde wasn't going to help him a bit.

As if calling her from his mind, he remembered that he had promised to fix breakfast the night before for all three of them. He didn't want to have nothing on the table when three women got up grumbling at him. Hastily, finding a new force to move about, he recollected himself and moved to get ready and move on to the kitchen.

Minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom with his hair combed, his teeth brushed and clean from his morning bath. He was dressed in common clothes. He wasn't going to get out good clothes when he had to move quickly to the back to see the disaster that was form the night before. A normal storm just made him want to hurl with all of the problems that it arose and this one, he just didn't want to think about it.

Shaking his head clear of those thoughts, he moved out of the room directly down the stairs and into the kitchen. He had proximally ten minutes before Hilde woke up and surely the others would get up with her. Sighting, he started to get out the pan and all of the things that he needed. At least he didn't have to make any juice, he told himself.

Smiling as he set the toaster and started to warm up the pan. He opened the refrigerator and got the orange juice out. Now, today he would have to make more things. He had no idea what the girls ate for breakfast and with there being four of them today, he would have to make double. Good thing that they had gotten everything just some days before.

Putting out the plates and cups, he opened the refrigerator again taking out the eggs, cheese, bacon and the pancake dough. Good thing that they had made the dough in advance. He put everything in the counter and moved to find the utensils for the table. He passed the pan on it's way back and found that it was already sizzling. He could start now. Making sure that everything was in order, he started to pour he egg batter into the pan.

It hadn't seem to take that much time to Duo. He had everything laid out in the table. The toasts, the eggs, pancakes and omelets. He just hoped that they were to their liking. He had finished washing his hands from any odor of cooking when a fully dressed Relena entered the room. She took in the smell and smiled at the table full of food.

"I never would have thought that you would actually cook when you said you would," she told him as she greeted him. She sat down on one of the seats and just stared at all the food in front of her. "You made so much."

"I didn't know what you girls liked," he amended. He sat down opposite of her, waiting for the other two to arrive. "I didn't think you'd be the first one down here."

"I didn't sleep well," she said as voices emerged from the door. Hilde and Midii entered smiling at Duo who just grinned knowing of his own accomplishment.

"Thank you," he added as they sat.

"Now," Hilde interrupted his boast. "Let's see if this is edible."

"I resent that remark Hil," Duo hastily informed.

"You always do," she told him as they all started to eat.

Duo stood up as he finished his portion. Now the girls were the ones that had to do the dishes. "I don't think this is a good day to see the sight girls. After yesterday's unexpected weather I think that it's not going to be pretty."

"What are you going to do for the day, Duo?" Asked Midii as she stood up and started to take in plates and pile them up in order on the sink.

"I have to put everything in order and clean the cars, see which parts I'm missing that I had out and if there was any damage to the works."

"That's a lot," Relena said surprised.

"It'll get finished eventually," he shrugged his shoulders and set himself to go out the back door and start the salvage business for the day.

"Isn't that a lot of work?" Asked Relena concerned as she started to clean after.

"I'll go help him," Hilde replied as she started the water to start the dishes. "A day of cleaning cars is not as boring as it may sound."

"Not with Duo around, huh?" Kidded Relena as Hilde blushed.

"No," she simply replied. Midii started to put everything in place as Relena wiped the table. She walked to the back door and glanced outside to where Duo could be seen. He had his hand in his head sighting. She was sure that it was all that he had anticipated.


Relena appeared in behind to see what Duo was working on. It had already been some hours since breakfast and she hadn't seen a hair from him in the door. She gasped as she found the state of the cars that were in the back. Duo had managed to clean some of them up as she noticed, hastily because she could still see some imprints of the dirt in them.

He had moved on to projects that she guessed had been more important. Moving cautiously through the yard, she tried to locate him. She moved inside of a garage and found that he was draped in dirt and grease looking over some papers.

"Do you need some help?" She asked trying to not surprise him.

Duo looked up at her. "Not inside," he responded. "A hand on the cars outside, I wouldn't mind those."

"We'll all help," Midii's voice came from behind them. She and Hilde had followed Relena to the back with the same intention.

"It's not a pretty sight girls," Duo amended to the two newcomers.

"We saw them on our way here," Hilde winced. "We'll have them clean for you." Hilde advanced toward the papers that Duo had been looking after. They had some grease stains in them. "I'll take the inventory to see which ones have to be cleaned first. I'm sure that owners will come in some time. It's almost time to open."

"I know," Duo groaned. "I don't expect people to be here at the normal hour but I know that they will came eventually."

"Don't worry your pretty little head," Relena patted his hair. "We'll have everything ready for you."

"Thanks girls," Duo called out as they went out the door. He scratched his hair as he continued to work with today's project.

"We need to change clothes," Hilde lead the girls out to the house. "Wear something that can get dirty."

"And easy to work in," Midii added.

"That's easy," three girls disappeared into the house finding clothes in which to work in. They came out together some time later, each in old clothes that they had found lying around.

"Midii, get the hose," she quickly complied. "Relena, you need to get all the materials. They should be laying around Duo someplace."

"Yes ma-am," she faked a salute and went on her way. Hilde walked toward the cars and saw which ones needed to be cleaned today. By them were a lot of objects which she knew needed some cleaning by their appearance.

Minutes later, the three girls had assembled all the things that were needed and started to clean the cars. Midii hosed them down while Hilde applied the soap substance in them with the help of Relena for the scrubbing. Both of them had a bucket with water in which to wash the cloths.

After spraying the cars with the water to bland the dirt, Midii got a wash-rag herself and started to get the dirt off of the hard to reach spaces in between the conjunctions. Although it didn't seem too good, she was actually enjoying this. Nothing like a hands on activity to get the work out of herself.

After getting everything organized inside of the warehouse, Duo went back to check on the girls. It had been already 30 minutes since they had started with the first car as he appeared from the side. Each of the girls were taking one car and were finishing on drying them up. He whistled to himself as he saw that all of them had five of the cars cleaned. There were only two left that needed to be cleaned.

Not wanting to get them away from the job, he returned to inside the warehouse. Better get a head start for the import that was being sent the next day from the L5 Colonies. He still couldn't believe that after all this time, that there was still scraps laying around space.

"Did Duo just disappear again?" Hilde asked as she turned her back to the car. She had heard some footsteps but didn't look back.

"I think he just came to check in our progress," Relena answered as she dropped some water in her forehead. "Why is it so hot in here?"

"It's the after effect of the raining," Hilde explained to her. "Every time that the rain comes out unexpected like yesterday. There's always high temperature for the next day."

"They should get the system fixed," Midii entered the conversation as she put the rag by the bucket and picked up the hose. It was time to start on the last two cars.

"They are," Hilde and Relena started to walk to her. "It's been planned for some time. It will be in less than a month. They've located the problem, but they need a whole day. They're going to shut down the system."

"Won't that be dangerous?" Relena gasped.

"They think that there will be enough oxygen in the colony to maintain it. The only thing that will be off is that there won't be any light from up there." Hilde motioned to the sky, superficial light that came from up there. "The electricity will still be working, so it's not going to be a problem of chaos."

"Why haven't they mentioned this to me?" Relena asked herself.

"I'd think they would do it right before it's time," Midii told her as she started the hose on the cars.

"Come on girls, less talking more washing," Duo barked, clapping his hands as he appeared again.

"Shut up big mouth," Hilde grumbled as she took the hose from Midii's hand and let the water flow toward him.

"Ah," Duo jumped back at the contact with the cold water. Without a second glance he turned to one of the bucket's with dirty water and flung it at her.

"Duo!" Relena screamed as she and Midii got soaked with the dark water. Hilde had avoided the water and had continued on spraying Duo. "Look at where you're pointing," Relena growled as she took the soaped rag to him hitting him square on the face. Midii soon joined with the buckets full of water that were nearby.

"No fair," Duo shouted, laughing. "Three against one."

"You brought it on yourself," Relena continued to bathe him with the cold water.

"This will teach you," Hilde growled as she took the front of the attack.


It had been several days from the return of New York of Heero and Trowa. Closing in any loose ends on the office, they had agreed on a plan that would not fail. A last meeting was all that was needed to close the plan and put it in effect.

"How could you possibly know where they are?" Asked an amazed Wufei. Trowa stood there in his silence. He had never been one for disclosing his abilities.

"It wasn't so hard after I figured out where Relena had gone." Heero entered the discussion. "With a little push of Sally's website and there we had a confirmation."

"Wouldn't they know that this would be the first place that you would look."

"They knew," Trowa answered. "Now it's just a matter of time to get to them."

"I'm moving out of here in just a second guys," Sally's voice intercepted the group. All of the eyes turned to her as she walked from a back door of the room that led to a back room for storage. She was carrying some old boxes on her hands.

"Let me help you with that," Wufei volunteered. He took the box from her hands and followed her out of the little office on her house to the living room. She was taking old things out of her house to donate to charities. Things she didn't use anymore that would be of good use to other people.

"You think she's going to betray us," Heero's calm voice broke the silence of the room.

"She's one of the people that wants you and Relena to be happy," was the stoic response of the silent partner in crime.

"It's almost time to go and put the plan into action," Heero sent a look to the door to see if anyone came. "It's too bad Wufei won't be able to help us."

"He wouldn't have involved himself in this in the first place if he hadn't had to stay here to help."

Heero and Trowa disengaged their selves from their spots on the walls The shadows revealed their determined faces.

"Operation KM is on."


"I love you, what more could you ever want from me than that," the man's voice filtered through the atmosphere.

A female laugh sounded through the place. Her eyes were narrowed in mirth at his announcement.

"All I wanted was your money," her cold voice revealed no emotion whatsoever. "Now that I've got it, I've no use for you."

"But," the confusion was clear on the man's eyes. "You told me you loved me," his desperation was clear in his voice. "I could see it in your eyes when we were alone. You could not hide it from me. I saw it as we united our emotions that night before you knew the truth about my financial status."

Her cruel laugh filled the room. "Don't be a fool. I always knew of your money. Always. Now, leave before I loose my patience and never give you your father's legacy again."

"You know what," he shouted at her face, his hands constricted in fists. "You can keep the damn money. If it was enough to make you turn away from me and your love, then it's the worst poison in the world. Keep it as I don't want to be infected with it as well."

A shutting door as it slammed was the only relieve of the cruel scene that had played at the small time. She continued to stare at the door, her gaze, cold and distant, fixed on it as if wanting it to move on it's own.

"I love you too," with the declaration out, she broke down as the tears were finally released. "I will rather renounce your love than see you without any money or your father's own legacy."

Her tears streamed freely around her face, she didn't care what happened now. She had made sure that he would not loose all that he had battled over for all of his life just because of her.

"Because I love you, I want you to hate me."

"Okay, that was really stupid of you," Midii murmured under her breath. She was watching an old movie in black and white that had been salvaged from the 20th century. The small theater was almost all to herself as she let her attraction to the old romantic movies pull her to the old movie theater.

She had spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out the plot, as she always did. The old movies were the ones that really had any meaning at all, instead of the ones with the fantastic story lines that were recent in making.

"Just a really stupid decision you just made," she said to herself. She had seen it all from the beginning and saw the mistake that brought it the climax of the movie. At least that's how it's always supposed to be in the movies. One of the actors has to do something that will bring them together in the end.

She just hoped that this movie wouldn't end with a bad ending. Many of the old movies didn't have happy endings but damn it, she was in the mood of having a happy ending on something, and she hoped this movie did really good.

On the screen, she saw the desperate associate that had the actress at gun point at the cliff. There were way too many cliffs in all the movies of those times.

"Don't even think of laying a hand on her," the actor appeared on the screen, his eyes were concentrated on them.

"Why would you concern yourself with a tramp like her?" The gun came closer to her temple. The scene just gave Midii a slight shiver. Too much like the nightmare in New York. "She's been using you since the day you've met and now," he brought her closer to himself. "She's going to die like the tramp she is right after you." He moved the gun from her temple to the actor's frame.

Her eyes widened. Mal gave a sharp glance toward Luscious direction in apprehension. "You said you wouldn't touch him." Her calmed voice were directed at her holder.

"I lied," his teeth revealed a sinister faint smile that held the future of both of their lives in his. "I've always lied."

"Bye Lucious," the smirk deepened as he started to pull the trigger.

"And here's the part in which she struggles and tries to save his life," just as she had said, the struggle began as before the shot rang out, Mal threw her weight at his arm and led the gun out of the range.

"I'll kill you first if that's what you want," Mal simply moved before him, her eyes cold embers that reflected nothing for no one to see what she was seeing inside.

"No," Lucious moved toward her.

"Don't move," her voice froze him. "It's my time to do something worth to what could save my should from all of the maliciousness that I have released into the world."

Without any more words, Mal extended her left leg and flipped the gun out of her captor's hand. It flew straight out into the cliff's edge. Lucious reached for it but too late, He would never let them reach it. Getting out of the way of Mal's attack, Lucious was confronted with his long time friend, which had turned to be his worst enemy in this.

"Okay, I can't bear to watch," Midii closed her eyes in which she knew was a childish thing to do. She heard the sounds of the struggle, the gun going off and the mindless steps of force to get the struggling person out of the edge.

After she could no longer hear any sounds of struggle or death or something, she opened her eyes slowly. There stood the leading actress and actor. The cliffs edge gave it's mourning sound of the crashing waves and they just stood there looking out into the horizon. The color's of the night turning to day had started to appear.

"I knew better than that," his voice answered her question.

"I don't know..."

He interrupted her words. "I don't care. You're with me and that's all that matters."

"I don't make a really good..."

"Wife?" He interrupted her again.

"That's not what I was going to say," she said impatiently. "Just that..." the realization of what he had said hit her right there. "You want me to marry you?"

"What else would I want?" He said jokingly.

"But after all I've said and put you through."

"I knew better," he silently answered. Holding her closely, he reached into her pockets and took out the miniature ruby out of her closed grip in between the necklace that he had given her the first time he had given her a gift of himself.

"I see you haven't changed," he muttered in between kisses.

"Would you want me to?" She asked laughing with her eyes.

"Not for the world, nothing for the world."

As the credits started to roll by, Midii was already out of the door. She only had some time before she would make it to the stop to catch the quiet bus ride that she was accustomed to taking on the last week. She had been going here for a whole week in routine and all was sorting itself out like always.

She was almost to the last curve and turn when a hand clasped itself on her mouth and immobilized her hands. As an instant reaction, she moved her feet to trip up her attacker but the move was expected. The attacker led her out of the streetlight to the shadows in which a car waited for them. Midii's eyes widened in fear as she wiggled out of his hold. She rather die than let someone lead her into a car like this.

A damp cloth came to her nose and mouth as he uncovered it just in time to press the cloth to her. The moment was gone as soon as she sniffed the content. Her senses were leaving her. She was turned around to her attacker and the last thing she could distinguish was the deep green eyes that stared back for a second before her eyes lost their power of vision.

Trowa, was her last thought before the knockout gas had it's purpose. He was her last thought.

"Trowa," her whisper reached her assailant's ears and a smile formed on his hidden face.


I am evil, that's all that you would ever need to know. Just who the hell is that person right there? Trowa, or an evil mad-man that wants something from her.

Sorry to all of you for the deep wait... there's no extend to how desperate you all must be to throw me into a closet and not let me out until I have all of the chapters out and this story complete. I can say that I would welcome that if I could.

Well, from what you see at the beginning, I started the chapter on the 18th of September and it's the 6th of December. Almost three months. It's official, I'm lazy.

Oh, well... don't fear. The next chapter won't be that long to be out. I can safely say that it will not go to two weeks before the next chapter is out to read.

Hope you enjoyed this...