Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Just Listen, Please ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I hope you enjoyed the last chapter everyone, again, I'm sorry that it took so much time to get out. This one, I'm sure it won't take so much time.

Began writing on the 23 of December.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters.

Ask Me To
Chapter 15 : Just Listen, Please

Duo walked through the streets of the happy colony. He moved in a exuberant step, while whistling a tune under his breath. It was well out of midnight to the next day. Merely 3 in the morning and he was out in the errand of picking up Midii which he was sure had missed track of time and had stayed at the old theater with her old movies.

Not caring for the silence that assailed him, he continued with his happy manor. Nothing was going to spoil his day. It had been too good for anything to spoil it.

He turned the corner and walked across the street to the barely lit movie theater which he guessed to be too many years old to be still run. Well, if there were people like Midii in this colony, then he knew how this stayed alive. Although barely as he checked the place with a mere visual.

Ten minutes later, Duo appeared at the door once again. He was deep in thought. He had talked to the working people that had stayed for the night shift but they hadn't seen Midii for well over 3 hours mostly. She had left promptly as the 10 pm feature had ended.

Deep in thought, he didn't notice the walking man that followed him a well 20 yards behind. Duo stopped as the intersection, watching for any incoming traffic and continuing on. Something must have happened to her.

He was about to turn back when he noticed a man behind him.

"Duo," the voice seemed familiar, which usually meant friendly to him.

"Hey," he turned around with a happy face when a flying fist hit him square on the jaw.

"What the hell!" He shouted as he rubbed the sore spot. He knew of one person that hit like that. "Heero."

"Yes," the scrutinizing soldier answered.

"Why the hell are you hitting me for?"

"That's for lying to me," his numb stare was the answer to Duo's silent questions reflected in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"Relena," a flicker of annoyance reflected his eyes.

"Oh, that," Duo squirmed a little in his place as he saw the way that his comrade's fist rolled into a tight fist ready to strike again in mere whim.

"I'm warning you to not interfere again Duo," the warning tone in his voice said he meant it.

"It's all your fault Heero." The accusation only got a heightened eyebrow to his face. "Don't try to get this all out on me when you were the one that screwed up for more than five years."

"Don't interfere anymore," Heero walked past him in the direction Duo was walking to before.

Duo just stood there in the middle of the sidewalk watching with a close eye as Heero walked a few feet away and stopped as if waiting for something.

"Are you coming?" He asked in his stoic voice.

"Yeah, yeah," Duo said a silent prayer for his life. If Heero didn't kill him there now, or later. Hilde would do the job nicely for him.

They had walked quietly for about a block until Duo remembered why he was out on the streets in the first place.

"Do you know where Midii is?" Duo asked facing Heero. If Heero was here, then that might mean that Trowa was there and Midii was in no danger other than of the Gundam pilot.

Heero's cold smirk was his answer.

"I see you do," Duo managed to get out after that smirk he saw. "She'll be okay, right?"

"You really don't have to ask that."

"I do. I have two worried females waiting for answers to why she is not back."

Heero scoffed at that. "They had it coming sooner or later."

"I don't think so." Duo's remark stopped Heero in his tracks.

"What do you mean?"

"Relena really has given out on you, you know." Duo continued walking forward, oblivious that the other man was not following.

"I don't think Midii really has given up hope, but Relena," Duo shook his head in regret. "That girl has it in her head to really stop this."

"I will not give up," the soldier's admission got Duo's surprise face. He would never had thought that he would hear Heero say something like that concerning a person. Especially emotions, which were so down in his scale that they were ran down to the floor and bellow any possible basement.

"What are you saying?"

Instead of getting an answer or evasive from his 'friend', Heero simply asked. "You have always understood a lot about me, have you?"

Duo didn't know where this was going, but he wasn't going to just not say anything. "More than you yourself think I don't."

The admission didn't seem to earn any surprise from the character beside him.

"You, most than anyone else know how much she meant to me."

"Means to you." He cleared up the sentence. "Even a blind person can make out what's going out in between."

"She's all I had to live for."

"We all knew that."

A silence settled other the walking pair. Duo released a sight that he had of hopefulness. Heero had closed up, he wasn't about to start talking now again.

"She talked to me before she left New York," Duo looked up at him, he didn't interrupt anything that he would say. There may be hope for him yet.

"She said she was ready to give me up," his balanced voice trucked a cent lower. "I'm not ready to give her up. I'm too selfish to give her up."

"That's not selfishness," Duo countered on his belief. "Not letting someone go, no matter the reasons if it is as justified as I have seen it from the beginning."

Duo paused. He wanted to see if Heero was going to say something else. He seemed to be waiting for Duo to continue to carry his thoughts. That seemed to be a first.

"You should tell her that. It's easier to just come forth with the truth than evasive answers that will just hang you. Trust me on that. Be forward with what you want to say and don't worry for anything else but what comes out of your emotion for her."

"Sometimes is worth it, to talk to you." Heero spared him a glance, continuing on in his pace.

Duo smiled at his words. "I knew you hanging around me would pay someday."

"I wouldn't say that." Heero's tone sounded a little light hearted than his usual voice.

"Don't complicate matters."


Stirring, Midii started to regain some of her strength back to her limbs. Her eyes started to open slowly, moaning at the sour throat that assailed her. She tugged at her arms, feeling a restrain that made alerted her of her unmoving position.

At that, her eyes opened immediately. Her hands were tied behind her back. She moved her hands again, and discovered that it wasn't tied with a rope, but a handcuff.

Forcing it, she took the time to look around the room she was in. She saw by her surroundings that it wasn't a place of bad reputation or moving. The expensive draperies that were around and the carved furniture gave away as much.

She swung her feet, trying to get out of the bed but found that they had been bound together. At least her assailant had enough brains to try to stop her.

As she moved her feet slowly out of the edge of the bed, Midii pondered on what she remembered. All she knew was that the movie had been just like she had expected and that she had been taken from behind and she had fallen prey to the oldest trick in the book.

Oh well, she would have enough time to think about this after she was out of here.

Taking advantage of her sitting position at the bed, she slid her bound hands from her back down to her legs. She slid them carefully not to strain any muscles. It had been way too long since she had been in this situation. She smiled as her hands came to the front. She had finished at least one part of the needed phase to be free.

Glancing at her feet, she determined just which way to go about in disengaging the knots that she knew had been done by a pro.

A creeping shadow appeared through an sliding open door which gave to sound to it's movement. Midii being concentrated on her feet didn't notice the looming shadow that appeared from behind. It just stopped as it waited for her instincts to kick in.

Getting up, Midii left the rope by her feet as she extended her feet one by one. They had been strung up together too tight for her circulation, but the blood would regain it normal flow as she walked out of the room.

Someone help the poor person that had done this. She wasn't in a good mood to be trifled with and he had to come and do this now. She was sure it had been a man. She could remember the frame as he came from behind and dragged her out of the light against his body.

She didn't know why, but she had felt that she had been like that before. A sense of deja-vu. She hated those. Recalling the scenery and picture of the movements, she remembered looking at the face, only been able to look at his eyes as they were the only thing that stood out of the shadows.

Deep green.

Her body grew erect, a sense of danger came. They had been his eyes. His.

But, it was impossible. Him. Here? Now?

One question loomed over all her uncertainties. "Why?"

"I'm sorry I tied you up like that but I wasn't sure that you would still be here when I would be back," the silence was shattered as he spoke.

A shiver rang through her skin as she sensed his approach. A resounding step alerted her of his body moving closer to hers.

"Why did you do this?" Midii couldn't recognize her voice as she spoke. She didn't know where the sound came from.

"All I want is for you to listen."

At that, Midii strung around and settled her glare on him. He wanted her to listen to him now? "I thought all had been said weeks ago."


It had been years since she had heard him speak with some emotion in his voice. She was astounded. He was here, and he wanted to talk to her. Well, she had no time to loose by listening to him. She had nothing else to do.

"Talk," she confirmed his wish. "I don't think it will change anything though."

His eyes held other promises. He seemed to know better than what she had just divulged.

"I always knew you were stubborn, but not that much." His tone was amused, but he saw no amusement on her eyes.

"Are you done?" She bit out. "I waited for you to talk to me for more than a month since you last told me that it wasn't supposed to happen. But, if you want me to just sit around and wait for you to get ready, you've got another thing coming. I waited long enough and for what? You ignored me."

"Just listen." Although he was pleading with his eyes, his tone held it in command.

"Talk away."

By a moment realizing was he was going to do, Trowa took a step back and sat down on a chair by the bed. He waited until she had done the same by sitting at the edge of the bed right before him. Her left eyebrow raised in a question of when he would begin. Taking this as the sign to begin, Trowa took a deep breath. This was the moment he had waited for, for many weeks. He had to get it right or Catherine would skin him alive.

"The last time we talked about this, I acted in an impulse to get away from you. You know that I've never been one to be close to the people I care for."

Midii gestured him to go on. She understood what he was saying. No one better than her knew what he was saying. Even as a child he had kept much to himself and the only people that he even considered friends and comrades were his sister and the Gundam pilots he had known on the war.

Others were the consequent people that he meet via the pilots them selves. Still, he didn't show anything outright too much. She had cursed at that. It was one of the things that made it impossible for him to get close to her. He wasn't one to forget the past that he remembered making her be in the ring of enemy once they had meet again.

"I couldn't help but feel that I had failed at being a soldier after that night. Even though you were by me not to be trusted, I had already failed at falling for you a second time."

"You knew that I would never do something to endanger you again." Her whisper almost came unheeded.

"Something inside still held out when it came to you." He responded. "You had still been the first person that I had allowed myself to care for, and you had been the one to betray me. I had been so young, but impressions like that were not forgettable."

Trowa placed his hand above hers and pulled it upwards. Her second one came to the ride which he noticed. He grinned at the picture she made with her hands in handcuffs. Not wanting the other hand to hang bellow, he took it on his second one as well.

"Still you entered and dissolved my resolve little by little." He yearned to take her hands and push her to him. Although she was restraining herself, he could feel her pulse accelerating at her palms. She acted unaffected, but it was as far from the real truth.

"You were again in without my knowing. I realized just after that you had still been there, I had just pushed you out trying to forget of the first person that I had let into myself and had broken my will with her betrayal. I was angry with myself. One because you were once in and two because I didn't know or realized how it had happened. I'm a person that needs to know every aspect of what goes around me. I didn't know what had happened or how it had happened. That's why I pushed you out as soon as I realized it."

"You still hurt me."

"I know," his eyes glowered with a suppressed emotion. "But I realized my mistake soon after."

"Then why didn't you just talk to me?" A silent cry broke through her body. The damage had been done as he had thrown her aside that day. She had still clung to the hope, all these weeks that had passed but he still hadn't taken back his words.

"Pride is the worst enemy of love." Trowa said to her. "I couldn't see myself admit that I had been wrong. I knew I was and admitted it to myself, but saying to you was another matter."

"Are you saying you were wrong to act the way you did now?"

"I am," he sounded desperate. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since that day. You're one of the things that I concentrate on when I have to be doing something else. I took it in the wrong impression as it was a weakness to not be able to concentrate 100% on anything else but you. You were my weakness."

"This still doesn't take the hurt back."

"I know," his grip tightened at her hands. "But, all I want is for you to give me a chance to redeem myself with you. I've taken so much time that I'm afraid it's been too late to ask for you to forgive and try to forget."

"It's not that easy." She mumbled low. She knew that he was saying the truth but, she still didn't know what to say or do.

Sensing her dilemma, Trowa asked for a more precise answer. "Will you forgive me? Yes or no?"

Midii groaned at his determined tone. He wanted an answer now. He was not going to wait for her to think about it rationally and completely. A conversation she had with Relena on the past days came to mind.

~'I've given out on him and proclaim to have handed in my hand. It had been the toughest decision that I've had to make, but yours is different. I had a chance at love but he let it slip through his hands. If he comes looking for you and asks for forgiveness, then it means that he cares. Take the chance and go for it when that happens Mid, letting that chance slip from you will make you regret it for the rest of your life. You wouldn't have known what would happen and he took the chance.' Her tone turned from a fierce passionate to the dejected wanting. 'That's more than I can say for Heero. Don't let him go if he comes to you.'~

Decided on what was to happen, Midii stood up from her sitting position and took his face in her hands. "Don't break my trust in you Trowa. I'm placing it on your hands." At her hearty promise, Midii leaned in closer and joined on a sealed kiss.

He had been ready for it, as his hands slipped around her waist and set her down on his lap. The new angle acquired only gave away to deepening the kiss as they both struggled with their hearts. His mouth opened greedily, as he accepted her offering. It had been way too long since he had her in his arms and he wasn't about to let her go for a long time.

"I love you," he whispered to her opened lips as they broke away. "I won't brake your trust in me with your heart as I myself have placed me heart in your hands again. Don't break it, please."

"I'd never dream of doing it." She responded at his prayer.

Taking her mouth again, he let the moment take them slowly over. The time passed slowly on, as Midii's energy started to deplete. Sleep was wanted. She placed her head on his chest and burrowed her arms right around his neck. She snuggled in deeper, tranquility emanating from him to her.

"Rest awhile," Trowa murmured to her soft hair. He felt her fight to sleep. "I'll not leave you alone again."


Okay, so I'm really sorry that this is so damn late. A whole month and I thought it would take me only two weeks to write this. Many things happened since the last time I uploaded the chapter and that's what delayed this. Please forgive the tardiness and I hope you're all still with me.

I think the next chapter will not take so much time to write. But it all depends on when I begin, not when I finish. I'll try tomorrow but... problems at home might not permit me to.

I would like to wish you a really belated Christmas and a great new Year. 2003 will bring more of my stories out in here, so I hope it will be a great year for me and for all of you too.


Next chapter : The next day with Trowa and Midii and the confrontation with Heero and Relena.

Wait for it please...