Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ I Want You With Me ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This chapter is one of the hardest to write. I don't know why, but I feel it.

Began on the 19 of January of 2003. Ok, so later than expected, but I hope it won't be long 'till I finish but there's only this chapter and one more. Maybe two but I don't think so. Well, that's enough rambling from my part... go on reading please.

This is one of the hardest confrontations that I will ever do. It's been so hard to write this chapter that I don't know how good it is or not. I really hope and continue hope that you like it.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters in here.

Ask Me To
Chapter 16 : I Want You With Me

The sun rays invaded the close quarters as the artificial light of the colony started to announce the day atmosphere. Relena flinched as the brightness moved about her and settled at her eyelids. Her hand flew automatically to her face, in an effort to keep the light away from her face but to no avail. She was already waken, to try to gain sleep again would be hopeless.

Seething her eyes open, her figure grew rigid as she remembered what had kept her at the couch the night before. Why hadn't they woken her up? She was sure that Duo had come in last night. Had Midii returned with Duo the night before? That might account to why they had left her to sleep in the couch.

Levering herself from the couch, she straightened her back. Sleeping on that thing was like playing catch with a five year old hyper kid.

She noticed the comforter that laid on the floor as she stepped on it. Someone had put it on her without trouble. Going up the stairs she walked to Hilde's and Duo's room. She knocked lightly to see if there was something she should know. Not hearing a response, she parted slightly the door and slipped her head in a fraction.

She glanced at the bed for a moment and found it empty. They weren't in the room. They should be outside then. Relena went to her room and changed her clothes getting ready for the day. She walked to the kitchen and spied some eggs and bread. She was extremely hungry.

As she closed the refrigerator door, she noticed the pinned note at the middle of it's white surface. "No one's home Relena," she read. "We went out to buy new parts and Midii is with a friend she meet yesterday. That's why she wasn't back at her usual time." She took the note in her hands and reread it. At the bottom was Hilde's signature.

That accounted for Midii's disappearance and of course of she being alone. Now, Relena realized that she had nothing to really worry about. Well, she was alone now, so she better make the best of it. She placed the note on the counter and reached for the juice. She placed the bread on the toaster and started to get the frying pan ready to make the eggs.

As she waited, she glanced once again at the note and found that there had been a PS. It was in another handwriting. Duo's, as much as she could actually tell.

"PS : I really hope that you find the day interesting. Make the best of it. Remember that you're going back tomorrow princess. Keep your knight in check." There was a silly face right beside the comment and Duo's sign at the bottom.

"What could he have meant?" Relena asked herself. She was puzzled to find that at the bottom.

As she puzzled over the strange message, the frying pan began to smoke. The eggs were hopelessly too done for anyone to try them or even see them. Relena grimaced as she placed the pan on another part of the stove and cursed her wandering mind.

"I hope you aren't going to eat those." A voice from behind commented. A shadow appeared behind her still form.

* * *

Sometime in the night, they had made it to the bed. Midii had no recollection of it whatsoever. Shutting her impending thoughts again, she brought her body closer to Trowa's for it's comforting warmth.

His arms shot automatically to her waist, securing her to him. Midii released a sigh of relief, knowing that she was right where she wanted to be.

"You want to get up," his voice filled the room.

"I don't think so," she released a waking yawn. "I'm still a little tired."


"For what?"

Trowa let his hand wander to her face. He placed it on her cheek and moved the hair that sprawled all over her face. "For the sleepiness."

"Oh," she remembered the sleeping drug that he had used for her to loose consciousness.

"It's already seven," Trowa disentangled his arms from her and got up from the bed. He placed a quick kiss on her temple and started to walk to the bathroom.

Midii's eyes followed him as he took off his socks. His white shirt closely followed and he unbuttoned the first two of his pants. She noted his lazy movements. It was a contrast of how he always was. Rigid, straightforward and menacing. She liked him like this better.

She heard the bathroom faucet start and his movements inside. He emerged only five minutes later, with his pants quickly fastened and in place. He picked up his shirt and moved to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Going to get us something to eat," his eyes cornered hers. "I'll be back soon."

"OK," she said as he disappeared and the door placed shut. Taking the chance of being alone, she quickly pulled the sheets out and ran to the bathroom. She rushed through the whole process, knowing that he would be coming back sooner than she would expect.

"I brought some clean clothes from the spares that you left in your apartment," he walked through the door of the bathroom with them. "I didn't know if you would need them, but here they are."

"You're a lifesaver," Midii breathed in a deep breath. "Do you have a spare towel?"

"In the closet," he walked out to the closet while Midii examined the articles he had brought over. They would do. "Get ready," Trowa said as he handed her the towel. "I'll be waiting for you at the lobby."

"But," she got confused. "Where are we going?"

Trowa stopped before crossing the threshold to go out. "First we're eating, then, we're going to give Duo and Hilde a visit."


"Yeah, we're all going to be at his house at nine." He seemed tentative. "That'll be enough time for him to talk to her."

"I'm supposed to leave today," Midii realized. She had almost forgotten about her job.

"I have it all ready," Trowa dissuaded her problem. "Relena will be leaving tomorrow and meet you in a week at the conferences."

"Is it going to be alright?"

"He's not going to mess this up."

* * *

He continued to advance without thought while Relena could hardly move from her place. So that's what Duo had tried to say. What was Heero doing here anyway?

Well, she had nothing to worry about anyway. Everything was already said and done. She could be civilized to him, she had always been anyway. Just because their relationship would never change, didn't mean that he wasn't still her friend.

She smiled at his appearance. He was never going to change.

"Came for a visit?" She asked as she replaced the cooking oil and took now four eggs from the refrigerator. "I never knew you came to see Duo at this time of year."

"I don't do normally."

"Oh," she moved along the kitchen taking the toasts out of the toaster and placed two more in. She settled them on the kitchen table and watched the pan securely.

"Want to sit down?" She asked watching him from the corner of her eye. What could he be up to?

"Thanks," he obeyed her wishes. He settled on the chair closest to her and placed his eyes on her every movement. It was unnerving.

"Eggs?" she placed a plate in front of him.

"Alright," he accepted her invitation. Relena placed the two toasts on his plate and put the newly made ones on her own plate.

"They'll be in a moment."

Silence prevailed at the kitchen. The only sound were the frying eggs which she expertly moved on the pan. She seemed content with her job at the kitchen. She seemed to really enjoy her time in front of the stove. Something he had never noticed.

She placed two of them on his plate and the remaining two on hers. She sat herself across from him and waited patiently for him to try them.

Knowing that she was waiting for it, Heero took the first bite out of the first egg and swallowed. He saw her eyebrow arched majestically. She was waiting for a comment.

"Nice," he mumbled as he took a bite out of the toast.

Her eyes rolled. "Coming from you that's a high complement." She mumbled in reply.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"Don't worry about it," she said as she took a gulp out of her juice. "I know you're a man of few words."

His complexion changed.

"It's not a bad thing." She knew that he had taken it as an insult. She didn't know why it appeared to face him though. He never cared before. "You're always to the point and straightforward. A good quality."

He knew that she was trying to amend her previous comment. Her face was to her plate and a small blush was present on her cheeks. She felt embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it," he muttered while finishing the breakfast on his plate. "This was actually really good. I didn't know you liked to work on the kitchen."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I like preparing food."

"It's more than that." Heero said. "I've known you for years and there are a lot of things that I don't know about you in reality."

"It happens."

"But, I should know." Relena's eyes narrowed as she continued to watch him. Something was definitely up.

"Why are you here Heero?" She wanted to know right now.

"I'm here because I want you with me."

"What?" She was taken aback. He had spoken with a firmness in his tone that showed he had his mind made up on the subject.

"I'm not going to let you go Relena." He clasped his hand on top of hers from across the table. "I'm too selfish to let you escape from my life."

"Newsflash Heero," she slipped her hands away from his and crossed them at her chest. "I was never part of your life."

He shook his head. Part of him knew that she would act like this. The other part of him had prayed for it not to happen.

"Maybe you didn't realize it Relena, but you were."

"Not in your heart Heero," she placed her hand at his cheek. "Never in your heart." She released a depressed sigh, leaning closely to her chair.

"You were always in my heart. Ever since you found me that day. At the beach." His head turned sideways fixing his eyes on an unknown point. "Ever since then you were always on my mind. Every time I fought, you were there to haunt me. When I stole Wing Zero and tried to destroy everything, including myself in the colony, it wasn't Quatre what pulled me out. It was you. You stopped me."

"At least I had a part in your life," a small smile graced her features.

"You'll always be a part of my life. I can't let you go now. I'm too selfish for that."

"It's not really selfishness if the person is willing to stay Heero," Relena tried to clear. "But I still don't understand you."

She turned to him, her eyes narrowed and cautious. She looked like a completely different person from what she had appeared weeks ago before she had left. He felt her tighter in, with danger sweeping out of her.

"You had all this time. All this and not even a sign." He knew what she was going to say. "How do you expect me to receive you with open arms when you finally decide to run on my direction."

Her tone was firm, demanding.

"You finally turn back, but right after I made the resolution to keep away." She stood up from the table and took the dishes from his place and hers. She piled them on the sink and opened the faucet to let the water run in with the dirty dishes.

"You know how hard this is for me Heero. It was so hard from the beginning. You were right there, and yet you were too distant from me. How do you expect me to accept these words of yours?"

The question was laid on the table. It was time for him to start explaining what she wanted. If she didn't get the answer that she was looking for, he knew that she would not back down from her decision. This was too important for her to make any indulgences.

The water had stopped. She stood right before him, with her back turned to him. She was waiting.

"Heero," her voice broke the silence once again. "I feel too much for you to just lay my heart down on the line. I've worn it in my sleeve for most of the last years and I'm beginning to see that it doesn't pay off."

She turned to him completely. "I have to know what I'm getting into. I'm not going to step blindly into this." She didn't even know how to call what was being discussed. "I have to know what you want. What you are going to offer and if it's going to be worth it in the end."

"I don't know the future Relena," Heero mumbled as he heard the question.

A smile broke on her sullen face. "I know. I'm not asking for the future." She advanced to his upward position. She stood one foot away from his erect frame, with her head held high. "All I want to know is," she placed her right hand on her heart. "Is if I'm going to have your heart as you have mine."

Heero watched patiently at her hand. It rose and fell as she took each breath. He knew how much she was putting into this. Not knowing any other way to do this, he took her left hand in his own and placed it before his own heart. While his left hand held hers to his heart, his right hand covered her own.

Their heartbeats closed together. The tones came serene, frantic, serene... anticipation. Everything was there.

"I told Trowa once that to live a good life, you have to follow your emotions." Heero tried to relax his own beating heart. All the training and preparation for the war had not prepared him for what he had to do next. He would never be able to control himself like the perfect weapon he was made to be.

"I'm following what they're telling me now." He leaned in, his forehead touching with hers. It was a caress, felt small but vibrant. They stared into each others eyes as if searching. Heero for hope and Relena for a sign. "I hope it's not too late for me to finally realize what I want from life."

"You want me for your life," she repeated his last sentence. "Why?"

"I don't want to live without you. This weeks have proven how easily I could loose my chance at my and your happiness. Out happiness."

"Ours," she merely mouthed.

"I won't let your slip away from me again Relena," his tone was firm. It was in determination with a mind made up. He was just waiting for her.

Releasing a whimper, Relena threw her arms around his neck. He cradled her head at his shoulder, in the same comforting way he had done a week ago. The force of her releasing suffering, took the strength out of his legs. They sagged and fell slowly to the floor. They were seated, rocking back and forth.

"I love you Heero," he could have missed the words, but he picked them up as she held in tighter to him. "Please," she pleaded in between her tears. "Don't let me go."

Reluctantly, he placed a kiss on the crown of her hair and whispered to it. "I wouldn't be able to bear it." He tilted her face up, his finger playing with the nerves of her chin. "You mean too much for me to let go."

It had to have been the right thing to say at that moment because her eyes shined, the tears that marked her face no longer mattered. Without hesitation, Relena arched up, letting her mouth meet with his halfway.

No kiss like before had been like this. Neither one would have ever imagined it. There were no longer things held back. Their souls were opened to each other to probe and see. All the barriers that had been up before, collapsed as both of them gave each other as an offering.

This was the offering they made for this love.

A kiss to their souls.


Oka y, so this is a little cheesy at the end. I particularly hate these kind of scenes but damn it, I wanted to write this. I really hope you liked this chapter.

This was the hardest one to date. It's too hard to try to keep Heero's character in check while you want him to convey the emotions that you know he is hiding deep inside.

Thanks to all who are reading this, and no, this is not the finish. There's at least another chapter coming out which would be the epilogue.

It will take place three weeks later, when the May conferences are in their final part.

Don't know when it will be out, but I think it will be fun. All the couples and characters will be present... let's see me juggle all of that in there. HA!

Hope to see you all soon,