Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Confined Spaces ❯ Green Chibi Bunnies ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

..Warnings and Disclaimers: okay, things are actually gonna get a little Controversial now. This is me, so I'm surprised that hasn't happened already, but anyway… yah. Okay, mentions of yaoi/shounen-ai. Nothin' too graphic… (yet?) not really any language in this chapter, but in the next one things should get a little more colorful.

I do not own Gundam Wing/After Colony. I do not own After War/Gundam X. I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion. If I did, would I be writing fan fiction? No. I don't think so either. And please don't try to sue me. All the money I admit to having is going to my friends birthday presents, and this really gorgeous Duo/Deathscythe Hell wallscroll I just got. Its soooooo preeeetttyyyyyy. And you cant have *it* either, you greedy bastards. Okay, I need to turn off my laptop before I get hit by the electrical storm that's been circling my house all night. I'm really tempting fate here…

Time: 15:00:18

Mission Time Elapsed: 06:17:38…



"I'm melting into the floor… It's finally happening…"

"Maxwell, get up and stop whining. We've only been in here about six hours."

"No, really… I'm melting. I can feel it! …Tell Deathscythe she can have my yaoi doorknocker collection and my Evangelion poster of Shinji and Kowaru…"

"You are *not* melting, Maxwell. Hey! Get off my leg! If you drool on me, I swear, Omae o korosu!"

"Oh come on, Yuy. As if you'd mind!"

"Wufei, you… you… Omae o korosu!" (Doom Glare of Doom)

… Sizzle…


"… Stiiiiiill got it."

"Heeeeeeero, entertain me." Duo blinked large violet eyes up at Heero who failed miserably at another DGoD. He sat down beside Duo, who grinned wickedly. Heero gave him a sidelong glance.

"In *case* you hadn't noticed, we are *not* alone." He muttered.

Several feet away, Wufei had a violent choking fit. He had very good hearing.

Across the room, Quatre and Trowa were amusing themselves with a can of whipped cream Trowa had produced from his Magic Bangs. This had so far involved them taking turns sucking the gas out of the can, punctuated by manic giggling fits on Quatre's part and Trowa engaging his feet in a conversation about the true meaning of the word *Ket*chup vs. *Cat*sup, and if this could possibly have any subtext pertaining to the subject of him licking whipped cream off *Quat*re.

He thought it should, and had just decided that subtext is there as a suggestion of things that *should* be happening at this moment, when he was pounced upon by Duo in full Shinigami Mode.

In his opinion, Wing's Zero System was *nothing* in comparison to the destruction these moods of Duo's could instigate. The other pilots were usually in agreement.

"Hey, Tro. You done with that can of whipped cream? Can we use it? Pleassssse?"

Trowa's head spun slightly as he brought Duo into focus. Before he could answer, however, Duo snatched the can, and, dragging Trowa in tow, hauled him to the center of the room. Quatre, still giggling fiendishly in fits and spurts and muttering something about buttons and machine guns, followed. He plunked himself down next to Trowa, who he was eyeing, alternately with the can of whipped cream Duo held, both with a fiendish glint in his eyes.

Duo already had Heero sitting cross-legged in the center of the room, and was now making an attempt at dragging Wufei bodily across the room. Finally, he stopped, let go, and leaned over the other pilot, breathing into his ear, "Wuffie, if you don't stop fighting *right now* I am going to tell every one of them about your lime green chibi bunny underwear."

Wufei sat.

Duo beamed at him.

"May I ask what you have in mind, Maxwell?" Heero eyed Duo with well-deserved suspicion.

"Course! We're gonna play spin the bottle!" Duo grinned, and not just a little evilly.

Multiple Groans.

"Oh come on! It'll be fuuuun! Okay, fine. I'll spin first."

He spun. It landed on Quatre, who emitted a giggle pitched somewhat similarly to a dog-whistle.

Duo raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Alright. Truth or dare, Quat."

"Ummmmmm…" Quatre's eyes slid to Trowa. "Dare!"

"Okie dokie. Trowa, you got any more whipped cream?"

Trowa, smiling faintly at Quatre, produced another can.

"Great", Duo said, shaking the can. "Wuffie, take off your shirt, Quat is gonna lick this off your chest."

Wufei's squeak outdid Quatre's by a good half dozen decibels, but Duo gave him the "Your Underwear Has Green Chibi Bunnies On Them and I Know It" look. Wufei lost his shirt, and Duo gave the can another good shake before spraying it all over his chest.

Trowa's Glare was reaching intensity almost close to rivaling Heero's, if Heero was having a bad day and was half asleep.

Quatre, glancing dubiously at Trowa, was about to start his dare when a rattle was heard from above.

Then another, and another.

All five pilots looked up.

"Its coming from the vent." Heero said, readying his Glare.

Another rattle was heard, then some scuffling. It sounded like someone was trying to be stealthy and failing miserably. This was followed by some muffled curses, another scuffle, and then a crash.

Everything happened at once:

The grate came flying off the vent, followed by Something in blue jeans and a jacket that shrieked like a demon, flailing madly.

Heero fired a Glare, which hit the grate. The grate exploded in a shower of sparks.

Trowa jumped Quatre, who was kneeling, looking Extremely Confused, and then yelped, both of the toppling to the floor.

Duo let out a whoop, jumping out of range as sparks flew everywhere.

…And the Something from the grate fell with an "…Oomph!" into Wufei's whipped-cream smudged lap.

And then there was Silence.

…For about .167354 seconds.

"Holy SHIT! That was one *flimsy* grate! … Woah. Hi." The Something said… all in about 1.5 seconds.

… So it was more like, "HolySHITthatwasaflimsygratewoahhi." … Only faster.

It was a he. He had black hair a little longer and messier than Heero's, and giant green eyes. He was wearing a tan and red bomber jacket over a white polo shirt and blue jeans with tennis shoes. He was about the same age as the other pilots. And he was covered in whipped cream, sprawled across a very shell-shocked looking Wufei's lap.

Time: 15:12:57

Mission Time Elapsed: 06:30:35…



A/N: yes, I know this isn't really a "mission" but gimme a break. And sorry for all you who haven't seen Gundam X. There's some great sites with pics from it. I'll post some so people can go see what Gerrod Ran looks like (damn bishilicious, that's what.). Me and Quat have come to the consensus that he's a mix of the gw/ac five. He tends to be really stealthy, but sometimes that backfires at all the wrong times; like now. He's so kawaii! That show is a lot… lighter… than gw/ac. Well, in some ways, anyway. It has more comic relief. I can't wait for it to be translated into English! … provided that it will at all. But yeah, I thought it might be fun for him to make an Entrance, and poor Wuffie always gets the short end of the stick (Okay, you hentais. Get your minds outta the gutter.)… and by that I mean Treize. (sorry, the Trojo just doesn't do it for me. Blech.). Oh and I've been having some writers block with this fic recently, so if anyone has some ideas for it, please by all means tell me. You can email me, or leave it in reviews, I don't mind a bit. But if you're gonna flame me, don't do it anonymously. That's so freakin' lame.