Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Devil With A Blue Dress On (Part Five of the Family Sagas) ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own them!

Devil With A Blue Dress On, Part 2

Randy looked disgusted as she stood in the basement. "And dad wants me to clean this dump?" she muttered under her breath as she looked around her. Her nose wrinkled and she slapped her hand against the nearest wall. "DAMMIT, DAD, I PROMISE TO BE GOOD! JUST DON'T MAKE ME CLEAN THIS!"

Duo heard his daughter yelling at the top of her lungs. He chuckled and went down into the basement. He leaned around the corner. She looked like she wanted to throw something. "Sorry, sweetheart, but you're not getting out of this," he said with a grin.

She glared at her father, but then smiled angelically. "Please, daddy," she said sweetly as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "Pretty please with sugar on top."

He looked at her face turned up at him. She was so like her mother. He had absolutely no control over the women in his family. They had him twisted about their pretty little fingers. And he hated turning her down. She was his baby. His little girl. Hilde was right; he had spoiled Randy to no end. "No, Randy, you're not getting out of this," he said as he chucked her under her chin. "But I won't make you do the attic, all right"

Randy made a face. "Fine," she grumbled as she crossed her arms. "But this is…" she gestured around her.

"It's a mess. I know, but I know you'll do a good job," Duo said as he kissed her forehead before going back upstairs.

She grumbled several more choice phrases in German, before rolling up her sleeves and getting to work.

Several Hours Later

"I hate this, I am never going to be bad again," Randy muttered as she pushed the last box into place. She sneezed as the dust swirled around her. She observed the now, fairly organized, if not clean basement. "Pretty good if I do say so myself," she said as she propped her hands on her hips.

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On the main level, Miles and Jonathon were discussing sports, when Duo came in. His eyes fell on the oldest Barton. He felt his blood pressure rise. "Down, Maxwell. Keep that temper of yours in check. You don't need Hilde getting all bent out of shape and making you sleep on the couch, which is not that comfortable by the way." "Miles, Jonathon," he said as normally as possible as he passed through to the garage. But he couldn't help but think of several ways of getting rid of Miles. All of them painful. He chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

Miles looked after him wide eyed. "For a minute there I thought your dad was going to kill me, I brought Randy home late the other night," he said to Jonathon.

"Really?" Jonathon drawled. "And why were you late bringing her home?"

"We were talking for a long time and lost track of the time," Miles replied as he looked back at his iced tea.

"You talked! With a girl! I'm in shock!" Jonathon said as he rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Shut up, she's your sister," Miles answered as he glared at the other young man.

"I know she's my sister. That's why you only talked. If she had been anyone else, you would have been doing what Chris and Victoria are doing when they think no one can hear them," Jonathon pointed out with an evil grin.

"Oh like you're one to talk, Casanova!" Miles hissed. "And do you have to air the fact that I've dated a lot of girls and slept with some of them! That's the reason why your father looks like he wants to kill me when I so much as look at Randy!"

"Well I'm also not going after anyone's sister either. If you noticed how unattainable any of the girls that we're close to are? Chris dared to do it and got a dislocated shoulder out of it. In your case, I would say that you have one chance in a million in attaining my sister. Of course, you better not think of my sister like any one of those other girls," Jonathon said as he narrowed his cobalt eyes at Miles.

Miles saw the warning in them too. He sighed. "No, I don't think of your sister like that."

Just then the basement door swung open, revealing a very dirty looking Randy.

"Brat, you look like you rolled around in a dust bin," Jonathon laughed as he looked at her.

Randy shot him the finger. "Remind me never to be bad again," she said. Her eyes fell on Miles. "Miles," she said as she smiled at him.

"Randy," Miles returned. She looked sexy as hell with her clothes smudged with dust and dirt, her hair hidden under a baseball cap, that she was wearing backwards, and a smile that could make the most stoic heartbeat race. "Cleaning I take it," he said as he noticed the feather duster stuck in the back pocket of her cutoffs like a tail feather.

"I have to. It's my punishment because I was the one who set up my brother and Victoria. And Chris got hurt in the whole process," she said as she shrugged. "So if you two wouldn't mind, I need to clean the kitchen."

"As the brat wishes," Jonathon smirked as he tugged on her hair on his way up to the back stairs.

Miles followed. "Later, Randy," he said as he gave her a smile and followed her brother.

Randy's eyes followed him. "Bad girl. You kissed him. It was one tiny little kiss on the lips. Harmless. Not in your father's eyes. Well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him." She sighed as she surveyed her new task. "Man, I hate cleaning," she mumbled as she got out the mop to clean the floor. She switched on the stereo in the family room, blasting the music.

Miles could hear the music blasting downstairs. He grinned to himself. "I'll be back to get another glass of iced tea," he said to Jonathon as he sidled out of the room.

Jonathon chuckled to himself as he flipped through the Victoria's Secret catalogue that he had snitched from his sister. "That guy has got it bad," he said as he flipped another page.

Miles made his way down the back stairs and sat on the steps, watching Randy sing and dance as she cleaned.

Randy picked up the remote and turned up the volume on the song that was beginning to play. She started to sing along with it.

You're lights are on, but you're not home

Your mind is not your own

Your heart sweats, your body shakes

Another kiss is what it takes

You can't sleep, you can't eat

There's not doubt, you're in deep

Your throat is tight, you can't breathe

Another kiss is all you need

Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah

Its closer to the truth to say you can't get enough

You know you're going to have to face it; you're addicted to love

Randy used the mop as a microphone as she dropped to her knees and belted out the next verse.

Miles watched, fascinated by her husky voice and her lithe body staying in time to the music.

You see the signs, but you can't read

You're runnin' at a different speed

Your heart beats in double time

Another kiss and you'll be mine, a one-track mind

You can't be saved

Oblivion is all you crave

If there's some left for you

You don't mind if you do

Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah

Its closer to the truth to say you can't get enough

You know you're going to have to face it, you're addicted to love

Duo came in from the garage to see his daughter singing her heart out. He grinned and watched her performance.

Miles grinned. He was addicted already. That one little kiss of hers had him.

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Randy was very unaware that she had an audience so she kept on singing. She knew that her kiss had to affect Miles in some way. She knew that another kiss would get him right where she wanted him. Despite what her father said.

You're lights are on, but you're not home

Your will is not your own

Your heart sweats, your teeth grind

Another kiss and you'll be mine

Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah

Its closer to the truth to say you can't get enough

You know you're going to have to face it; you're addicted to love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love

Duo noticed that he wasn't the only audience his daughter had. His eyes fell on Miles, who was staring at Randy. His eyes narrowed as he saw the grin on the young man's face.

Randy opened her eyes and saw her father standing in the doorway. But he wasn't looking at her. He was looking behind her. She turned her head.

Miles saw her turn to look at him. He raised his eyes and saw Duo looking at him with an expression that could be described as murderous. He gulped. "Sorry," he mumbled and nearly tripped over his feet, running back up the steps.

Randy turned back to look at her father. "That look wasn't necessary."

Duo's eyes fell on his daughter. Her lips were pursed. Another Hilde look she inherited and used when she was exasperated. "I think it was very necessary," he said as he turned and went back to the garage.

Randy rolled her eyes. "So damn overprotective," she muttered as she finished her cleaning without the stereo blasting.

************************************************************** ****************

Miles pressed his back against the door in Jonathon's room. He closed his eyes and thanking God that he was still living.

Jonathon glanced up. "My dad caught you looking at Randy, didn't he?" he asked as his eyes went back to the catalogue.

"Yeah," Miles breathed as he slid down to the floor.

"You're never going to get her. I don't think any guy is going to get my sister. They're all too afraid of dad to go near her," Jonathon said knowingly.

Miles looked up. "Well I won't back off either. As much as I'm terrified of your dad, it won't stop me," he said with determination.

"That's good to hear. So what are you going to do when my dad actually tries killing you instead of threatening you," Jonathon pointed out.

"Haven't thought of that yet," Miles said. "But I will."

Randy looked at the gleaming kitchen floor. "That better stay clean," she said as she put the mop away. She took a deep breath and yawned. She was a little tired. She walked up the steps to her room.

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Miles heard the lighter footsteps of Randy's coming up the steps. He looked over at Jonathon. He was engrossed at the catalogue he was looking at. He slipped out of the room and saw Randy enter hers at the end of the hall. He looked cautiously both ways before walking towards her room. He knocked on the closed door.

Randy rolled to her back on her bed. "Come in," she said as she rolled back to her stomach.

He peered around the door and saw Randy lying sprawled out on her bed. He grinned. "This is the second time I've been in your room," he said quietly.

She whipped her head towards the sound of his voice. "Miles! What the hell are you doing in here?" she hissed as she sat up.

"I wanted to see you," Miles replied simply as he knelt down in front of her.

"My dad would kill you if he saw you in here," Randy whispered as she looked into his eyes.

"I know. But I wanted to ask you something," he said as he grasped her hands in his.

"And what's that?" she asked, trying to ignore the soothing feeling of his thumbs rubbing over her pulse points.

"Was I the first guy to kiss you?" Miles asked as he pressed his thumbs on her delicate wrists.

Randy was surprised by his question. "More or less. But you didn't kiss me. I had to kiss you."

"That's true. So do you want me to kiss you now?" he asked as he leaned closer to her.

Her lips quirked up into a smile. "Well if you insist," she said as she breathed against his mouth.

Miles leaned forwards and brushed his lips against hers. She had such soft lips. He put his hands on either side of her and kissed her with a little more pressure. He didn't expect her to part her lips and slip her tongue along the seam of his. "I thought you've never been kissed before," he murmured against them.

Randy smiled. "I read. Your sister's romance novels do come in handy," she said as she kissed him again.

His hands grasped her slim hips, pulling her closer until she was pressed up against his chest. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, stroking and tasting. "I must have a Death wish."But he kept on kissing her. There was nothing better then kissing her.

She looped her arms around his neck. Giddy sensations were traveling all over her body, just from him kissing her. Her fingers toyed with the hair on the nape of his neck. It felt soft against her fingertips. And not being shy about what she wanted, she sucked on his tongue, and then drove her tongue into his mouth. She slipped from the bed until she was kneeling on the floor with him. She felt like she was in heaven.

Miles couldn't believe the feelings that she was evoking in him. She was only sixteen and she was giving him a kiss straight out of a porn flick. His hands tightened on her hips, feeling her soft curves fit to his body. He could feel the warmth radiating from her body through his clothing. His arm slid around her waist, while the other one came up and tangled though her silky mass of hair, angling her head so he could kiss her better.

Randy leaned into him more. She didn't want this moment to ever end.

The kiss continued to deepen and become more and more erotic as the minutes ticked by. Their lips barely leaving the others only to catch a brief breath before sealing together once again.

He wanted her. It was hard not to want her. But he tried to keep her age in the uppermost part of his mind. His fingers traced the gentle curve of her spine before coming to rest on the small of her back. He traced lazy circles there and heard a slight whimper from her. Desire shot through him. He lifted his mouth away from hers and gazed into her face. Her lips were moist and swollen from being kissed. "I have to stop," he breathed as he traced her jaw with his finger. Her eyes were still closed.

She opened her eyes slowly to look at him. She could see the fire burning in the depths of his green eyes. She gave him a lazy smile. "I understand," she said in a sultry tone. Her nails raked lightly on the back of his neck.

Miles felt the chills spreading down his back and arms. He looked into her eyes. They were darker, almost midnight blue in color. He knew what she was feeling. Those Maxwell eyes of hers were very expressive. "She has her father's eyes." At that thought he stood. Her father. "I should leave," he said as he put his hand on the door.

Randy leaned back against her bed and regarded him. "Its good that you have a healthy fear of my dad. But I think you're proving to me that even though the thought of being maimed scares the hell out of you, you're willing to risk it," she said as she stood. She walked over to him and placed her hands on his chest. "Because you must think I'm worth dying for," she finished as she looked up into his eyes.

He smiled at her and kissed her lips lightly as he slowly pushed the door open. "You are," he said as he kissed her again and bounded down the steps.

She looked after him, smiling thoughtfully. "And I hope you know, Miles, that I would probably defy my dad just to be with you," she said as she went back into her room to take a nap. But she didn't see her mother at the other end of the hall when she closed the door.

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Hilde had seen Miles kiss Randy. She had no objections to them. She thought that the smooth talking Barton was good for her razor-tongued daughter. They seemed to compliment each other. But she knew that Duo did object. And quite strongly. She knew it was his fatherly instincts kicking in. It seemed funny that before they were even a couple, Duo was a notorious skirt chaser, and here he was objecting to one going after their daughter. She smiled thoughtfully as she went back down the stairs and looked out through the glass that framed the doors. She could see Duo under the hood of her Tahoe, his braid trailing down his back. "I wish you could see how much our little girl cares for him, Duo. And how much he seems to care for her," she whispered before turning on her heel and going into the study.

Author's Note: What did you think? I already know what I'm doing for the third part and I promise it will be something shocking! So stay tuned for more!