Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ Because I Love You ( Chapter 26 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob

A/N: Ohayo! Here's another. Again there is a sap alert in progress. Get out while you still can. I repeat.....

live4you: Hey. You are a very demanding reviewer aren't ya. ^^ Thanks for the review.

Linda Starwind: Hey! Thank you again for keeping in touch!

Chapter 26: Because I Love You

Wufei woke slowly. The refreshing feeling of a good nap was but a memory. Instead he felt more tired and disoriented than before. And his face felt sticky.

Through his haze of being between consciousnesses, he could hear the soft chimes of the doorbell. There were some voices--GG's and a male. Maybe it was Jackie trying to con the woman out of her money.

He settled for pretending he was invisible. No point in getting in any uncalled for confrontation. Not that he was worried about losing it. It was taking out his frustration, which was the problem.


Downstairs, Trieze tried to negotiate with the strong hearted old woman. Right now, he was losing.

"GG-san, I must talk to Wufei. He--"

"Is upstairs right now, crying his sleep." GG glared up at the tall stranger. Trieze sighed in defeat. Maybe there was no hope for him after all.


Wufei could hear the stress in his grandmother's voice. He could almost picture the little vein that shows when she's ranting bulging from her forehead.

Taking pity on her, and not want to be a coward for staying upstairs and not helping, he slowly pulled his worn body from bed. He made it at the top of the steps to hear a familiar voice.

His body felt like it was going to give out on him as new emotions rose. He sat helplessly at the top of the stairwell and listened.


"It wasn't what he thought. I would never do anything to him to hurt him. Not willingly." Trieze talked almost inaudibly. His face was pain stricken by his current loss. "I love him. He is the most wonderful person I have ever met." He laughed sadly and paused to keep the self pitying tears from surfacing. He was frustrated that he couldn't get Wufei to realize this.

The elderly Japanese woman glared at him one last time. She grudgingly let him up the stairs. Giving one last 'you fuck up, you get fucked up' look along with the waving of a sharp knife and disappeared into the kitchen.


Wufei barely made it back in the room when he heard Trieze approached. He was close to slamming the door shut but was too exhausted from the short sprint to do so.

He sat on the bed twiddling his thumbs until the charming man was standing in the doorway.

"What do you want?" He snapped hoarsely. His voice was scratchy from all the crying but held just as much venom. He took great satisfaction in seeing the man wince.

"I wanted to tell you--"

"That you changed your mind and want someone that will drop their pants and bend over on the first date."

That seemed to deter Trieze momentarily. Shock was replaced quickly with frustrated rage. "I came to tell you that you are a presumptuous, insecure man."

Wufei snorted. "Then why, dare I ask, do you put up with me?"

"Because I....I fucking love you, dammit!" Trieze poured all his frustration and desperation in his confession. It seemed to work for a moment. Wufei's eyes widen considerably. Whether it was from the confession or his colorful language, Trieze didn't care.


"I don't want Kordairo. He....I don't know how--well I know how, but I was surprised. It was like something you saw in the soap operas. I wasn't expecting it." Trieze slumped dejectedly. This was not going well in his opinion.

"I--when I saw you and--I thought that." Tears started to fall from Wufei's eyes. He knew he had mess up. "Gomen nasai. I shouldn't have..." A sob cut through him before he could restrain it. Trieze was by his side in a flash.

His hand rubbed soothing circles on the quaking back while his other cradled his body close to him. He whispered soft reassuring words until the sobbing stopped. They sat like this for hours. Just enjoying each other's company until Wufei fell asleep.

Trieze smiled affectionately down at the sleeping form. He softly planted a kiss on the unusually tussled locks and moved to give the china man some privacy. The hand on his arm was unexpected.

"Dun'go." Came the slurred plea. How could he possibly deny him that? He climbed back into the bed and pulled the covers over them. "Arigatou." Wufei mumbled sleepily.

"No need to thank me. Ai shiteru. I love you." Trieze whispered back before darkness claimed him.


A/N: And what the hell is Duo doing during all this?

Kordairo ran recklessly through the crowded sidewalks. His pale face held wide eyes and a parted panting mouth. You would think that death himself was hot on his heels.

Behind him a group of men followed him menacingly slow. No matter what he did, he couldn't lose them.

Dark violet eyes watched their prey move to turn a corner. Silently signaling to the taller of them all, he sent the brunette ahead after him. Revenge was such a sweet thing.


A/N: *inserts dramatic music* How'd you like it? Trieze and Wufei made up. Kordairo......well....*grins* I am sooo evil. At least for now. *evil laugh* Review! Let me know what you think. Does Duo seem a little....scary? Heh. Is it so wrong? ^_^