Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hatred ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N- This is something I came up with the other day when I was watching Armitage. It's an AU Gundam Wing fic. Probably yaoi. HeeroxDuo and QuatrexTrowa. Hope you like it.

Hatred: Prologue

By: RurouniGirl

When humans began to colonize space, it was the first major scientific accomplishment the earth had seen in centuries. After the colonization began, scientists began experiments using artificial intelligence and computer chips.

They soon realized that they could save a humans life by replacing damaged organs and body parts with cyborg parts. This allowed a human to live even if half their body had been blown off in an explosion.

After this discovery, the scientists began work on a project called Oz. They were able produce cyborg entities called AHE's (Artificial Human Entities). These cyborgs looked just like human beings. They had human emotions, they bled, they felt pain. However, the scientists had a long way to go in perfecting the cyborgs.

When the government saw how much these cyborgs resembled humans, they shut down Oz and cut off all funding. This did little, however, and the scientists continued their work in secret.

It took many long years, but they were finally able to perfect the AHE's. Phase 1 of Oz was completed. The next phase was to see how the AHE's co-existed with humans. So the AHE's were sent to all parts of the world and to different colonies.

Thus, began Phase 2 of Oz and the beginning of our story.

Author's Notes: well, there's the background. I hope it was interesting. Oh, and I know AHE's isn't the most original, but I couldn't think of anything else. I was gonna go with APE (Artificially Produced Entities). If you have an opinion as to which one I should use, please let me know. Review. RurouniGirl