Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hatred ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N- Well, now that the background is set up, on with the story.

Hatred: Part 1

By: RurouniGirl

Quatre sighed as he looked down at the arm he was now repairing. Like most of his body, it was a cyborg part.

When Quatre was very young he had gone with his family to visit one of the colonies. Their shuttle had been blown up and both of his parents had been killed. He had been lucky enough to have been found by a military shuttle and they had gotten him medical help as quickly as possible.

The doctor's had worked for days trying to repair his body. Half of his body had been blown off by the explosion of the shuttle, and the doctor's had worked tirelessly to replace that half of his body with cyborg parts, hoping that it would be enough to save his life.

In the end, all their hard work paid off, and Quatre had lived. But, it had its side effects. The people of earth, who had once respected the Winner family, now hated the only remaining Winner family member.

The people of earth had hated cyborgs for as long as Quatre could remember. They detested the fact that cyborgs, which they considered lower in status than humans, could look and act exactly like humans. This led to the prejudice against anything cyborg. The fact that Quatre had once been 100% human didn't matter to humans. He was now only 20% human. The other 80% was cyborg, so as far as humans were concerned, he was a cyborg.

The hate and abuse had gotten so bad that Quatre had fled from the earth to one of the colonies where no one knew he was cyborg and he would have a chance to start over again.

It had been almost two years since he had come to L3, and his life was going very well. Everyone who knew him thought that Quatre was a very nice young man. But, of course, they didn't know that he was part cyborg.

Only one person knew he was a cyborg, and she had been his best friend since the moment he had arrived on the colony. Her name was Hilde and she looked at Quatre as a younger brother. She was very protective of him.

Quatre had to laugh at the way she fussed over him, like a mother hen fussing over her chicks. But Quatre was grateful for her friendship. She was someone he could depend on. She would always be there, now matter what.

Quatre looked up as the door opened and Hilde came inside. He smiled at her as she plopped down next to him.

"Want help?" she asked as she watched him working on his arm.

He shook his head. "Nope, I'm almost done," he said.

He finished up and, with a snap, closed the metal panel on his arm and pulled the skin back over the panel. It slowly melted together with the surrounding skin so that the panel was no longer visible and his arm looked just like a human arm.

"So," he said. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Hilde grinned and held up two tickets to the circus. "I came to invite you to come with me tonight."

Quatre's smile widened and he broke into a grin. "I haven't been to the circus since I was six years old," he said. "I'd love to go with you."

Hilde smiled. "Good. Hurry up and get ready. Then we can go."


Quatre laughed happily as he and Hilde took their seats and eagerly waited for the show to begin. Quatre smiled brightly and Hilde laughed. He was acting just like a little kid.

He looked around, trying to see everything at once. One thing in particular caught his eye. A young boy with brown hair and the brightest green eyes he had ever seen was looking out at the audience. Their eyes met and Quatre found that he couldn't take his eyes off the boy. As he watched, the boy disappeared from view.

He wondered if the boy was part of the show. He didn't have to wonder long, however, because the show started and he would soon find out who the boy was.

Quatre watched excitedly at every act. It finally came time for the last act, The Knife Throwing Katherine. As the ringmaster introduced the act, Katherine and her partner came into the ring. As her partner looked up Quatre drew in a breath.

He was the boy Quatre had seen earlier. Half of his face was now covered with a clown mask, but the green eye staring out at the audience was unmistakable.

As Quatre watched, he found himself amazed and in awe of the other boy. The knives that Katherine was throwing just barely missed the boy, but he didn't even flinch.

The audience broke into applause as the last knife was thrown and, as the ringmaster announced the next act, Katherine and her partner left the ring. Just before exiting, the boy turned. He looked directly at Quatre and seemed to almost smile before turning and leaving the ring.

Quatre continued to stare at the spot where the boy had disappeared until Hilde brought him back to the present.

"Quatre, the show's over."

He jumped a little and turned toward her. "Sorry, I was just thinking."

She smiled. "About what?" she asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing important," he replied. "Come on," he said. "Let's go home. I'm exhausted."

Hilde nodded her agreement and the two left the circus tent feeling happy and contented.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Duo sighed for the hundredth time as he once again tried in vain to repair the computer modem. It was hopeless. He finally threw down his tools and got up. Maybe he should just hire someone to fix it for him. So far the thing had been more trouble than it was worth.

He stretched his arms above his head and cracked his aching back. He was so tired. He wished he could just fix this stupid computer so he could go home and sleep. But he wasn't allowed to leave work until he had fixed it.

He switched on the radio and started humming to the Guns N' Roses tune that was playing as he went back to work on the computer. After forty-five minutes he got frustrated and threw his tools across the room.

"Damn it," he shouted as he stood up to go retrieve his tools.

He was startled to see someone standing in the doorway watching him. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and walked over.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

The other boy shook his head. He looked to be around Duo's age. He had spiky brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

"You seem to be having some trouble," he said. "I thought you might want some help."

"You know about computers?" Duo asked.

The boy shook his head.

Duo sighed in relief. "God, thank you so much. I could really use your help. My name's Duo, by the way," he said as he ushered the other boy over to the computer and handed him the tools.

"Heero," the boy said as he went to work on the computer. About thirty minutes later he stood up. "That should do it," he said.

Duo sighed in relief. "Finally," he said. "Now I can sleep. I haven't gotten more than twenty-four hours of sleep in the past week."

He sighed tiredly as he turned to Heero. "Thanks so much," he said. "You don't know how much I appreciate that."

Heero nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait," Duo called. "Don't you want paid for your work?"

"No," he said as he turned and left. And all Duo could do was stare after him.

Author's Notes: So, what do you think? Good? Sux? Please Review. RurouniGirl