Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hatred ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N- okay, I don't know how much you guys like this, but for the few reviews I've gotten, here's the next chapter. Thanks to all of you who read and reviewed. ^_^ Oh yeah, I've decided to use APE (artificially produced entities) instead of AHE. Thanks to Digimon Dreamer for helping me decide. ^_^

Hatred: Part 2

By: RurouniGirl

Trowa sighed quietly to himself as he sat down and leaned against the back of a crate. He turned his head and smiled. "Hey guys," he said, addressing the lions lying in the cage beside him. One of them purred softly and moved closer. Trowa smiled and reached his hand through the bars, gently scratching the lion behind its ear. It purred louder and leaned further into his touch.

"You're so trusting," he said, chuckling. "And yet you can be so fierce when you sense danger. You're such strange beasts." He smiled, " Yet you're my best friends," he said.

He sighed and stood up. "I guess I should get some sleep, huh?" He left the tent and headed toward his trailer. He got out of his clown suit and into sweats and lay down, trying to get some sleep. He couldn't sleep, however. His thoughts kept drifting back to that boy he had seen in the audience. Why did he feel such a strong connection to this boy? Maybe it was because he had seen the suffering in that boy's blue eyes. He had gone through so much pain, just like Trowa had.

He finally got out of bed and went back to the circus tent. He looked to make sure nobody was around before unlocking the lion's cage and going inside. He closed the door behind him, making sure to keep the key with him. He smiled. "Hey guys. I couldn't sleep. Mind if I sleep with you tonight?" The lion's purred and moved closer to him, using their bodies to keep him warm.

He smiled as he lay down and the lion's lay down around him, forming a blanket. After that, it didn't take him long to fall fast asleep.


Trowa woke up as one of the lion's nuzzled him in the face. He smiled and stood up. "Morning," he said softly.

"Good Morning," a familiar voice said.

He whirled around and found Catherine standing outside of the cage. "Hi, Catherine."

She smiled. "What are you doing in there?" she asked curiously.

He shrugged. "I couldn't sleep last night so I came out here. They kept me company," he said quietly.

She chuckled. "You're so odd," she said, affectionately. "Yet lucky to have such good friends. They're so loyal."

He looked down at the lion's standing around him, as if forming a shield to protect him in case someone tried to hurt him. He patted their heads. "Yeah, they are," he said. "I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to them," he said, looking at Catherine. "Or you."

"Me?" she asked.

He nodded and came out of the cage. "Yeah, you. You've been so kind to me ever since I came here. I guess I kind of look at you like the sister I never had."

"You think of me as your sister?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, I do."

She smiled and hugged him. "That's so sweet," she said. "Thank you."

He shook his head. "No, thank you. You've been so kind to me. No one's ever treated me the way you have. Thank you."

Catherine smiled. And gave Trowa another hug. This time he returned it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Heero groaned as he leaned back in his seat and stretched his arms. His back hurt and his neck was stiff from sitting at his laptop all night. 'He really had to stop pulling these all niters,' he thought as he stood up and rubbed his stiff and sore muscles. He needed to walk. He grabbed his jacket and walked out the door.

He took a deep breath of the stale circulated air. The colony's air system could use an upgrade and thorough cleaning. He sighed as he plopped onto a park bench and watched the children playing and young lovers walking past.

'I'm lonely,' he realized, and was surprised as a tear slipped down his cheek. 'I want someone to love.'

He shook his head. Why was he crying? He had been alone his whole life, so why did it bother him now? Why did he feel like he needed someone now? He wiped the tear away and sighed as he stood up and left the park.

He felt so confused. All these emotions were too much for him. He began to run as fast as he could. The feeling of exhilaration he felt while he was running wiped all other emotions out of his mind. All he knew was the intense feeling of freedom.

He finally stopped and flopped onto a grassy hillside. He was in an abandoned part of the colony. No one came here anymore. It was were an old military base and production factory were located. Since the citizens of the colonies wanted to get rid of all military influence, they stayed away form anything weapon related.

He had hoped that getting away from people would make him feel less lonely, as it had in the past. Today, however, it only served to make him even lonelier. He felt hot tears forming in his eyes. He tried to hold them back and was successful except for a single tear that managed to escape.

"Hey, are you okay?" a somewhat familiar voice asked.

He sat up and whirled around to see who had spoken. His eyes rested on the boy from the mechanic's shop. 'I think he said his name was Duo,' he though. As Heero looked up at Duo he was surprised to find genuine concern etched on his face and visible in his violet eyes.

"Yeah," he said, his voice quavering slightly. "I'm fine."

The other boy sat down next to him. "You don't look like it," he said softly.

Heero shook his head, trying to get rid of all his emotions like he always had before, but this time it wasn't working. Tears of frustration formed in his eyes and he turned his head away. He didn't want Duo to see him crying.

'Oh, who was he kidding?' he thought. 'Don't lie to yourself, Heero. You know you're not okay. Just admit it.'

He turned his tear stained face toward Duo. "You're right," he said. "I'm not okay," he whispered. "I'm not okay."

Duo's heart nearly broke as he watched Heero break down right in front of him. He found himself drawing the distraught boy into his arms and just holding him there, trying his best to help comfort the boy.

Heero's body was wracked with sobs. "I...I'm sorry," he said through sobs. "It's just that...I've never...never felt so alone before. I...I mean...I've always been alone, but I feel it more now than ever."

Duo held Heero tighter and waited until his sobs subsided. Heero finally pulled away.
He wiped his tears away with the back of his arm and smiled slightly.

"Thanks," he whispered. "I don't feel so alone anymore."

Duo smiled. "You're not alone anymore," he said. "I'll always be there for you."

Author's Note: so, what do you think? Lame? Not lame? Let me know. RurouniGirl