Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Pt. 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 7/10

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective.

He finally got the lock picked and opened the door. They both stared wide-eyed at what they saw.

There in the room stood Dekim Barton, on his right was Wufei Chang and on his left was Zechs Merquise. The sobbing was coming from tape recorder held in Dekim's hand. As Heero and Duo stood transfixed, Dekim's men quickly surrounded them. Dekim stopped the recording and stood there looking smug.

"I have finally caught the great Heero Yuy. The best detective in the whole country. Ha!"

Heero growled but said nothing. Duo looked at Dekim and then back at Heero.

"Don't believe a word he says Heero. You're still the best, this is just a minor setback," said Duo as confidently as he could.

"A MINOR setback. I would think this would be a major one. Who would have thought that the great….Heero…Yuy would be caught." Dekim was gasping for breath because he was laughing so hard. The other men joined in on the laughter except for Wufei and Zechs.

"Bastard," Heero hissed out through clenched teeth.

"Yes, I am a bastard. But I have you now and you won't be getting in my way."

Dekim laughed some more. Then he waved to his men and a couple of them restrained them and tied their hands behind their backs. Heero seemed to deflate in front of all the laughter and Duo couldn't do a thing about it at the moment. When he was a lone with Heero, then he would deal with it. Dekim walked out of the room and motioned for the men to follow him. He led them to the part of the warehouse where all the dead mobile dolls were.

"Unfortunately I can't stay and see to your deaths but these dolls will. I set the timer of the self destruct button, to end when a song I made just for your arrival ends."

Wufei then sidled up to Dekim, "Sir, everything is loaded and ready to go."

"Good, let's tie these two up and get going."

A couple of men tied Heero and Duo's legs together then set them on the floor. They laid facing each other. One of the other men pushed the timer, a funeral dirge was heard playing as the timer was started and started its countdown from twenty minutes. They left Heero and Duo there on the floor.

The moment they were gone Duo started struggling with the ropes. He started to work his hands free when he noticed that Heero was just laying there.

"Heero, come on we have to get out of here. We have nineteen minutes left before this place blows sky high." When no response came he looked back at Heero, "Heero, are you listening to me?"

"It's no use Duo."

"What do mean it's no use. We still have time to stop whatever Dekim is planning."

"You don't understand Duo, I failed my mission. I'm worthless now. There's no point for me living. I'm not the best anymore, not perfect."

While Heero was talking Duo had worked his hands free of the rope. He gently cupped Heero's face. Heero's eyes widened as he looked at Duo.

"Look Heero, we don't have much time, but you are not a failure. There is still a mission going on. The mission is to stop whatever schemes Dekim is committing. And Heero, you'll always be the best, if only in my eyes."

With that said Duo leaned over and kissed Heero. Heero was shocked at first but soon moaned and kissed back. It was a chaste kiss until Heero opened his mouth and swiped his tongue over Duo's bottom lip. Duo moaned and opened his mouth. Their tongues twined together with such gentleness that it left them panting for air. Heero smiled at Duo, "Okay let's get out of here."

Duo smiled at him and helped him out of the ropes. They both ran up to where the timer was and tried to figure out how to dismantle it without blowing themselves up.

"Duo you take that computer over there and see if you can stop that awful music. I'll see if I can stop the timer."

Both boys worked diligently while the timer ran down. Finally the music was turned off but the timer still counted down.

"Uh, Heero, right now would be a good time to stop the timer."

There was only 30 seconds left and Heero was still typing.

"Heero, hurry"


"Shutting it off would be nice right about now."


"Heero, hurry up. We don't have much time left."

"Shut up Baka, I'm trying to concentrate."

5…Duo started to pray…4….3…2…Duo closed his eyes…1 "HEERO!"

Nothing happened. Duo cautiously opened his eyes and looked right into a pair of intense blue eyes. He yelped and backed away a few steps. Heero seemed amused by Duo's antics. Duo straightened and said, "You did that on purpose. Just to scare me."

Heero just shrugged and smiled. Duo walked right back up to Heero, grabbed his hair and pulled him down for a kiss. Their mouths opened as their tongues fought for dominance. Heero won and plundered Duo's mouth. His tongue explored all the silky recesses of Duo's mouth while Duo whimpered at the intensity of the kiss. Heero pulled back when he needed to breathe. Duo stood there panting hard. Trying to get air into his starved lungs. He had a glazed look to his eyes for a second before he became aware again.

"Wow." Was all he could say. Duo shifted uncomfortably because his pants seemed a little too tight at the moment. Heero noticed this and he cupped Duo's groin and kneaded Duo's arousal through his pants and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

Duo groaned, "As much as I would like to continue this we have a job to do."

Heero sighed and stepped back. "You're right koi. Let's go get Dekim."

Then he was gone. Duo stood a few moments trying to keep his raging hormones in check and followed him. As they were leaving the warehouse they heard a sobbing sound from one of the rooms.

Wary of a second trap they went to the door. Duo tried the door and was surprised to find it unlocked. He slowly slid the door open but stopped when he saw a wire attached to it. There was enough room to squeeze his head through to see what trap had been set. He was shocked to see Marie tied to a chair in the corner of the room. She had a gag in her mouth that was muffling her crying. She nodded to the other side of the room to where a rifle was located. The trap was set up so that if anyone opened the door all the way the rifle would fire and kill Marie. He took out one of his knives that was hidden in his sleeves and cut the wire. He still cautiously opened the door but he didn't see anything that was indicative of another trap. Duo untied Marie and picked her up. Marie clung to Duo and buried her head in his shoulder. Heero was standing outside waiting for Duo, and when he emerged from the door. Heero grabbed Duo's hand and walked side by side out of the warehouse. Duo was smiling the whole way.

When they got outside they saw two people standing there waiting for them. Heero immediately dropped Duo's hand and stood protectively in front of him and Marie. The two men were Zechs Merquise and Wufei Chang. Duo set Marie down and stood in front of the girl to protect her from harm.

"What do you want?" Duo spat

"We want to help. What Dekim did to you, Yuy was dishonorable. Merquise and I felt we should help you." Wufei calmly stated.

"Besides Dekim has gone off the deep end. We'll take you to where Dekim is now and fill you in on his plans on the way." Zechs added from beside Wufei.

"How do we know that this isn't a trap?" Duo asked.

"On our honor we promise that this is not a trap." Wufei said.

Heero watched the interaction between them and decided to trust them. He knew about honor and reasoned that these two were both honorable men. Besides they didn't have much of a choice. They needed to get to Dekim before he goes through with his plan.

"We'll go with you." Heero said and walked towards them.

Duo gaped at Heero, but Duo trusted him. Even so, he made sure that his knives and gun were still accessible. He grabbed Marie's hand and followed them to their car.

At the palace Queen Relena was putting on her finishing touches for her speech. She wore an elegant white gown with a diamond necklace and matching earrings. Her hair was gathered on top of her head and held there by her tiara. As she was applying her make up there was a knock at her door. She put the rouge down and got up to answer the door. She didn't look very closely at the guards. New ones were always being added. She just couldn't keep track of them all. One of the guards held out a piece of paper and the other brought in a box wrapped like a present.

"A present for her majesty."

"A present? Who's it from?"

"I don't know ma'am it wasn't signed."

Trusting that her guards would protect her she opened the present. The box fell away to show a life size replica of the queen. Albeit the replica was only wearing a bra and panties. Relena was shocked and she leaned in close to get a better look. The replica opened her eyes and made a grab for Relena. Relena screamed and ran around the room trying to get away from the doll. The doll suddenly stopped chasing her and stood still. Relena was hiding behind her guards when a man walked into the room. When she looked to see who it was, she gasped.

"Dekim Barton! Guards seize that contemptible creature."

The guards just snickered at her. She was infuriated these guards were supposed to be protecting her not making fun of her. Dekim lifted a microphone and repeated what Relena had just said. Instead of hearing Dekim's voice, the pseudo Relena walked over to her and said, "Guards seize that contemptible creature."

Relena gasped in shock when her guards grabbed her. They immediately gagged her and tied her up. She glared angrily at Dekim.

"Strip her and outfit the doll with her clothing. We need to hurry. Don't worry my Queen, you'll thank me once this is over."

The guards quickly stripped Relena of her clothes and placed the on the doll. One of the guards brought out a robe and wrapped her in it. Relena glared at Dekim as the guards escorted her out of the room. Dekim ignored her and turned his attention to his new doll. He took out a handkerchief and brushed off some imaginary oil from the doll. He pocketed the microphone, took out the remote control and had the pseudo Relena follow him out of her room. All was going to plan and soon the stage will be set for him.