Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Pt. 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 8/10

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective.

He pocketed the microphone, took out the remote control and had the pseudo Relena follow him out of her room. All was going to plan and soon the stage will be set for him.

Outside the Palace, Heero and Duo stood waiting with Marie. Zechs and Wufei had already gone inside so they wouldn't arouse suspicion. Finally, a cab rolled up to the curb. Trowa stepped out while Quatre was paying the fare. When the cab rolled away Heero and Duo filled the two of them in on the plan. Quatre and Trowa were staying behind to guard Marie while Heero and Duo went inside.

The real Relena was being led down one the many halls in her palace. She didn't know where they were going so she struggled all the way. While they were escorting her a new person intercepted them. He was Chinese and had a black ponytail.

"Dekim told me to take her and that you guys were needed in the main hall."

"Yes sir."

They handed Relena to him and left. Wufei grabbed her and threw her over her shoulder and started down the hallway. She tried to scream around the gag and tried to hit him in the face from her new position. Wufei just held on tight and started to carry her towards the back entrance of the palace.

In the main meeting hall, many people were grouped together waiting for Queen Relena to start her speech. They didn't have to wait long as the pseudo Queen Relena stepped out from the curtains.

"My dear citizens. Today is a glorious day for I have appointed a new advisor to my staff."

The people started murmuring amongst themselves. They had no idea that a new advisor had been appointed.

"Please help me in welcoming my newest advisor, Mr. Dekim Barton."

Gasps were heard throughout the crowd when Dekim Barton came out. The crowd stepped back from the stage to get further away from the hideous man.

"Ahh, yes. As your newest advisor, my queen, I would like to make a few suggestions that I would like to see implemented."

Meanwhile, in another part of the castle Heero and Duo were waiting for Wufei to come down the hall with the queen. They heard her first before they saw them. Queen Relena was shrieking as much as the gag would allow and struggling to get free. Wufei was exhausted from all her struggling and was relieved to see Heero and Duo run out and grab her from him. He half-heartedly fought against Heero, as he was pushed through the door and outside into Zechs waiting arms. They were about to rush Heero when they heard Trowa running towards them. They both flashed a quick smile at Heero and ran away. Then Trowa ran past Heero but stopped a couple of feet away.

"They are much too fast. I would never be able to catch up with them." Trowa gasped. He exaggerated the panting to make it seem like he was out of breath. It was all a ruse for the queen.

Duo had finished untying the Queen when Trowa came in. He'd just unwrapped the gag from her mouth when she shouted, "My Hero!"

She ran towards Heero and glomped on his arm. Duo was mad with jealousy while Heero looked like a deer caught in headlights. He tried to get out of the young queen's grasp but she clung to him like glue. Duo stomped over and ripped the girl from him. He shoved her into Trowa's arms "Take her to her room. Heero and I still have work to do." He spat out.

He grabbed Heero's hand and roughly pulled him down the hall. Halfway to the main hall, Duo had lessened his hold on Heero but he was still mad. Heero noticed his anger and pulled Duo to a stop. He reached over and pulled Duo closer to him.

"Don't worry about her, koi. You're the one I want by my side not her."

With that said Heero leaned over and kissed Duo.

"Now come on. We still have to get Dekim."

Duo smiled and nodded his head and they both started down the hall again.

They found the room that was behind the stage of the main hall. They walked in to see two guards and Treize sitting there facing a video screen. On the screen you could see what was happening on the other side of the curtain. Dekim was still talking about the changes he wanted to implement.

Duo stealthily made his way to where the guards sat. He hit one of the guards in the neck, which made the guard pass out. The other guard noticing that his friend was on the ground pointed his gun at Duo. Duo smirked and kicked the gun out of his hand. He then rushed forward and punched him in the stomach. The guard went down moaning. Heero quickly tied both guards up and took the microphone and remote control from Treize.

Out on the stage, Dekim had just finished his list of changes.

"My queen, what do you think of these changes?"

The pseudo queen didn't answer. He wanted to smack the doll but knew it wouldn't look good if he hit the queen on live television. Finally the pseudo queen answered, "I think those were all…. bad ideas from a despicable creature. Only someone as low and underhanded as you would pull something like this off."

Behind the curtain Heero pushed the self-destruct button on the remote control. On the stage the doll started to shake and a whirring noise could be heard. The doll started to fall apart and the crowd could see that it was a robot. Finally the doll just collapsed and Heero strolled out from behind the curtain.

"It's all over Dekim. You've lost."

"I haven't lost yet."

Dekim pushed his way through the shocked crowd. He reached the doors and pushed them open and ran for the front gate. As he ran by the front gate he noticed Quatre with Marie sitting on a bench in front of the palace walls. Heero and Duo were trying to fight the crowd to get out. Finally they made it out in time to see Dekim punch Quatre in the face and grab Marie. Dekim then ran for his car. He threw the girl in and started it. Behind him Heero and Duo found a motorcycle on the side of the road. Duo hopped on first and hotwired the motorcycle. Heero jumped on right after and they took off after Dekim.