Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero Yuy, Seventh Grade Teacher? ❯ Part V ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Heero Yuy, Seventh Grade Teacher? Part 5
Disclaimer: I'm too lazy to type out a witty one. I DON'T OWN
GUNDAM WING, GOT IT? And the song that you'll see here *is* to
the tune of the "Kyle's Mom is a Bitch" song. :P
Heero groaned as he was sitting at his desk. The kids were more
hyper than normal, and he had tried everything to get them under
control. Death threats, a few grenades, a few random shots, seemed like nothing would work. He groaned again as
Goten started shrieking something about the upcoming spring break.
'Damn Relena and her 'school breaks'...' the Perfect Soldier thought,
tempted to whip out his gun and blow the demi-Saiyajin's head off.
He reconsidered it, since he really didn't want to deal with the
boy's angry mother and her frying pan wielding skills, or get sent
to jail on first degree murder charges. Heero sighed, then decided
to take a nap, since there was no way to control the evil little

"Mr. Yuy?" Trunks asked. He had finished writing another report for
Heero, by hand. It was part of his punishment for the super glue
trick he had pulled a few weeks ago. Heero had made the purple haired
demi-Saiyajin work on it in class, since he really wasn't in the mood
to read another plagiarized report. Trunks looked at his teacher, and
saw him with his head down on the desk. He poked Heero's arm with the
pencil he was carrying, and didn't get a reaction from the Wing Zero
pilot. "Mr. Yuy?" Trunks asked again.

Goten stopped screaming and turned to face his best friend, who was
now hitting their teacher over the head with the textbook. Much to
his surprise, Mr. Yuy didn't do anything, except and mumble something
like, "Relena." "Um, Trunks-kun, I don't think that's gonna work,"
Goten told his friend. Trunks glared at Goten, then grinned.

"Do you have the tape, Goten?" Trunks asked. Goten nodded in
response, then showed him a tape. The other boy grinned some more,
then pointed to a tape player that was sitting on a table near Mr.
Yuy's desk. Goten popped the tape in, and put his index finger on
the "play" button. Trunks turned around, with a microphone in his
hands. (He must have gotten it from that interdimensional pocket
thing that Heero gets his gun from or something.)

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Trunks began. "Goten and I have the pleasure
of serenading you with! Mr. Yuy was my main inspiration
for this lovely song! Hit it, Goten!"

"Hai!" Goten said, then pressed the button. Some polka-type music
starts playing, then Trunks started singing.

"Weeeeeeeeeeellllll...Have you ever met my teacher, Heero Yuy? He's
the biggest ass in the whole wide world!" Trunks yelled into the
microphone. The class erupted into a fit of laugher. Heero grumbled
some more, then turned his head towards Trunks. Trunks gulped, then
decided to continue. "He's a stupid ass, a great big ass...he's an
ass to all the BOYS AND GIRLS!" Again, more laughter came from the
class, and Heero didn't hear it at all.

"On...Monday, he's an ass! On Tuesday, He's an ass! On Wednesday
through Friday, he's an ass!" Goten bellowed, dancing on top of
Heero's desk. He managed to avoid 'accidently' kicking his teacher,
then continued with their song. "Then on Saturday and Sunday, he's a
super, major, SUPREME ASS!" Once more, Heero's first period history
class broke into more laughing fits.

Meanwhile, Heero snapped out of his sleep, and heard something about
an ass. He decided to make the students think he was still asleep, so
he could find out more about this 'ass' Goten was singing about.

Trunks smirked at Goten, then glanced back at the class. Goten handed
back the microphone, then Trunks said, "Everybody sing!" Everyone in
the class hesistated, then they started singing some words, completely
unaware of the fact that Heero was up, ready to hear every word they
were about to serenade the school with.

"HAAAAAAAAAVE you ever met our teacher Heero Yuy? He's the biggest
ass in the whole wide world! He's a stupid ass, a great big ass!
He's an ass to all the boys and girls!" were the words Heero heard.
His head immediately snapped up, and he saw a HUGE kickline being
formed in the back of his classroom, with Trunks and Goten at either
end of it. He growled, stood up, then walked towards the tape player.
Naturally, the kids didn't notice, since they were having too much

"On...Monday, he's an ass! On Tuesday, He's an ass! On Wednesday
through Friday, he's an ass! Then on Saturday and Sunday, he's a
super, major, SUPREME ASS!" the class continued with the song as Heero
leaned over to press the 'stop' button. Trunks smirked, stepped out
of the kickline with his back facing Heero, and got a hold of the
microphone once more.

Goten and the rest of the class were about to clap and cheer, when
they saw their teacher at the front of the room. They saw Mr. Yuy's
finger on the 'stop' button. Every kid, except Trunks, had the 'Oh
crap, we're screwed' look plastered onto their face. Trunks, who
didn't know why everyone was so quiet, had a puzzled look on his face.

"What? You didn't like it?" Trunks asked. When no one responded, he
decided that there had to be something behind him that was making them
have that really weird look on their faces. When he turned around, he
saw the face of one EXTREMELY pissed off Heero Yuy. Trunks
facefaulted and thought, 'I'm dead...'

"Mr. Vegeta-Briefs," Heero stated. Trunks' knees gave out, so he
leaned onto a nearby desk. "That was quiet a...lovely song."

"Why, thank you, Mr. Yuy!" Trunks replied and smiled. 'Maybe Mr.
Yuy isn't so pissed off after all...'

"Whatever possessed you to compose such a song?" Heero asked dryly.
Trunks gulped, then pointed to Goten.

"IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT!" he shouted. Goten had the 'what the hell are
you talking about' look on his Goku-clone face. "It was his bright

Goten managed to put two and two together, then announced, "Nuh-uh!
I don't watch South Park, Trunks-kun, you do!" Again, Heero's cold,
Prussian blue eyes slowly shifted back to Trunks. The Purple Haired
Wonder was about to literally crap in his pants.

"Mr. Yuy, it was a joke! Hehe!" Trunks managed to stammer out.
'I am SO dead' he thought, wondering how his teacher would kill him
now. "You *do* know what a joke is, right?"

"Yes, I know what a joke is!" Heero snapped. Trunks' classmates
decided to sit back in their seats and get back to work. None of
them had ever seen Heero so angry before, and they had done PLENTY of
things to get under his skin. Heero was about to tell the already
trembling Trunks his fate, when he heard a happy, familiar voice.

"Heya Heero! What's up, guys!?" Duo yelled as he walked into the
classroom. He saw Heero practically ready to kill his little buddy
Trunks and the rest of the class trembling. "What's going on in

"Duo, get lost," Heero replied without turning around to face the
American pilot. Duo scratched his head, but didn't leave.

"Heero, what did they do to you this time?" Duo asked. Heero was a
bout to answer Duo, when the SD Duo lookalike piped up.

"Trunks-kun sang a song!" he announced. SD Duo-lookalike was about
to say more, when Heero gave him the infamous 'Death Glare.' The kid
quickly closed his mouth, then went back to working on his drawing
Heero, which was basically a really ugly monster.

"Really? What was the song about?" Duo inquired, wondering how a
song could manage to make Heero lose his temper at the kid.

"That, Duo, is none of your business," Heero stated. "What do you

"Oi, oi...can't a guy pay a visit to the only class he's ever
substituted for?" Duo replied. Heero glared at him once more, then
Duo sighed. "I suppose not. Did that song have anything to do with

"Duo, shut up and get out of here," Heero replied, this time with his
gun in hand and aiming at Braid Boy. Duo gulped, then ran out of
Heero's classroom faster than a bat out of hell. He figured that
Heero was still a little angry at him for the 'trick' he told Trunks
and Goten to play on him.

Trunks had already managed to sneak halfway to his desk, when Heero
told him to come back to the front. Trembling more than a leaf
blowing in the wind, Trunks did as he was told. Heero grabbed the
purple demi- Saiyajin and tied his legs together. The Japanese pilot
took the other end of the rope and tied it to some strange stick which
happened to be sticking out of a wall.

"You will stay there for the rest of the period, Mr. Vegeta-Briefs,"
Heero said. Trunks sighed. 'If this is all I have to do, then I guess
he's not that mad at me,' Trunks told himself. Heero grabbed two
1,000 pound dumbbells and told Trunks to hold them, and opened a
faucet so that it dripped slightly.

"Not again, Mr. Yuy!" Trunks pleaded, but Heero completely ignored

"As for the rest of you, the report on your assigned space colony's
history will now be due in BEFORE the start of the spring break,"
Heero stated. The class groaned and sweatdropped, then wondered how
they were going to finish a ten page report on space colonial history
in less than four days...

Poor Trunks! I'm always putting him through hell in this story! :(
Anyways, there's Seventh Grade Teacher? Part 5! This part wasn't that
good, but it's the best I could do. ^_^ Please review, and tell me
how bad this was! :P